On Being A Bit Wrong 791

I was down in London last week for discussions around my appeal to the Supreme Court, and staying in a hotel close to Leicester Square, I wandered along to see the fans during their game with Ukraine and its very noisy aftermath. I was hoping to write a piece about disgusting uncouth yobs of racist English nationalists and their stupid and perhaps violent excesses.

With the exception of the most hardline of unionists and the politically correct automatons of the “new” SNP, it is ingrained in most Scots to support two teams: Scotland, and whoever is playing England. This is generally expressed lightly, but the centuries of oppression and cultural and economic dominance that led to these attitudes are very real. I have been amusing myself greatly on twitter throughout the tournament by supporting the Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine, any opponent of England, I confess largely because it creases me up to see unionists so easily triggered and unable to cope with teasing.

I know, I should get out more.

Well, I have to say I was wrong. I found it impossible to dislike the crowds of England supporters. They were joyous, and there was no sign I could find around Leicester or Trafalgar Squares of the kind of racist Brexit backers who had booed the England team for taking the knee. Indeed, the most striking thing about the crowd was its extreme multiculturalism, the most joyous and unified representation of most of the ethnic groupings on this earth, all with their arms around each other and sharing beer, wine, tequila, a variety of smokable substances, and anything else to hand.

There was also a far greater gender mix than I expected, and the women were by no means passive or in girlfriend mode. In fact some of the more aggressively uninhibited groups of celebrating young women were distinctly intimidating to an old fogey like me and had me scuttling to cover (they meant no harm but might have hugged me to death).

Yes, I know London is not Grimsby or the ex-red wall constituencies, I know English nationalism is a real problem and will split up the UK (about which I am intensely happy). But I was wrong to dismiss the Gareth Southgate phenomenon of an essentially decent Englishness and its reach. My loyalties for Euro 2020 (sic) now lie with the nation of my Italian grandmother. But I feel somewhat less revolted by the continuing success of the English team.

I should make my confession; I liked the English fans I was around that night.


I should be very grateful if you read this excellent article by Alexander Mercouris on my appeal to the Supreme Court. Alexander is a lawyer and it is an explanation of the detail, but it absolutely captures everything I have been lying awake at nights and thinking about the case.

I was chatting to Vivienne Westwood at a rally for Julian Assange and she is very taken with the climate crisis. We are heading for the edge of an abyss, and a few people in power are considering how to slow down a bit, while almost nobody is suggesting we turn round. Vivienne reminded me of her website Climate Revolution, which is very stimulating and worth checking for updates.

Vivienne often chooses to express her thought through her art and allegorical representation, and also writes cogently and pithily. The breadth and depth of her knowledge and quality of her thinking are impressive. For those not with a natural artistic bent, it is worth taking the time to understand. For example, she chose to celebrate Julian’s fiftieth birthday not by eating birthday cake but by smearing it on herself. It is a great piece of agitprop, and invites you to work out why.

Finally, here is a lovely picture of John Pilger, who was on great form, and me showing off my bald spot.


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791 thoughts on “On Being A Bit Wrong

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  • Bill Marsh

    Remids me of the Bonzo Dog Band song “We were Wrong” :

    We were wrong, we were wrong but so young & so very in lo-o-ove.
    That boozy English day at the Brighton Race Courses.
    (The wind blew my skirt up & it frightened the horses).
    We were wrong etc.
    The May-Ball in Oxford we arrived in a punt.
    (You fell down in the beer-tent, unashamedly drunk).
    We were wrong etc.
    Cos’ I’m going to Rhino over your lino,
    (& I’m going to Rhino with you).
    In all kinds of leather, we Rhino “together”.
    We’ll keep Rhinoing thru’.
    The kedgeree breakfasts, the “gratis” champagne.
    (The hours I spent wiping it off my hired D.J.).
    We were wrong etc.
    “Transmogrify” the jackals speak,
    The worms are feeding on our cheeks;
    “Transmute” the time flies quickly past,
    And Keynsham arms with lies & masks.”

  • geoff chambers

    Vivienne Westwood is a lovely warm-hearted person, but you really shouldn’t take her word for it when it comes to climate change, which is mainly a hobby for millionaires and people who would like to be leftwing but don’t actually want to have to think about hard things like Palestine or Venezuela. There’s more on her entertaining activism here:

    • ET

      “climate change, which is mainly a hobby for millionaires”

      Would you care to share with us on what basis you make that statement?

      • DiggerUK

        Because it’s true perhaps.
        Name a CEO that’s got a bad thing to say about climate change quackery, name a company that hasn’t pledged to be carbon neutral by such and such date.

        Attenborough, Thunberg, Bono and Emmas’ Thompson and Watson ain’t short of a bob or two now are they.

        Please, get your head out of the methane…_

      • Tom Welsh

        That climate changes no one would dispute. Almost all the factors that contribute to it vary from time to time – often cyclically, with very different periods.

        Whether the climate is currently getting hotter poses difficult questions. Not least, “what do you mean by ‘the climate’?” Climate often gets warmer in one place and colder in another. Another very tricky question is, “On what scale?” During most of the time when life has existed, the climate was considerably hotter than it is now; and there was much more CO2 in the atmosphere.

        Still harder is the question whether human activities contribute significantly to climate change (if any). Since our influence on the planet to date is about that of a minor skin disease, it seems implausible.

        Last, and also very important, is the question whether a slightly hotter climate would be good or bad for the human species. Undoubtedly it would be bad for many, and good for many others. Unfortunately we have increased our numbers so rapidly and improvidently that huge numbers of people are living in marginal, dangerous areas. On the slopes of active volcanoes, and on flood plains (yes, even in Britain). Any foreseeable climate change would make some regions uninhabitable, and open up others that previously were uninhabitable. But who would pay to move hundreds of millions people from Bangladesh to Siberia or Canada? We have been living way beyond our means, and we have not saved up for a rainy – or hot – day.

        • Ian

          The answers to most of your questions, save the last one, have been made many, many times over the last ten years and are comprehensively explained on many informed platforms.

        • laguerre

          No-one would deny the climate is warming, glaciers are melting. The question is whether we can do anything about it. Indirect influences, like reducing CO2, might have the right effect, but might not. We should reduce CO2 anyway, in order to have a livable planet, but it’s not certain that that reduction will lead to a reduction of global warming. It’s an indirect effect, perhaps effective, perhaps not.

      • geoff chambers

        You ask on what basis I say that climate change is a millionaire’s hobby:
        Jeff Bezos has just promised ten billion to organisations fighting climate change. One of the beneficiaries is a non-profit whose sole activity is distributing money from the foundations of dead billionaires to other non-profits which encourage citizens from minority races to write letters to their elected representatives demanding that they vote for laws supported by the foundations that pay the non-profit that finances them.
        Bill Gates finances the Guardian’s environment pages. The Rockefeller Foundation finances the New York Earth Day march. The biggest fraud in European history, involving creaming VAT off Carbon Credit trading, was committed by a consortium of millionaires, some of whom are dead and others in prison on murder charges. For more, see cliscep.com

        • glenn_nl

          OK, so _some_ millionaires use this issue as a hobby/ PR exercise, and you came up with a few examples.

