Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Njegos


    “Ultimately – I see Clinton as a ‘liberal hawk’ but Bernie is not fully a ‘progressive dove’.”

    Agreed. Bernie is not as bad as Hillary but he has a neocon streak and it came out in the debate last night. That needs to watched carefully.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I am a bit nervous, and don’t know what to wear – I guess I will just have go as me. We don’t know what to expect, and don’t know in what culture it will be themed. We don’t even know his real name – cos this guy who we have known for about 10 years has got two names. Is the name he calls himself, as does his mum his real name or his nickname? – cos when he won this International Sports Competition – was that his Famous name? – or the one on his passport?

    So I asked my wife – what names are you going to write on The Wedding Present?

    She will get it right.

    Should be a laugh anyway. He is very clever, and he is always really nice to me.

    He’s a Design Engineer as well.


  • Republicofscotland

    A group affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists has accused a website of promoting the assault of journalists by posting a claim that 24 named Palestinians are supporters of terrorism.

    The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) made its claim against the European Institute Against Incitement after it published the list under the heading “top inciters”.

    The list, which also includes Britons, Danes and Dutch writers, does not list any purported offences, but gives family details, towns of residence, some phone numbers and social media identities.

    It appears to be a anti-Muslim/Palestinian website possibly propagated by Israeli propaganda.



  • Tony_0pmoc

    At almost the last minute she says sorry to tell you this..but you have got to go dressed as a penguin…O.K.- so long as you put on the Starry Dress that our Friend claimed he bought for his Daughter. His kid is Really Famous – though no one has heard of him.


  • RobG

    Since CIF has been mentioned here, the Guardian is reducing the number of articles that it allows comments on, and has even started mentioning that reader’s comments will be phased out altogether. This is because most genuine readers (amongst the army of trolls) recognise that the Guardian has now become yet another organ of the Washington propaganda machine. This has been highlighted today with the latest news about Syria.

    For anyone interested, here’s a very indepth piece about what is actually going on in Syria, rigorously researched and referenced. It’s by Eva Bartlett, who has been in Syria, and was published last October, shortly after the Russians took a hand in matters…


  • Republicofscotland


    Jesus Tony I tried to read your 12.37 am comment, but I realised that the British museum was closed at that time so I couldn’t steal the Rosetta stone to decipher it.

    Still I hear the X FILES has begun again, I’ll see if I can get Mulder to decrypt it . ?

  • glenn_uk

    Re: Osbourn’s brother. What a family! The old man screws the taxpayer, his brother (a shrink) screws his patients (literally) then threatens them, while Gideon Osborn screws everyone in the country except the investor class. Unbelievable.

  • Chris Rogers


    Many thanks for the link to Dissidentvoice, which was highly informative and reinforces opinion an facts from elsewhere – I truly urge you to link into SST, which has been detailing what’s happening in Syria and critiquing US overseas adventurism for a number of years – it’s mostly written by former ranking military officers who know their stuff, so this just reinforces what lies the Borg tell us. Indeed, try pointing out these lies on The Gaurdian when you are allowed to comment and you get modded or banned – but many try, just see how many comments are deleted, so not all of us are hoodwinked by the lies of the neocon MSM, of which The Guardian is now a supreme entity, given its supposed liberal and informed core readership.

  • Courtenay Barnett


    ” Agreed. Bernie is not as bad as Hillary but he has a neocon streak and it came out in the debate last night. That needs to watched carefully.”

    Nothing you nor I can do – but – watch – watch very closely and carefully. Sanders seems to be cast in a similar mode as Obama. By this I mean that he talks the talk while out of the Presidential office – obviously for political reasons and advantage. Yet, when he has to confront Wall Street; deal with the Pentagon; address the call and/or calls for this or that new war – what can he ultimately do? Tip around it on some issues and on others go along to get along.

  • Doug Scorgie

    Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    12 Feb, 2016 – 11:55 am

    “Chomsky was indeed a path-finder in the field of linguistics. Many feel, however, that he should never have left that field.”


    And who would the “many” be Habbabkuk?

    Zionist supporters perhaps.

  • Doug Scorgie

    Habbabkuk (Are you a person of interest?)

    12 Feb, 2016 – 12:14 pm

    “Perhaps fewer but more focussed, rational posts would work wonders?”


