A Duty to Resist Fascism 134

I grant you that a choice between a neo-liberal and a fascist is extremely unpleasant. For ordinary people to vote to dismantle the protections against rampant capitalism for which their ancestors struggled, is pretty horrible.

But even that is not quite as horrible as becoming a Nazi. And if you are from an ethnic minority you have to resist or become a victim.

In France there is not actually a choice for anybody with the remotest claim to human decency. Do not sit on your hands while down the street they pull on their jackboots. Get out and vote for Macron. It is a duty to humanity.

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134 thoughts on “A Duty to Resist Fascism

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  • Simon Hewitt

    Some insider enlightenment as to what you friend J.A, is up to would be appreciated, Craig.

    Is he really pro-Trump and pro-Le Pen, as Wikileak’s behaviour clearly suggests ? Who is paying him?

    • Itsy

      Two tweets from Wikileaks earlier:

      1) WikiLeaks did not publish #MacronLeaks
      2) So far only Macron claims “fake docs”–but names none

      WikiLeaks was the 1st reliable outlet to report the story but it is false and misleading to say “originated from WikiLeaks”.

    • craig Post author

      Important to note that Wikileaks had nothing to do with originating Macronleaks. Julian is neither pro-Trump nor pro-LePen. I would say I make a definite distinction between the two. I would not describe Trump as a Nazi, just a right winger like May.

      I strongly suspect it was the CIA that did Macronleaks – they have the key marker of wee bits of Cyrillic script left behind in the hacking, which the Wikleaks Vault 7 CIA leaks specifically revealed to be a CIA trick to implicate the Russians.

      In short, I think the CIA hacked Macron in order to blame Russia. They then sensibly did not release the leaks till it was too late to influence the election.

      Wikileaks have helped disseminate or at least point to the Macron Leaks as part of their openness agenda. I would have advised Julian against that. He would not have listened to me.

  • giyane

    Right now I am sitting on my hands resisting the temptation to listen to a double-think Salafi lecture billed as Understanding and refuting extremist behaviour. Like Odysseus and the Sirens I am more or less roped to my desk doing my accounts in case they use the lecture on understanding extremism, to explain what it is.
    That’s why I agreed with your first remark that supporters of Le Pen will find no space here. We have lived with neo-liberalism for nearly 40 years and it has not killed us yet. Yes I know there are 100s of millions who are homeless, destitute or dead, but so far, not us.

    • giyane

      The said talk at Green Lane Masjid Birmingham is entitled DISARMED. In other words it is addressing those who have followed Salafist takfirism to its logical conclusion, found out it is nothing to do with Islam and who now want to have never been brain-washed. This is not a problem for which political Islam has any answers.
      Once they have reconciled the UK state to allow the walking dead to return to normal life, they can be re-cycled as patsies for the deeply nasty state run by Mrs May of the deeply nasty party.

      Political Islam is about ….politics. The good protestant Christian folk of Germany went down that mesmeric road of racist nationalism at the end of which lies genocide and apartheid.

  • glenn_uk

    Great stuff, fully agree. Shame not enough people said the same about the Clinton/ Trump choice last year.

    It’s also worth emphasising that “I want a pony” is not on the ballot – writing in your own name or someone you actually do like, or spoiling the ballot or not voting at all, is at least half a vote for Le Pen.

    The Day The Nazi Died

    • Habbabkuk

      As always on this question, I agree with you. A loudly-trumpeted vote for no-hoper Ms Jill Stein was, objectively, a vote for Donald Trump.

      • glenn_uk

        Indeed – but at least the Jill Stein voters got to maintain their “purity”. Very nice for them, eh?

  • John Goss

    While I obviously don’t support Marine le Pen I think it is a bit iffy put up a blog-post inviting comments from those who do knowing that they will be immediately deleted! What is the purpose? Not debate surely.

  • Sharp Ears

    And here we have a choice but guess the name of the one who will be chosen by the sheeple wearing blue jackets.

  • Why be ordinary

    What is most fascinating is the apparent belief that large numbers of French people will be influenced by tweeting in English.

    • craig Post author

      What total nonsense. About 200 people in France read this blog every day. In English. I am not attempting to reach a whole new French speaking audience, just those in France who take an interest in what I think. Forgive me not working out how to do accents in WordPress at this time of night, but si je voulais ecrire en francais, j’aurais pu.

