BBC Question Time Corbyn and May 139

Good finish by Corbyn on tuition fees. But overall not a clear win for either, with a peculiarly lacklustre audience. Probably better for May as she exceeded expectations by not positively falling on her arse.

Corbyn finally showing some real passion in responding to a particularly Neanderthal Tory. Dimbleby steps in to undercut him.

Nuclear destruction, IRA, anti-Semitism, Diane Abbott, Brexit – every dull Tory attack line been trotted out. Audience seem half asleep.

Corbyn being helped by some really nasty arrogant Tories being allowed questions on keeping people’s wages down.

Audience Adam thinks that firing a nuclear weapon would preserve his safety. No Adam you would be dust very quickly after that. Without a huge diminution in intelligence evidently.

Dimbleby “I may come back to education and the economy”… but let’s get on to the firing nuclear weapons Tory attack meme. More important obviously.

Corbyn should reference the continual vilification of Diana Abbott as a gross example of racism.

BBC kick off with Corbyn on Brexit followed by coalition with SNP – BBC exactly following Tory attack agenda.

May got out of that without major damage. Unsympathetic and flinty to nurses and slipped into prepared rhetoric on education, but less stilted than usual.

May getting through this OK, aided by the BBC having selected audience critics who are mostly unusually inarticulate.

May told a blatant lie about Diane Abbott wanting to remove terrorists from DNA databases. I don’t think this kind of slur really helps her.

May stuttering and stumbling horribly as she lies about whether her manifesto changed over social care policy

For Theresa May the BBC immediately steer the subject straight on to the Tories’ preferred subject of Brexit.

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139 thoughts on “BBC Question Time Corbyn and May

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  • Republicofscotland

    May attacking Diane Abbot, over the criminal/terrorist database. May also caught out on saying that (as a remainer at the time) the EU makes us more prosperous. Now when asked she claimed a EU exit will make us more prosperous. She doesn’t come across as believable in my opinion.

    • Republicofscotland

      May caught out again over nurse’s 1% pay rise, regardless of inflation, she fell back on the well worn excuse of there’s no magic money tree, unless of course you’re rich.

      • Republicofscotland

        Theresa May caught out again, she’s so anti-EU, she couldn’t even sign the letter with other EU countries over Trump’s Paris Climate exit.

        • Habbabkuk

          China and Canada didn’t associate themselves with the Merkel/Macron/Renzi letter either.

          • Habbabkuk


            Don’t be silly. They could have associated themselves with the German/French/Italian letter.

            BTW, I suspect that letter had less to do with the Paris Agreement than with German/French/Italian peeve at Trump telling Europe it should pay more for its defence.

          • Johnny boy

            Its about trade and posturing. Only the EU countries can afford to do it. Not that it would have helped at all with the psychology of Trump anyway

  • Paris

    Struggling to sit here watching the lies and dissembling, and is it just me or are the entire audience appearing strangely dispassionate?

    • Gill

      It’s not just you. She appears to be being let off the hook repeatedly. Frustrating. The point about keeping public service pay down but giving the rich tax cuts was a great one but she managed to avoid the point entirely.

      • Habbabkuk

        No, she is not being “let off the hook”. There is no point complaining when she manages to answer the question compentently or when the questions as less hostile than you yourself might have wished. Public debates in the UK are not stage-managed, much as some people might wish they were. They are not like the Moscow show trials in the 1930s (for example).

        • Ultraviolet

          What they should be, though, is actual debates, where both party leaders together are asked the same question, each gives an answer, and each has a chance to respond to the other’s answer.

          That would give us a reasonable idea of what each stands for and how well their arguments stack up.

          • Johnny boy

            My complaint is that the questions provided no scrutiny at all, for either candidate. There was acceptance of weak answers from May and no searching questions for Corbyn. It is the media traditional role of course, but they have not fulfilled it in this election and studio audiences can’t can’t take up the slack.

          • Habbabkuk


            I have seen debates in the format you describe in various European countries, latterly the debate between Le Pen and Macron.

            To be honest, their only distinguishing feature is their length; otherwise I should say they provide much heat but very little light. And the Mods usually struggle to keep control.

    • Habbabkuk

      Let us leave the electors to decide, through their votes, whether they really share your view that this is a “bombshell”.

  • Republicofscotland

    Corbyn unbelievable over his answer that he doesnt believe that Britain would be poorer after leaving the EU, a definite weak point in his armoury.

