Down From the Mountain 426

I had been spending the last few days living here in Avatime district while visiting Ghanaian friends nearby. Away from internet, TV and any other distraction, it has given me a chance to ponder what next to do with my life.

This has been a real problem. Have submitted Sikunder Burnes to the publishers, and while there is still editing and proofs, a huge amount of time is now free. My determination to dedicate myself to working for Scottish independence led to my comprehensive rejection by the SNP. This left me confused as to what I might usefully do with my life. I suppose the question I have been pondering is, what good am I?

I have come up with a potential answer, and will out it later this week.

Climate change deniers should come to Ghana. Not only have changing rainfall patterns devastated the hydro-electric system, life has become extremely hard for farmers. The last decade has seen the highly predictable wet and dry seasons become wildly unpredictable. It has been unseasonally raining heavily on me all over Ghana. The situation is extremely difficult for farmers. Mango farmers are now praying for relief from the rain for the next six weeks or the mangoes won’t flower. The continuing rains may already have adversely affected next year’s harvest. Meeting cocoa farmers today. Am now in Kumasi.

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426 thoughts on “Down From the Mountain

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  • Ronald Young

    Craig’s question, numpties, was what he should do with his life!!
    I well understand that he gives his blessing to anarchical responses but it would be nice to see people actually engage in conversation – rather than stock responses…

    I thought the way he phrased the question was a bit disparaging if not self-indulgent (“what good am I” – which I actually misunderstood as “What am I good at/for?”).

    He’s clearly already got an answer – but I would love to see the thought (SWOT) process he used to produce this – here’s my own effort

  • Alcyone

    +1 to Suhayl and Fedup for their comments, including those addressed by the latter to the Banal Zevul (who talks much about free speech), which in his style, also includes threats of violence.

    Of course Alfie is also a great proponent of free speech, provided he can propagate his trademarked brand of ‘genocide’ racism.

  • lysias

    Elicitation is a technique used by the FBI to elicit information from targets:

    Elicitation is a technique used to discreetly gather information. It is a conversation with a specific purpose: collect information that is not readily available and do so without raising suspicion that specific facts are being sought. It is usually non-threatening, easy to disguise, deniable, and effective. The conversation can be in person, over the phone, or in writing.

    Conducted by a skilled collector, elicitation will appear to be normal social or professional conversation. A person may never realize she was the target of elicitation or that she provided meaningful information.

    Many competitive business intelligence collectors and foreign intelligence officers are trained in elicitation tactics. Their job is to obtain non-public information. A business competitor may want information in order to out-compete your company, or a foreign intelligence officer may want insider information or details on US defense technologies.

    Reminded of anybody?

  • Ana Banana

    that “Captain Kutchie Pelaez” of “Kutcharitaville” over

    in Asheville, NC sure enough is “One Wild and Crazy Guy!” All the women

    are so wild about him and his Famous Cheese Burgers and Key Lime Pies,

    Hellaciously Fantastic Tender and Delicious Prime Ribs and Prime Steaks.

    Drop Off the Bone Bar-B-Q Ribs, Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket.

    His Drop Dead Gorgeous Wife “Anita” together in they’re Historic Key

    Lime Pie Factory and Grill, where the Smiles and Ovens are always Warm

    and Friendly, Inviting You to Spend A Little Time Resting and Enjoying

    Your Time in They’re Little “Key West Island” near the Biltmore Estate


    By….Kind of Funny You Know, The World’s Greatest Key Lime Pies Aren’t

    Even Baked In The Keys But At Kutcharitaville By Captain Kutchie

    Pelaez and His Lovely Wife Anita In The Carolina Mountains!….Go


    You’ll Soon Learn Why People Call “Captain Kutchie

    Pelaez “The Most Interesting Man In The World!”…But don’t take our word

    for it, follow the Long Lines to “Anita and Captain Kutchie Pelaez’s Key

    West-Kutcharitaville Key Lime Pie Factory and Grill’. “The Place To Be”

    since 1976!

    Don’t be fooled into thinking that Jimmy Buffett

    designed or had anything to do with this place. Just Ask Miss Sunshine Smith! That would be an insult.

