Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    Chris Roberts

    “As for the Guardian, in ten years one built up 10,000 posts on a huge variety of subject areas, among them IT, Finance, Monetary Policy, Risk, Governance, Compliance, Auditing, Israel, Palestine, Education, Defence and a host of other topics of interest.”

    That’s an impressive tally, Chris. On average, three posts a day over 10 years.

    Are you indicating thereby the likely frequency of your posts on CM?

  • fedup

    Dmitry Medvedev has just backed the hearse to the door and let the US, Nato et al have a whiff of the flowers!! In an interview published late yesterday by the German newspaper Handelsblatt he goes on record;

    “The Americans and our Arab partners must think well: do they want a permanent war? Do they think they can really quickly win it? It is impossible”

    Dmitry is not mincing his words and is openly talking about a World War! Can the dilapidated US infrastructure sustain any hits? The same goes for the most Ardent US allies; can they sustain any hits of any sorts? As we have seen in the few incidents of national emergency caused by a bunch of feral youths posing as “jihadists” and shutting down the whole of France for three days, or US experiencing apoplexy given the report of any “terrorist” attacks. Will these manage to sustain any wars that entails nukes and bombs detonating on their soil?

    Clearly the stakes are high and the bluffs are being called hence before any more sleep walking into a world war, it is best for the neoconnmen to take stock and start a silence fast and stop opening their moths to insert their feet! This is no longer a case of a hapless victim of aggression without any recourse for retaliation! This one has teeth and bites pretty bad not forgetting it’s lethal kick!

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Anyone who’s a paycheque away from poverty is in my book working class

    I think the ‘insecure’ class would be a better description, seeing as its members can’t bank on being ‘working’. If we get the descriptors right, that must be a good thing. The secure class. The insecure class. That describes the basic problem without making judgements, doesn’t it?

    Once the middle class really start howling change will come

    A well-known revolutionary cliche, but true. Peasant revolts threaten the middle’s interests and are invariably put down with the help of the middle. And the political and banking classes would cut their own throats rather than disturb the middle class. Things have to get a lot worse (ie quinoa shortages and an SUV tax, not to say paupers dying messily of starvation in M&S) before they get better.

    , in the meantime Labour still needs to maintain its core working class constituency,

    Is that the Corbyn constituency? I genuinely don’t know, but it seems to me that the only constituency that’s going to upset the system is going to have to think outside the toffs/peasants box. And as long as Labour is divided between not-so-crypto capitalists and box thinkers, what Labour wants is largely irrelevant to any notion of progress.

    … if if I utilise the term working class more loosely than a Marxist definition – in my book the biggest divide is ‘paid education’ or Public School education which really does give an unfair advantage to most lucky to receive it, despite actual outcomes at a university level not being greater than their peers from state schools. And for the record less than 9% of Labour’s PLP has claim to working class roots, despite Labour being a working class movement when all is said and done. Strange that!

    You have a point. But ultimately, it comes down to ‘he believes in State-funded education (and other essential services): He is working class’ vs ‘he believes in privately-funded education (and everything else): He is middle class’…which strikes me as a bit circular.

  • Chris Rogers


    It depends how business is and whether I’m in danger of falling into depression, so Left4Dead and Blog posting helps me forget my financial sorrows, which presently are legion regrettably – the World’s worst businessman perhaps, but certainly had a string of bad luck over 18 months and paying for it.

    But The Guardian was my favoured haunt, that followed by Naked Capitalism and a few other sites, although I have started posting on SST if I can add to the dialogue. Suffice to say i’m a little Conservative where I post but always utilise my real identity as can’t see why we should hide it given the bloody security services know who we are. i find TOR slow and a pain, and as one never encourages actual violence, i’m not considered a threat, or at least that was the case last time I dealt with the US State Department, on the finance-side though given they have financial attaches across Asia – Timothy Geithner used to be the Japanese financial attache more than 25 years ago, although I was still at Uni then myself – we learn something new everyday do we not?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Macky – Galloway isn’t a threat to the system. He’s been contained by the system, and he’s arguably bought into it. He’s an ace public speaker, and he has a good sense of humour. Boy does he capitalise on that. He doesn’t seem to write much besides polemics, and when he does, it is in the exact style of his speaking. And he wears a silly hat.