    • Republicofscotland

      I was waiting for the SNP question, Corbyn ruling out deals with the SNP at Westminster, pity.

      • Shatnersrug

        You will have to wait for after the election for that why would he say that – he not going to win your vote is he? Your voting SNP anyway. Of course they’ll work with the snp and I can bet you you’ll get a 2nd referendum from him too, I’ll help campaign for it as will many left wing labour voters we hate the Blairites as much as you do.

        But if the Tories get a majority we’ll all be dead in five years. And *that* is what next Thursday is about.

      • Shatnersrug

        Sorry ROS – totally respect your opinion you e got me all over exited ?

      • Jiusito

        Corbyn is a stickler for the truth, but even he must be allowed to dissemble a little. I don’t doubt for a minute that a minority Labour government would work with the SNP; they just wouldn’t formally make a deal.

      • Shatnersrug

        Yeah I can’t say I think we’ll be poorer if Brexit is done right, hopefully we won’t even notice a difference, I know a lot of Norwegians and they’re very happy with their arrangement – their passport counts as an eu passport, they’re very affluent and still consider themselves a part of the EU community without being stuck with the bits they don’t like

    • Johnny boy

      I think he said we didn’t have to be poorer, depending who did the deal and ran the country.

  • Republicofscotland

    Corbyn unfairly judged on the previous Labour party’s incompetence. Now Corbyn is being attacked over anti-semtism, a cheap shot in my opinion.

    • Republicofscotland

      A Labour paradox, Corbyn wouldn’t press the nuke button, however Labour are committed to renewing Trident.

      Still I admire Corbyn’s stance on not pushing the button. Theresa May got off scot free over Trident, why am I not surprised.

      Dimbelby, having a go over Trident, it’s another cheap shot.

      • Republicofscotland

        Again more cheap shots, aimed at Corbyn, by a audience member, insinuating that he supported Hamas and the IRA.

        Theresa May definitely got an easy ride.

        • Republicofscotland

          Strange that a “young person” should hold Corbyn to account over scrapping uni fees. I’d have thought she being a young person would be all for free higher education..unless?

          • Johnny boy

            One of those Dimbleby had on his list, not suprising, it does seem like a cynical way to buy votes. Standard fare in the US for conservatives to line up afro-americans to bash afro-americans and disabled queers to knock the LGBT community. They think it keeps their hands clean.

        • Shatnersrug

          It’s full of drunk old fat blokes asking questions about ancient history

      • Jiusito

        I loved the fact that the guy who was disappointed Corbyn wouldn’t nuke anyone had an even madder eye than Tony Blair.

        Of course, in the endless rehearsal of groupthink, no one ever mentions that we are not replacing Trident, we are replacing the four submarines that carry it. And we only lease the missiles off the Americans, and could only fire them with US permission.

        Another argument Corbs might have deployed – though he has been well tutored and maybe Seamas thinks this one wouldn’t fly – is this: any prime minister who convinces the rest of the world that they might launch a nuclear strike is in effect convincing the world that they’re psychopathic. And I don’t see how you can expect the world to take seriously your homilies about human rights and democracy and the sanctity of life when all the while you’re insisting you’re a psychopath.

        • Shatnersrug

          We will never get rid of this problem unless we deal with our establishment once and for all, the anglo-american rule of large parts of the world needs to come to an end before it ends us all. I just don’t know how.

  • Rob

    Hi can u ask may and jem about spare. Room tax are thay going scrap it please ask from rob thank u

    • defo

      & whilst your at it, can you ask how Scotland, on a fixed budget/pocket money can mitigate for it ?

      • Shatnersrug

        Scrapping The bedroom tax is a key labour policy, so is a new and invigorated welfare state, and between me and you the likelihood of a basic income for all is also like likely.

        • defo

          Basic income seems to be the solution for our rapidly changing world.
          Capitalism gets to continue, satisfying a human need, and nobody gets left behind. Win win

          • Shatnersrug

            Do you read richard Murphys blog he really is excellent, and he explains very clearly how money should work, really like a points system

          • defo

            Bookmarked for reading Bill (I like familiar nomenclature, but Shat just seems wrong, some how) Ta.
            He pops up a lot on Wings twittery thing.