      • Mari

        No I do not mean your tweet. I thought it was about Wikileaks’ Macronleaks thing. French people do not care about that. Basically Trump voters and Brexiters are more interested in it.

        I am sure quite a few people in France appreciate what you write in twitter and Facebook.

        • glenn_uk

          Interesting article in today’s New York Times (haven’t checked the online version), telling how the French have not been influenced by the online attempts of the alt-right (i.e. fascists) to assist Le Pen in her campaign.

          The usual trick-bag of slur, memes, hashtags and fake news just hasn’t caught on at all, despite their best efforts. A lot of this stuff just doesn’t translate well, but the white supremecists, anti-Semites and general racists (which the NYT points out were closely associated with the Trump campaign) have had almost no discernable influence.

        • Why be ordinary

          Indeed I wrote my post before seeing Craig’s reply John Goss’. It was not a comment about Craig, but on the remarkable fact the the #macronleaks tweeting is almost all of it coming from US bots writing in English. Whoever is using this to try to influence the election whichever way is not going to get very far like that.

      • Habbabkuk

        si j’avais voulu e’crire en francais j’aurais pu ?

        (or even si j’eusse voulu e’crire en francais j’eusse pu ?)

        Francophones to correct if necessary

        • Iain Stewart

          I confirm that Craig’s version was quite correct apart from the missing accent. “J’aurais pu le fare” would have been more elegant.
          In French, the subjunctive is never used after “si”. See me after class.

          • Habbabkuk

            Cher ami Stewart

            1/. “In French, the subjunctive is never used after “si” : incorrect.

            2/. 1st variant : can you point out the subjunctive in “si j’avais voulu e’crire en francais j’aurais pu” ?

            3/. 2nd variant : “eusse voulu” and “eusse pu” – pluperfect subjunctives. Highly literary and a tad archaic.

            4/. ““J’aurais pu le fare” would have been more elegant.” – colloquial rather than less elegant.

            Copie a’ revoir ! 🙂

          • Iain Stewart

            Cher Habbabkuk
            Using “eusse” after “si” would sound extremely bizarre to any living French person but may indeed have been used commonly amongst ancient pedants (or famously Pascal and Cleopatra’s nose “s’il eût été plus court, toute la face de la terre aurait changée”). As you (La vita è bella) know, Italian is different in this respect (and I note in passing that WordPress changed my spelling of “faire” to “fare”): se avessi voluto scriverlo in francese l’avrei fatto (for example). Plus Italian accepts your quaint use of apostrophes to replace accents, but not French.
            Anyway, election results call. 🙂

          • Habbabkuk

            Cher ami Stewart

            Yes, I’m aware that the 2nd variant is somewhat archaic and I’m also aware – how could I not be? – that the Italians, bless them, are still greatly attached to the use of the subjunctive. But thank you for the reminder and thank you for recognising that your claim that a subjunctive cannot be used after a “si” was erroneous.

            As for accents, I’m afraid that, like Craig, I am using am English QWERTY keyboard, which, as internationalists like yourself will know, does not provide for accents.


            Re the French Presidential results, I hope you enjoyed. Just ask me if you have any questions – remember that Habbabkuk’s prediction (twice) about the outcome, ie about 70% for M.Macron and about 30% for Mme Le Pen, was rather accurate 🙂

          • Habbabkuk

            Ami Stewart

            I forgot to ask you whether you still maintain that Craig’s version was correct?

          • glenn_uk

            H: “As for accents, I’m afraid that, like Craig, I am using am English QWERTY keyboard, which, as internationalists like yourself will know, does not provide for accents.

            Sure it does. I don’t know what sort of machine you’re using, but this is fairly universal:


            Hold the ALT key while typing the number 131 and you get this: â
            ALT+132 = ä
            ALT+133 = à
            ALT+134 = å
            ALT+135 = ç

            And so on. Obviously you won’t remember them all, but you will remember the more commonly used ones, and refer to the chart for the rest.

