Detente Bad, Cold War Good 1634

The entire “liberal” media and political establishment of the Western world reveals its militarist, authoritarian soul today with the screaming and hysterical attacks on the very prospect of detente with Russia. Peace apparently is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, with quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the military industrial complex and hundreds of thousands dying in proxy wars, is apparently the “liberal” stance.

Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.

It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services.

This is especially true on “Russia hacking the election” when, after three years of crazed accusations and millions of man hours by lawyers and CIA and FBI investigators, they are yet to produce any substantive evidence of accusations which are plainly nuts in the first place. This ridiculous circus has found a few facebook ads and indicted one Russian for every 100,000 man hours worked, for unspecified or minor actions which had no possible bearing on the election result.

There are in fact genuine acts of election rigging to investigate. In particular, the multiple actions of the DNC and Democratic Party establishment to rig the Primary against Bernie Sanders do have some very real documentary evidence to substantiate them, and that evidence is even public. Yet those real acts of election rigging are ignored and instead the huge investigation is focused on catching those who revealed Hillary’s election rigging. This gets even more absurd – the investigation then quite deliberately does not focus on catching whoever leaked Hillary’s election rigging, but instead seeks to prove that the Russians hacked Hillary’s election-rigging, which I can assure you they did not. Meanwhile, those of us who might help them with the truth if they were actually interested, are not questioned at all.

The Russophobic witch hunt has its first real life victim in 29 year old Maria Butina, whose life is to be destroyed for chatting up members of the NRA in order to increase Russian influence. With over 20 years of diplomatic experience, I can tell you that every country, including the UK and US, has bit part players of its own nationals who self-start in a country to make their way, and if they gain any traction are tapped by their national security service as potential “agents of influence”. I could name quite literally scores of such people, but have no desire to get anyone in trouble. The elevation of Butina into a huge threat and part of a gigantic plot, is to ignore the way the United States and the United Kingdom and indeed all major governments’ Embassies behave around the globe.

The war-hawks who were devastated by the loss of champion killer Hillary now see the prospect of their very worst fear coming true. Their very worst fear is the outbreak of peace and international treaties of arms control. Hence the media and political establishment today has reached peaks of hysteria never before seen. Pursuing peace is “treason” and the faux left now stand starkly exposed.

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1,634 thoughts on “Detente Bad, Cold War Good

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    • Norfolk Eagle

      Verbalisation, mentioned in the above article, is run by ex military from Whitehall and numbers the F&CO, DoD, US State Dept. and Israeli Embassy among its clients.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    All now in the open for all to see.

    I watch CNN and surf just about everywhere for international news on world affairs ( ‘news junky’) and then I make up my mind about things going on the political spheres all around the globe.

    With that in mind then here is what happened yesterday:-

    I) I am out of my office and go by the hotel and take up my usual spot by the TV next to the lobby.
    ii) I tune in to CNN.
    iii) Then I switch to Fox news and watch an interview with Putin on the summit.
    iv) Switch back to CNN.
    v) There I see their anchor – Wolff Blitzer ( not sure I am spelling his name correctly). Anyway I am watching and listening as he interviews Senator Ran Paul ( is that the way his name is spelt?).
    vi) I am really surprised by the way Blitzer kept interrupting Paul and then tries to interject a lot of his own ideas and dominate the interview; Paul stands up to him and continues to make his points.
    vii) All that Craig Murray has posted here is borne out by the line that Blitzer was pushing; Paul to the contrary was making the quite sensible case for the need to discuss with and maintain channels of communication with the next really large nuclear armed power in the world – Russia. To me Paul was making a lot of sense and was being very rational. He was not pushing a party line and he was focused on the real dangers of any war breaking out between these two major powers.

    So – I ask – what’s wrong with peace?

    My girlfriend is flying in on Sunday coming to spend a week with me – and indeed I am seeking a peaceful time (chuckle).

    If the whole world had peace and we got rid of most of these nuclear weapons – wouldn’t that be a good and great thing?

