Why Barnard Castle 672

UPDATED Dominic Cummings specifically stated now in the press briefing that he had been eager to “get back to work to get vaccine deals through, move regulations aside” and that is why he drove to Barnard Castle to test his eyesight.

Now it may be entirely a coincidence that the place to which he chose to drive for his eyesight test happened to be the site of the major factory of GlaxoSmithKline. It may be an entire coincidence that two days later, on the very day Cummings actually started work back in Downing Street he has stated was “to get vaccine deals through”, GlaxoSmithKline announced an agreement to develop the vaccine.

It is however plainly not crazy to ask the question. This astonishing Twitter pile-on against Clive Lewis for retweeting my piece says something very worrying, when you consider that the large majority of those piling in are supposedly part of the “opposition” and include many journalists. A society where it is viewed as a sign of madness to look into the prospect of corruption involving a company as massively, provenly corrupt as GlaxoSmithKline and a figure as shady as Cummings, is a very unhealthy society indeed.

One red flag to me is the number of trolls claiming GlaxoSmithKline only has a small and remote office in Barnard Castle. This is not the entire site, and in a further £96 million investment two new blocks are in construction or recently finished:

So to return to my original posting:

In 2012 GlaxoSmithKline were fined $3 billion for fraud, overcharging and making false claims about medicines in the USA. In 2016, GlaxoSmithKline were fined £37.6 million in the UK for bribing companies not to produce generic copies of their out of patent drugs, thus overcharging the NHS.

Despite the fines, these frauds were still massively profitable for GlaxoSmithKline. A perfunctory search on the company brings up similar frauds and fines it perpetrated in South Africa and India. All this within the last decade. I cannot find any information that anyone was jailed, or even sacked, for these criminal activities. It is absolutely astonishing that such an habitually criminal enterprise carries on serenely in the UK. And what is particularly interesting today is that it carries on its crooked activity from its massive manufacturing and research base in Barnard Castle, County Durham.

On 12 April Dominic Cummings was seen in Castle Barnard during lockdown. Two days later, GlaxoSmithKline of Barnard Castle signed an agreement to develop and manufacture a Covid-19 vaccine with Sanofi of France.

Of course, that could be coincidence. As a child I lived in nearby Peterlee and I know families may go to Barnard Castle just for relaxation. Even when that is illegal. But GlaxoSmithKline Barnard Castle has been working 24/7 during the coronavirus crisis including the weekends. It was working.

The government’s extraordinary refusal to confirm or deny Cummings visit to Barnard Castle appears to make little sense if he just went there for a walk.

But surely if he was discussing Covid-19 vaccine business on behalf of the government, that would answer all the critics of his trip, would it not? They would want to trumpet it from the hills? I mean to believe otherwise, you would have to propound a crazed conspiracy theory. You would have to believe that criminal activity may be occurring again involving GlaxoSmithKline of the kind which might lead to fines of 37.6 million pounds for overcharging the NHS, or of three billion dollars for fraudulent medical claims in the USA. Nobody sane believes that kind of thing, do they?

UPDATED: I should never be surprised by the puerile nature of debate on the internet, but I frequently am. There appears to be organised pushback stating that this article is only speculation. Of course it is. It states a number of facts not generally known, and wonders if there is a connection. It does not claim to have proof Cummings visited GSK, let alone of what he did when there. But both GSK and Cummings are known bad actors.

The even sillier argument is that Barnard Castle is the research and manufacturing centre and not the corporate HQ and therefore no deal could have been done there. Because when a company is involved in a massive criminal conspiracy, as GSK undeniably was in the multi-billion fraud in the USA or its price-fixing to the NHS, such criminal actions obviously can only be arranged in the main London company boardroom during normal working hours with lots of people around and the maximum chance of inconvenient people finding out what is happening? That is a stupid argument.

Equally, those who claim I have uncovered a criminal conspiracy are wrong. I have not. All I have done is put together some circumstances around Cummings denied trip to Barnard Castle, that could potentially provide a more reasonable explanation for why he would take the risk of going there, and why the government would stake all politically on denying it, than a day trip for a walk for his wife’s birthday. I have not proven anything.