          • Shatnersrug

            You should read about Henry greorge if you haven’t. Neoliberalism is a scam to indenture us into a rent trap, George knew it Murphy knows it and chris Hudson knows it we should all understand that the neoliberal trick is designed to inflate land price and have us work it for free. That’s why May wants a dementia tax – to take back all the land that has been sold everyone should know the trick that has been pulled on them and Jeremy ought to make it his first mission to explain it.

  • Joan Coverley

    I am watching too. Jeremy Corbyn is handling things fluently I would say. There are always going to be people who disagree with him, especially about nuclear defence, but he is handling questions, especially about the economy and jobs really well. Interesting that Theresa May is now making it about Diane Abbott. Means she knows that many people prefer Corbyn to her.

  • ben

    Craig, watch this again after the Whisky has worn off, 😉
    i thought May did terribly. I thought the audience savaged her and had some beautiful David & Goliath moments.. “You’re the Prime Minister and you don’t know if we’re sending money to the North Korean regime?!” was just one..
    she totally failed to say anything of substance to any of the questions, she dodged but it was too obvious, she looked sooo uncomfortable. Corbyn stumbled a couple times but generally hit every one out of the park, i thought..
    oh fuck is my Corbynista fog thickening?

    • craig Post author

      Sadly stone cold sober today. I think May exceeded (very low) expectations. She made some attempt to respond to the actual questions asked, which is a first. We did not agree with her because we are left wing, but the fact we did not agree with her does not make it a bad performance. Corbyn was not on top form, possibly restraining himself overly in not getting tetchy with such a bunch of Neanderthals in the audience.

      • Johnny boy

        Agreed unfortunately. The audience suffered her answers horribly passively. Some of them seemed half asleep, only waking up with slightly glazed eyes when Corbyn came in the room.

        Corbyn seems to rise to the occaision, give him an intelligent audience and he’ll thrive. The real questions, like the small businessman he answers well. I do wonder how he’d actually do in debate with May, he could just not find his spark and suffer from the drowsing fog that seems to surround May.

      • Ultraviolet

        I watched the programme this morning, without first looking at commentary as I wanted to form a view for myself first.

        I thought May performed slightly better than the low expectations we have come to anticipate, as you say. But I do not agree that she answered questions. She had vacuous platitudes and cliches, with a few slurs against Corbyn and Abbott thrown in. I came out of her session none the wiser as to what specifically she intends to do – on anything. And her response to the nurse was stone cold.

        With Corbyn, in response to every question, he came out with specific concrete proposals as to what he intends to do, and a clear explanation as to why he thinks his approach is in the best interests of the country. He had his weak moments. His answer on the IRA still doesn’t wash with a broad audience, even though many of us are bored with the Tories raking up ancient history. And I didn’t think he answered the last question particularly well, as to why he has prioritised scrapping tuition fees above other issues. He explained well why he is scrapping tuition fees, but not why he has done this ahead of other possible uses for the available money.

        But overall, it was the performance of someone who knows what he wants to do, knows why he wants to do it, and is happy to argue his case with people who disagree with him; ie a leader.

        Most importantly, the reason why he wants to do it is because he genuinely believes it is in the best interests of ordinary people, not because it will make him and his backers richer.

    • Shatnersrug

      I think he’s too nice to these old fucks that want to fry us all in a nuclear winter – he should take them apart by giving a full history and run down MAD and the effects of a 400 megaton nuclear bomb on there grandchildren.

      These people are drunken imbeciles.

      • Johnny boy

        The woman afterwards who said that the room was strangely keen on killing millions of people kinda nailed it and got the best response. Corbyn was too polite/aware of potential headlines/ aware that those arguments aren’t going to be won anyway.

        He got through the IRA question in record time this evening, I’m going to get a stopwatch for that “question”.

        • Jo

          Yes Johnny. I was relieved to hear that young lady call out those who had such enthusiasm for nuking others.

      • Habbabkuk


        “I think he’s too nice to these old fucks that want to fry us all in a nuclear winter”

        A slight misrepresentation, surely. I don’t know of many British people – whether old or young, fucks or non-fucks – who wish to die in a nuclear war.

        It is however true that the age of the audience seemed to be fairly close to the age of most of the commenters in CM. That is, middle-aged or older.

  • defo

    A question to May on her plans to implement the recommendations of the Naylor report would have been nice.

    • Xavi

      Defo, defo. The questions to May from the audience were weak and gave her a free ride. Don’t know why JC didn’t take the opportunity to bring millions of viewers’ attention to the Tories’ scandalous intentions re the NHS. Disappointing.