          That’s quite a bit different to making out that “climate change” is exclusively a millionaire’s hobby (which is a rather strange way of putting it anyway, but we’ll let that slide).

          I’d say it’s far more likely that most people concerned about the environment aren’t millionaires, and that most millionaires aren’t that concerned about the environment. This is so self-evident, and the exact opposite of the case you’re trying to make.

          Surely you’re not trying to make the vacuous point that because some people are making money out of carbon credit trading etc., there’s not really a climate crisis?

          • geoff chambers

            There’s no climate crisis. It’s been very hot in the Western USA – almost as hot as, or hotter sometimes, than in the 1930s, when greenhouse gas emissions were negligible. There have been lots of forest fires, but far less than in the early 20th century. Deaths from climate related disasters are about one twentieth of what the were in the early 20th century, due to all the things cheap energy gives us like better transport, communications etc. All this is in the official US statistics – yet people think the opposite. And that’s where the real crisis lies – in the media, the politics, academia and the financial interests which keep the show on the road.

          • glenn_nl

            Ok, so you’ve (silently) dropped your pretence that concern over climate change is only a concern of millionaires, as a bit of a hobby for them. That’s progress, Geoff!

            Instead, you’re saying the consensus on climate science can now be dismissed because of a supposed couple of dates in the 1930s which – without evidence – you claim were “as hot or hotter sometimes”. Good enough for me, but some people might want more, I’m afraid…

            Let’s see the evidence, Geoff! Where are the trends? Where is the data for such a turnover of established scientific understanding?

            Seems to me that you like to throw out a couple of rather exceptional examples (without evidence), and want us to think that this proves a rule. But surely you have backing for your conclusions, so please show us your sources.

            As far as “financial interests” which “keep the show on the road”, there wouldn’t be anything as nefarious as that in the extraction industry, would there Geoff? Of course not! Gawd bless them, they’re all honest and just trying their absolute best to get to the truth – like yourself – right Geoff?

            After all, these academic grants are vastly more profitable than anything the oil, coal and gas industries combined could possibly offer. Right, Geoff? So these academics produce nothing but lies. I can’t wait for the evidence you’re about to show us, so we can all relax knowing the climate is not in crisis after all.

            Over to you, Geoff! Show us the evidence and reassure us all – please!

        • ET

          Geoff, I have no doubt that some people are gaming an inadequate system for their personal gain but even if that is so it’s not an argument to prove or disprove whether climate change or anthropogenic global warming is or isn’t a thing. In fact, it’s a distraction. Some people somewhere will always try to game the system.
          Burning oil or coal for energy purposes is a dirty process, spend a day in any big city and blow your nose and you can plainly see it. Whether or not climate change is happening and whether that is anthropogenic doesn’t negate the positives that would come from an overall cleaner energy supply especially in urban areas. There are lots of nuances around how to clean uo our energy supply efficiently but the pollution benefit is not contestable. In and of itself that’s reason enough to strive for cleaner energy. Also, like it or not, at some point we will have exhausted the oil supply, that is inevitable, so innovation in this area is to be welcomed.
          I agree, we should all be concerned about wasting money to those tryng to game the system but if you are going to argue for the existence or not of global warming/climate change and whether or not it’s anthropogenic then scrutinise the science behind those conclusions.

          • geoff chambers

            Of course the health benefit of cleaning up particle pollution is incontestable. But how many trillions are you willing to pay to have a clean handkerchief? The simple fact is that the heating effect of man-made greenhouse gases is not known; and the approx 1°C of 20th century warming can’t be wholly attributed to us, since half of us occurred before significant emissions began, and furthermore has been beneficial, as is demonstrated by higher crop yields, increased tree coverage, decreased desertification, and a 95% reduction in death from climate disasters.
            Find a cheap efficient non-intermittent energy source (there’s nuclear of course) and then talk about replacing fossil fuels. Instead of which, we’re destroying our environment with useless wind turbines and solar panels and with mining for rare earths for EV batteries.

          • glenn_nl

            Hmm….I wonder if this poster is a bit less than frank and honest, and is posting entirely in good faith:


            In the meantime, we can rest assured that deniers will never, ever admit they were in any way wrong.

            And one’s even said as much. In a new post on CliScep, Geoff Chambers started laying the groundwork for deniers to look at the systematic failure of the climate system, and still claim to have been right all along.

            Even if temperatures spike, the ice all melts, and Florida and Manhattan are under water, deniers would supposedly still have been right about the hockey stick being fake, Chambers claims.

            It seems that Chambers believes that admitting deniers are wrong would mean admitting that “scientists were right to falsify graphs; to create hockey sticks out of thin air.” Because deniers have claimed alarmist science is wrong, Chambers seems to be saying, even if the climate does change more or less exactly as “alarmists” have warned, that science would still be wrong.

          • geoff chambers

            You quote an article at DailyKos which claims to report what I think, instead of referring to hundreds of articles I’ve written about what I think – and it’s I who may not be posting in good faith?
            Why not go to our blog to find out what climate sceptics think? We’re currently discussing nuclear deterrence versus climate catastrophe and risk assessment. An article that should interest Craig was one I did about a Foreign Office asset who recently had her post in Syria terminated in tragic circumstances, and is now repositioning herself as an eco-warrior with experience tackling deforestation in Iraq. The world is a complicated place for us rightwing Trump-worshipping Big Oil-financed climate deniers.

  • Colin Smith

    Craig, have you ever considered it is you who is the vile bigot for continually smearing people who dislike the EU and its institutions as racists?

    • BrianFujisan

      Don’t Go ranting Colin…When the BBC are you main source of info… YEMEN GENOCIDE

    • Jimmy Riddle

      Colin Smith – yes – this does betray an ugly aspect of the character – and also entirely illogical, given his stated aims.

      It was quite clear that the UK Foreign Office was more powerful when the UK was in the EU than when it is out. They were able to procure EU backing for various ugly things. Furthermore, the USA `deep state’ very much wanted the UK to remain in the EU; this was the `Trojan Horse’ of the Anglo-Saxon (USA/UK) empire, to get the EU on-side with their imperialistic military adventures across the globe.

      The departure of the UK from the EU does weaken the USA/UK alliance – so I am surprised that Craig Murray does not consider it to be a good thing.

    • DunGroanin

      Seen the Torygraph front page today – laying claim to Southgate as a conquering English Warrior who takes on the Nazis and Fascists just like in the make believe WW2?

      Racist. Yes.
      Institutionally Racist. Yes , Yes.
      Anti EU frothing at the mouth mad dog racists – fuck YEAH, you dingbat.


    • Stevie Boy

      At least the EU has real Green credentials … Oh wait.