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672 thoughts on “Why Barnard Castle

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  • Victoria Preece

    Hi Craig, I appreciate your writing/s .. beyond words … but I also hope that you haven’t become a pawn in someone else’s game. They knew you would talk about the B Castle business, I suspect? So, you get to spread it further. (Yet, I am also very glad that you have informed me about such topics and circumstances, which otherwise I may have never known about)… But also, you have to think, Craig. Think. You’ve been in this business longer them most of them – remember – you can’t out fox a fox with another fox. Try something else. Social media is not going to be your saviour. We’ll witness it, for sure, but realistically, all we’ll do is watch them take you away. …. I’ve witnessed so many people debate the ins and outs of Cominic Dumming’s behaviour … this is what he wanted. The answer is plain and simple: he (according to his own statement, and perhaps, some planted witnesses) broke ‘quarantine’ (not ‘lockdown’). It’s Google-blasted everything … try searching BC without DC appearing … it’s like Pizza Express, all over again… They knew that someone with your capabilities would find out about the GSK stuff… Think wider, Craig… make a lateral move… what/ who is the elephant in the room?

      • Mark Golding

        Poor show: Over-charging the N.H.S. is common with Big-pharma highway robbers selling on medicines commonly used by the NHS to businesses acting outside the Government’s price-regulation scheme. The purchasing firms are then free to mark up the prices they charge the NHS.

        • Giyane

          The Nasty Party has joined Trump in attacking China over cov19. We now know why thanks to Craig’s incisive posts. The Nasty Party doesn’t want Chinese cures or vaccines that will soon available cheaply world wide. They want to make a mint out of cures and vaccines they haven’t got yet.
          You and me will have to sit and wait.

          Well done Mr Ross for resigning.
          You would have soon been out of a job anyway as the disgraceful way the Nasty Party is behaving would have either led to no confidence in Bojobum ‘s government or to Scottish Independence or more likely both.

        • J Smyth

          I worked for GSK in the 80 – naughties and first hand I witnessed drugs being launched and sold on a marketing platform for which there was little concrete evidence. I became increasingly appalled at their immoral and unethical approach to business. They are after all playing with people’s lives. Many of the areas dealing with medical misinformation, which they were prosecuted for in the US were also used in the UK marketing. I know because I raised these points during the product launches periods. They have made a LOT of money from their behaviour. The fines were insignificant. But they have played the long game. In the ’90 they were already strategising to “own” NHS hospitals in “partnership” with the NHS. At this point, nothing would surprise me.

    • Chris simon

      So why take the family? Having worked at GSK barny, I wouldn’t think it would be the location to sign a major deal. There are plenty factories down south where that could happen. Not to mention their head office at brentford.

    • nevermind

      if Travelers, wanting to visit England for a 14 day quarantine followed by a weekend in Londonium for a dose or two, decided to break their quarantine a day earlier, and being reported by the hotels stasi wanting to garner favour’s with authorities, then they would be fined for breaking the arrangement they agreed to.

      The least that should happen is that DC gets a hefty fine for breaking quarantine.

  • Teresa Steele

    Once again thank you Mr Murray, I always keep up to date with your articles. I can’t believe the world I’m living in at the moment. Wonder if Sir Keir will highlight this at PMQ’s?

  • Carl Dhiman

    If he did visit GSK Barnard Castle, surely CCTV or ANPR would confirm this.

    • Paul Cardin

      CCTV cameras have never been made robust enough to cope with “bombshell” footage such as this and would immediately self-destruct / self-immolate upon completion of recording.

    • N_

      If the Attorney General did visit the Kray twins’ boss’s boss, wouldn’t there be camera evidence? Ergo, …

      (Note to editors: is the rule for using apostrophes too hard for you? In practically every newspaper I’ve read forms such as “Cummings’ press conference”. Not every word ending in “s” is plural, you morons. It’s “Cummings’s presser” and “boss’s boss”. If you don’t know why, look it up. Ban spellcheckers. Make your subs and hacks take a test or something. Take it yourselves too. You’re an embarrassment.)