    I am just a mere defence lawyer – so I do not have all that power – nor – do I possess the ‘sophisticated mind-set’ of the great politicians in Washington or London; not a scrap of sense like the intelligence operatives in the CIA – MI6 etc. But – despite all my intellectual failings – may I ask just one simple question:-


    • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

      @Courtenay B
      I was gobsmacked by the attitude of Wolf Blitzer in that interview with/hectoring with Rand(as in Ayn?) Paul. At least we should be grateful that they put him on. I don’t think British tv have had either father or son live.
      The attitude seemed that of a Stalin show trial or the Witchfinder General ; I never expected treason to become a charge again in the 21st century(although as my MP remarked when i asked a question on capital punishmen”We still hang people for treason”. Along with the Facebook ‘treason’ tag now current, it looks like we’ve all booked our places in the Gulag.
      I thought Rand Paul responded very soberly and prudently to the harangue, while also noting that 80% in his district voted for Trump, but the Scots -Irish Clappitts and folksingers collected by Cecil Sharpe are of course deplorables ,unworthy of a glace when flying over.

      • Courtenay Barnett

        Kerch’ee Kerch’ee Coup – as time marches on it seems to me that these so-called “liberal” talking- heads in the MSM are voices without historical recall.

        Just a quickie – for I really chuckle to hear the sanctimonious tone of “They meddled in our election”. Well – which country in the world has done the greatest meddling and killing and bombing and regime changes post World War 11?

        A quick calculation gets me to about 80 countries’ internal affairs intervened in post World War 11 by the US – while the former Soviet Union comes up in the 30s.

        Well – who cares about facts; history; actual events and evidence of political processes – surely not the folks on CNN.

  • quasi_verbatim

    Who would want to Novichok sweet Yulia? Is she perhaps one of Craig’s “agents of influence”? She doesn’t strike me as femme fatale but you never can tell.

    Chanel or Estee Lauder, spray it or splash it, we need to know.

    As Putin asks: “Where’s the bottle?”.

  • Craig

    The world is going to hell in a handbasket…Not one world leader (that l know of) has spoken out about the genocide being perpetrated on the Palestinian people…their land is illegally occupied by Israel and anyone who speaks out about Israeli actions is called an anti-semite…The UN do nothing while thousands of innocent palestinians are slaughtered by Israeli bombs and bullets…It’s high time something was done and sanctions were imposed on Israel to get them to stop these war crimes…discuss

    • Courtenay Barnett

      Sanctions on Israel – most unlikely.

      Israel with the US lobby is busy putting laws in place to make it imprisonable ( if possible) to effect a boycott on Israeli goods.

      With the powers that be having covered Bush and Blair against war crimes – what chance that the same powers will seek to do anything to bring justice to the Palestinian people.

      Bob Marley sang – “total destruction – the only solution” – well at least the destruction of Palestine has proceeded at a rapid pace so far…

      • Tony_0pmoc

        Courtenay Barnett,

        I have always been a big fan of Bob Marley, and his death at the very early age of 36, from skin cancer that started in his toe, is very probably true. I do not believe the conspiracy theory, that the CIA killed him, with a dodgy pair of boots. Whilst the CIA at the time, most definitely assassinated many such people, they almost always used very similar techniques, involving blowing people’s brains out with guns using some brainwashed patsy, or one of their own hitmen.

        I was very sad when Bob Marley died, and devastated when the CIA killed The Kennedys and John Lennon amongst many others.

        However, I think Bob Marley’s death was probably natural. Lots of people do get cancer and die young. But I could be wrong.

        We could do with someone like Bob Marley now.

        “Bob Marley – Exodus: Boston Music Hall 06/08/78”


    • Ishmael

      “world leaders’?

      Most have been blaggers, working for their class interest against their minion workers. At best they CANT have much moral centre in such organisation of social relations as we have inherited, democracy actually implies the absence of such positions of inequality.

      I ask myself how anyone thinks “world leaders” can be good, progressive etc. They play the field…This is simply not a good way to organise humans to act in a way that CAN be positive.

      We (the people) have to show the way. We have always shown the way. + Many are through actions and it’s pushing into the “political realm” Or electoral politics.

      It’s no shock the reactionary right have got to the plate first, it’s what they do after all. While others with some actual ideas about things take time to develop. + Growth takes self reflection, considering facts on the ground, new thinking for new circumstances etc. Generally bullies & con men don’t venture into any of this territory.

      There is a notion that there is no such thing as a left wing government, i like it, but i wonder more if it’s that we make space for more progressive politics, rather than them “making space for the left” in the traditional formulation.

      I really don’t think “leaders” matter much.

  • Republicofscotland

    Yip American politics heavily influenced by its US based global corporations, especially arms wants anything but peace, heaven forbid.