    Saddiq Khan was one of those who nominated Corbyn for the Labour leadership. Sure, he’s not terrifically Left now, and he doesn’t want to be seen as a limb of Corbyn …any more than Goldsmith wants to be seen as a Cameron stooge –


    but if his potential electorate is split by Galloway, Zac will walk it.

    If I hadn’t acknowledged Galloway’s work for the Palestinian cause, you’d have been spitting feathers because I hadn’t, Macky. And now you’re drooling bile because I did. Sometimes I think people are trading on my good nature….

  • Anon1

    “This one has teeth and bites pretty bad not forgetting it’s lethal kick!”

    There are one or two commenters here who approach – perhaps even in some cases reach – a state of orgasm when they think of their hero, Vladimir Putin, giving the West a good beating/thrashing/kicking etc. They are deeply patriotic towards Russia, entirely uncritical of its leader, and willing swallowers of Kremlin dezinformatsiya. That they should openly wish for the annihilation of their country at the hands of mother Russia, whose strength they have estimated to be 10 times its actual ability, demonstrates that they have lost all touch with reality.

    Perhaps they have heard of the accounts of Vlad, topless, wrestling with bears, Siberian tigers and other such beasts of the motherland. Perhaps they have seen the images of Butch Vlad gently caressing the naked tummy of the little blonde Russian boy, and fantasise about being that little boy.

    Either way it is certainly not healthy.

  • Scott

    John Goss 11/02/16 7:28pm

    It is a research paper and although longer than some articles is an important document of the war criminality of NATO countries.



    Much appreciated. I’m already familiar with these techniques being applied through sentiment analysis of social media (what is the sentiment about the new iPhone, or who is expected to win the Super Bowl etc), but this was an inspiring article that turns the spotlight on what is effectively state sponsored propaganda.

    Kind regards,

  • lysias

    Chris Rogers, the troll seems to regard it as one of his major tasks here to discourage people from posting. At the same time that he exhibits no reluctance to post voluminously himself here.

  • John Goss

    You’re welcome Scott. It’s a bit too well-researched for some on here but we do need more of it. There is so much palpable pap around it is refreshing to have erudite analyses.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Dmitry is not mincing his words and is openly talking about a World War!

    Is he? Or is he just stating the bleeding obvious, that the ME will be in a permanent state of war unless all parties to the conflict can reach an accommodation?

    Of course, there’s a bit of blackmail involved: them as isn’t for Assad is agin Russia, and it’s about time (unless we are prepared to extend the conflict further) we accepted that. At least part of Syria will have to remain Russian sphere-of-influence, and that will require ejecting our famous ‘moderate’ Sunni ‘rebels’. We might be able to accomplish that more humanely than the Russians, but we won’t because it is US election year and gungho wins votes. After that, there’s ISIS. There’s the Turkish loathing of both Assad and the Kurds. There’s Iraq festering on the back burner. And there’s Saudi Arabia apparently intent on eliminating the world’s Shi’a. To say nothing of…you know who…

    I can see where Medvedev’s coming from. But it’s not WW3.

  • John Goss

    ”I wouldn’t wish Craig’s blog turned into a playground for nutters.”

    Too late…”

    I think you meant “Too late – I’m here.” 😀

  • Tony M

    This calculation of a Scotland voting to remain in the EU, and England voting out is not likely to come to pass, experience of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum has not taught some tin-eared sorts that the intent and desire of main UK political parties (Lab/Con each right-wing at core) and the omnipotent right-wing media will ensure that England’s people will be persuaded to act against their self-interest and will be commanded and thus do as they’re told and vote for England to remain an EU (and thus a US and corporate) vassal. Corporations control the politicians of the decidedly un-free world we inhabit. Cameron is dispensable if he cannot lock Scotland and England into the EU indefinitely irretrievably, he’s for the gun-carriage farewell and knows it.