  • Jennifer Allan

    As an early riser I often get to see news items which never get repeated in later news bulletins. These included Nicola Sturgeon saying she did not know what ‘alert’ meant! (She was actually trashing Boris’s new slogan), and Professor Andrew Pollard throwing ‘cold water’ over his Oxford Vaccine Group’s Covid-19 vaccine.

    This morning’s items of interest, included some apparent changes in UK Government policies on Covid-19. One therapy which is far safer and more effective than any not properly tested and probably ineffective vaccine, is injecting plasma from recovered Covid-19 patients. This provides ‘ready made’ antibodies. I cannot provide the source, but apparently this therapy was used on Boris and other UK Covid-19 patients. It’s important to understand in all parts of the UK, 90% of all Covid-19 deaths were in persons over the age of 65, and most of them had other serious co-morbidities. Only around 1% of Covid-19 deaths were persons below the age of 44.

    Another therapy ‘in the news’ is that antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine. This has also apparently been used to treat Covid-19 patients in the UK. Rumour has it this drug is one of those manufactured in those Barnard Castle GSK premises. It’s interesting the WHO, very much ‘pushing’ Covid-19 vaccines, have been publicly warning against using hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 therapy. Sure there are occasional side effects, but what drug has no side effects? If I thought Dominic Cummings visited the GSK premises, to discuss or oversee the manufacture of alternative Covid-19 therapies. I would view this positively. Come clean Dominic.

    Both Boris and Nicola have stated publicly Covid-19 restrictions must continue ‘until a vaccine is found’. Time to change direction. If Dominic is to remain as a Government adviser, he must not be overly influenced by the fierce lobbying pressure from the vaccine manufacturers, determined to push this on to the public regardless of safety or efficacy.

    • Barry Guillain

      One statistic you won’t find even on the early news is the percentage of victims already on statins.
      Compare that to the percentage of heavy smokers who don’t bother to take them.

      • Mary

        GSK acquired Pfizer last year. Pfizer produce statins.

        6 years ago – ‘Prescriptions for statins have trebled in a decade, with nearly 60million doled out last year. The NHS now spends £100million a year handing out the pills to approximately seven million Britons, according to official figures.’


        GPs fear NHS plans for statins
        8 October 2019
        Pharmacists may soon be able to provide high-dose statins to patients without a prescription. And GPs are worried, report Nicola Merrifield and Emma Wilkinson

        Nice little earner.

      • Jennifer Allan

        Can’t comment on statins Barry -I take them to prevent my arteries getting furred up. I prefer the coronavirus risk to the risk of heart attacks and strokes. However, you are certainly making a good point about smokers having lower death rates from Covid-19. This is a fact recorded on official data on deaths and causes. Poor old David Hockney got the troll hyena treatment when he dared to tentatively point this out, but if smoke helps to prevent Covid-19 settling on the lungs, surely this is a subject worthy of research? I believe there are some trials involving nicotine patches, but if the magic ingredient is the smoke -then this should be researched too.
        “Does smoking PROTECT against coronavirus? That was the amazing claim from David Hockney but multiple scientific studies now suggest he might be on to something.”

        I am not suggesting everyone takes up smoking to prevent coronavirus, but this reminded me of back in the 1950s, when antibiotic treatments were new and not fully rolled out on the NHS. Parents took their children with bronchitis and other respiratory ailments down to the local bitumen plant to breath in the fumes. Later, in the 1960s when my daughter developed croup I was told to buy something called a coal tar inhaler to help her breathing. A lit candle produced clouds of coal tar steamy smoke. Yes it helped with the breathing. She was also given antibiotics. Croup is really scary, victims stuggle to breathe-a bit like corona virus.
        I put a comment about the inhaler on one of those daft non moderated troll infested newspaper columns. It apparently froze the entire thread! Apparently Astra Zeneca shares have doubled on hopes of manufacturing the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine. They will dive if this goes pear shaped.
        That’s NOT how health policies in the UK should be dictated.