      • defo

        More and more of us are wide to the BBC shenanigans Xavi, and with them cutting of their noses, iplayer wise, to spite their greedy fat white faces, we can only grow. Their days as state propagandiser are numbered. As the ill informed older generations shuffle off, to be replaced with savvy, internet enabled young, this becomes a certainty.
        Even their trusty, crusty MI5 vetted presenters don’t have much life left in them. Yes, I mean you Dimbleby & Paxo. Recent televisual evidence shows that the dementia tax might hit home for these rotten old farts sooner than even we might hope.

        • Xavi

          Hope so, sadly the pattern has been for the bias to get more and more outrageous. Some of the younger ones coming through are worse than Paxnan and Dimbleby.

  • Clydebuilt

    Think Corbyn won hands down. His demeanour was relaxed, confident and controlled. May looks so I’ll at ease, out of place with “normal” people, and lied several times

    • Jo

      Agree. I have never seen TM look relaxed ever. She seems to be constantly tense. She clearly hates engaging. It comes over even in her voice that she is not comfortable and in her facial expressions too, so much that she even struggles to smile! Just listening to a defender of hers on Dateline London claim that she’s “just shy”! How on earth can anyone use such a defence to justify May’s reluctance to engage when she’s running for PM? A person who is “too shy” to engage openly shouldn’t be in the race!

      • Clydebuilt

        May used to be the Tories regular choice for Question a Time. Didn’t seem backward or shy then.
        I think she’s reluctant to face up to scrutiny on the effects her policies are having on people having to rely on benefits.

  • Rob M

    The BBC and David Dimbleby should be thoroughly ashamed of that. It was finger-on-the-scales from the first minute, the whole debate was on Tory campaign ground, and the “reaction” room is just allowing Tory cabinet members to talk over the Labour representative. Corbyn did a reasonably good job, but Dimbleby should be force-fed his statements from the other day about how shabbily the media have treated the Labour leader.

  • Republicofscotland

    As expected the BBC’s news channel are like a dog with a bone over Corbyn’s response to pushing the nuke button. We al know what the Tory press headlines will be in the morning.

    • Ultraviolet

      I am far from convinced that that is a bad thing for Corbyn. In the country at large, I suspect the numbers sharing the views of the young lady at the end vastly exceed the numbers who want us all to fry in a nuclear holocaust.

  • Not TM

    As a result, Judge Barry Cotter, QC, made the extremely rare ruling that the Home Secretary was in contempt of court.

    He said there has been the “most regrettable and unacceptable behaviour” of the Secretary of State leading to an “intentional breach” of her previous undertaking….

    Theresa May has been accused of “unacceptable and regrettable behaviour” by a judge as she became only the second Home Secretary in history to be found guilty of contempt of court.

  • shugsrug

    Whatever you may think Corbyn won that argument. He was assured, compared to May. He was comfortable with the audience compared to May. On difficult questions he was sincere, compared to May. He has policies that serve the U.K well. And following two years of being abused by MSM and some in his own party, to come out with his head held high is a measure of the man.

  • Jessica

    I was reassured by Corbyn’s performance . I would certainly feel comfortable with him as prime minister .

  • Johnny boy

    The audience seemed half asleep for May and asked the most insipid useless questions.

    Why does nobody point out that the EU negotiators will be well aware of the consequences of the UK walking out without a deal and also have at least a good a briefing of our economic interests as we will. Its not like we could try EU in an alternative universe in hope of a better deal or lift the anchor and steam away and find new neighbours. There is an assumption that the EU negotiators will be thick, possibly because they don’t speak english (although they do).

  • Bob

    Craig, Not sure why you say that attacking Corbyns support for Diane Abbott is racism. His support of her, and his promotion of her to shadow Home Secretary, is suggestive of his inability to select and lead. She is a disaster and if in saying that, I and others get attacked as racists how can we ever debate the ability and suitability of anyone who isn’t a white male. As a junior civil servant I met Abbott on a number of occasions in her role as a constituency MP, and she was one of the worst I have ever had dealings with. I have not been at all surprised at her lack of mastery of detail in her brief in recent weeks nad JC should never have promoted her and exposed to this level of public scrutiny. It shows poor judgement.