    It is not even conceivable that England will be allowed to vote to leave the EU.

    bit. (I’ve done this just to annoy Glenn and RobG)

    A Scottish electorate of 3 million will not affect a vote by ten times that number taking UKOK-land as a whole. Unless the vote is squeakily close, which is highly unlikely, our votes are a mere drop in the ocean, and will simply signify we bow down to our imperial masters in London, in Euro-land or Washington, who are pretty much one and the same.

    We’ll have not one (the UK) but two (the UK and EU) neo-imperialists predatorily feasting on the bones of Scots and Scotland and between them, in competition to plunder and disadvantage Scotland, there won’t be much left for a parliament of Scots to do but disband itself. I don’t want a return of and rerun of the Auld-Alliance against perfidious Albion, followed by the humiliation of defeat, subjugation and utter ruin, as before. Direct confrontation, economics now as before being the true field of conflict, with slim sadly misplaced hope for nebulous help from abroad, a mistake surely not easily made again and again. If UKOK gets nastier still as it decays further into fascist bellicosity, I’m not for weedily calling for hauners from big bro EU and expecting but anything but betrayal and subsequent loss, for them both to share gloatingly in the spoils and pickings, suckered again.

    Our fight is with the centre of the spidery-web of Empire, the carbuncle that is London, the ruling elite there have sworn themselves our mortal enemy, ritually renewing their vows periodically, their malice celebrated in their national anthem. There be the rage-maddened with spear through eye into brain dragon, that wants slaying, the exotic foreign dragons of the EU, we’ll tame and might take as house-pets if they prove pleasing. We’ll deal with them in due course after attending to a little local difficulty with the tiresome blood-soaked neo-con squatters in the house next door where once merry England resided.

  • Chris Rogers


    Well it takes all kinds of ‘trolls’ to maketh the world. At least I’ve not noticed the extreme Tory trolls on these boards, which is the polar opposite of what you can say about CIF on The Guardian.

    And apart from the resident Israeli apologists – does Israel actually need apologists – it seems quite tame here and ordered with the themes CM highlands engendering topical responses, opinion and analysis.

    At least the neoconservative feminist brigade don’t visit, although that may change given young Hilary has come in for some flak.

    As for some posters DNOS attacks, its to be expected given Media Watch, which no doubt has instructed one of its censor to keep a close eye on the Commons, which obviously should avoid all talk about a small strip of land in the Middle East, unless of course its favourable.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Scanning quickly through the Indicter link –

    1. Has any comparable survey been done on any Russian outlet?

    2. Conclusion:

    Of the range of terms that the journalists who authored the corpus could have used to refer to each key agent, they systematically chose negatively laden terms more often for targeted agents who were to be attacked and eventually destroyed, and more positively laden terms for others doing the attacks and the destruction. Since the affective nuances words carry can affect how people react to, and understand, messages that they are embedded in, such choice of labels can be considered propaganda. It is clear that NRK’s reporting was neither fair nor balanced in terms of evaluative labeling.

    “…they systematically chose negatively laden terms….”

    Did they? Or did they c&p press handouts for events, which having been undertaken by their armed forces, were only recorded by the government. Which would be standard UK desk-anchored journalette practice. The culprit being as much an uncritical press as the almost inevitably partisan government and its PR.

  • John Goss

    I’m back briefly to post a very important link to an article about Julian Assange’s ‘rape’ of two Swedish women. It is written by Celia Farber, who is also Swedish. As well as giving a good outline of the affaris it does not mention the political benefits to the west of having Assange’s liberty taken from him but sticks strictly to the facts. My only criticism is it leaves out Anna Ardin’s 7 steps of revenge aginst a man who dumps a woman. There are some lovely gems of how Swedish women keep men under the thumb. This I particularly liked.