        • James Charles

          For what it is worth?
          “The Great Cholesterol Con
          Statins are the so-called wonder drugs widely prescribed to lower blood cholesterol levels and claim to offer unparalleled protection against heart disease.
          Believed to be completely safe and capable of preventing a whole series of other conditions, they are the most profitable drug in the history of medicine.
          In this groundbreaking book, GP Malcolm Kendrick exposes the truth behind the hype, revealing: high cholesterol levels don’t cause heart disease; a high-fat diet – saturated or otherwise – does not affect blood cholesterol levels; and, the protection provided by statins is so small as to be not worth bothering about for most men and all women.
          Statins have many more side affects than has been admitted and their advocates should be treated with scepticism due to their links with the drugs’ manufacturers. Kendrick lambastes a powerful pharmaceutical industry and unquestioning medical profession, who, he claims, perpetuate the madcap concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol and cholesterol levels to convince millions of people to spend billions of pounds on statins, thus creating an atmosphere of stress and anxiety – the real cause of fatal heart disease. With clarity and wit,
          “The Great Cholesterol Con” debunks our assumptions on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and diet. It is the invaluable guide for anyone who thought there was a miracle cure for heart disease, an appeal to common sense and a controversial and fascinating breakthrough that will set dynamite under the whole area.”

        • Barry Guillain

          JA, Low ldl cholesterol and low Co Q10 both negatively correlate with your chances of survival.
          Both are affected by statins. How many kids take them?
          Perhaps Cummings was discussing an immunity deal and will in due course plead commercial sensitivity.

    • Sandra

      Regarding hydroxychloroquine – There’s an interesting video regarding COVID-19 and hydroxychloroquine as a treatment and prophylactic. It is an interview with a Professor Dolores Cahill, a molecular geneticist and immunologist, who has worked in a BSL 4 lab and with a doctor in the White House.
      After President Trump revealed he was taking the drug as a prevention, the Daily Mail quoted Boris Johnson saying: ‘Don’t do Don does’. However, the same day (19 May) it was reported that the UK government was buying hydroxychloroquine in bulk as a potential COVID-19 treatment.
      From Guardian, 19 May:
      So, I’m wondering if Boris Johnson was warning people off just taking the drug prophylactically and, maybe, he does not want a load of well people taking it this way and using up the stocks?

  • Paul Cardin

    A friend of mine who I served in the Falklands with lived in Barnard Castle. Post-conflict he got a job at the local GSK. Forty years on, I believe he’s approaching retirement. I wonder whether he’d know of his paymaster’s criminal conduct over the years and whether he’d defend them to the hilt publicly now?

  • Brian

    Dominic Cummings statement did not make sense.
    1. He felt it was not safe to stay where he was for himself or family.
    This means that
    He is a top government adviser but has no security
    He can not ask the government for security
    He can not ask police for help
    He can not afford to employ private security.
    Or he chose to do non of the above.

    2. He and his wife were ill with possible covid symptoms but did not get a test for covid for him self or his wife. He was not on the test list but might be next week.
    This means that
    The government do not automatically provide tests for top government advisers who will be coming in contact with the prime minister and other top ministers.
    The government can not provide priority testing if requested to top government advisers.
    He could not privately arrange for a test
    Or he chose not to get a test.

    3. He was worried that both he and his wife would get so ill in the near future that they would not be able to look after the children and could not arrange for local child care.
    This means that the government can not provide child care to a top government advisers.
    That he can not afford to purchase private child care
    Or he chose not to.

    4. He chose to drive 260 miles to one of his other homes. As it was isolated and he had relatives there that could look after his children if needed.
    This means
    He broke the lock down rules be they laws or strong guidance. That was repeatedly being told everybody else should obey. With threats of fines or arrest.
    He says that he understands that the law allows for the exceptional circumstances that he claims existed.
    He says that he does not think it breaks the guidance either.
    He does not face a fine or arrest.
    This means he is being treated different from ever body else.