    Kutchie’s was here long before anyone ever heard of JB……Sheesh!

    Donald Trump loves KUTCHARITAVILLE so much that he often has take-out

    flown to him in NEW YORK CITY! WOW! He must really love those original

    cheese burgers in paradise, we sure do, they have our vote for sure.

    My best friend said she heard last week that Donald Trump and Stephen

    Colbert together are planing on a Welcome to the USA Party for “Pope Francis”

    to be held soon over in Asheville, NC at “Kutcharitaville”.

    Some party that will be for sure!

    Think, I’ll just get all the girls together and we can all Nude-Up and

    go too “Captain Kutchie’s” and Get Drunk and Screw! Let’s Go Y’all!

    Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies Are World Famous For Giving Everyone

    That Eats Them They’re Very First “PIEGASAM”….That’s Probably why one

    must be over 18 years of age to purchase or have an adult present.

    …Oh and all that Great Fall Off The Bone Bar-B-Q Slow Smoking, “Carly

    Fiorino” say’s that she Can Smell They’re Butts Miles Away!….Or Maybe She

    Was Just Smelling “Hillary”!…..OMG?

    …The Late Great “Captain Tony Tarracino” of Key West Fame was an Old
    Friend of “Captain Kutchie Pelaez”. Together the two of them Sailed Many
    Adventures Not Known To Much Of The World! Cheese Burgers, Rum, Scotch,
    Cigarettes, Cigars, Treasure Maps, Pizzas, Chocolate Bars and Key Lime
    Pies Helped The Two Make History. If You Can Believe It Even “Mel
    Fisher” Was Known To Hang With Them!….

    Captain Kutchie The Key Lime Pie Whisperer!…

    Thank “GOD” That Noah Had Two of Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies On The Ark!….

    And Don’t Forget “Ernest Hemingway’s” (Original Thinking Post) ! There
    Was Only One And “Captain Kutchie” Has It. Don’t Miss It.

    Hillary Sucks!…………………….Bill Does Too!…….I Feel His Pain….

    ..Captain Kutchie Pelaez For President!!!!….
    He Will Put A Key Lime Pie and A Gallon Of Fresh Kutcharita’s in Every Refrigerator!….

    ..Oh, I Forgot One,….Chuck Todd Sucks Too!….That Sleazy Eyed Gutter Snipper!….Sheesh Give Me A Break!…

  • Alcyone

    Ronald/Craig, perhaps before one asks the question, ‘What good am I?’, one should take a step back and ask ‘Who am I?’ When that question is truly answered, one may not need to ask the former question at all, for living in response is the only true way of living. Everything else is contrived, and therefore false.

    It is of course perfectly possible to live a false life; it is what much of humanity, especially in the more fast-moving cities and mega-cities are doing.

  • Mary

    No problem Monteverdi. And yes Jives, how cosy.

    Over the years, Craig has referred to Lord C several times. The most recent from the blog search box:

    The Remarkably Unobservant Baron Carlile
    Apr 19th 2015
    Lord Carlile is amazingly unobservant. An excellent article in today’s Observer by Jay Rayner gives details of the establishment cover-up of Janner’s long continued child rapes. The silence of the Vaz draws most attention. But let us think about Alex Carlile. Rayner states “The establishment, in the shape of his fellow MPs, men such as […]

    Prevent: A Totally Illiberal Strategy
    June 8, 2011
    I have now ploughed through all 120 pages odd of the Government’s new Prevent Strategy, which manages to be even more illiberal and more turgid than the original. It claims that the last Prevent Strategy was misguided – but for all the wrong reasons. Rather amusingly, it starts with a message of endorsement from Lord Carlile – who also endorsed the last strategy which it criticises so strongly. The truth is, Carlile will endorse anything for any government which gives him status – he loves status – “It has my considered and strong support” he concludes his endorsement – you have to imagine saying it with marbles in your mouth and a degree of insufferable pomposity – “It has my considered and strong support”- wanker.

    Yet Lord C is able to accrue £400k via Scarlett. Amazing.