          • Habbabkuk


            Thank you very much for that, I’ll try it next time! 🙂


          • Iain Stewart

            A higher authority confirms the correctness of Craig’s French, and that you are free to use as many subjunctives as you wish after “si” but that it would still be a grammatical error anywhere outside the court of Louis XV. Modern keyboards helpfully propose accented letters if pressure is maintained on the key (disposing of the confusing alt or option business).

            I’m delighted by the accuracy of you prediction, but dismayed by the scale of abstention (around 25 percent). The popping of LePen’s balloon has been attributed by many to her poor debating performance last week. At least Emmanuel Macron in last night’s speech did not take his victory as a blank cheque, and hopes to make such changes as will reduce the FN protest vote the next time. Campaigning for the législatives has already begun, which should be very interesting and perhaps less easily predictable.

          • fred

            “Sure it does. I don’t know what sort of machine you’re using, but this is fairly universal:”

            You have to use the numeric keypad so on a laptop it’s Alt+Fn and use the keys with little numbers on the front not the big numbers at the top.

  • Willem

    For the French, the elections were a few weeks ago where they were able to vote for anything else than Macron or Le Pen. Many did vote for someone else (like Fillon or Melenchon), but that wasn’t enough to get one of them to the second round. Too bad. But I think it is too much for many of them to ask them now to vote for Macron. He may the lesser evil of the two candidates left, but he only has one goal: take away as much rights from the French people as possible. Or actually, he has two goals: that plus prolonging the wars in the Middle East. Or maybe three goals: letting South European countries pay an endless amount of debt to French banks, that too. Why vote for Macron? Why would one propagate the lesser evil instead of explaining how awful both candidates are, and what the options are for the French who are going to face even more problems than they already faced with Hollande (strikes, austerity, terrorist attacks to name a few)? Is the situation that hopeless? Are the French out of alternatives, and therefore they must vote for Macron? Hard to believe…

    • Mari

      Vote against far right is one of French national sports.
      Anyway, they are already thinking about the next step – the Legislative election (National Assembly = parliament) in June, which is quite important. Whether the president-elect can have any degree of political power or not depends on this.

    • Mari

      By the way, Macron is still a little better than François Fillon. So at least, French people were successful in eliminating Fillon to go to 2nd round…

    • craig Post author


      There is only the slightest case for what you are saying in that a LePen victory seems so improbable that an abstention might be safe. But otherwise your argument is that you should not be forced to vote for the person who will kneecap you, in order to keep out the person who will put six bullets in your temple.

      In the 1930’s it was the crisis of the banks and capitalist system combined with the result of the great imperial war of 1914-8 that led to the rise of fascism. Understanding that does not mean that fascism should not be opposed.

      • stu

        Willem articulated the dangers of Macron.

        It would be useful if someone could do the same for LePen.

    • Why be ordinary

      Indeed – as JP Sartre put it “Comme tu tiens à ta pureté, mon petit gars ! Comme tu as peur de te salir les mains. Eh bien, reste pur ! A quoi cela servira-t-il et pourquoi viens-tu parmi nous ? La pureté, c’est une idée de fakir et de moine. Vous autres, les intellectuels, les anarchistes bourgeois, vous en tirez prétexte pour ne rien faire. Ne rien faire, rester immobile, serrer les coudes contre le corps, porter des gants. Moi j’ai les mains sales. Jusqu’aux coudes. Je la ai plongées dans la merde et dans le sang.”

    • Keith

      Maybe people can vote for The Greens.Why is that not a valid option if its available?

      • Keith

        I meant that they might have done as an alternative workd view until he withdrew of course

      • Why be ordinary?

        Because it is a run off election between two candidates. The Green was eliminated in the first round

  • Iver Bollockov

    Let’s face it, the French have a known record of Vichy Government. What else can you expect?

    Meanwhile, in Croydon, this very day, brave English anarchists fought bravely against right wing thugs. Doesn’t it make you proud?

    • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

      The Channel Islands also have a known record of government collaboration during the Occupation. . Basically the main concern was to keep people alive and to survive. Does this make all of them Quislings or latent Fascists?Would Lloyd George ,largely responsible for early welfare reforms, have been a Fascist if he had agreed to head a war-time government under indirect German rule?
      Mussolini and Primo da Rivera were already in power in the 1920s while righht wing militarism and the stab-in-the-back accusation were well established in Germany. So , I would not agree that fascism was in large part a response to the Wall St Crash or the collaspse of Credit Anstalt.
      BTW almost all French voters I know here are abstaining in despair/disgust and are not embracing ,like hungry sailors, the lesser of two weevils.

        • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

          With some 21 cabinets in 14 years , that would be a tall order .By 1920, the broad coalition had collapsed under attacks from right and left, but the crisis year of 1923-24 was weathered more or less in a remarkable achievement for a patched-together democratic government.
          .We are, ,or at least I am, talking about the rise of Fascism as a Europe-wide movement , essentially corporatist in nature rather than the specific developments in Germany in the early thirties, where Hindenburg’s choice of Hitler opened up the way for the Ermaechtigungsgesetz’s boiling of the frogs.

          • K Crosby

            Perhaps I should have written voting preferences in general elections. Clearly something like fascism existed before 1914 but then fascism is only one of several mutations of C19th liberalism to mar the C20th. If you compare the vote for the NSDAP in the elections it contested, the coincidence of the Great Depression with the respectable right wing coup in 1930 and then the last resort of jobbing the nazis into a coalition after they were boosted by the mass unemployment of the early 30s and then financially exhausted by serial elections up to 1932, could hardly be clearer. Without the revival of the pre-war boss class in the late 30s, the Crash and mass unemployment, the NSDAP would have remained a fringe partei. None of this was necessary in the western slave empires, because they didn’t have a democratically elected legislature to subvert.

      • Iver Bollockov

        It is our duty as internationalists to resist all nationalist political parties.

        • kailyard rules

          The Scottish National Party are outward looking and inclusive social democrats. Are they on your list of resistance?

  • glenn_uk

    Do you actually think Europe needs a fascist more than it _doesn’t_ need a bankster? You think banksters are worse than genuine fascists, whose supporters like to go around clearly identifyable as Nazis, giving the right-arm salute at every opportunity?

  • glenn_uk

    Can I just get something straight, David – are you a supporter of Le Pen?

    • glenn_uk

      In response to gt-cri, are you seriously suggesting we should not respect the will of the majority in a democracy?

      Not wishing to speak for gt-cri, but yes – I would absolutely not respect the will of the majority.

      The will of the majority is easily manipulated, and quickly coalesces into the will of the lowest common denominator. Such as the death penalty should be reinstated, immediately, and without all this appeal nonsense dragging on for years. Mob rule, easily whipped up by the Tabloid Barons and other ultra-rich Establishment hate-mongers.

      Surely you would not support such knee-jerk “popular” policies?

    • Iain Stewart

      I see that David’s bizarre confirmation went down the memory hole.

      The spoof newspaper Le Gorafi (Figaro more or less backwards) has reminded LePen voters of their candidate’s promise to send a personal SMS to all who write their mobile phone number on their voting slip.

      Is Emmanuel Macron really a neo-liberal? The general view here in France seems to be that he combines a bit of the left with a bit of the right to compose a sort of extreme centre. LePen says that En Marche proposes merely to continue François Hollande’s policies. But they were centre left, and far less disastrous than many claim, with a distinct improvement in the standard of living of the poorest, balanced by a decline of that of the richest. But with no change for those in the middle, unfortunately.

  • gt-cri

    Do not enter politics, then? Having lost is no excuse for “respecting the will of the majority”. A “blow up” if Le pen does not win is infinitely better than those that will occur (with her party’s covert assistance) should she succeed…plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

  • Becky Cohen

    “But even that is not quite as horrible as becoming a Nazi. And if you are from an ethnic minority you have to resist or become a victim.”

    Not only if you’re from an “ethnic minority”, Craig. The Nazis murdered many LGBT people too, plus Jews (who belong to many ethnic minorities). Why are you constantly trying to play this down? Are you one? Yes.

    • glenn_uk

      Oh come on. CM has voiced his support for LGBT people on numerous occasions, and has championed their clear human rights. This was obviously a quick 3-para post. You don’t expect support to be publicly voiced, on every issue and maligned group for which sympathies are strongly held, every time someone exhales, surely?

      Don’t forget plenty of socialists, people with mental health problems, intellectuals, and insufficiently convinced Germans of the Nazi cause were considered to be lacking in the extreme.