    5. He claims he drove to Barnard Castle to test his eye sight. Before driving back to London.
    Not because it was his wife’s birthday and it was a local beauty spot.
    This means
    he could not get his wife to drive.
    He could not afford to get a driver
    He chose not to

    You can believe all of the above.
    Or just possibly Dominic Cummings is being economical with the truth.

    • Old person

      It is not what a certain B’spad did or where he did it. The issue is that he made an independent adult decision. He did not blindly chant the mantra and behave like a child to follow the guidance to stay at home.
      He did not obey and that is his crime.
      The behavioural scientists have really done an excellent job. They have use the rainbow colours of the long campaign with the LGBT community and bent them into the shape of a rainbow. Remember, when you saw a rainbow as a child. How exciting it was. They even print these rainbows as if a child had crudely drawn them. Recalling pleasant memories from childhood to reinforce a new message.
      This is very convenient. Whenever, I see the rainbow colours in the background, I know that disinformation, behavioural manipulations and distortions will follow. Sometimes, it is so subtle you can only spot them on repeat viewings.
      And the behavioural scientists occasionally make cringe worthy mistakes. Yesterday the ‘North Korean’, ‘Supreme Leader’ video from STV using children was quickly removed.
      While the MSM are totally obsessed with this scandal other issues are ignored.
      See section 1.32 from this government document
      As there have been so many deaths in care homes, why were these rules clearly not followed. Is no one accountable for their decisions and failure to provide adequate PPE?
      Are there no true journalists prepared to pursue this?

      • N_

        I agree, @OldPerson – they know exactly what they are doing with symbols, colours, fonts, choice of words, and so on. Have you thought about the religious significance of the rainbow, namely as the tribal god’s expression of forgiveness after punishing the tribe and the world for the tribe’s transgression? The idea is also that a change behaviour will cause a “natural” phenomenon to stop. (Symbols can convey contradictory messages.) Also a rainbow is nice and curved, so one has the mass of people as childish and feminine as regards the stentorian masculinity of the “danger board” signage that conveys government messages using straight lines accentuated with strips of short diagonal straight lines around the edges to project sharpness.

    • N_

      He also said he thought the security threat to his Islington place might worsen. I took that to mean he thought there might be a greater move in the spring towards what is now coming later this year than there was. Not even he is told everything.

  • Mary

    Police protection for Dom this morning. Two plods took him from his house entrance to his car to protect him from the ravening hordes of journos. Who arranged for that?.

    • Tarla

      Cummings did yesterday with his ‘security’ fears that were non existent until he mentioned it on TV. This charade started the day before when he unusually took a long walk to his house to give the appearance of ‘hassle’ – people shouting, none has been shown before. But who were they, plants or real neighbours/angry mob?

      Cummings hasn’t got away with it in the public’s mind it’s just whether MSM can move it along. After all the cover up involving Johnson/Cummings/Durham police is not a surprise given what we know about the Hillsborough cover up involving politicians, the media and the police.

  • Emma Wilson

    I don’t know whether this is worth your time, but his sister Alice was taken on as director of IDOX on the 14th April. They are the company linked with the new track and trace system, aswell as being the company who deal with postal voting..

    • Mary

      Alice is not his sister. See a comment on p 3 here.

      ‘She isn’t Cummings’ sister. Cummings’ sister was born Francesca McDonald Cummings, married name Herriott. The director is (Mrs) Alice Sarah Louise Cummings, nee Banks – wife of a Russell Cummings. No idea whether Russell is a relative, though.
      (Info from freebmd.org.uk & Ancestry.co.uk) ‘

      • Republicofscotland

        Mary I borrowed this comment to put on Wings as someone else believes Alice is his sister hope that’s okay?.

  • Republicofscotland

    “The government’s extraordinary refusal to confirm or deny Cummings visit to Barnard Castle appears to make little sense if he just went there for a walk.”

    And there in lies the answer, you don’t need to convince me I’d put nothing past this UK government. Whichever big pharma firm publicly or privately funded comes up with a vaccine, (which probably won’t work that well anyway, and I certainly won’t be using it) there’s a bundle of cash to be made from it.

    Do I believe a man like Cummings travelled 264 miles to have his eyesight tested, not in a million years do I believe it.

