Guardian and STV journos Congratulate Murdoch Lackey on Blatant Lies About Me 230

For anybody who doubts the reactionary single voice the UK media has become, it should be obvious from what you see on the surface, eg the unanimity of attack on Corbyn, the SNP or Assange. But if that doesn’t help, look below the surface.

Ex-Hedge Fund manager, now Murdoch leader writer Oliver Kamm published a disgusting and blatant lie and smear about me. Very quickly, Nick Cohen, Hadley Freeman and Marina Hyde of the Guardian and Stephen Daisley of ITV were popping up sending him personal tweets to congratulate him on it.

Usually it is best to ignore the lies of far right Murdoch employee Oliver Kamm, but there is one lie about me which he has been spreading so assiduously I feel I have to counter it. In Prospect Magazine Kamm states that:

“Craig Murray, a former diplomat who’s imaginatively reinvented himself as a “human rights campaigner,” claims that the charges against Assange are founded on political correctness.”

This is absolutely untrue. I have said no such thing. What I actually said in an interview with Kamm was “Due to a mistaken kind of political correctness the British media refuses to publish all the details of the case.” You can hear it here.

There is a massive difference between saying that the media refuses to publish the facts due to political correctness, and saying that rape itself is a matter of political correctness. I abhor the latter view. As Nadira has asked me to remind you, my partner is herself a rape victim.

In this interview with LBC Oliver Kamm went on to insult and lambast me and say that I claimed that the rape charges were founded on political correctness. I tried to point out that I said no such thing, but LBC had cut me off. LBC later put up the version you hear on that link in which Kamm’s remarks are given in full and my own are edited. But it is very plain indeed that I did not say what Kamm goes on to accuse me of saying.

Kamm then tweeted that I had stated that rape is political correctness. Though this was plainly untrue to anybody who listened to the LBC link which he attached, he started to receive congratulatory messages from his friends on twitter. To anybody who has yet to catch on that the mainstream media functions in collusion, it should come as no surprise to learn that this Murdoch employee received personal tweets attacking me from Nick Cohen, Hadley Freeman and Marina Hyde, all of the Guardian, and from Stephen Daisley of STV.

Rape is an appalling crime. Any sex without consent constitutes rape.

But I do not hold that the truth or falsity of an allegation of rape may not be subject to scrutiny. Anybody who does hold that is handing unchecked power to the state to eliminate opponents. I do think it is deplorable that the British media has not published the detail of the case. Then people could learn this.

Kamm’s reactionary friends can congratulate him all they like. What he is doing is spreading a deliberate lie about me. But it may just lead to a few more people researching what is really happening in the Assange case, and that would be karma.


I contacted Prospect magazine and they have now changed the Kamm article to state what I actually said. It is still of course surrounded by Kamm’s ultra right wing mendacious interpretations, but at least it no longer says that I said something which I did not say. For the rest, Mr Kamm is entitled to spew the vile nonsense he is so well paid for by Murdoch, and his mates at the Guardian love him for.

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230 thoughts on “Guardian and STV journos Congratulate Murdoch Lackey on Blatant Lies About Me

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  • Uphill

    “Something is really annoying me.”

    Now you mention it. A ‘side topic’ in the white supremacist regime, but something that should annoy everyone.

    Sarah Reed. Found Dead in Her Cell…

  • Phil

    Ba’al – You’ve not understood what you’ve written, it doesn’t have to be the same definition (I.E. what is classed as rape in sweden doesn’t have to be classed as rape here, as long as its still an offence here).

  • fedup

    Craig I had a loud laugh when I read you are banned from commenting in the Guardian!!! That is the calibre of that rag and a measure of it’s glavlit stenographers for any kind of unrehearsed comments or for any voices from without the echo chamber of the neoconnology!

    On the subject of rape, this crime is not portrayed as the lack of total self respect of a male for himself as an individual that finds acceptable to force himself upon someone that does not wish to have any association with him. This lack of self respect and evident self-loathing by the rapist is never a matter of debate, that any would rapist in fact is demeaning himself and is clearly broadcasting his weaknesses as a man in failing singularly to attract a female and hence finds the need to force himself on any passing female!!!