  • Alcyone

    Mary, there is a serious discussion going on here raised by your hero, Craig. Do you think it is polite to go on interjecting, every few minutes, about this, that and the other?

    By the way Craig’s question, which you made a very poor attempt to answer in your first comment was ‘What good am I?’ not ‘How good am I?’

  • Mark Golding

    The conscious of planet earth is evolving and it is the will of normal people performing this transformation, from the current imbalanced unilateral world order powered by elites and back-room dealing, to one where the bubble is level, pulled into position by the terms of everyone else empowered by respect for each others sovereignty and within a framework of collective security, fairness and in consideration of international agreements and international law.

    Since the end of world wars, Britain and America conspired to build a New World Order forged out of time and sand; a lymphatic castle doomed to collapse from a shifting tide of human intention and human impulse to unsettle it’s building blocks, collapse the ethereal atoms of chaos and expose the deceit and pretense that attempted an obedience out of fear and a passivity from form, regulation, structure and rule.

    Do they really think we are that fcuking stupid?

  • Mary

    Cameron’s small majority is having the effect of creating climb downs.

    One. A sop to the junior doctors in the form of an 11% payrise, thus avoiding their calling a strike.

    Two. ‘The Government has now dropped its proposal to make unions publish a protest and picketing plan 14 days in advance. This would have made unions spell out in great detail how they planned to campaign during a strike. It would have given employers and the police two weeks’ notice of everything the union planned to do – where and when pickets would be held, how many would attend, even whether megaphones would be used. And it would have made unions declare online campaigning plans – including what they were intending to post on Facebook and Twitter. And if they didn’t stick to the plan, unions would have been liable for fines of up to £20,000.

    The government have also decided not to go ahead with proposals to create new criminal offences around picketing, to make every picketer wear an armband or give their name to the police – more wins for our campaigning.

    Crucially, the government have dropped their proposal for the picket organiser to have to carry a letter of authorisation with their name and address on, which would have to be shown to the police and any member of the public who asked to see it.’

    by e-mail Frances O’Grady Gen Sec TUC

  • Ben-Outraged by the Cannabigots

    Bernie Sanders sucks Zionist cock as well. There are no more heroes we need worshipful praise for. It’s time to find individuals who have the assets needed for movement forward. No such animal exists so far.

  • Charlie

    My apologies to Craig – I let myself get sidetracked instead of replying to your post. I originally came here to say:

    You made a difference to me.

    Although I’ve always favoured independence, until just a few weeks before the referendum, I wasn’t going to vote yes, because it had become synonymous with the SNP. Support for independence was considered to be support for the SNP and after following their policies for years, I didn’t want to support them. Especially since they were strongly supportive of TTIP (at least they were at the time of the referendum).

    Then I saw your speech on Youtube where you condemned the no voters saying “It’s not possible to vote no and be a decent person.” I felt hurt by your words – you are a man whose opinions I respect even if I don’t share them, but this time I was deeply offended by your views.

    I went to England to meet up with some writer friends and of course we discussed independence and your comments with them. They were scathing in response and I found myself trying to explain that while I strongly disagreed with your opinion, that you had valid reasons for saying this. (To no avail – most people seem to only know what the MSM tells them and it never does tell them the things you speak of and write about.)

    But over the next few days and weeks your words wormed their way deeper and deeper into my brain. I felt compelled to consider them despite my feelings and in the end, I did understand them to be true for me. Despite the SNP I voted yes, because I saw a chance to break free of Westminster and I agreed with you that it was an opportunity not to be squandered by worrying about party politics.

    That the SNP won’t have you is, in my opinion, plainly another sign that they are far too establishment themselves to break with Westminster style politics for good.

    Whatever you decide to do, I just thought you should know that you are making a difference. Even if hearing what you have to say about the state I most admired from behind the iron curtain is more painful than I’d like at times.

  • Mary

    FAO anyone able to attend this and other protests.

    The Cons attempt to compete with the Yanks’ Supermax prisons.

    ‘About the Week of Action

    A week of action has been called to encourage people all of the UK & the world to take action against the construction of the North Wales Prison in Wrexham.