      “The European Commission’s planned carbon tax on jet fuel, will carry exemptions for private jets and cargo flights on the grounds that such journeys “aid to the conduct” of business, it was announced today. Apparently multi-millionaire celebrities jetting around the continent to visit their second homes is now classified as “business aviation”…

      The Commission’s exemption for cargo flights, meanwhile, is a result of their concerns that it would otherwise “adversely affect EU carriers” and damage trade. As usual, so long as they talk a good game, the actual details of the policy don’t really matter.
      Yet another exemption will also be granted for “pleasure flights” where the aircraft is only used for “personal or recreational” purposes. So the tax will only fall on those who take scheduled flights, which will be a relief to those jetting to Davos to discuss climate change…”
      The EU, a nasty mafia like set-up for rich, self important crooks ?

      • DunGroanin

        The Ancient City of London, a nasty mafia like set-up for rich, self important crooks.

    • Manjushri

      What’s actually wrong with being in favour of a CIA inspired, corporate controlled, undemocratic, citizen controlling superstate being the blueprint for a single world government?
      (Apologies to Guardian readers if you think that I am racist)

      • DunGroanin

        One that had actually raised the poorest regions of Europe with contributions from the richest?
        Allowed a single market to stop daily arbitrage across endless borders?
        Standardised quality and regulations for goods and workers?
        Allowed a level playing field by a common court with overriding powers?
        Allowed free movement?

        Not much wrong is there, Man?
        Unless you’re just a dumbass kid who thinks you don’t need good and friendly and fair neighbours.

        • Manjushri

          It’s so wonderful to be allowed things.
          Really hope you have had all the injections that you are allowed to have.

        • Expat Swede

          None of things that you claim here address any of the points raised by Manjushri. For this reason, you deserve to be ignored. Have a nice day.

  • BrianFujisan

    I Have Been Away from the Euros… I watched Four Games… Spain Etc….

    So I looked at things ..

    2. Why no Video decision?
    3. THE GOAL KEEPER WAS ATTACKED BY THREAT OF BLINDNESS – Result should be Void… £25k fine… ??????
    4. England is NOT the home of Football… We Scots Were… Fact
    5. Thank goodness for Escapism in Scotland …And German Electronic Music

    • Jimmy Riddle

      Brian – your post reminds me of the Stirling Albion versus Selkirk game of 1984 when Stirling Albion won 20 – 0.
      After the game, the Selkirk manager made it clear that the goalie was not entirely to blame for the catastrophic scoreline, because `the fourteenth was off-side’.

        • Jimmy Riddle

          … for Selkirk, 20 was a major psychological barrier and 19 – 0 would have been OK for them.

      • Jimmy Riddle

        Well, at least I’m not wasting my time reading `The Telegraph’ …. What are you doing that for? Not got better things to do with your time?

    • nevermind

      my point exactly Brian. I have not heard of anyone wanting to find out who this scum was shining a lazer into Schmeichels eyes at exactly the moment of a penalty.
      Bookies should not have paid out and the ref should have demanded that the extra time be played on Sat. with no crowds.
      The result of this scum getting away with it is that they will do this again, who knows, maybe tonight. When they can do this, from the safety within a group of likeminded scum, very likely handing the lazer to somebody else, disguising were it was seen to have come from, then these hooligans will try and usurp sport.
      I shall enjoy the game as it should be, but if it results in more booing over knees and the Ialian national anthem, then all this talk of glory and football coming back is just a crap diversion from what sad state it has become.

    • Keith

      Brian as a supporter of England (cos that’s where I was born and live..)

      1. I agree
      2. I was surprised it wasn’t overturned
      3. Not sure about that. Not sure that he even noticed and if he had I am sure he would have made made the ref know. Result void. no.
      4. Whenever I see FACT stuck at the end of a statement I know that it isn’t. Football has been played for centuries all over the place. Who knows or really cares where it started.
  • Tom74

    I can almost see the Private Eye cover with that picture of Pilger and Craig:

    “I’m a legendary journalist.”

    “You’re only as good as your last story!”

    (Just a little friendly fire on a Sunday, not serious.)

  • Wikikettle

    The aircraft carrier QE2 has RN RAF planes and pilots & significantly US planes and pilots. A fact of total integration where the Union flag and Stars & Stripes are openly one and the same.

    • Wikikettle

      Pilger predicted a war on China and the cretins are using QE2 as bait i fear. With their record at Pearl Harbour and Tonkin ……

      • michael norton

        I think Pearl Harbour was between the Yanks and the Japs, nothing to do with the United Kingdom.
        We have all pulled out of Afghanistan, to virtually hand it to the Chinese Communists.

        • Jimmy Riddle

          Michael – unrelated to this, but on the point you made about football and COVID:

          Yesterday I read in Svenska Dagbladet (one of the papers I read) something by the chief medical officer in Sweden saying that it was very good that Sweden was knocked out of the football competition reasonably early – and pointing to the fact that the UK and Spain both had high infection rates – which he put down to involvement in the competition.

          He thinks that Swedish rates are coming down nicely – unlike the UK.

        • Wikikettle

          michael norton. There is an interesting documentary Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor (not Harbour). We were desperate for US to enter the war. Both we and US had broken the Japanese codes. Our aircraft carrier raid on the Italian naval base at Taranto had sunk their warships. The Japanese asked the Germans if they had any intelligence on our raid. Our double agent Dusko Popov was informed of Japanese this request by his friend in German military intelligence Johnny…(can’t remember suname, later killed by Gestapo). Read Spy Counterspy autobiography of Popov. There were two factions in US, Isolationist, Henry Ford types & those who wanted to take over the world from the British, the Roosevelt types). Problem was for Roosevelt the Neutrality Act passed by Congress forbidding US entry into another European war. Roosevelt forbade all intelligence reports on Japanese naval movements going to his Pacific commander and his commander in Pearl Harbour. These were only to be sent to him ! The documentary has eye witness testimony from US naval intelligence officers who relayed movements of Japanese carrier fleet to Pearl Harbour. Popov tried to warn Hoover to no avail of the impending attack. I think both Churchill and Roosevelt knew it was a way of getting US into the war over the Neutrality Act. So, it was everything to do with us. If you think China is Communist…the best Capitalists in world history, lifting 800 million out of poverty. By the way Fleming was Popov’s handler, and most probably based 007 on him. His code name was Tricycle…something to do with theeesomes!!

        • Wikikettle

          michael norton, “we have all pulled out of Afghanistan leaving it to Chinese Communists” Yes indeed we have, leaving behind a fantastic Nation Building Democracy with honest non corrupted Afghan politicians and not spending billions or killing innocents FFS. Job well done michael norton ! Congratulations.

        • Stevie Boy

          In the global game of ‘pass the parcel’, Afghanistan is the parcel. Everyone gets a go at looting it, and then tries to pass it on as fast as possible before the music stops or sh*te hits the fan.
          It’s only fair in ‘the great game’ that China has a go, what’s the harm ? What right do the people of Afghanistan have to manage their own country without interference from the west ?