    The abhorrence of the rape crime has somehow, come to obfuscate the fact that the rapist is advertising in the most revolting manner their real powerlessness in managing to attract a female and is a total abject failure as a male!

  • Uphill

    Doesn’t it strike people, this allegation, a laughable allegation. So much attention.

    Yet a women, brutalized, sexually assaulted, then found dead in the same institution that did these things to her.


  • Ba'al Zevul

    TY Fedup…

    If that’s a quote, I can’t find the original on this thread, so perhaps it’s just as well I reposted the link. As I always try to acknowledge sources, and don’t always have the time or inclination to search – often long – threads for previous instances, I’m afraid it’s inevitable, but it certainly isn’t intentional. It happens to me too – in one instance with the very clear impression that the repeat poster was feeling competitive. That is not my intention.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Ba’al – You’ve not understood what you’ve written, it doesn’t have to be the same definition (I.E. what is classed as rape in sweden doesn’t have to be classed as rape here, as long as its still an offence here).

    IS it an offence here? Based on the Rixstep report, what’s the charge?

  • craig Post author


    It certainly sounds awful, and an appalling tragedy, and yes it does put the disproportionate attention paid to the Assange allegations into perspective. But at the moment it is a single blog with no eye-witness quotes or supporting evidence, so while I have no reason to doubt it, it needs a fuller and sourced account.

  • Macky

    @Uphill, Re Sarah Reed, what a can of worms & yes, very very revealing of the hypocrisy of all the “Assange must face justice” “feminists” supporters; Black women don’t count ?!

    @Ba’al relax, I normally don’t care about such things, but then noticed a couple of other Posters thanking you for a link I had already posted, so yes Fedup is right in that people often don’t pay due attention to what has already been posted earlier in threads.

  • nevermind, Lord Feldmannn? RESIGN!

    Uphill, it strikes me indeed that the Metropolitan police, the lovey of Rupert and his rags, has done. The bloke did get convicted for his brutality and the Met has form in these kind of trigger happy actions.

    It is a heinous crime what has been done to her and her death could never been described as suicide.
    what strikes me are the similarities of US brutality and ours, is our police force learning bad habits by coordinating their approach along US policing lines?
    by even contemplating employing US police officers in high places here before it gets privatised proper under the TTIP

  • Phil

    Ba’al – surely none of us are privy to the full details of the case, so i can’t say…….

  • Uphill

    Craig, I’m not making assumptions, or asking others to. it’s just when Ba’al mentioned being annoyed it reminded me what i’m particularly annoyed about ATM.

    “it needs a fuller and sourced account.” agree, and attention…

    The death is most certainty true btw.

    I suspect without people taking independent action it will be another inquest, inquiry,- whitewash…

  • Hieroglyph

    Honestly, it’s like a bunch of high school chums high fiving each other on dissing the nerd. Or, is that just Twitter in general? Whatever.

    Freeman is a yank gossip columnist. Cohen is, well whatever Cohen is, it’s hard to tell, but it isn’t Ghandi. Kramm is a troll who has infiltrated above the line. Ms Hyde, I’m surprised at, she is normally rather wry, and used to take down Bliar, long before anyone else clocked him. Disappointing, but I guess there is a new broom at The Graun, and we all gotz to make a living. Not really the A Team, with all due respect, as Ms Hyde might say.

    I guess some younger people like them though. I might have been impressed in my younger days, or perhaps not.

  • Chris Rogers


    I’d be more than happy to post on The Guardian in your defence, unfortunately my account is now back in ‘moderation’ following efforts to expose Natalie Nougayrède for the neocon arse-wipe propagandist that she is – all my posts were deleted, many with links and citations light years away from the BS Ms. NN was espousing. And that’s before we focus on the Zionist Canal that’s taken root in The Guardian and switched its attention to undermining you. How any of these fuckers sleep at night I just do not know and how so many fools actually believe the BS before them is bewildering.