    • Bobm

      JC was up a gum-tree [not to be confused with a money-tree] when he appointed Abbott.
      Should he get a shot at government I would be v surprised to see DA appointed Home Secretary.
      The longer this has run, the less stupid JC has appeared.

    • Johnny boy

      Perhaps he trusts her judgement, she may not be the great at mastering a brief for dealing with media but surely that’s only a fraction of the job, and not actually that important compared to the decisions a home secretary makes. You may have experience that gives you informed ground for your judgement, but you can’t say the same for most. I wouldn’t rule out misogyny as well.

      • Shatnersrug

        I live on the border between Hackney and islington Diane and Jeremy have been excellent constituency MPs my whole adult life, they’re also approachable interesting, highly experienced and and worth 50 of those idiot PPE-er they sit next too.

        Diane has stood by JC all the way through this and every speech she’s given has been excellent – the media create a Diane abbot that has little to do with the person I’ve met. She’d have your back and that’s worth a thousand soundbites.

  • Macky

    In response to the moronic question being pressed by Dimblebly of “Would you press the button for a second strike”, all JC needed to say, in that dreadful event, what possible good would that do ? All it would do is substantially reduce any possible chance that Life on our planet might survive a nuclear exchange,

    This exposes the fraud/flaw of the Mutually Assured.Destruction Doctrine, because in the actual eventuality, absolutely nobody of sound rational mind would also wish to destroy all Life on our planet; this is the exact misanthropic nihilism we condemn in deranged fanatics & suicide bombers, yet we wants leaders prepared to act exactly like them ??!!

    • Johnny boy

      The party is committed to Trident and its totally useless without someone to press it so he’s bound by his party’s decision. Its a rather childish game he has to play but it lets him talk about diplomacy and foreign policy where he considered weak.

      • Macky

        Trident is totally useless regardless; nuclear weapons are part of the corrupt MIC, a total con & rip-off, and is supported only by vested interests and deranged nihilists; Corbyn, on Trident, is more on the right & sane side of history than the party he officially represents.

        • Brianfujisan

          Macky –

          the moronic question being pressed by Dimblebly of “Would you press the button for a second strike”,

          Thing is.. There would be no Second Strike..Cos there would be NO FASLANE.. They most likely Know where the Subs are..and certainly will if Trident is launched From one. The US might not allow a second strike.. Keep it in Europe…a uk strike is a us strike.. Then it’s curtains for the U.S..AND THE REST OF US..

          Heading to the BIG independence march in Glasgow ..first stop the Sottish CND stall

          We expect 9.000 ..:)

          • Ishmael

            Ok, How does Scotland leaving help any of this? Or is it just not in my back yard? Because you know that wouldn’t change much.

            Because if I thought it was an overall good idea id support it. So far now I’m looking more seriously at things I’m seeing a lot of ideological stuff (like brexit) and not much more.

    • Ishmael

      I do despair at the at the clear insane nut jobs this country spits out. And there are so fucking any of em, leaders follows alike.

      “absolutely nobody of sound rational mind” Welcome to one of the leading terrorist counties on earth.

  • Malcolm Reavell

    “There is no magic money tree” is also a blatant lie from May because there is. It’s called the Bank of England. It doesn’t grow money, it keystrokes it into existence. The government can spend it on anything for sale in the U.K. – guns, bombs, NHS, welfare, bailing out banks . . . And the country can never go broke or run out of £££. Anyone voting Tory thinking that taxes fund government spending is being grossly deceived.

  • Frazer

    May on Nuclear..interesting, but if the shit hit the fan and she had to launch…she would need to call Trump to obtain her access codes !!

    • Shatnersrug

      This is why this whole thing is ridiculous and Jeremy is being far to guarded about it. He should say “look at Theresa – if you vote for her she’ll press the button. If you vote for me I’ll do my damnedest to make sure there will never again be a button.

      The only people that want to fry children are going to vote Tory or Ukip, normal people of my age – mid 40s – are asking why the hell we are still having this fucking debate.

      • J

        Maybe it’s as simple as the open chequebook to Lockheed Martin and their reach into our media through that chequebook.

        • Shatnersrug

          Well yes, but that’s not my point. I think this nuclear button question that the Tories have concocted is a bit daft, it only really appeals to people who will vote Tory anyway.

          when it all kicked off about tident it was being sold as a jobs and industry security etc – there were nuanced arguments for and against (all for are rubbish in my opinion but there) now it’s been dumbed down to “would you kill us all” stupid and very unbritish too. Daft and American.