        • michael norton

          Although some of my distant relatives are Afghan,
          in about 1979 I flew over Afghanistan but have never set foot in the place.
          I do not feel I have any responsibility for non stop war as i have never been in government.

        • Wikikettle

          There is a pattern. Julian, Alex, Craig, Scott Ritter and many more.. charged with sexual offenses, while those with connection to the establishment can snort, shag and abuse away with no consequence, intact the the more corrupted and perverted they are, the better for their promotion prospects…

        • Wikikettle

          michael norton. But if you live in a Democracy ! and vote, and are responsible for our Governments actions. We all are.

        • Wikikettle

          I doubt all those BBC, DW, France24 and the like who portray the plight of Afghan women and girls under the Taliban will demand our Europen Governments allow them and their families to settle here. A good stick to establish bases.

        • Ingwe

          Michael Norton- not really. Churchill had intelligence that Japan was intending an attack on Pearl Harbour. Dates, times, the lot. Churchill decided not to tip off the yanks as he knew that the attack would likely be the event that got the US into the war.

        • Jimmy Riddle

          I’m not at all sure that the Chinese would fare any better in Afghanistan.

          There seems to be a track record here – if it takes place on Afghan territory, then it is always (eventually) a `home win’ for Afghanistan.

  • Wikikettle

    Yes he is threatening to “secure” the airport, no doubt using paid proxy Idlib mob.

  • Dave kemp

    Let’s wait and see post match behaviour..win won’t be nice and lose, could be awful. The English media are awful, but we all knew that anyway.

      • ET

        Only problem Brian is that video is on Grafton Street in Dublin. I thought I recognised the shops. See the video description.

        • Pooh

          “Allie Sherlock is an Irish singer, songwriter and guitarist. A video of her performing a cover of Ed Sheeran’s Supermarket Flowers went viral on YouTube in June 2017. In 2018, she appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. She performs frequently at Grafton Street, Dublin.”

    • Squeeth

      Has it not occurred to you that the vast majority of England supporters watched the match at home on the telly? There’s been a disappointing amount of guilt by association on exhibition in this thread.

      • Jules Orr

        The onlooking world doesn’t give a toss where most English watched it. Longstanding opinions have been confirmed.

          • Jules Orr

            Mmm so mentioning the behaviour in Leicester Square makes me a “brown shirt”. That’s an impressive mind you have there. How about those who have mentioned the mass storming of a disabled entrance at a major sporting final? I’m guessing they’ve outed themselves as … SS?

  • Greg Park

    By opposing racism Gareth Southgate is hardly going against the grain. Virtually everyone in football is on the same page. Big Sam Allardyce actually went on GB News to express support for BLM. But how many would be prepared to go beyond safe corporate-liberal parameters, as Eric Cantona did yesterday?

    WikiLeaks @wikileaks
    Football Legend Eric Cantona reminds football fans:
    “Let’s not forget Julian Assange. A journalist jailed in England for publishing war crimes” #FreeAssange #JournalismIsNotAcrime #EURO2020


    • On the train

      Yes it’s easy to bring up some things and much more risky to bring up others.

    • mark

      Always liked Eric (he’s a red I’m a blue) particularly when he whacked that burger eating racist.

      It was obvious that if Engerlund lost all the idiots would pop out so no surprise.

      If losing to a team that had not lost in 33 games prior was disgrace then expectations must have been based on some other belief.

      Noticeably the movie (and it’s not a bad one ) The Italian Job was on TV.

      As usual the MSM ramped it up and ramped it down.

      Metaphors abound and despite ‘ The Hurt ‘ the English will get over it and more serious stuff will ensue.

      Johnson is taking another gamble – like the get out stakes on a losing Saturday and I fear that it could all go wrong.

      Not for the tosser Johnson but the people who coin the phrase: ” They think it’s all over – it isn’t! ”

      The MSM are delivering the message: If it all goes wrong – it’s down to you the public.

      That’s not leadership – that’s cowardice.

    • Giyane

      Josh R

      You won’t find the answer to that question from Google. There are good signs that common sense is prevailing for both Assange and CM. But no benefit in counting one’s chickens.

    • Giyane

      Jimmy Riddle

      In what way did it not work out well for them? Rian
      The U.S. apparently calculated the end of the British Empire and took over. Always better to get your rivals to fight each other rather than fight them yourself.
      I don’t know, I’m not a historian

      • Jimmy Riddle

        Giyane – True – you are of course correct. From a US perspective, it worked out admirably well.

        • Jimmy Riddle

          … except that I’m not sure that the USA were actually planning on getting involved in WW2 themselves – that probably was not part of the plan.

  • Frank Hovis

    O/T – Article in the MI6 house journal (a.k.a. The Grauniad) “Police investigate SNP over independence campaign cash claims”. Chickens coming home to roost for the Murrels?

  • Penguin

    At least we have movement on the prosecution of the murrells for their fraud.

    For anyone saying that she’ll dump him and escape her fate, he knows everything. He knows she set up Alex Salmond. He knows she organised the whole plot. He knows who, when, where and why.

    That is a man who is not going to go quietly. They are literally going to hang together.

    • Jimmy Riddle

      El Dee – yes – shocking, wasn’t it. Almost as bad as what I remember from supporters of the main Glasgow clubs in the 1970’s.

      Could it perchance be that some of these Glasgow football supporters emigrated to England and have now become supporters of the England national football team? Their behaviour really is remarkably similar.

      Of course, we all know that this sort of thing could never happen in Scotland now – where Glasgow football supporters do not smoke, do not drink, do not let off in enclosed spaces and are the most charming people you could ever wish to meet.

      • BrianFujisan

        Aye Jimmy.. you forgot them All Under One Banner Marches…I always carry the Palestine flag…Among our 200.000 marchers.. Just to Compare … Ect

        • Jimmy Riddle

          Brian – good to hear that you’re supporting the Palestinian cause – keep up the good work.

          Believe it or not – there are also lots of English people who support the Palestinian cause.

        • Pooh

          Respectfully, Brian

          I take it you do not dispute the truth of Jimmy’s statement that “this sort of thing could never happen in Scotland now – where Glasgow football supporters do not smoke, do not drink, do not let off in enclosed spaces and are the most charming people you could ever wish to meet.”

          In my neck of the woods, supporting the Palestinian cause is considered to be an honourable duty.

          Good wishes.


          • BrianFujisan

            Winnie the Poo

            I was Redirecting… our HUGE Monthly AUOB marches have ZERO to do with Football. . Although Covid put a Temporary Halt to it.

            You should take in the joys of Doune the Rabbit Hole Festival.

          • Pooh

            Good morning, Brian, and thank you. I think we understand each other.

            I am a rather timid and solitary animal…

            You are a good egg.