      Maybe it ought to be taken as read. For “ethnic minorities”, read, “all manner of undesirables.”

      You really shouldn’t take slight at this.

    • craig Post author


      I was using ethnic minorities as a shorthand for both Jews and Muslims Becky. I realise that was a bit lazy of me. Yes of course, not only them.

  • Darth


    I found your IP in the blacklist. So your comments were auto-trashed. Yes you get moderated for your late night ramblings but you are not actually banned so I don’t know how your IP got in there but it is removed now.

    This comment and your above will auto-destruct later so please try and stay on topic or even take it to the forum and off the front post.

  • Edward

    Is there a way the French can refuse to accept the premise, “Le Pen or Macron”?

    • glenn_uk

      I’m afraid not, no more than the Yanks were blessed with the choice of “Clinton” or “Trump”.

      Binary choice.

      Vote for the lessor of the two evils, if you have any sense.

      • giyane

        Amazing that a whole country can be portrayed as a victim. Yes governments have a comprehensive understanding of what the electorate thinks and will offer back to them what they like. Every man, woman and child in a playground will play that game in order to increase their circle of friends.

        But the suckers don’t have to buy it every time, do they?

        In our current UK election we have a clear choice between the proven war-criminal party of very right wing racists and the proven war-criminal party who have learned the lessons of Iraq and changed.
        It’s a total no-brainer. If you have a brain, you will not choose racism because it will come back to bite you in the bum, and you will not choose banksters because they crashed the whole world economy 10 years ago.

        The French chose both and are deciding between them. In the UK we have a choice and I expect every patriotic Englishman and woman will have the savoir-faire to stick the donkey’s tail – not on its bum. That’s up to them.

        • Brianfujisan

          It’s a bit All over the Place giyane

          But yes ..how do we end it

  • Sharp Ears

    The news channels and the corporate media are laughing in our faces with news of additions to the Sunday Times Rich List. We are told that the rise is attributable to the boom in stock exchange prices on both sides of the Atlantic.

    Rich List 2017: UK’s super-rich carry on making billions

    Compare and contrast the rise in homelessness and the proliferation of food banks.

    Some of these ‘billionaires’, (Messrs Grayken and Rausing) have landed up in Surrey putting Usmanov’s wealth in the shade we are told. Usmanov has been resident in Getty’s old home for a long time. I bet they hate the potholes and the A3 and M25 traffic jams, ‘Get the helicopter ready now!’

    Mixed fortunes for Surrey’s wealthiest on this year’s rich list

  • Hmmm

    We can fight fascism. How do we fight Neo-liberalism? Corbyn was right to vote to leave the EU.

  • Anon1

    I’m not even going to bother to stay up. It’s in the bag for Macron.

  • Sharp Ears

    Naturellement, the Economist goes with Macron.

    ‘Win or lose, Emmanuel Macron has altered French politics

    THREE years ago, he was largely unknown to the public. Today he is a step away from becoming France’s president. Emmanuel Macron’s remarkable rise from obscurity to favourite for the presidential election on May 7th carries symbolic value well beyond his homeland. If he defeats Marine Le Pen of the National Front (FN), as polls suggest he will, the country will have shown the rest of the world not only that it can favour youth over seniority, and optimism over fear, but that pro-European liberalism can still triumph over populism and nationalism.

    What Emmanuel Macron’s home town says about him
    It might start and end in the town of Amiens. On the big-skied plains of the Somme,…

    Le Pen has not lost yet. French voters should unite against her

    and so on. The editor is one Zanny Minton Beddoes! and is often on the QT line up.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zanny_Minton_Beddoes ex Harvard/IMF/etc

    Husband ex Council on Foreign Relations (Albright/Kissinger etc) Washpo FT etc He can tell all about hedge funds. Pa was Ambassador to Germany and France

      • Sharp Ears

        You do me an injustice by implying that I have no brain. Voting in France is not compulsory. If I was French, I would NOT vote for Macron OR Le Pen.

        Therefore I would not vote or else spoil my paper.

        • Why be ordinary?

          Nowhere did I imply that you have no brain. It just seems a little extreme to base your opposition to Macron on the fact that his supporters include a magazine run by someone whose husband you think is a bit dodgy.