    “Sweden has been a matriarchy since the Stone Age, when the men (I am not making this up) lived in barns with the animals and only came into the house when it was time to impregnate the women.”


    Remember there has never been a charge against Assange. He has always been happy to answer questions as long as he has the guarantee we will not be extradited to the US. A matriarchal society is no more equal than a patriarchal society.

  • fedup

    @Anon1 12 Feb, 2016 – 1:45 pm
    Piss off troll!


    I can see where Medvedev’s coming from. But it’s not WW3.

    Ba’al I like your optimism, but considering that you have already acknowledged;

    At least part of Syria will have to remain Russian sphere-of-influence,

    The question is why should Russia settle for less than all of Syria? Recollecting that long before the Russians were invited to go into Syria legally by the elected president of Syria*, as per the international treaties, which seems to have been conveniently side stepped by the oligarch owned media and state propaganda organs. The al saud pederasts made a hasty visit to Russia and “threatened” Russia post which we have seen the lowest prices of oil (nearly as good as before the invasion) post the invasion of Iraq.

    The mindset that Russian should settle for a little bit of Syria and Assad to settle for a considerably smaller Syria is a pipe dream. Furthermore any such notion should be abhorred by any thinking individual because it is making sovereignty of nations a thing of the past in this the neconnman blitz.

    Additionally China and Russia and other non-aligned nations accommodating the US warmongers has yielded to; by now sixteen years of war in the mid east resulting in the deaths of millions of innocent people, creating millions more refugees, and a crumbling and stagnant world economy. Therefore empirically proving the ineptitude of US et al in managing their own oligarchs and plutocrats whose visions of world hegemony is akin to the spectre and other nefarious cartoon organisations bent on world domination.

    Therefore given the morally bankrupt, and financially nearly bankrupt US stands little chance of claiming leadership mantle, thus effectively setting the grounds for a world war to stop the Us warmongers in their tracks.

    I wish I was sharing your optimism, but reading the runes I can see a warning shot being fired, as in the case of Putin who went on record to say;”we will not need to use nuclear weapons in the Syrian theatre!!” A clear statement of intent for the use of such weapons as and when the need arises. The next world war will not be fought by standing armies, it will be fought pretty viscously escalating in a very short period of time to a massive nuclear exchange, given the track record of thee crazy miscreants in the power matrix of US “leadership”!

    * I would dare any one of the luminaries waxing lyrical about the “Syrian opposition” to take a replica gun and start perambulating around any high-street and see how far they can walk before getting shot dead? Therefore to protest against the actions of Syrians in turfing out the foreign backed and supplied lawless brigands, criminals and mercenaries out of their lands is the height of hypocrisy.

  • Njegos

    I watched the debate last night.

    I am glad that Bernie raised the issue of Libya but I am sorry that he did not press his advantage. Foreign policy is, in fact, Hillary’s Achilles heel. People need to be reminded that thanks to Hillary, jihad is thriving in the upper half of Africa. Bernie could have highlighted the irony of a feminist pursuing policies that have given a new lease of life to proud misogynists like Boko Haram:


    “This dramatic turnaround in the group’s access to materiel was the direct result of NATO’s war on Libya. A UN report published in early 2012 warned that “large quantities of weapons and ammunition from Libyan stockpiles were smuggled into the Sahel region,” including “rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns with anti-aircraft visors, automatic rifles, ammunition, grenades, explosives (Semtex), and light anti-aircraft artillery (light caliber bi-tubes) mounted on vehicles,” and probably also more advanced weapons such as surface-to-air missiles and MANPADS (man-portable air-defense systems).

    NATO had effectively turned over the entire armory of an advanced industrial state to the region’s most sectarian militias: groups such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and Boko Haram.”

  • John Spencer-Davis

    John Goss
    12/02/16 3:20pm

    John, great link, but it was also posted some days ago by “Kathy” on the “Why the Assange Allegation is a Stitch-up” thread. It’s a marvellous piece of work and kudos to you both for finding it independently.