        • Jimmy Riddle

          Brian – by the way – I am a bit confused – I still haven’t figured out what them All Under One Banner Marches have to do with Glasgow football supporters. I thought that AUOB was connected with Scottish independence ….

    • DunGroanin

      Football the opium of the masses.

      Apparently cocaine for some of these.
      Alcohol for the rest.

      Ahh. These buttons they build have unexpected consequences regularly.

        • Stevie Boy

          Au Contraire !
          Hitler, The Nazis and WW2 have worked out very, very well for the USA.
          Industries that hardly existed in the USA before WW2 received a huge boost from captured Nazi technology, Engineers and Scientists (Operation Paperclip). Space technology and big Pharma to name two, and indirectly the Nuclear industry aided by Churchills sell off. The boom time in the USA in the 50s and 60s was almost certainly a spin off of the asset stripping of Nazi Germany.
          One could also make valid comparisons with the current Government in the USA and 1930s Germany – raging inflation (hidden by QE), huge spending on the military (>$700Bn/Yr), invasions of other states and support for murderous regimes and human rights violations.
          Yes, Hitler and the Nazis worked out very well for the USA …. IMO !!

      • fonso

        Haven’t time to check Pooh, but have any of your contributions here said the same of Craig’s article?

        • Pooh

          Good question. No, I haven’t, but others have. There is no point in rubbing it in: Mr Murray has enough on his plate for a small bear with little brain to bother him.

          Some years ago, Christopher Robiin, a source of infinite wisdom and kindness, told me of an old Russian saying “Не плюй в колодец, пригодится воды напится.” Figuratively speaking, this blog is a well and Mr Murray is drinking water.

          Many thanks and good wishes. fonzo.

  • mark golding

    Craig wrote: ..a lovely picture of John Pilger, who was on great form… so let’s hold in obeyance and relive the thoughts of John as he perceives the peacefulness of the Staffordshire War Memorial and brings to the mind the omissions, the forgotten, and the excluded souls, too humiliating, too shaming for the British Establishment to remember, to memorialize in stone:

    Exploring the serenity of the National War Memorial, I soon realised there was not a single monument, or plinth, or plaque, or rosebush honouring the memory of Britain’s victims — the civilians in the “peacetime” operations commemorated here.

    There is no remembrance of the Libyans killed when their country was wilfully destroyed by Prime Minister David Cameron and his collaborators in Paris and Washington.

    There is no word of regret for the Serbian women and children killed by British bombs, dropped from a safe height on schools, factories, bridges, towns, on the orders of Tony Blair; or for the impoverished Yemeni children extinguished by Saudi pilots with their logistics and targets supplied by Britons in the air-conditioned safety of Riyadh; or for the Syrians starved by “sanctions”.

    There is no monument to the Palestinian children murdered with the British elite’s enduring connivance, such as the recent campaign that destroyed a modest reform movement within the Labour Party with specious accusations of anti-Semitism.

    Two weeks ago, Israel’s military chief of staff and Britain’s Chief of the Defence Staff signed an agreement to “formalise and enhance” military co-operation. This was not news. More British arms and logistical support will now flow to the lawless regime in Tel Aviv, whose snipers target children and psychopaths interrogate children in extreme isolation. (See the recent shocking report by Defense for Children, Isolated and Alone).

    Perhaps the most striking omission at the Staffordshire war memorial is an acknowledgement of the million Iraqis whose lives and country were destroyed by the illegal invasion of Blair and Bush in 2003.

    • Wikikettle

      Mark Golding. Indeed the deeds continue. There was a poll among the young in Japan, the majority thinking it was the Russians who nuked them ! Today Japan has agreed to re arm and fight with the US when there is a war with China over Taiwan. India is being courted to join via the Quad alliance. History repeating itself. Never-ending wars. Our so called Democracies dominated by pro war political parties. The dark castigating commedy as herranged by the great Glenn Greenwald. Our populations have no excuse for ignorance. On a cultural level the cartoons of Steve Bell and art of Banksy, will document our consumer and news as entertainment society.

      • Courtenay Barnett

        Reply ↓

        The reality is that when you have a combination as follows:-

        1. The US military-industrial complex each year keeps increasing, in significant proportionate terms of total US budget – so called ‘defence expenditure’ while simultaneously exponentially increasing the US national debt – then one has a recipe for impending economic disaster.
        2. China, seems to have a formula of keeping its military expansion expenditure to around 3% of total budget – but only if the Chinese economy expands accordingly ( so in real terms there is no debt expansion – for that the national economy’s growth takes care of the monetary and annual increased military investments).
        3. So, logically compare strategy A versus strategy B – then let’s hear who has an economic military policy which may have a measure of sustainability.

        All said and done – I believe that US, Russia, China, and all the nuclear weaponised powers are literally MAD – in that there is no viable future in building more and more WMDs which rationally can never be used. If one country can blow the world up one time – then what rationality is there in being able to blow it up twenty times plus more times with all these additional weapons? Just look at the new round of US military expanded expenditure. Sensible?


        • Giyane

          Courtenay Barnett

          In a rational world a country like India would not export its water to a country like England in the form of clothing to the extent that there’s no water left for humans.

          That tells me that money is coming back to the elites from trade and business connections which is probably what is happening with weapons as well.

          Until the elites feel the pinch, nothing will ever change the pursuit of money from destroying the world. Nothing will change because of Covid. Here we are in our family rushing back to Iraq 3000 miles because of a bereavement in the family because tradition requires.

          There is a pressing and urgent need to lock up financial accountants and military war gamers, until the cost of travel to the planet is calculated and the concept of virtual communication is established as a cultural norm.

          • Courtenay Barnett


            I watched Richard Branston today on the international news and left unclear as to what he was about except making a lot more money. He was not impressing me for that his trip had technology that was around from the 1950s and all that he is now doing is commercialising and enchasing. Big deal – so I can have a 5 minute flight to see what I can see in a video or a picture.

            Anyway – to your point:-

            ” That tells me that money is coming back to the elites from trade and business connections which is probably what is happening with weapons as well.”

            So true. And like the ‘Virgin venture’ the people directly and/or indirectly get screwed by reason of the misallocation of global funds.

          • Fat Jon

            The idea that environmental costs will ever be taken into account by anyone in power, is fantasy thinking. SSSIs and rare species of animal, plant or insects do not contribute to party funds or hand out freebies to MPs; nor do they have a vote, so why bother with them? is the politicians’ motto.

            What I would like to see, is a rule which states that any MP entering the Commons chamber must ‘take the knee’ each time. That should bring the problem to a head.

            I would advocate a similar rule for the Lords, but I fear that most of them would never get up again.

        • laguerre


          ” its military expansion expenditure” ? China only has the desire to recover territories lost in the last two centuries. They’re not interested in more. China has a long tradition of maintaining what the emperors ruled, and current policies are no different.