    The prison will be the second largest prison in Europe, holding more than 2100 people and costing £250 million to build. Australian contractor Lend Lease was awarded the contract to build the Wrexham titan prison by the government in May 2014

    Local people have resisted the prison for over half a decade; objecting to planning applications, lobbying, going to meetings. Full planning permission was eventually granted in November 2014 despite local resistance. It is now a construction site and this place of abuse and oppression is being built as we speak.

    Our aims are to resist it, slow it down and send a message to the state and the prison industry that it is not acceptable to profit from caging human beings. The Government wish to build more prisons in the UK, this is our opportunity to intervene and prevent this industry from expanding. We must take the offensive against prison expansion and the social control of our lives. We are fighting until all are free.

    What is taking place?

    Demonstrations at the prison and its suppliers. Find your local prison profiteer here:

    Noise & solidarity demos at prisons all over the UK

    Information nights, workshops & film showings to ignite more resistance to the prison industrial complex in the UK

    The CAPE Campaign will also be supporting existing events taking place during the week including:

    The Surround Yarl’s Wood Demonstration at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre on Saturday 7th November:

    How to Get Involved

    Contact Community Action on Prison Expansion – [email protected]

    Most people will be taking action locally, however we are organising transport and accommodation for people from further afield to stay in the North West. Please get in touch!

    Contact a local group close to you –

  • lysias

    As we discover from this thread,, the tear gas the Israeli military is now using against places like the Aida refugee camp in Bethelehm (!) can be lethal.

    Aida refugee camp is where there was that cry by an Israeli officer, “We will gas you until you die!” Israeli officer yells: ‘We will gas you until you die’.

    Actually, according to the report at that link, he said more than that:

    “People of Aida refugee camp, we are the occupation forces. You throw stones, and we will hit you with gas until you all die. The children, the youth, the old people – you will all die. We won’t leave any of you alive,” the unidentified officer says.

    “We have arrested one of you. He is with us now. We took him from his home, and we will slaughter and kill him while you watch if you keep throwing stones,” the officer continues, referring to a 25-year-old Palestinian who was arrested on Thursday and subsequently released.

    “Go home or we will gas you until you die. Your families, your children, everyone – we will kill you.”

    Baby Suffocates to Death from Tear Gas near Bethlehem.

    There is no doubt now that the video of the Israeli officer making threats is genuine, not a fake.

  • giyane

    Mark Golding

    I once heard from a policeman’s widow that he had died of bowel cancer and a colleague of his had suffered the same. So I did wonder at the time whether the police’s phones were worse than the normal ones for radiation.

  • Mark Golding

    Bienvenue President Sisi – Ravi de vous voir! – Have you arrived for your payoff for discharging the airport security guards?

    BBC 22:00 News – No action in Syria – unless a terrorist outrage triggers a U-turn – time to make a cipher call to the Kidon Katsa No. 4 Mr Parker?

  • Winkletoe

    He ought to throw his energy into momentum. It has been very clear between the lines of Craig Murray’s recent pieces that this is where he sees a glimmer of hope and where his inclinations naturally seem to be tilting. At least to me it seems that way. I was amazed at how under-subscribed a couple of the relevant pieces were in the lead-up to Corbyn’s remarkable success. People will point out, of course, CM’s rightism. But it’s worth dwelling for a moment on who benefits most from left-right talk.

  • CanSpeccy

    Alcione, is he a Saadi sock puppet too?

    Of course Alfie is also a great proponent of free speech, provided he can propagate his trademarked brand of ‘genocide’ racism.

    Wonderful Liberal conditioned reflex: opposing genocide is racism.

    But maybe it’s not sock puppetry. Maybe Craig’s been locked up in a loonie bin all these years and comments like those from RobG and Alcione are from his bin mates.

  • glenn_uk

    CanSpeccy: “Wonderful Liberal conditioned reflex: opposing genocide is racism. “

    Well I don’t know about that, but apparently promoting global ecocide, together with all the species including ours, by overpopulation is just fine according to many. Hell, if you simply note the fact that our exploding population is utterly unsustainable, devastating to non-human animals, and in the relatively short term catastrophic for our own species – and go even further, suggesting disincentives from the practice – then clearly you hate mothers/ children/ people and should be castigated as heartless and hateful.