    Well done Craig youve joined the dots beautifully on this one.

  • Mary

    Bad on Douglas Ross for being a Tory and a junior minister but good on him for resigning. In real life, he’s a football referee.

    ‘A government minister has resigned over Dominic Cummings’ lockdown trips, piling more pressure on the prime minister to sack his top aide. Douglas Ross said the embattled adviser’s claim he had a valid excuse to travel during the coronavirus outbreak was “not shared by the vast majority of people who have done as the government asked”.

    In a letter to Boris Johnson published on Tuesday morning, the outgoing Scotland Office junior minister wrote: “I have never met Dominic Cummings so my judgement on this matter has always been open and I accept his statement on Monday afternoon clarified the actions he took in what he felt were the best interests of his family.’


  • Vivian O'Blivion

    Cummings’ story has mair holes in it than a string semmit.
    Meanwhile, Douglas Ross, Tory MP for Morray has resigned. Ross is being described as a Government Minister. Does Permanent Under Secretary of State for Scotland count? Ross’ Wiki page has already been amended to include his resignation. Jeez, that was quick. Ross is the one that earns a few extra bawbees by running the line dresses in black.
    Well, good on him. Jackson Carlot doesn’t have the baws to break rank with Boris.

    • Vivian O'Blivion

      I gather Saj the Jav is yet to break cover on this one. Waiting for the optimal moment to deliver his thrust?

    • Republicofscotland


      Well if there was ever any doubt that Israel held any influence in Holyrood and the SNP, there isn’t now, as SNP MSP Richard Lyle who is the deputy convenor of a building bridges with an Israeli group called the Nakba a self inflicted tragedy.

      The 1948 Nakba saw 750,000 Palestinians forced off their lands, and over 500 villages burned, in an act of ethnic cleansing by the Israelis, who then declared it as an independent state.

      Nabka means catastrophe, and is remembered on the 15th of May.

      • Vivian O'Blivion

        Thanks for that.
        This is precisely why I spoiled my ballot at the last election. Fortunately I had the opportunity to explain to a party worker that adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (a move not formally acknowledged but implied by the treatment of Neil Hanvey) was the reason for my refusal to lend them my vote. Why vote for a party that would class me as a “deplorable” for the beliefs I adhere to?
        That and my prospective MP was a major force behind this bearded lesbian crap.

  • Willie

    Here’s an analogy for the hapless public.

    I had been drunk for days and to test if I was sober I took the car, with my wife and child on a sixty mile drive to test if I was sober. ‘ Oh that’s all right says the police man!. Road safety at all times Sir.

    During my sixty mile test I became nauseous so I stopped and took a walk with my wife and child so that I would not be sick whilst driving. Oh that’s all right then says the policeman. Road safety at all times Sir.

    And I am a caring parent doing what any other parent would do taking my family out on a test drive to see if I was sober and well. Ah say the civil aviation regulator, that’s exactly what a jumbo jet pilot would do to test if he was well. Take a plane fully loaded with passengers up for a flight Sir.

    So message to all drivers if you have been drunk for days what yo7 do is you take your car fully loaded with passengers for an extended test drive.

    Exactly says an adoring public – just like the UK. Drunk driving tests – you know it makes sense, we know it makes sense.

  • Glasshopper

    Of course if he wanted to talk to these people he would have used that amazing invention known as the telephone. It’s a good story though.

      • Glasshopper

        So can hanging around a GSK facility in your car.
        But of course if you were up to no good the meeting would not take place anywhere near a GSK facility.
        But that would ruin a good conspiracy theory that appeals to people with too much time on their hands.

  • Dom

    It is the height of naivety to dismiss the idea that Cummings’ presence in that place at that particular time was not for the reason you suggest. Those dismissing the suggestion are predominantly people who were naive enough to have believed that Bozo would govern the country competently in the interests of the many.

    That is definitely no coincidence.

    • Mary

      ‘Those dismissing the suggestion are.’.. trolls from the 77th Brigade and the like. Or even from Tory partei HQ.