    As others have stated, those that castigate you are little more than dirt from the floor and you are in good company – but boy, its depressing to see what whores the media in London have become and how low The Guardian has fallen since its change of Trust status and infusion of US cash. A disgrace Sir!

  • Chris Rogers


    I’m surprised Jonathan Freedland has not gotten in with the high fives given he’s as bad as the other hacks now undermining The Guardian – think CP Scott would have sacked the lot of them, but one thing is for sure: FACTS CERTAINLY ARE NOT SACRED AS FAR AS CIF AND THE GUARDIAN ARE CONCERNED.

  • Phil

    I see there are two of us commenting called Phil. To avoid confusion I shall resort to using an as yet undecided but different name.

  • Phil

    I see there are two of us commenting called Phil. To avoid confusion I shall resort to using an as yet undecided but different name.

    Phil the wanker
    Phil E Stein (always on topic)
    Phil E Delfya

    Or maybe something from a book I haven’t read?

  • craig Post author


    Yes. Presumably the poll only covered Europe! Hard to think of a more uniformly right wing press anywhere. Even the US press much more liberal on Assange.

  • Clark

    Craig, 1:16 pm:

    “Even the US press much more liberal on Assange”

    That’s the Western “softly, softly” approach to propaganda in action. The US press doesn’t need to be hard on Assange at present, so they lay off and appear “balanced”. The place where the establishment need to turn public opinion against Assange right now is the UK.

    The less the media is distorted, the more it is trusted, and the more it is trusted the more influence upon government it has via its readership.

  • giyane


    “I will talk to pretty well anyone. Matter of principle.”

    Ok, but if when they reply, they directly lie, to your face, with full intention to deceive you, don’t you start to boil up inside like a pressure cooker until you identify the lie?

    3 years ago I asked the Deobandi imam behind my house about Syria. He replied that it ws a political war and that USUKIS had blatantly changed their relationship to Al Qaida. That it was not right to go there for jihad, and I should raise money for the victims of the war.

    Then it emerged that he and others were recruiting young Muslims to jihad in Syria and he wanted me to fund their logistical support.

    Nobody gets a chance to lie to me twice. The lie doesn’t penetrate. It may be a political necessity to send UK Muslims to back David Cameron’s regime change. But this is a country where we have freedom of speech. It is not Pakistan or Syria where you have to lie in order to stay alive. The imam was lying out of personal choice.

    And there you have it. If people come to this country because they yearn for freedom, safety, wealth and security, and then undermine the foundation of our civilised way of life by deliberately choosing a political strategy of deception and intrigue, our elected government will immediately grab the chance to operate the untruthful modus operandi, instead of pretending to be open and transparent.

    Islam rejects lying except in cases of chatting up your wife, imminent threat of war or making peace between people. The imam is therefore in my opinion ignorant of our UK Christian tradition, ignorant of Islam and ignorant of the damage his lying will do to English people who are seeking the truth.

    The Qur’an prescribes double punishment for those who come to the non-Muslim lands and do not show a good example of our religion to the locals. One punishment for not practising the religion, and a second one for not showing a good example.

    But sadly, after 1400 years of dealing in deception it has become part of the body of knowledge that is taught in Islamic. Without it, like chilli, they see no taste.
    What you describe as Kafka-esque in Phillip Hammond, is an emboldenment of direct deceit by the very, educated people that should strengthen the search for truth.

    These imams have pushed back the time when Brits and Scots will come to Islam because they are impressed, into the long grass. You remember the time when politics was more honest, but the politics used by the imams to gain a toehold of power in the UK is one of the factors destroying the very british way of life they come here to enjoy.

    If you talk to anyone as a matter of principle, make sure they are not using the conversation to attack your principles.

    I will not pray behind anybody who displays such ignorance of the basic principles of Islam. They need to taste their ignorance.

  • Bert.

    I do not know for sure if this is an error but at one point you refer to: “Stephen Daisley of ITV” and later to: “Stephen Daisley of STV”


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