    Kind regards,


  • Courtenay Barnett


    You said:-

    “…completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive…”

    being a reference to Clinton.

    However Sanders did lash into Iran and Syria and the support of Hamas and Hezbolla.

    Tell me – without same what else do the Palestinians have by way of tangible military support in the resistance to Israeli expansion ( West Bank etc.)?

    So – Sanders in one breath is condemnatory of Henry Kissinger and in the other he in effect supports efforts at Middle East domination ( obviously since the West supports Saudi Arabia and other such humane regimes). Sanders finds himself obliged to say ” Israel yes – Iran and Syria – no). But in all fairness he was absolutely correct in his analysis of the 1953 CIA sponsored coup with the ouster of the ouster of Mohammad Mosadeque – leading up to the 1979 ‘blowback’ revolution. His frankness surprised me.

    Ultimately – I see Clinton as a ‘liberal hawk’ but Bernie is not fully a ‘progressive dove’.

  • Macky

    Unbelieveably ! Somebody called James Lloyd, who looks to be at least in his thirties, and is a musician as well, has just tweeted iro Galloway’s piece, to say that he had never heard of Paul Robeson !! Don’t people read anymore ? I discovered Robeson in my early teens & still have the cassette tapes ! 🙂

  • Republicofscotland

    “i actually supported the “YES” camp in the INDYREF not because I wanted to see Scotland leave the UK, but because I believed that a ‘yes’ vote would have led to massive constitutional change in this Country, namely a federal structure suitable for the 21st Century. As with the EU establishment, our own Establishment will only make meaningful concessions if an existential threat to the Union actually existed, and ‘m not only talking about a federal structure but the introduction of full blown proportional representation and massive devolution of powers to outside London.”


    I’d say you are correct Chris, when you say Scottish independence would’ve led to constitutional changes over the home nations.

    Westminster is in reality a archiac institution, that needs reformed. Until that happens I’d imagine things won’t change that much.

    I can’t recall whether you said you are Welsh or not maybe I’ve confused you with another poster, if I have I do apologise. Anyway Wales has an exciting independence party in Plaid Cymru. Though if memory serves the Labour party are the most popular party for now.

  • fedup

    Don’t people read anymore ?

    Macky all is in the memory hole!
    If he was a rabid right wing racist tosser he would have been famous for ever, as it stands he was a communist and thus all his data are sent into the memory hole.

    Remember left wing, socially conscious human being bad! Amoral sociopath right wing misanthropist good and righteous!!

    Not that people don’t read any more, they have little to read about these day, why don’t you set up a blog about him? (just a suggestion not being nasty)

  • John Goss

    John S-D

    Thanks for that. I did wonder if it might have been previously posted, it being a week old. Somebody posted it on one of the pages I keep an eye on and because I thought it was so good I decided to share it. Hopefully, somebody like myself, who missed it last time will benefit from another link.

  • Republicofscotland

    “I can’t agree with RoS and others above, the EU has failed, both the ideal and practice of it are fundamentally flawed. I can see no redeeming qualities in it or reason for its continued blundering existence.”



    I did say that the EU is corrupt and undemocratic and urgently needs reformed, you just have to look at the bullying of Greece by the EU and its threats to cut the cash off from the ECB and IMF.

    However the EU won’t be disappearing anytime soon, and Brexit could allow Scotland through a independence referendum to by pass Westminster and deal directly with the EU. Independence removes a layer of bureaucracy namely Westminster.

    Hundreds of thousands of British jobs rely on trade with EU countries, after the US Europe is Britain’s largest exporter. As I’ve already said the EU has many faults and layers of bureaucracy and corruption, and with the likes of the closed door TTIP deal looking likely to succeed, the EU doesn’t have its problems to seek.

  • Macky

    @Fedup, no need to set up a blog, tons of information is all available online & elsewhere, all that’s required is an enquiring mind & interest in recent cultural & political history.

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