  • Laing french

    Bizarre explanation Cummings, you can drive hundreds of miles there with no eye problem but need to drive 30 miles to test your eyes. You’ve obviously taken a page out of Boris,s book of incoherent blabbery. Resign! if the Scottish medical professional had to go so do you.

  • Robert Furber

    This needs pondering
    My thinking is Cummings RAN AWAY from London in pure fear.
    NOT a crime, but an action that disqualified him from office ( I haven’t put my blog up

    Must read this again
    **** rating

    • Tarla

      Didn’t want to ‘take it on the chin’ as Johnson wanted the rest of us to do. Chicken livered wimp is Cummings.

  • Mary

    Pity this did not take place pre election.

    BREAKING: First poll since Dominic Cummings story broke suggests the scandal has knocked 20% off Boris Johnson’s approval ratings in just four days, pushing him into negative territory for the first time.
    Quote Tweet :Chris Hopkins
    ·- Boris Johnson’s approval rating is now at -1%. It was at +19% four days ago.
    – Overall government approval is now at -2%, dropping 16 points in a day.

    More: https://savanta.com/coronavirus-data-tracker/

    • N_

      The media aren’t encouraging lockdown breach without government approval. There’s a big division in the population over it. Another success.

    • Vivian O'Blivion

      Ipsos Mori poll conducted for the BBC in Scotland gives Nicola Sturgeon a net approval rating of +74%, Boris Johnson gets a net approval rating of -25%. Wow! That’s a 99% differential.
      Douglas Ross’ resignation is an act of personal integrity with a large sideorder of self preservation.

  • Billy Brexit !

    This conspiracy theory seems a little far-fetched, I doubt that DC has any authority to sign contracts on behalf of the government or NHS and would not risk travelling 260 miles to do such a thing when they can be easily exchanged by courier or even Royal Mail.

    If such a clandestine meeting was needed the tried and tested method is to use one of the country’s motorway service stations’ car parks, ideally on opposite sides of the motorway linked with a connecting bridge, where two separate cars arrive and depart at different times to allow for plausible deniability, documents signed and large brown envelopes containing unmarked bank notes handed over, but this is a bit cold-war when more modern methods are more convenient. Plus motorway services teas are horrible and expensive.
    On the M6 Sandbach services and Hilton Park services offer such linked bridge facilities. Other providers are available.

    • Giyane

      We are all too busy thinking about GCHQ spying on us to worry about what other people are doing.
      The only people immune to this disease of voyeuristic state stalking are the criminals the state employs.

  • Giyane


    Public schools produce conformers and non-conformers. The Queen being a darling old-fashioned thing instilled undying loyalty in her male kitten, to the extent that he continued to be loyal to his criminal chum Epstein way long after he should have realised he was out of his depth in his job.

    Bojo is the total opposite, who regard the rules and rule makers with utter contempt. The Queen would not touch him with a barge pole and she certainly would not permit her Tom kitten to associate in any way with that charlatan we have as PM.

    It has become the national sport, exposing the lies of the Prime Minister. Sir Kier got him snapping last week over care homes. He will get violent if anybody exposes his private plasma treatment. With a cupboard crammed with lies, Boris-baiting will give endless weeks of free entertainment until a cure for covid is found.

  • Tarla

    Fasal Islam found this piece of bio-labs, let’s see what he does with it..

    “A hypothesis that should be tested: With a) <£1million to play with, b) the ability to recruit a team from among special forces/intel services/specialist criminals/whoever, and c) no rules (so for example they could deploy honey traps on the head of security), a Red Team would break into the most secure UK bio-research facilities and acquire material that could be released publicly in order to cause deaths on the scale of millions. A serious test will also reveal that there is no serious attempt to incentivise the stars of Whitehall to work on such important issues or involve extremely able people from outside Whitehall.

    As I wrote last week, it was clear years ago that a smart teen could take out any world leaders using a drone in Downing Street — they can’t even install decent CCTV and audio — but we should be much more worried about bio-facilities".