    As the Trumpster claims that Russia isn’t the real enemy in not so many words, the US media and it’s paid for lickspittle politicians scream out the opposite. Though the Trumpian leader is surrounding himself with military influences, he’s still to kick start his very own trademark war, an unwritten obligatory rule for a modern day POTUS it seems.

    It is all too obvious in today’s world that the truth doesn’t matter, only who can shout the loudest. It’s also very obvious, that the people who know the right and truth of certain events should never ever be consulted or god forbid given airtime.

    The post Iraq illegal invasion, has led us to times where innuendo and accusation without evidence, is, a almost normal state of affairs, which if not halted will lead to more unjust wars and sadly to the deaths of innocent people.

  • MichaelK

    Trump isn’t really a politician. He’s had to learn a lot very fast. The fact that a person like him could defeat both the Republican and the Democratic parties Establishments and become President of the United States, reveals a lot about how much tens of millions of ordinary Americans hate and despise the ruling, political class in Washington which includes the leadership of both factions, sorry, parties, and their media guardians.

    That a few thousand people run the United States, regardless of what the people think or want, is a strange kind of ‘democracy.’ A form of Salem-like mass hysteria has gripped the media and political elite and their hatred of Trump is off the scale, merely because, as a businessman he doesn’t see the profit in going to war with Russia over Crimea. Probably he’d rather build hotels and casinos there. Where’s the profit in turning Russia into Iraq or Libya?

    It’s the deluded and dangerous self-righteous moralizing and virtues of the fake left and phony liberals that really annoys me. They seem to believe that their ‘promised land’ exists somewhere beyond the next river of blood they want us to wade into and all in the name of ‘humanitarianism.’ Fuck off! Give me a break!

    • MJ

      “Where’s the profit in turning Russia into Iraq or Libya?”

      Siberia. The world’s largest wilderness, with all those minerals and greatly coveted by global interest groups.

    • Garth Carthy

      Well said, Michael.
      Trump may be an appalling President, but the “Democratic” Party are a sick joke (like the Blairite government was in the UK).
      A political party like the “Democrats” is nothing less than a hypocritical cesspit of corruption when they can sabotage Bernie Sanders (who is hardly a dangerous radical) in the Primaries in order to help Clinton’s attempt for the Presidency.

    • reel guid

      Hi again Ros

      Yes, Scotland is being taken out the EU and having our parliament disabled by way of two extremely tainted votes in 2014 and 2016. Plus no veto for Scotland over Brexit. Thereby showing the union to be disregarded completely by Westminster. Then we had the illegal Vow in 2014 that totally breached electoral rules. A Vow now disowned by the editor of the paper it appeared in. Any rulings or pronouncements by any Westminster government or the UK Supreme Court or whoever that try to invalidate Scotland’s status as a nation is itself invalid.

      • Republicofscotland

        Hey reel guid, nice to hear from you again, yes the insanity surrounding the Westminster asylum just keeps growing.

        On the conclusion of Brexit, if there is such a thing, we must hold indyref 2 and win, or we too will go down with HMS Brexitania.

  • Vivian O'Blivion

    Reports from American MSM with claimed sources within the White House that staff are frustrated with Trump’s inability to come out and make a clear differentiation between collusion and meddling. While he can legitimately claim no collusion with Putin, he is going further in denying Russian meddling. The theorising being that his all important ego will not allow the slight that his electoral victory can be in any way tarnished.

    Mueller needs to prove collusion to seriously damage Trump. As frustrating and hypocritical as it is, America has laws prohibiting unregistered foreign entities from engaging in their elections. Therefore if Mueller can prove a link between any indicted parties in the St Petersburg troll farm or the Moscow, GRU office and an American citizen, he has collusion. It matters not a jot that he hasn’t interviewed any of the indicted Russians and probably never will.
    So Mueller has four lines of attack regarding collusion.
    The St Petersburg troll farm using social media to propagate social discord.
    The “hack” of the DNC server by the GRU and the passing of this information to Wiki.
    The meeting in Trump Tower between Don Jnr. et al.
    The approach to Popadopoulos.

    If Trump’s ego would allow him to admit the St Petersburg troll farm operation existed, that issue would go away. Mueller has so far not been able to link anyone in the Trump campaign with St Petersburg, so this is just Deep state, Russian bashing to keep the tension ramped up.