    I agree Habbabkuk, try it sometime.

  • Heiland

    “Chomsky was indeed a path-finder in the field of linguistics. Many feel, however, that he should never have left that field.”

    Any references or sources for that claim Habbakuk? Please provide them (if indeed you have any)

  • RobG

    Nigel Farage has been given his own show on LBC Radio this evening. It’s rather, er, striking stuff, and begs the question as to how a lunatic like Farage can be let on the airwaves (would they give a similar slot to George Galloway, to take the reverse example). A caller asked Farage about TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a mega trade deal that is currently still in negotiation. Farage totally breezed-over TTIP and the extreme effects it will have on civil liberties (Farage also wants to privatise the NHS, which TTIP will enable).

    Here’s a pretty good primer on what TTIP is…


  • glenn_uk

    Heiland – by “many”, Habbabkuk is of course referring to right wingers like himself, who would really rather the truth not be told, and their hypocrisy pointed out quite so starkly.

  • Anon1


    “A caller asked Farage about TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a mega trade deal that is currently still in negotiation. Farage totally breezed-over TTIP and the extreme effects it will have on civil liberties”

    I listened to the same and the complete opposite is true.

  • Monteverdi

    Anon 1 9.14pm .

    My posts are from are from two very opposite sources the anti-Zionist ElectronicIntafa website and the Israeli Zionist newspaper the Jerusalem Post . Both refer to the US Elections , Bernie Sanders and Israel all the subject of Craig’s post . Do you have a problem with logic or comprehension or both ?

  • Doug Scorgie


    12 Feb, 2016 – 6:46 pm

    “The Minister of Justice in Portugal has turned down a request from India to extradite Bhai Paramjit Singh Pamma.”


    I must have missed something Fred. What is your point?

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Doug Scorgie
    12/02/16 10:07pm

    I assume, and Fred can correct me if I am wrong, that the point is that Portugal has refused to extradite this Sikh gentleman to India because he has been granted asylum by the United Kingdom.

    Since he is not at the moment within the borders of the United Kingdom then this must be diplomatic asylum, recognised by Portugal.

    Assange has been granted diplomatic asylum by Ecuador, but the United Kingdom refuses to recognise it and intends to proceed with extradition to Sweden.

    If I am right, highly relevant to the Assange case. Thanks, Fred.

    Kind regards,


  • glenn_uk

    Tony M: Apart from putting down silly posts deliberately designed to annoy, do you think you’re actually achieving anything here? Perhaps you consider insulting natural allies to be a goal in itself, assuming you’re actually playing a straight game.

  • giyane. I may well be a person of interest


    “Any source(s) for that, Tony M ? (not Voltairenet or Globalresearch, please).”

    So sorry, these sites are too intellectual, too truthful, or just too respectful of the rights of 300 + innocent passengers to expect not to be obliterated by a fascist vassal of our very own warmongering NATO?

  • giyane. I may well be a person of interest

    Craig surmises that the Southwark Saudi Sex Scandal was consensual.

    Again you ignore the cultural differences between the consensual couple.

    Surmising again, your 18 yr old woman might have been offered money for sex, which she may have agreed to.

    But the Saudi, from the Wahhabi wanker collection of false fatwas may have decided that if he has paid for sex he owns her and can do whatever he likes with her, including hurting her and raping her.

    So what is consensual in her mind turns out not to be what she thought she had agreed to.

    Let’s take a different example:

    A UK citizen consents to GCHQ monitoring his internet use for national security purposes.
    GCHQ then give the Asian mosque a franchise to do this job for them. The UK has given a franchise to Al Qaida to destroy Syria after all.

    Because the Asian mosque has deep, racist hatred of all things English, or in the case of Al Qaida and Syria, deeply wounded hatred of Arab Nationalist Ba’athist dictators, they both discard the rules of engagement of their franchises from the West.

    I am consensual with the UK state checking for nutters planning terrorist attacks.
    Does that mean I am consensual with the UK state handing me or Syria over to abuse?

    Sometimes even Habbabkuk displays more sense than Craig.

  • giyane. I may well be a person of interest

    Have I turned into Melanie Phillips when I wasn’t looking? If so, is there a cure please?

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