          Varofakis advocates voting Macron. A blank vote means “I don’t care who wins”, but as the children ‘s rhyme has it “don’t care was made to care”. Life is about nasty choices. Purity, as Satre said, is for monks and fakirs.

          • Iain Stewart

            Thomas Piketty adds the argument that the greater Macron’s majority, the less he will be able to claim it as a blank cheque. The French press is full of exhortations from a very broad range of political positions, which may be resumed as: not to vote against LePen is not to vote against LePen.

        • glenn_uk

          Sharp Ears: “Therefore I would not vote or else spoil my paper.

          Half a vote for Le Pen, then – music to the ears of fascists.

          • Alcyone

            Let’s say if 50% of the people abstained, that would be something.

            Anyway in chiding Mary, you should recognise that it is entirely hypothetical and she did offer her opinion in good faith. I give the devil her due.

            Furthermore, her view is different from Craig’s so she is not simply being a good follower as some Scots people here reliably are.

  • Michael McNulty

    I suspect fascism is the natural state all organized societies descend into. All societies evolve differently of course, with some having a form of democracy while others have no democracy at all, but there seems to be five basic phases each one passes through. Organized production (food production in antiquity). Organized economy. Monopolized Economy. Monopolized politics. Dictatorship by the few.

    While communism was totalitarian it differed from fascism in that the state was the controlling force and not private interests. Maybe that’s why it didn’t last even a hundred years, because up against forces all acting in self-interest it was fundamentally a weak system?

    • Stu

      It didn’t last because somehow Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yetlsin ended up on the Central Committee of a Marxist Leninist political party.

      Revolutionaries were replaced by bureaucrats, the counter revolution on the other hand only got more intense.

  • Dave

    The 2010 Equality Act was pioneered by Labour, but passed into law by Conservatives. It is a thoroughly Marxist and operates on the basis that some are more equal than others and the double-think required is well illustrates by the generous wages on offer for “equality officers”!

  • Anon1

    French expats queuing up in London to vote for Macron. They have the best of both worlds: increased security living in Britain, and, if they are homesick for Paris, it’s just a short trip to Tower Hamlets. ?

    • D_Majestic

      I would fail to find anything even slightly funny in this disgusting comment, smiley face or not.

        • glenn_uk

          That might go down well with your mates, but this isn’t a skinheads meet-up.

          • Anon1

            How is it any worse than your quip about “Laura Knessetburg”, referring to the BBC’s political correspondent who has Jwish ancestry?

  • Dave

    The term Fascist derives from the symbol used by the Italian fascists, that was a symbol of ancient Rome, that can be found as a back drop in the US Congress. The Fascists were Catholic Socialists, or more precisely secular socialists in Catholic countries, who arose after WWI and were influenced by the War.

    For them the lesson of WWI was if you can organise militarily to wage war, why not to wage peace and wearing a uniform was part of this and all groups did it. In Britain this was frowned upon and then banned as “too European” and because it competed with the English uniform of shirt and tie and bowler hat.

    The same thinking lie behind the creation of the Salvation Army. Some suggested Salvation Volunteers, but this was rejected because the Booth’s meant business.

  • Republicofscotland

    It would very interesting Craig if your blog were to becomes more international, I’d, welcome and I’m sure other would as well, comments from all around the world, here’s hoping.

    As for Macron, well he’s not the ideal candidate, but he’s a far sight better one than the alternative. Vote Macron, says Ècosse. ?

  • Republicofscotland

    “Donaldson was never charged, and no evidence for the MI5 allegations has ever been produced.”


    You’re a lying wee establishment toady.

    However there’s no doubt Westminster backs Israel and Saudi Arabia, who’ve murdered countless people in Palestine and Yemen.

    • Anon1

      The Wikipedia article goes very easy on Donaldson, who (while he may not have been an outright Nazi himself) certainly saw an opportunity to set himself up as a Scottish Quisling in the event of a successful Nazi invasion of Britain.

  • The G5 did it

    It’s too late, she’s going to win. However, look on the bright side, at least this is the end of the Front National.

  • D_Majestic

    Wow-what a god-awful piece. And headed by an advert for the god-awful new Range Rover. Lol.

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