    The “hack” of the DNC server has been proven by Ray MacGovern and Bill Binney to be pure fabrication. The interesting aspect is that Mueller has engineered the investigation to bypass any in-house, technical assessment of the server and has allegedly excluded the Defences Intelligence Agency from the investigation (the DIA being the resident experts on the GRU).

    The Trump Tower meeting really is an odd one. At this stage, the Secret Service were controlling access to the floor where the meeting took place. Identities were checked and records kept. Don Jnr., Kushner and Manafort were dumb enough to agree to a meeting in these circumstances but WTF was the Russian Ambassador thinking? In any sane world you don’t conduct shady business (collusion) with the Secret Service taking notes. If Mueller got anything actionable out of Michael Flynn’s cooperation something would have happened by now. Manafort was acting in the interest of Manafort, nothing to link Don Snr. to collusion. Michael Cohen could conceivably have plenty of dirt linking Trump the private citizen to the Russian mob (maybe even Semion Mogilevich) but that doesn’t prove collusion with the Kremlin in the election cycle.

    The Popadopoulos thread is the oddest of all. Someone (Mifsud) was claiming to be able to supply dirt on Clinton, that dirt being in the hands of the Russians. This is where the details are critical. Mifsud first met Popadopoulos on the 14th March 2016, no mention of dirt on Clinton or Russians, just an introductory or “handshake” meeting. On the 14th March, Popadopoulos had just left the employ of Team Carson. His recruitment to Team Trump was not announced ’till 21st March. Whoever put Mifsud onto Popadopoulos was very, very quick on their feet.
    And where is Mifsud? Unreachable since late 2017.
    Looks to me like Mifsud is a British asset. I would guess that the plan was to have a ready made, “Russian collusion”, insurance policy in place in the unlikely event that Trump won. Having said that, I didn’t pay any attention to the debates between Trump and Clinton and I am told that Clinton tried repeatedly to infer that Trump was in the pocket of Putin. I guess that Clinton’s mud slinging didn’t work ’cause private citizen Trump was already so thoroughly caked in shit that naeb’dy noticed.

    • Rhys Jaggar

      The real wuestion all the idiots in the US must be asked is this: ‘when the US Deep State is sabre rattling to the extent of calling for nuclear strikes on Russia, do you seriously expect Russia to sit by and say: ‘Ok, take our whole nation from us, enslave our children’?

      Of course Russia was going to respond, just as the US would respond if a credible threat of nuclear strike existed.

      What is actually required is 10,000+ deaths in the US mainstream to teach them that threatening nuclear Armageddon carries consequences…..

  • Tatyana

    Alexander Kurennoy from Russian prosecurion office said, they want to interrogate NSA, CIA, State Department and MI6 employees, regarding Mr.Browder’s case. He said, that persons of interest are:
    Todd Hayman
    Svetlana Engert
    Alexander Shwartzman
    Jim Rote
    Robert Otto
    David Kramer
    Johnatan Viener
    Kyle Parker
    Michael McFaul
    Brothers Ziff
    Christofer Steel
    I may spell the names wrong, this news in russian

  • J.B.

    Here is some sensible commentary:

    The only relevant issue facing us all is – how do we change the status quo; how do we ensure that honest, competent, responsible people dedicated to the common good are elected to decision-making positions so that constructive and wise policies are implemented in domestic and international affairs.

    The depth of the social-pathology is on display daily, including in the reactions to the Helsinki meeting. We either change course, radically, or we are in for a big, fatal crash.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Craig, the authorities are not questioning you about the truth, as you claim they were leaks which sound like they came from murdered Seth Rich.

    • Sean Lamb

      Just a brief precis of where I think this is at.

      I think it revolves around the agreement Donna Brazile revealed that Hillary Clinton had signed injecting cash into the DNC in return for control.

      “Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. ”

      Seth Rich had been given a copy of the NGPVAN archive (google it) and discovered the agreement inside it and was in communications with Assange about publication. FBI or NSA or UK or Ecuadorean intelligence (one or all of them) intercepted these communications.

      On July 5th, USA counter-intelligence swiped the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop via USB booting of Linux to override his password protection. They locate the NGPVAN archive and Clinton-DNC agreement. July 8 (or was it 10th?) Seth Rich is killed.

      FBI pass the NGPVAN archive -minus all the good stuff (such as the Clinton-DNC agreement) to Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 then hijacks the previous Seth Rich-Assange negotiations. This when we get the Wikileak quotes in the Mueller indictment about material re Clinton-Sanders being interesting especially with the DNC conference approaching..

