Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Canexpat

    Tony M

    It would seem that your statement re. MH17 is correct. Pages 23 – 24 Dutch Intelligence confirm that the ‘Separatists’ did not have access to any powerful SAM systems such as a BUK. No doubt the Western MSM will now claim that the ‘Russian-backed Separatists’ used concentrated rifle fire to produce the holes in the cockpit.


    In my opinion, the jury is still out on whether the airliner was downed by Ukrainian fighter jets, or by Kiev forces on the ground. The seizure and subsequent disappearance of the ATC tapes by Ukrainian security services immediately after the crash suggest guilt on the part of the Kiev regime.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    So can all you Americans just please go home…back to the USA – America

    Thanks for your help in WWII when it was just Us British Against The NAZI’s

    well can you all go home now back to the usa

    Your soldiers are not needed in the rest of the World

    We are doing fine without you…

    You can go home now

    Thanks for Your Help,

    Love & Peace,

    Tony xx

  • Anon1


    “To repeat what I say many times, Kippers get hot under the collar about the EU, but they are quite content that Britain is America’s poodle, and is totally in favour of America’s wars of aggression, which have killed millions of

    More bollocks. If it’s Iraq, Libya and Syria you are referring to, UKIP opposed all three.

  • Chris Rogers


    I’m afraid to say whilst UKIP may be opposed to US-wars of aggression, that does not mean for an instance that they adhere to their anti-EU principles, namely they talk a lot about sovereignty, that is diluting Parliamentary sovereignty by hiving powers off to the EU, but to suggest UKIP care about UK sovereignty when it comes to economic interests is the polar opposite of their deeds. Namely, the UKIP by way of garage supports TTIP and TTIP gives swathes of our sovereignty to corporations and has fuck all whatsoever to do with free trade. You cannot discuss sovereignty by way of the EU without discussing the feeding of economic sovereignty to non-elected US corporations or European corporations. hence the hypocrisy and contradictions within the heart of UKIP. you either protect UK sovereignty period or you don’t and UKIP will sell us out 100% to private interests and corporations – hence its support for TTIP, which is anathema to any concept of state sovereignty, particularly as far as the judicial system is concerned.

    Now, is Farage in favour of TTIP and where is the difference between diluting sovereignty via TTIP as opposed to via the EU – there is no difference sir, hence in no way can UKIP be considered in any way patriotic as far as guaranteeing Parliamentary sovereignty is concerned.

  • Anon1

    Chris Rogers

    The UKIP is opposed to the TTIP. RobG and you appear to be falling into the trap of believing that because the UKIP strongly supports free trade, it must therefore support a corporatist scam like the TTIP. It doesn’t. For exactly the same reasons as it wants us out of the EU.

  • Anon1

    Incidentally, at this critical time when LEAVE appear to be moving ahead in the polls, we’re still waiting for Craig’s post on why we must vote remain in the EU…

    We’ve heard the CBI’s arguments, the BBC is clear, the Tories want us IN, all Craig’s favourite newspapers are behind him, as is the US, the corporations, the entire establishment in fact.

    So let’s hear Craig…

  • Anon1

    Chris Rogers

    If you’re searching for a lack of principles, Jeremy Corbyn is your man. What a pathetic volte-face that was, eh?

  • Chris Rogers


    When pointed out I’m incorrect I’m happy to re-evaluate and state categorically that on this occasion you are indeed correct, it would seem official UKIP is to oppose TTIP, although one third of UKIP’s MEP’s failed to attend the EP vote on TTIP last year – but facts are facts and I am indeed corrected.

    Folks Anon1 is correct, UKIP has opposed TTIP and I as one welcomes the UKIP opposition to the further dilution of UK Parliamentary democracy to outside interests, be it the EU or Corporations via so called ‘free trade’ agreements that have nothing to do with free trade.

    Again I wholly accept I was wrong to post UKIP/Farage are opposed to TTIP, but would like to see further clarification on the subject matter by UKIP from its sole UK Parliamentary representative and its MEP’s.

    As such, one this one issue I’m indebted to Anon! correctly my own biased opinion, which of course is not favourable to UKIP, but this does not mean we should lie or propagandise – so an apology to all readers of this blog for being 100% incorrect on this instance – afraid to say one had not checked UKIP’s out against TTIP since 2014 and like others can sometimes be corrupted in thought by our MSM.

