Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities 1875

Why are the Metropolitan Police not feeling Tory Lord Sebastian Coe’s collar and trawling his hard drives? I blogged recently about his involvement in awarding the World Athletics Championships without a vote to the hometown of his long term paymasters and sponsors, Nike. Plus the £12 million his promotions company made from VIP hospitality packages for the Olympics, the VIP tickets for which were allocated by the Organising Committee of which he was the £600,000 pa chairman.

Now we have this, from the person Coe works closest with in the IAAF and who he has now promoted to head the President’s office since Coe assumed that title:

« Dear Papa,

Following our discussion earlier I have already had some thoughts and believe that we need to do the following, in the strict confidence and control within a small circle of senior IAAF staff only. This must be very secret.

4. Finally, as soon as possible, and ‘unofficially’ PR campaign to ensure that we avoid international media scandals related to the Moscow Championships especially in the British press, where the worst of the articles is coming from. This will require specialist PR skills (working only with me directly) from London, but I believe that if we consider using CSM we can also benefit from Seb’s political influence in the UK. It is in his personal interest to ensure that the Moscow World Champs is a success and that people do not think that the media of his own country are trying to destroy it. We can work extremely hard in stopping any planed ‘attack’ on Russia from the British press in the coming weeks.

5. Finally, I need to be able to sit down with the Anti-doping department and understand exactly what Russian ‘skeleton’ we have still in the cupboard regarding doping. I think that the time to have unveiled the various athletes was a long time ago and that now we need to be smart. These athletes, of course, should NOT be part of any Russian team for these World Championships and Valentin should be pressurised to make sure this is the case. If the guilty ones are not competing then we might as well wait until the event is over to announce them. Or we announce one or two BUT AT THE SAME TIME as athletes from other countries. Also we can prepare a special dossier on IAAF testing which will show that one of the reasons why these Russian athletes come up positive is that they get tested a lot !!! In the same way, we can make the point that the WADA laboratory is the responsibility of WADA not IAAF and that if WADA decides there really is a problem, we have a plan B to do the tests in Lausanne instead (Gabriel confirmed this to me yesterday).

Papa, as soon as I have an idea of the price of this unofficial PR campaign I will let you know, but I will do everything in my power to protect the IAAF and the President.

All the best Nick »

So what does the Establishment now wish us to believe?

a) As long-term Vice President of the IAAF, Coe had no idea the organisation was massively corrupt and the President was taking huge bribes to cover-up doping scandals.
b) Coe had no idea his close associate and now head of his office Nick Davies was writing to the son of the President proposing that Coe’s company and Coe’s “political influence” be used to keep doping scandals out of the British media.
c) Coe’s meeting, while Vice President of the IAAF, with executives of his sponsor Nike, to discuss awarding the World Athletics Championships to Eugene, had no bearing at all on the decision of the President of IAAF to award the games to Eugene without a vote.

All that is even less convincing than Sepp Blatter’s declarations of innocence. Yet there is an utter difference in the British media’s treatment of Blatter and of “Lord” Coe.

I wonder why?

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1,875 thoughts on “Coe Better Protected Than Blatter By Corrupt National Authorities

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  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)

    Fred to RobG

    “End of story, you’re all out of credibility now.”

    He never had any to start with, Fred. He’s only on here for laughs, as I keep saying.

  • Alcyone (End the Cliches ;-)

    Habby don’t know about the laughs, He’s a deadly serious Loon. Well around the bend, beyond the laughs. What a neurotic existence.

  • lysias

    The rational thing for a Russian in the Stalinist Soviet Union and for a German in Nazi Germany was to doubt everything stated in the official media. Western so-called “democracies” may not have become as violent towards their own citizens as those tyrannies were, but their media are just as mendacious. So the rational thing for us to do now is to doubt everything stated in our corporate media.

  • Alcyone (End the Cliches ;-)

    “In my opinin the DGSE are a highly compitent organisation, it’s extremely unlikely that they’d be taken by surprise or have no prior knowledge. Combine that will the sophisticated assault on Paris too sophisticated for ISIS in my opinion, and of course there’s the passport, a critera it seems for most events over the last few years.”

    I’ll go by and stay with the FACTS.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)

    Suhayl (commenting on a post from the egregious “Macky”0:

    “Yes, Habbabkuk, but the point is, Palestine is where Christmas – or at least the figure known as ‘Jesus’ – came from.”


    That’s interesting, because as far as I can recall, the New Testament – when talking about the Nativity (but also elsewhere) – refers to the “land of Israel”.

    The word “Palestine” does not appear.

  • lysias

    If the funerals were indeed reported in French media, surely links can be provided. Will they be?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita e' bella)

    In fact, both the Old and New Testaments use “the land of Israel” and not “Palestine”.