      End of July, Guccifer 2.0 passes a link to his version of the NGP-VAN archive to Wikileaks. Wikileaks search it, can’t find the documents Seth Rich was talking about. Wikileaks begin to suspect they have been duped and don’t publish any documents from the archive, perhaps fearing forgeries.

      Mid August – Assange goes on Dutch TV and makes his statement about “our sources take risks” and offers a reward for information concerning the murder of Seth Rich.

      September – Guccifer 2.0 reveals the NGP-VAN archive – minus the good stuff and perhaps any tainted documents that had been put in to trap Wikileaks

    • Maywood

      Yes, they were leaks. But hasn’t Julian Assange already clearly stated that they didn’t come from Seth Rich?

      • Tony_0pmoc

        Maywood, I think you are mistaken.

        Do you work for The BBC? Have the BBC broadcast this TV interview?

        That’s a great inversion of the truth. Haven’t you seen the nod in the video at just after 1 minute?

        Interviewer “Was Seth Rich One of Your Sources?”

        Assange – very subtle nod – but it was a nod, which mean “yes”.

        “Julian Assange on Seth Rich”


  • Blair Paterson

    Talk about interfering in elections most of the presenters on l.b.c. Have been doing it for the last 2years they just will not accept the democratic vote of the people one in particular every day is going on about brexit and Trump I now switch off at 10am until 1pm I think the man is deranged and as for breaking election rules what about Cameron Clegg and Milliband breaking purdah rules with their Vow??? And I still not heard about the result of the police enquirer into Ruth Davidson telling us on air the results of the Scottish postal votes Before they were counted ???

  • OAH

    Julian Assange’s refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy is under threat. The President of Ecuador is due for a state visit to the UK in the next month or so and talks have been underway on how to deal withthe ‘problem’. The former President Correa who gave JA asylum is himself threatened with extradition from Belgium. Time for Australia to grow a pair and stand up to the global hegemon and rogue state and it’s UK vassal.

    • Robyn

      Australia hasn’t had a pair for a very long time. Regardless of which party is in power, Australian governments take their marching orders direct from Washington. I wrote to my MP about Julian and didn’t even get an acknowledgement.

  • mike e

    I’m noticing that on this board the received wisdom seems to be that Trump is an idiot. This is despite the fact that he won the election, spending less than half the dollars per vote than Clinton did, despite almost the entirety of the media and his own party being against him.

    Maybe he’s just lucky?

    Has anyone else seen the scene in that game of thrones episode where Tywin Lannister is fishing and has a conversation with Maester Pycelle?

  • Mark Russell

    Paragraph 2 notes:

    “Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.”

    Would it not be more accurate to state that”

    “Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies following 9/11 to justify that destruction.”?

  • N_

    What many people don’t appreciate is that if there is a third referendum on Brexit (after the ones in 1975 and 2016), the result will be likely to be the most xenophobic option available, i.e. it will be full WTO (aka “a hard-on Brexit”) rather than a “soft” (aka “flaccid”) Brexit, and the sane option (which is “stay in the EU”) will lose.

    I support Britain remaining in the EU (and joining the eurozone too), and I would also support a third referendum with Remain as an option. I’m just saying what I think (unfortunately) the result would be likely to be. Others who have studied crowd psychology will probably agree.

    Those who argue that many voters in referendums like to stick two fingers up at the government are right, and many will feel that the way to do this is to vote for a “go the whole hog” “bash the wogs” Brexit.

    • Billy

      Regardless of a soft brexit or hard whats going to happen after when all the people who voted leave find that nothing changes, who they going to blame, point the finger at and say its because of them. Thats when youll see shtf. Its coming and its not far away.

      • N_

        Yes, although I would replace “nothing changes” with “a lot changes for the worse”. The government are already talking of using prison labour to bring in the harvest, and they are literally stockpiling processed food.

        Interesting how Stephen Bannon came to Britain and praised Tommy Robinson. Meanwhile Milo Yiannopoulos has joined UKIP. UKIP’s voteshare rose steadily, albeit along two different lines, in EU elections (in 2014 reaching 27%, ahead of all the other parties) and general elections (in 2015 getting to 13%). Then in 2016 UKIP and the foaming at the mouth majority of Tories got 52% in the EU referendum. UKIP’s 2% in the 2017 general election seems like an outlier. Getting “stabbed in the back” is music to the ears of the far right. Fascist emotions are straining at the leash. The reason UKIP did worse in general elections than in EU elections was that people thought they had to act “respectably” in general elections. Soon that will change when the biggest rightwing British populist festival of recent times, known as the EU referendum, appears not to have achieved its xenophobic goals. People will say fuck acting respectably.