  • Anon1

    Listen up, folks. Rumour has it that the spineless eel*, jellyfish Dave of the “Reform in Our Time” piece of soiled paper fluttering in the wind, is about to wheel out that famous British statesman, Barack H. Obama Jr, to tell us we MUST remain in the EU, or the entire landmass of the British Isles will tilt to a 45° angle and everything will slide into the sea, causing a massive fall in house prices.

    Writes Gleñn_UK from his fence: “I knew it all along. First there was the threat of more turds bobbing around off Blackpool, now we know we will join those turds and sink forever.”

    Former ambassador, writer, broadcaster and side-thorn of establishment interests, Craig Murray writes: “.”


    *To be fair to eels, they do have spines.

  • Macky

    @Anon1, do you also support UKIP on their position on Russian sanctions ?

    Are you expressing general support for UKIP just because one of their policies happens to coincidence with what you agree with ?

    If this helps, you won’t catch me expressing general support either for UKIP or France’s National Front despite their strong pro-Russian positions.

  • Anon1

    But where does the SNP stand on the TTIP?

    “Red lines”

    Handbrakes, guarantees, ringfences, triple titanium locks and cast-iron guarantees.

    Sound familiar?

    What is it with the Scotch nat mongs that they would throw away the virtual independence they have here for total subservience to the EU?

  • Anon1


    We’re a broad church. Why don’t you come along to one of our UKIP Friends of Palestine meetings?

    I wouldn’t describe the UKIP as strongly pro-Russian. We can do business with Russia. But we do have an element of Vlad love, so again you might be attracted?

  • fred

    “What is it with the Scotch nat mongs that they would throw away the virtual independence they have here for total subservience to the EU?”

    The thing about grievance politics is you have to have someone to blame. The SNP couldn’t exist without someone to point the finger at and cry “not fair”, they would be forced to start taking responsibility themselves and they don’t have anyone capable of doing that.

  • Macky

    Anon1: “We’re a broad church”

    Oh it’s a “We” ! You are a signed-up member ? I have to be frank & admit that this doesn’s come as a complete out of blue surprise ! 😀

    Yes, very “boad church” judging by some of the racists & bigots that have been exposed so far !

    I take it you will be glued to watching the Galloway show today!;


  • Anon1


    I would also venture to suggest that you agree with more than just one of the UKIP’S positions. It can be hard coming to terms with that. Why not pick up the phone and let one of the charming UKIP girls guide you through the membership process?

  • Anon1

    “Racists and bigots”

    There we go. The textbook fallback “because I’ve run out of anything else to say so I’ll shriek racist” reply.

    And I thought we were getting somewhere. 🙁

  • Anon1

    “The thing about grievance politics is you have to have someone to blame. The SNP couldn’t exist without someone to point the finger at and cry “not fair”, they would be forced to start taking responsibility themselves and they don’t have anyone capable of doing that.”

    Trust me, I know. I lived in Liverpool for a whole year.

  • Macky

    @Anon1, thanks for the romantic overture on the eve of St. Valentines, but,

    Roses are ,
    Violets are cheaper,
    But you’re getting neither,
    Because you’re a Ukipper !


  • fred

    “Yes, very “boad church” judging by some of the racists & bigots that have been exposed so far !”

    Which reminds me, I see the SNP’s Coatbridge and Chryston association which has been shut down by HQ was investigated in 2012 as well.

  • Macky

    Anon1; “Let’s leave the EU”

    Can I mark you down as a supporter of both Tony Benn & George Galloway ?

  • Anon1

    Fred it’s getting nasty up there. I have friends who live in Scotland who are moving back because the atmosphere is turning hostile.

  • nevermind, it might be interesting

    UKIP says many things but means the opposite. Bereft of ideas as to what should happen to our economy, don’t look west brothers, some retailers have tried and failed to establish their competition in the US, so to say that they are opposed to TTIP when not very much will be left for them floating in the Atlantic.

    Ah, I can hear them rustle, but there is the Commonwealth, our traditional market. Sorry not anymore, it has become a global playing ground out there and there is nothing spectacular to see here to fill those markets, our manufacturing could not worse off.

    UKIP’s members do not know how hard their beloved ‘sovereignty’ is going to sink under TTIP, borders, rules and regulations will disappear. So please don’t take a non doms word for it.

  • Anon1

    Something rather crude about the Brit-hating German with loyalties far removed from what he always calls ‘our’, placing the word Sovereignty in inverted commas.

  • Macky

    Anon1; “(Benn’s dead by the way)”

    And so is Enoch Powell.

    BTW Something rather beyond crude about you playing the man instead of addressing Nevermind’s comments.

    [mods; typo fixed]

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