          That is not to say that China doesn’t have colonial territories. Xinjiang and Tibet, to be precise. They have shown no sign of being willing to let the colonies go, in the way the Russians let their central Asian colonies go. Rather it’s repression and population replacement by ethnic Chinese. That’s not very nice, even though I don’t support US propaganda which has no real interest in the peoples of the area.

        • Wikikettle

          Courtenay Barnett. Yes, a financial storm is coming. Inflation rising, Wells Fargo Bank stopping all credit…No more levers
          to pull as in 2008. We are screwed. All control measures in place though and a war planned on the many at home and abroad.

        • Spencer Eagle

          I don’t believe it is possible to compare military spending like for like. For instance Russia’s military budget of $61b is tiny in comparison to the $700b+ the US spends. Yet, the Russians military are able to get incredible bangs per buck from their budget, principally because they have never thought it necessary to spend $1000 on a screw driver, or $84m per annum on Viagra.

        • M.J.

          The same British state that founded the NHS and educated you, and vaccinated you against Covid and so saved your life, right?

          • mark

            That’s right.

            You surely aren’t naive enough to think that the rich have contributed to such largess over the years do you?

            The Tories fought tooth and nail against setting up the NHS and Beveridge brought in a National Insurance system.

            Atlee’s government put flesh on the bones.

            The common thread here is that the State doesn’t have any money of its own – it is our money.

            Who said that? – Thatcher on one of the very few times she was right.

            The response to Covid yet again is our money and the already-rich contributed nothing ( and will not contribute anything in the future ) to pay back of National Debt despite being giant beneficiaries of the State’s ( our ) bail outs in 2008 and now.

          • Jimmy Riddle

            Yes – the wonderful education I received, thanks to the British State! It was a teacher who taught me how to READ! it was a teacher who taught me how to THINK! It was a teacher who taught me how to talk out of my ARSE! (taken from Steve Bell cartoon about Gordon Brown)

          • M.J.

            @Mark, good point about the Tories not deserving credit for the Beveridge reforms, the NHS, and we should add the Open University, though I regret that Tony Blair’s New Labour took away its subsidy so that it’s power to enable people to rise above circumstances has been diminished.
            OTOH the Tories are careful about selling off the NHS (or undoing other reforms by Labour) too quickly and blatantly. Some of them even support such reforms, having benefitted from them themselves. This could help to preserve them, given the finite lifetime of parliaments here, thanks to democracy.

  • Deschutes

    Perhaps a more apt title for this article would be ‘On being a bit boring’.

    • vin_ot

      No, it was an interesting piece of its time. Part of another broad media effort this summer to redefine English nationalism as something friendly, loveable and benign.

  • DunGroanin

    As the madding crowds of last weeks football translates into infections now rising vertically, and ensuing hospitalisations taken off and about to achieve verticality, and the death curve to follow – the front line , back stop and the middle; the free at the point of use NHS with the best available treatments got its death blow yesterday. With nay a whimper from the current ‘leader’ and Great Knight Hope, of the Labour Party and the ‘official’ Loyal Opposition, at yesterday’s PMQ’s, where he and the SNP shadow boxed around the PM allowing him his usual easy targets.

    We know the HandCock reshuffle was fully choreographed. We know that the utter and complete Hunt has worked all his life to get it to this point and we know that vlad Javid, the blood sucker , maker of the banking disaster and ex-chancellor went back to his Banking world and sharpened up his fangs on the details of how the holy cow will be butchered and parcelled off for and to his masters, before coming back to be put in charge of the blood bank.

    Or as the legitimate PM of the U.K. ousted in a fixed election coup and monstered and ignored by the MSM and ASM and trolled to extreme puts it:

    Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn
    The Secretary of State for Health has been in post for over two weeks. Neither @DHSCgovuk, JP Morgan or healthcare business C3ai which paid @sajidjavid to advise on ‘market opportunities’, have issued press releases confirming the dates he stood down. Has he fully cut his ties?


    Has he? Where indeed has handjob gone to get his rewards? The mass murder of the public and piling the bodies high in the next two months in makeshift morgues – handed out as a government contract last month and many a private company with representatives on Public Health Boards – or straight to Kaiser Permanante far from our gaze ?

    Take a deep breath and hold it for two months as we go through the great wave.I’m predicting at least another 30k which will see the U.K. well past 200k Excess Deaths, largely avoidable.

    Please don’t tell me this is off-topic – this should be the only topic this week.

  • lothian lad

    Its heartening to read you had a good experience of being around English fans Craig. How the uneducated yoons on here forget that it was English fans , not that long ago, that killed 38 Italians and one Irishman in Brussels, not forgetting almost everywhere else they have been where the locals view them, with justification as thuggish criminals.

    • Josh R

      “Appear to show” & “appear to show” before the article even starts.
      Add to that it’s “back stabbing” Harding, who published the pass code which decrypted all of Wikileaks’ US war docs, dropping Assange (deeper) in the sh!t.
      And it’s in the Guardian…..
      Well, pure “fish ‘n’ chips” wrapper….. didn’t bother reading further.

      • Xavi

        It seems to have disappeared altogether now, which is very odd for such a sensational story. No editorial or follow up opinion pieces, no nothing. A textbook Guardian-Harding exclusive.

  • DunGroanin

    Heads up

    MoonofAlabama appears to have gone off line in last few hours.

    Anyone getting through to it?

    Bernard put up a new pie crew on ii and their activities yesterday.
    The Groaniads goons put out an exclusive of how Putin got all of Russian Spy Agencies to get Trump elected, this morning.

    Are the two linked and MoA’s sudden departure?

    • laguerre

      MoA’s there on-line. I just read b’s piece on the Kremlin “leaked” documents.

      • DunGroanin

        Yup it is showing again. It was server not found for a few hours.

        Along with most of the world the Obsessive Groan, its controllers, and their minion henchfolk of ii persuasion have really gone for broke. Having jumped the shark years ago. They are turning themselves into complete laughing stock to the wider world.

        Of course they will have war gamed their strategy. If the primary target was the regular Groaniad readership, which has blindly bought their conscience being salved by their adherence to the ‘liberal’ right on, image of themselves being represented by the slings and arrows of being a Guardianista – this obvious overreach will disabuse many of the die hards – hey they may even reassess their purchased opinion on Assange, Salmond and our host. Strengthening the fascist tendency that has always been there, e.g all the rest of the MSM. It’s a win-win calculation in their scenario. A bit like Sturgeon’s derailing of the SNP hence strengthening the Unionist status quo.

        I have rarely seen so many Indy bloggers and sites respond to today’s Guardian exclusive with a massive collective guffaw so instantly.

        We are the many. They will not pass.

        • laguerre

          The Graun were blackmailed, weren’t they? It’s the price of being allowed to continue to exist, even slightly independent of the right-wing propaganda operation as a large-scale paper.

          • Xavi

            The Guardian is probably the most valued arm of the whole state propaganda operation, because of the sheer number of liberals it still dupes.

          • Fat Jon

            The Guardian’s article is said to be an exclusive, but they are careful to not include any definitive proof of what they have been ordered to publish.