  • lysias

    The point of the Synoptic Gospels, especially of Matthew, is to show that Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures (i.e., the Old Testament, and in particular the Prophets). Since those Scriptures spoke of the “land of Israel,” the Gospels do as well, especially in the frequent quotations from the Old Testament (e.g., Matthew 2:6, quoting Micah).

  • RobG

    Lysias, as far as I’m aware there have been no credible reports in the French media about funerals as a result of the Paris terror attacks.

    I can only report from south west France, where I’ve lived for a long time now, and I can say that if the neo-cons (which includes Hollande) try to bring in a police state they will have a revolution on their hands.

    Trolls take note.

    Your days are numbered.

  • fred

    “In fact, both the Old and New Testaments use “the land of Israel” and not “Palestine”.”

    Palestine is referred to many times in the Old Testament under it’s old name Philistia. The land of the Pelishtim.

    It was the Romans who renamed it Palestine.

  • RobG

    Don’t try my patience, Habba. I can reveal the likes of you within seconds.

    That’s not a threat; it’s a reality.

    And of course I’m still waiting for the trolls to provide 24 hour news footage of funerals resulting from the November Paris attacks. Likewise with any mobile phone footage of the events that apparently took place.

    Still waiting…

  • Clark

    Look the world of telly has become increasingly surreal as commerce has been permitted to monopolised it. How can you expect news to be reported by what is essentially an advertising medium? So interviews with victims come out like adverts these days; that system can no longer produce much else.

  • Anon1


    It is an interesting point you made earlier and one I would like to come back to.

    I have spent a great deal of time in India and in that time I have witnessed widespread discrimination against the tribes, violent assaults on the homeless, bulldozing of property of the lower castes, police brutality, and so on.

    During that time and since, I have never once seen a comment about it here. Do you think they do not know, or is their obsession with Palestinian human rights merely cover for an altogether different motive?

    (You can take my second paragraph and apply it any of the countries you listed.)

    This question is, of course, open to anyone else here who wishes to answer it honestly.

  • Herbie

    “In fact, both the Old and New Testaments use “the land of Israel” and not “Palestine”.”

    says habby

    “Even the most pig=headed and pugnacious poster would know that.”

    says habby

    Looks like habby is gonna entertain us mightily during 2016 as well:

    “Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;”

    Happy New Year.

  • lysias

    Israel is the biggest recipient of aid from the U.S. according to 2013 figures. Egypt, which ranks second, gets its aid in order to encourage it to continue to observe its peace agreement with Israel. And third is Jordan, for similar reasons. Fourth is West Bank/Gaza. (I’m ignoring Afghanistan, where there’s a war on.)

  • Clark

    Arguments about lack of funerals don’t clarify anything. Europe must not throw away its civil liberties even if the mass-media news accounts are entirely truthful.

    Either side here could have pointed out the above. Think carefully before making accusations of trolling; is my disagreement really necessary?.

    The entire news mass-media is now spun, one way or another. However, even if the entire news mass-media is actually fictitious, it is still not worth our while to speculate about it without conclusive proof. It is rather up to any of the thousands of people who would have to be involved to release the conclusive proof we would need to do something about it. And occasionally this happens.

  • Clark

    Anon1, yes, I can think of reasons for that. I’ve thought of several. But we can each only report on our own motivations, to the best of our ability.

  • Anon1


    Sorry, but my bullshit detector went into overdrive reading your post.

    A crackpot loon turned up here and claimed the Paris attacks were “faked” because of “lack of funerals”.

    Do you agree with that or not?

  • RobG

    Anon1 said:

    “A crackpot loon turned up here and claimed the Paris attacks were “faked” because of “lack of funerals”.”

    They are faked, you idiot, any bozo can see that.”

    I get really tired of all these trolls and security service bozos who post on threads like this.

    You are all going to be put on trial, and you are all going to be put in jail.

    Make no mistake about that.

    You are all total vermin who can’t argue your way out of a wet paper bag.

    Do you want me to repeat this all in French? a la the latest tactic of the vermin.

  • Jives

    RobG..9.17 pm

    Nailed it fella.

    If everything is as seen and true and legit why do they need an army of so very obvious and piss poor trolls like Habbabkuk,Kempe,Jemand,Anon1 n Alcyone etc etc?

    Definitive point there RobG.


  • Kempe

    ” Still waiting for the trolls to provide 24 hour news footage of funerals resulting from the November Paris attacks. ”

    You’ve been pointed in the right direction often enough. Why not be a gud little troofer and go “do your own research”. Oh sorry in troofer speak that just means Googling for websites that agree with your pre-concieved conclusions. You really think that if the Paris attack had really been a false flag that whoever you believe planned it would’ve forgotten to include some fake funerals? Whoever it was would soon end up as lizard food.

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