    • Dave Lawton

      July 17, 2018 at 17:39
      Well the Referendum in 1975 was fixed for the Remain vote by the CIA and Norman Reddaway.Democracy who are you kidding.And the infiltration of the EU`s Common Purpose throughout the State system is complete.Is it not time to wake up and get out of one`s pajamas?

  • Sharp Ears

    The Medialens editors write on Douma and OPCW.

    No Nerve Agents FoundOPCW Interim Report on Douma
    by Media Lens / July 17th, 2018
    They produce a list of MSM reports, concluding

    ‘Off-Guardian noted several headlines covering OPCW’s findings. Reuters reported:
    Chemical weapons agency finds “chlorinated” chemicals in Syria’s Douma

    The Independent wrote:
    Syrian conflict: Chlorine used in Douma attack that left dozens of civilians dead, chemical weapons watchdog finds

    As Off-Guardian noted, the headlines should have read: No nerve agents found.

    Remarkably, these rare mentions aside, the OPCW interim report has been ignored by most major newspapers and media, including the Guardian.’

    • Dave Lawton

      Sharp Ears
      “Chemical weapons agency finds “chlorinated” chemicals in Syria’s Douma”

      There are plenty of chlorine gas tanks in Syria they are used to disinfectant domestic water.
      Are these people who work for the Chemical weapons agency are either stupid or told what to say.

  • Billy

    Lets face it, political differences aside, Trump just looked a stupid fool stood there slagging his own security services off. Putins face was a picture of delight as he totally realised the USA had finally fallen under his influence without even firing a shot…well at least till until the next elections. The western world is in real trouble not because of Putin but because of the lack of true leadership with nothing good on the horizon either.

    • OAH

      But the US security services especially the FBI are corrupt and politicised to a degree unimageable a few years ago. Trump has been pathetic about cleaning house at the FBI and the DOJ which both rot from the head down. The UK’s sevices have been compromised in order to support the supposed ‘special relationship’ which is long past its sell-by date.

      • Ishmael

        Well said.

        I hate to commend Trump on anything, but certainly don’t see him as a fool on this issue. And he is right about what america and the world want.

        Happy people without a shot being fired, even forbid?

        This is the nature of getting along. Working out mutually good arrangements.

        The world is in real trouble because of odd attitudes like Bills imo.

        • Billy

          So you think he looked strong as a world leader by condeming his very own people just to avoid the chance of a clash between Russia and the US?

          • Ishmael

            What’s “strong”?

            Who are “his people” ? Those in the anti democratic institutions that serve nobody but their own control & money? Who bang on about “democracy” as they subvert it in most every country including the US?

            & JUST to avoid? He’s not been avoiding clash at all much, if arming Ukraine, sanctions etc is anything to go on . Personally I think we could do without any more escalation between counties with a capacity to wipe out human life all together .


          • Billy

            You do know theres bad men out there right, I mean really bad men who would gladly break your arms and legs and seal you in an oil drum alive…these are the people our security services protect us from daily and trump has just handed a green light to Putin that he is willing to turn a blind eye. Putin is licking his lips. If only the world was run by fluffy bunny rabbits and everyday was like teletubbies, get real Ishmael (no offence I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion)

        • N_

          Soon Trump will say “War! WAR IS GREAT! And I AM GREAT because I lead it, crushing the weakies and pussies who oppose it.” This is as clear as anything.

      • Billy

        I hear you and yes there are bad apples, some bad apples but on a whole good people wuth the best intentions.

        • Ishmael

          I can’t reply direct to your last RE, but i refer you to page four and my comment on “Neanderthal” mentality.

          The world is as we make it. We all effect it.

          & Last time I checked the “security services” protect nothing but their own interests & the corporate oligarchy they are part of, to the detriment of national security. There whole mentality is dangerous, as they try to con us they are keeping us safe, while they help smash other counties like they are not part of our world. like there in no common interest for humanity.

          & the truth is blowback dosn’t effect THEM. & maybe if they claim to what to help the extremist situation they should not be funding them, or bombing the east for oil. Subverting democratic movements around the world. etc.