            The newspaper uses phrases such as “according to what are assessed be leaked documents”, not proven leaked documents. The decree is described as “appearing to bear Putin’s signature”, not his actual confirmed signature. Independent experts say the documents “appear to be genuine”, and western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months.

            The papers, seen by the Guardian, “seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin”.

            In other words, nothing to say they are not a forgery.

          • michael norton

            I fail to understand why the Gurdian carries on, I only know one person who reads it, mind you he agrees with almost everything they print.
            They act like a hostage that just spurts what their capturers want them to spurt.

          • ET

            The Guardian is one of the few non paywall MSM sites, I guess that’s part of the reason people still read it.

          • laguerre

            michael norton

            The Guardian still has a wide variety of different points of view. It is not only a slave of the security services.

          • DunGroanin

            It is a TOTAL deepstate (global) operation.
            Ever heard of honeytraps?
            Or even fly-fishing lures?
            Or fig-leafs?

            The various sops that are the sjw opinions presented there are there to attract the particular types of readers. Who then ‘feel’ and believe that the organ is speaking for them and must therefore be trusted on other issues – which is how they are hooked and reeled in – never once doubting the bait they swallow.

            Any genuine journalistic integrity is dissipated sharpish.

            As has been said above the only reason it is viewed across the 5•1 eyed decaying empire as a 24/7/365 information source – is it is deliberately not put behind a paywall.

            Fortunately we have many a brave and informed bloggers and real indy sites, such as this, where the truth can be read.

  • portside

    Yesterday, the Guardian published what it claimed was earth-shattering news that secret Kremlin documents revealed a plot directed by Putin to install Trump in power.

    Today, this revelation can be found nowhere on the homepages of the BBC, C4News, CNN, NYT, WaPo, NBC or ABC. Not even on that of 24-hr Russiagate-Central MSNBC. Wow, how humiliating!

    Guardian’s reputation and credibility destroyed by its serial fraud.

    • Tom Welsh

      “Only the future is certain. The past is always changing”.

      – Paul Flynn, Labour Member of Parliament for Newport West in South Wales, talking about Tony Blair’s Government.

  • Jm

    Andrew Neil’s new Gammon Britain News channel struggling for viewers and staff quitting.


    • DunGroanin

      It was never going to succeed. All efforts to transfer US tv formats to the UK have failed. They tend to do better in the other direction.
      The radio shock jocks have fared better.
      Talk Radios Brexshittania and personality worship with Fartage and his fluffers Eddie Mair and co being the great success.
      Murdoch the King Maker got his troupe to fly out and try and Fox us on the free-to-air tv medium; to follow up on all the alt-media mirages that have been set up over the last few years. From Off-Guardian agit proppers to UK Column test bed of Great Barrington News channel.
      I see that the KingMaker is getting his Times readership ready to eject Bozo and usher in the next Great Knight Hope, to keep them fooled.

      • Franc

        To DunGroanin
        Apart from some Hedge funds, who, exactly, stood to gain from Brexit? I, for one, didn’t vote for it and my guiding principle was that Boris wanted it! As Cameron admitted, after the event, it should never have been put to the electorate.

        • DunGroanin

          Cameron and Osborne steered it to a referendum.
          Having conspired with LibDems to continue the NuLabInc politically chosen Austerity to create the ‘unhappiness’ and increased poverty to soften the voters to get racist.

          It is important not to allow that recent history to be distorted.

        • DunGroanin

          And Franc it is the Ancient City and its masters who stand not to gain but to not lose their implacable Exceptionality.

          That is why the Freeports (plural) but only ONE that actually that it was all about.

        • Squeeth

          It should never have been put to th electorate because they voted for the wrong policy, democratic bastards.

      • Fat Jon

        Presumably, the plan is to force Bozo out at some point, with a vote of no confidence.

        Then, in the ensuing chaos, prime the population with hype about relief that a far right headless chicken government being brought down.

        The final part will be to use the Guardian, Mirror and BBC sycophants in order to ‘persuade’ the swing voters into voting Labour; and thus install their favoured “opposition” blue-eyed leader who has been carefully groomed (and comes with the vital approval of the CIA and Mossad). Step forward Keir (I’m really really not to the right of Tony Blair – honest) Starmer.


      • DunGroanin

        And right on cue:

        The Observer
        GB News turns to Nigel Farage as its saviour after ratings freefall”

        And the Obsessive Groan does its part in trying to promote it to its readership by even giving it oxygen.

        Gettit yet?

        • Ingwe

          Guto Harri replaced at GB News by Fartage because the former kneeled.

          You really know your journalistic career is at rock bottom when you’re replaced by Fartage! ?

          Heard that substitution described as rats joining a sinking shit, sorry ship.

  • Jm

    The Grauniad is a joke and has been for a very long time.

    Luke Harding,Aaronovitch,Cohen…lower sixth drivel meets brown envelopes and not a line of proper journalism anywhere-just as their ma$ters like it.

    • Giyane


      Assertions are assertions. Tripe is tripe. It seems to make a lot of money. Can I invest in it or buy some of it?
      Or is it like bitcoin , you have to believe in it for it to actually exist?

    • mark golding

      Controlling the narratives Hah!

      The recent Russian vote at the UN Security Council in favor of extending a humanitarian air corridor into Syria has been touted by the US government as a victory of American diplomacy [CNN].


      By controlling the dominant narratives [Guardian etc] in our society, actions such as invasion, proxy wars, sanctions, blockades, economic warfare, staged coups and covert operations are not considered human rights violations. Clearly it is an abuse of human rights to deliberately starve children to death because you don’t approve of the people who run things in their part of the world.

      Clearly it is an abuse of human rights to turn a nation to rubble and chaos for profit and geostrategic control.

      By manufacturing problems such as directly causing hunger and medicine shortages, as well as by magnifying or distorting existing problems (Covid relief) and combining those with real IMF/WEF hardships, the U.S/UK have been framing their intervention and dominance in Iraq/Syria/Cuba as help that no one can reasonably oppose.

      The Crisis in Cuba

      Further destabilization in Cuba will be a huge part in a coming global destabilization. This is the case, even contemplating the reasonable grievances of the actual protesters, which in turn are not the same as the Sorosian demands placed in the mouths of anonymous protestors by the globalist media.

      An inflation crisis has hit Cuba because of the staged political response to Covid, meant precisely to cause inflationary crises globally. The tourism industry has taken the biggest hit. Food and similar perishables are unaffordable for many without access to dollar accounts. There are state-picked favourites in the private sector (as is the case everywhere) as well as Communist Party bureaucrats who seem unaffected by the very same conditions that the protesters accuse them of bringing about. This much seems reasonable:in looking at who to blame for a problem, look to those who flourish.

      • Fat Jon

        The Guardian seem to have found another “sinister” activity by foreign powers; but not the UK, USA, or any NATO country of course.