    The most secure bio-labs routinely make errors that could cause a global pandemic & are about to…
    ‘Although the institutions of our culture are so amazingly good that they have been able to manage stability in the face of rapid change for hundreds of years, the knowledge of what it takes to kee…

  • Mary

    The NHS is making available a drug that ‘appears’ to shorten recovery time from Covid-19 infection.
    Remdesivir is manufactured by Gilead Sciences.

    ‘On January 21 2020, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a Chinese “use patent” on remdesivir, for the novel use of treating COVID-19.
    Gilead sought and obtained “orphan drug” status for remdesivir from the US Food and Drug Administration on March 23rd, 2020. This provision is intended to encourage the development of drugs affecting fewer than 200,000 Americans by granting strengthened and extended legal monopoly rights to the manufacturer, along with waivers on taxes and government fees. Remdesivir is a candidate for treating COVID-19; at the time the status was granted, fewer than 200,000 Americans had COVID-19, but numbers were climbing rapidly as the COVID-19 pandemic reached the US, and crossing the threshold soon was considered inevitable. Remdesivir was developed by Gilead with over $79 million in U.S. government funding. After facing strong reactions, Gilead gave up the “orphan drug” status for remdesivir on March 25th. Gilead retains 20-year remdesivir patents in more than 70 countries.[

    See the chain of their acquisitions.

    They are based in California and have revenue of $22billion.

    • Laguerre

      Remdesivir has serious side effects, and little or no known positive effects, However it is supported by Fauci, and its principal advantage is that it is extremely expensive, at $1000 a go. This is precisely why hydroxychloroquine has been so heavily attacked recently with all sorts of slurs – because it costs virtually nothing. Indeed the WHO report claiming it was risky was still a headline on R4 this morning. There was a Brit prof on telling us about his testing of COVID remedies. He was asked incidentally at the end whether he agreed with the WHO report criticising Trump’s anti-malaria pills. He said no, he hadn’t observed that at all, and “we are still continuing to include it in our testing”.

  • Ian Mcintyre

    Craig, how small do they say it is with over 1000 parking spaces, counted from Google maps.

  • Giyane

    Maggie Carter

    Good. All we have to ask now is why the bloodsucking vampire psychopathic Corporate Tories don’t just poison the reservoirs and spray the cities with toxins. Oh, they already do in the Middle East? So that’s equality then . We are being treated with equal disrespect as our Muslim neighbours.

    Didn’t Donald Trump win on a populist rebellion against the corporate vampire political establishment? Who is going to be our saviour?
    The Afghan hippy friend of Prince Charles or Kier Starmer?

  • Rhys Jaggar

    Very interesting that the MSM winos were blethering on about driving a wife and child 200 miles away from daddy so that other relatives could supply childcare (something which is not a resignation offence).

    You however raise issues which definitely ARE in the category of considering resignation, were corrupt and biddable activity to be proven. You will note I have not stated that any such activity definitively took place.

    GSK want a new revenue stream: coronavirus vaccines provides a risk-free opportunity, as UK governments have, in their infinite idiocy and submissiveness before an out-of-control industry, agreed to bear all the down side risk costs of adverse vaccine reactions, leaving the would-be perpetrators free to just cream the profits.

    Why Mr Cummings thinks the UK populace needs an annual vaccine against a virus with a high mutation frequency is beyond me. And why we need ‘coronavirus passports’ is an example of the total debasement of good government in the face of corrupt lobbying from big money.

    These are the policy questions about which Dominic Cummings’ fitness to retain office should focus on.

    I am highly uncertain that Mr Cummings has done anything illegal, as there should be zero possibility that any meeting Mr Cummings may have had with GSK in Yorkshire was not overtly sanctioned by the PM, the Secretary of State for Health and most likely the entire Cabinet.

    Going to an officially sanctioned meeting is not a sackable offence.

    Going off piste to make grubby deals with big pharma, with the potential for highly remunerated ‘benefits’ five years down the line most certainly would be.

    Innocent until proven guilty, Mr Murray.

    But there is no reason for you not to start gathering evidence against Mr Cummings if you are convinced that there is a case in law for him to answer…..

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