          You get real Billy. Your the one in fantasy land. Most people, the vast majority are ok, your mentality just extends that which is like every totalitarian system that ever was, paint it like we need we need you, your just trying to help yea?

          ……. No. it’s people with your mentality who are the problem, your the same around the world, & say the same old load of nonsense to justify what is perpetuated most by western powers. Barbarity.

          • Ishmael

            & ps, no such thing as “bad men”

            And you imply I live in a fantasy land.?

            Begs belief.

          • Billy

            Says the man who commended trump just hours ago…the same trump who now has full faith in his intellegence agencies. Still commend him?

          • Ishmael

            “Says the man who commended trump just hours ago…the same trump who now has full faith in his intellegence agencies. Still commend him?”

            I commended specific actions he took. Not him. & maybe he was saying it in the hope of not getting bullet in the head.

          • Billy

            Things are going to get really bad for real very soon, you need to know this. We are going to war with Russia its set. I don’t want it to happen but it will, no backing out no going back. Putin feels the people of the west are weak and he is on the whole right, we are soft latte and cappuccino soft but he makes the mistake of thinking our security services are soft. Remember the anti Iraq war protests, nothing NOTHING compared to the coming protests but this war is going ahead. Just for the record I agree with much that is said by the site author (in particular) and many of the visitors who post. Not every spook has his own interest at heart in fact many never do. You could be thankful for the freedom you have because of them, maybe just a little??

  • Michael

    Careful, Craig. It’s a very dangerous time to be truth telling, and you’ve got form in this area.

  • Kate

    “[T]hose real acts of election rigging are ignored and instead the huge investigation is focused on catching those who revealed Hillary’s election rigging.”

    Thank you for this statement.

    It’s been interesting watching all the hysteria and hand-wringing without an ounce of energy put into increasing the integrity of our elections. Without such action, the discussion of swaying an election is merely a distraction.

  • giyane

    I watched the Piers Morgan – Trump interview. They seemed to gel in a common Celtic stubbornness, defiant of the world’s militarist, authoritarian disapproval. They were both revelling in the schoolboy naughtiness of speaking what they well knew the political high and mighty would see as treason, from of all places, Airforce 1, the ultra-inflated ego of the Anglo=Saxon military industrial complex. ” Look at us , we are sitting on the plug to the swamp, and we are going to pull it out of the plug-hole on air from the epicentre of USUKIS mission control. Bye-bye sluggies, beetles, leeches, cat-fish and other weird creatyures un-known except in ancient fossils.

    Even more satisfactory IMHO is the thrashing, splashing, spluttering, and opening and shutting of soundless
    and toothless mouths. Much appreciated. My heart-felt thanks to two very naughty boys , Piers and Donald.
    Something in the backbone of neo-liberal neo-conservatism has been crippled. My congratulations too to all the other naughty boys and girls like Craig, who helped them along by cheering them doing it.

    • giyane

      The 1% believe that they control everything, even the narrative of opposition. in the light of that both the interview with Piers Morgan and the apopleptic rage of top wonks like John McCain are pure Bollywood.
      So I was momentarily conned by the TV interview. I only went for an hour or two to water someone’s garden otherwise I would not have been watching the mind-control machine known as a TV.

      We’d better start getting used to seeing through the lies because we are approaching the time of the Dajjal or Anti-Christ. Even though he is terminally ill, McCain can serve the Bollywood department of the 1%. Trump reminds me of Reagan, merely an actor in a cowboy film. Obama fooled everybody with is outward charm while setting up the Daesh to destroy the Muslim world. If these people seem weird, it is because they have been given dual personalities. It sure ain’t Putin manipulating US democracy. Unless he works for the 1% too.

  • technicolour

    Ach, man, I haven’t wanted to comment for ages, not since your thoughts on prostitutes. But seriously, you’re trying to overlook the Ress-Mogg/Bannon connection, and, connected to that, the Banks/Russian/Russian ambassador connection? Carole Cadwalladr (whose work you never seem to have referenced) is very clear on those connections.

    As for ‘peace’: what price peace for those people being strafed by Russian bombs in Syria? Yes, of course, the US were and are doing it too. My enemy’s enemy is not my friend, no matter how easy it would be to go down that route.

    • Tony_0pmoc


      Nice to see you writing here again. You were always pretty bright.

      Also nice to see that my perceptions about you were correct, nearly 10 years ago.

      “As for ‘peace’: what price peace for those people being strafed by Russian bombs in Syria?”