          Well most mild mannered British people aren’t like that. So I can’t see this line of attack doing anything to lower Corbyn’s numbers.

    • J

      I did point out some weeks ago that Guardian were adjusting their rhetoric on Corbyn and that this was very likely significant, given their last few years of character assassination. That they appeared to be laying the groundwork for a reversal suggested something beyond what they were reporting. Earlier today I noted that there hadn’t been a single Guardian editorial in favour of Corbyn since he became Labour leader. Grudgingly they give it,but tellingly, so late. In light of all that, I would argue that this is even more significant.

      Corbyn might be well advised to keep these fair weather friends at arms length while taking heart from their change of tone.

      • Ba'al Zevul

        They want to be on the right side when the Blairites mount their coup after the election. Whether Labour loses badly and Progress entryists take over, or Labour nearly or completely wins, in which case the Smileyfaced Tory Party ™ will be formed, and the Graun’s LibDem chums will ally themselves with it. There’s a mistaken impression that the Graun is a traditionally socialist paper: it isn’t.

    • Shatnersrug

      Does anyone care enough about the guardian anymore? They’ve really pissed on their chips tbh

      • laguerre

        Is there any other major paper which is actually better than the Guardian? There’s no point in moaning about the Guardian if the rest are still worse.

          • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

            FT,the only paper with two commentators , on economics and international matters, currently at the Bilderberg meeting in Washington. So their views come straight from the horse’s a**e.

        • Shatnersrug

          Not sure I follow the logic there Laguerre. I stopped reading all newspapers I seem to find out what’s going on just fine without any of them, through the election the ive been sent some Indy articles that were ok-ish the comment sections are a hoot. Can’t read the guardian it republishes to many unfiltered Democratic Party press releases

        • Ultraviolet

          The Independent is better than the Guardian. Also Huffpo. Not by much, but there is more balance in the articles, both individually and in terms of the spread of views across the articles.

      • Jo

        Absolutely. I think many will have read that Guardian ed today and felt disgusted to see that while it endorsed Corbyn there was still an air of discomfort there. The paper’s many writers have been tearing him to shreds, not least the vicious Toynbee, for nearly two years and roaring on the so-called”moderates” even if it meant destroying the Party.

    • Stu

      Much the Sun in Scotland supporting the SNP they don’t really have much choice.

      If they came out for the Tories or Farron they would be finished as a newspaper. There is also the fact as I saw a few excellent BTL comments arguing that Owen Jones, George Monbiot, Gary Younge, Elle May Hagen, John Harris, Rhiannon Lucy Coslett and others like them are more likely to encourage people to donate/subscribe to the website than Jonathon Freedland and Matthew D’Ancona.

  • Jo Daukintis

    Thought he handled the nuclear barrage quite well without actually saying he wouldn’t press the button. Thought the girl who made the comment about how worrying it was that people were so keen to kill millions was spot on!!! Totally agree about the inarticulate audience btw.

    • jake

      Think just how intelligent the average person is… then just remember half the folk are stupider than that.

  • Wren

    Can’t believe Corbyn’s still stuttering a bit on Trident renewal. It’s not too difficult to defend.
    It’s not independent and it’s not a deterrent.
    “To spend all your money on a weapon for a war that won’t happen is like spending all your money on insurance against alien abduction and then neglecting to insure yourself against fire and theft” Peter Hitchens

  • Kat

    The worst bit of all was how little compassion and caring she showed towards the young woman telling her about the awful experience she had with the work capability assessment. This young woman is disabled and has mental health problems and May couldn’t even change her facial expression sufficiently to show a fragment of human compassion. I guess they don’t call her Maybot for nothing, after tonight I doubt she even has a soul.

  • Daniel

    No Naylor Report/NHS privatization which I’m surprised nobody ever seems to mention.
    As with Thursday’s QT, Dimbleby conveniently steers Tories to Brexit.
    No mention of 30,000 excess deaths due to Tory cuts
    No mention of how Tories have doubled national debt after Crosby’s latest “money tree” buzzword.
    Nuclear war fetishists blather on and even get to return to their pet subject.
    As usual, May given a relatively easy ride with fewer topics covered.

  • Phil

    First; Calls to condemn the IRA for killing innocent civilians


    Second. Heckle the guy who won’t commit to using a nuclear weapon that will kill millions of civilians followed by the destruction of the entire planet.

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