    The combined mass of humans overtook the combined mass of any other species a few years back. Non-human species are going extinct by the hundred every day. Adding an extra billion humans to the planetary burden now takes a matter of years, not decades or centuries. And they all require vastly more resources than the earlier inhabitants, live longer on average, and the trend shows absolutely no sign of doing anything but increase at a rapid click.

    What’s the solution? Why, to screech “Baby hater!” at anyone pointing this out, of course.

    While all this is treated as perfectly natural, the climate change deniers scoff and wallow in their own smug ignorance.

    I do have a lot of sympathy for RobG’s concerns about nuclear issues, but the effects of overpopulation and climate change dwarf them IMHO. Raising concern about what particular colour the over-populators happen to be rather misses the point.

  • Mary

    Hooray. Bill Blum is back after a long absence.

    Under these headings

    Are you confused by the Middle East? Here are some things you should know. (But you’ll probably still be confused.)

    Why does the government of the United States hate Syrian president Bashar al-Assad with such passion?

    Democratic Socialism

    Who are you going to believe? Me or Dick Cheney?

    Open Letter to the War Politicians of the World

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

  • YouKnowMyName

    5-Eyes here abusing their (old) omnipotent spying powers, that’s BEFORE the new Snooper’s Charter comes into force

    So here is my relevant browsing history for 4th November, look away council-workers,

    Aotearoa 5-Eyes

    A highly critical review of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (SIS) today shows the powers of New Zealand spy agencies need to be curbed and political oversight beefed up, the Green Party said today.

    The Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) Cheryl Gwyn has slammed the SIS’s use of new video surveillance powers in her latest annual report, saying the use of the new powers did not comply with the law.

    “The Green Party made it very clear at the time the new laws were pushed through that the SIS should not get extended powers to spy on New Zealanders because it has a history of breaking the law, and that is what has happened yet again,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw.

    Caledonia 5-Eyes [A human rights group has criticised the “smokescreen” surrounding the ongoing probe into CIA rendition flights landing at Scottish airports.]

    Kéyah dah siʼánígíí 5-Eyes
    . . .but surely each nations’ N.S.A can help protect against the endemic threat of cyberattacks from cyberterrorists?

    so let’s examine the protection given by the 18+ US intelligence agencies to US companies

    Mike Rogers, former House Intelligence Committee chairman, told the Washington Examiner. . .

    A Sept. 25 agreement between President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that both countries would refrain from engaging in . . . espionage . . .

    Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said in an October blog post that it appeared the Chinese had hacked at least seven of its Fortune 400 clients for the purpose of stealing commercial secrets in the last month, beginning the day after the agreement was made. A second firm, FireEye, said Chinese malware is still active in the systems that it observes.


  • Mary

    ‘In Listening Mode'[


    She has just spoken.

    ‘Theresa May unveils surveillance measures in wake of Snowden claims
    Home secretary announces new powers for police and security services tracking UK citizens’ internet use without need for judicial check

    New surveillance powers will be given to the police and security services, allowing them to access records tracking every UK citizen’s use of the internet without any need for any judicial check, under the provisions of the draft investigatory powers bill unveiled on Wednesday.

    It includes new powers requiring internet and phone companies to keep “internet connection records” – tracking every website visited but not every page – for a maximum of 12 months but will not require a warrant for the police, security services or other bodies to access the data. Local authorities will be banned from accessing internet records.

    The draft bill explicitly includes in statute for the first time powers for the bulk collection of large volumes of communications and other personal data by MI5, GCHQ, MI6 and for their use of “equipment interference powers” – the ability to hack computers and phones around the world – for purposes of national security, serious crime and economic wellbeing.

    Home Office estimates put the extra costs of storing internet connection records and the new judicial oversight regime at £245m to £250m over 10 years after the legislation comes into force in December next year. This includes £175m for the cost of storing everyone’s internet records and £60m for the extra judicial oversight.’


    Britain is a fascist state.

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