      Priceless, but you always did make it pretty clear which side you were on.


      • t

        Indeed, on the side of people being strafed by bombs. I’m sure you can make something of that if you want to.

        • SA

          Everybody in Syria has been ‘strafed by bombs’ (the expression is usually used for bullets, but I get your drift) for the last 7 years but one must look also at the cause of why this has happened.
          Similarly Gazans are also being strafed by bombs.

        • bj

          Apparently you lost most of your technicolor and as a result can now see things only in black & white.

  • Boardindundee

    A theory, on the day the skrypals are found on the bench, someone had a rifle in Julia’s hand bag, and stole a bottle that was contaminated , it was taken to the other town , person tries to sell it, fails and just tosses it in the park .if so at least one more person has possibly died

  • Tom

    Yes, it is astonishing at how low ‘liberal’ institutions like the BBC and the Guardian have sunk in pursuit of money and favours. I remember when both were real journalistic institutions, feared by the government and people in influence. Ironically, the situations with Trump over Russia and May over Brexit are oddly parallel, with the same kind of accusations of treason hurled at anyone who dares to urge the course of moderation, and extremists co-opting patriotism. I’ve no idea why Trump shouldn’t meet Putin when FDR met Stalin, and Kennedy met Khrushchev – perhaps the media would care to explain?

  • Sharp Ears

    Apologies if already posted. George Galloway on the madness surrounding us.

    ‘Denial & guilt: US liberals collectively lose their minds over #Treasonsummit
    Published time: 17 Jul, 2018 14:08

    The unhinged rhetoric of American liberals and neocons over Donald Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki is deeply repugnant and strangely disorienting.

    This is especially the case for someone my age, born less than a decade after the United States Air Force vaporized hundreds of thousands of civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a year after the US had killed almost a quarter of North Koreans, who watched as a teenager the US scald and incinerate millions of people in Indochina.


    • IrishU

      George Galloway is the last person I would turn to for a rational opinion, let alone commentary on ‘unhinged rhetoric’. The man is a self- promoting buffoon.

      Funny how he failed to mention any of the Soviet or Russian interventions in countries around the globe which resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilians being killed. Almost like he is a hypocrite, or, to put it in your language, a Russian ‘shill’.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Bernhard (b) in fine form. About 9 months ago, he posted here a couple of times. I do understand why, as did bevin. Currently he and Craig are pretty much on the same page. Send him a few Euros. I did. He has a lot of talent, and hardly ever asks.



    “Helsinki Talks – How Trump Tries To Rebalance The Global Triangle”

    “The reactions of the U.S. polite to yesterday’s press conference of President Trump and President Putin are highly amusing. The media are losing their mind. Apparently it was Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11 all in one day. War will commence tomorrow. But against whom?

    Behind the panic lie competing views of Grand Strategy.

    Rereading the transcript of the 45 minutes long press conference (vid) I find it rather boring. Trump did not say anything that he had not said before. There was little mention of what the two presidents had really talked about and what they agreed upon. Later on Putin said that the meeting was more substantive than he expected. As the two spoke alone there will be few if any leaks. To understand what happened we will have to wait and see how the situations in the various conflict areas, in Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere, will now develop.

    The ‘liberal’ side of the U.S. did its best to prevent the summit. The recent Mueller indictment was timed to sabotage the talks. Before the meeting in Helsinki the New York Times retweeted its three weeks old homophobic comic flick that shows Trump and Putin as lovers. It is truly a disgrace for the Grey Lady to publish such trash, but it set the tone others would follow. After the press conference the usual anti-Trump operatives went ballistic:

    John O. Brennan @JohnBrennan – 15:52 UTC – 16 Jul 2018

    Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

    Senator John McCain released a scathing statement:

    … “No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant. Not only did President Trump fail to speak the truth about an adversary; but speaking for America to the world, our president failed to defend all that makes us who we are—a republic of free people dedicated to the cause of liberty at home and abroad. …

    These imbeciles do not understand the realism behind Trump’s grand policy. Trump knows the heartland theory of Halford John Mackinder. He understands that Russia is the core of the Eurasian landmass. That landmass, when politically united, can rule the world. A naval power, the U.S. now as the UK before it, can never defeat it. Trump’s opponents do not get what Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor of President Carter, said in his book The Grant Chessboard (pdf) about a Chinese-Russian alliance. They do not understand why Henry Kissinger advised Trump to let go of Crimea.”


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