        I can’t quite figure out what it is that they have been handed by the spooks which we didn’t suspect already, but apparently names will be revealed over the coming days.

        Maybe this is a serious smokescreen to obscure something very bad?

        • mark

          It’s a bit ‘ Bloke down the pub told me ‘ stuff to frighten the children and horses.

          ” Allegedly – could be may indicate ” etc etc,

          No media expert but the unbiased BBC pick up these stories ( they remain just that ) and repeat them in a way that let’s them off the bullshit hook.

          I have noticed a pattern at BBC News where the presenters have the annoying habit of interviewing a person critical of the government and then saying – ” the government would say XY and Z as if they were part of the government itself.

          In actuality they should say nothing at all if government Ministers are too cowardly to defend their crap policies in person.

          I don’t view it as any form of conspiracy but I agree with Chomsky that they all know their roles and the self censorship works automatically as that is how they are trained.

          Certainly in a crisis and we haven’t seen crises like these in many years so goodness knows what lies in store for us victims of these dark deeds.

          One things for sure non of the MSM will let the cat out of the bag – otherwise known as telling the truth.

          Assange obviously is a victim of the Whistle Suckers and their attempts to keep the truth from coming out.

          • Johny Conspiranoid

            “I don’t view it as any form of conspiracy”

            Have they all agreed to do something and is their agreement a secret?
            If there is such a thing as a tacit agreement then there is such a thing as a tacit conspiracy.

          • mark


            I genuinely don’t believe that there is shady cabal of individuals and they all sit round a table once a year and donate parts of the world between them.

            Capitalism is about rivals for exploitation.

            They all agree on one thing ( sat round a highly polished table or not) and that is to stop the workers and the peasantry from taking charge of their own affairs.

            Yes you could explain that wars are in the interest of the Military Industrial complex but if they could come up with weaponry -say a bomb that didn’t destroy buildings only people …………..that was called The Neutron bomb then no problem.

            What Reagan and his mates didn’t realise was that the capital and profit was to be made by exploiting the workers by the hour and had very little to do with the factories or the machines.

            Dead workers don’t make you much capital – they are dead,

            Marx referred to ” Dead labour ” but in a totally different sense.

            IT is an illustration of how mad Neo -liberal economics was/is.

            Apparently Pinochet ended up Stateising more private companies than Allende did.

            It’s an unfunny old world and with the current lot in charge in the Western World who have no answers to what people face it’s going to become humourless.

            Beyond Black Comedy.

          • Johny Conspiranoid

            “They all agree on one thing ( sat round a highly polished table or not) and that is to stop the workers and the peasantry from taking charge of their own affairs.”

            If they agree on this, consciously, then what are they most likely to do?

    • DunGroanin


      Happily gleefully reporting this tonight

      ‘Keir Starmer expected to back purge of far-left Labour factions
      NEC to be asked to proscribe Resist, Labour Against the Witchhunt, Socialist Appeal and Labour In Exile Network
      Starmer is expected to support a proposal before the party’s governing body on Tuesday to proscribe four named groups.’

      I’m covered in the great Knight dope’s spaff with that! I need a shower.

      • mark golding

        Robot Starmer is an Israeli stooge and a perfidious creep. ‘Sir keir’ translates to ‘bell-end’ in Farsi 🙂 and this ‘knob’ supports cyber weapons having hired Assaf Kaplan who worked as an analyst and officer in Unit 8200 of the Israeli Military Intelligence between 2009-2013.

        We remember Israel and espionage Unit 8200 altered the Stuxnet cyber weapon code and removed U.S. diffusion safeguards that led to rapid global infection of programmed logic units that controlled critical industrial infrastructure systems. Thankfully by Israel changing/adding sub-routines blew the cover of this worm and exposed a dangerous weapon to the world.


        • Fat Jon

          So, why would the Guardian be exposing Pegasus and NSO now? They are making a big thing about it being an Israeli company, and also about Apple iphone secrecy, compared with the ‘open-ness’ of Microsoft.

          Something must be going on in the secret world. Far more than the Guardian will ever be allowed to admit.

          Has MI5/6 fallen out with Mossad, or are they taking advantage of the removal of Netanyahu to engage in a power struggle? Is there a secret plan to target the iphone because the security services cannot get fully past Apple’s phone security wall?

          Apologies if this is going way O/T from the treatment of Julian Assange, but I’m sure there will be links between the two subjects.

          • Goose

            If you hold the view the current guardian would never go big on such a story without UK intel service approval. Then one explanation could be that the ubiquitous nature of marketed spyware tools may result and fundamental shake up of security and protocols – the end result being the likes of Five-Eyes being locked out. I.e too many(govts) have joined the surveillance party and it’s jeopardising the whole enterprise going forward.
            Either that, or leaders simply lose trust in all digital communication devices – again locking the FVEYs out. Hence the guardian has approval to expose this trade.

        • mark golding

          The documentary “zero days’ should create in our minds the embodiment, the apotheosis of an evil that is murder by assassination (of a scientist) and the introduction and initiation of a digital weapon that caused industrial control system to malfunction without any regard, any concern, any care for human life involved in, for instance, in mining controls, in power grid controls, in nuclear plant controls and most digital automation.

          I believe strongly it is our duty to society to expose, enlighten and educate now and next generations that this type of iniquity lives in the minds of leaders who are compelled to act on dark information from intelligence agencies such as GCHQ, NSA. MI6 and Mossad.

    • Jm

      Thanks Bevin,excellent article.

      Kromberg sounds like just another drivel-gushing ogre,the type that’s been ever so prevalent in these last 20 years of lies and global gaslighting.

    • nevermind

      Thanks For the link Bevin, a very revealing article and a manifestation that the US and UK courts are now relying on an ardent islamophbic assistant prosecutor to fabricate a case, control and destruct Julians life with judicial appeals, rigmarole showing that westrrn justice is about revenge against all who criticise and publicise their brazen war crimes and dehumanising regimes in Aby Ghraib Bagram C and elsewhere.

      Now that they both have run away from their crimes in Afghanistan they seem to aim their bile and terror on us, their very own publishets and journalists who speak up.
      Who will be next? priests who are conscious and outspoken? young people opposing the ignorance of the oil and gas lobby?
      Free Julian Assange NOW!

  • James E

    I have begun today by reading this article and it has brought a smile to my face, such is your humour and kindness towards others (two seperate things). I didn’t know that Vivienne has her own organisation supporting the climate crisis. I have copied the link and will learn more about her. Thank you Craig.

    PS. I am disgusted by the abuses you are suffering in the Scottish Courts, with charges based on nothing but an attempt to cause you harm and stop you working. Repulsive it is.


    • Ewan

      V. Westwood has, acc. to Private Eye, quite a lot of investments in Luxembourg. I’m sure it’s to support the climate.

  • DunGroanin

    So as the Groan celebrates feedomday, promoting Cummings and LauraKoftheCIA production to get him elected as our future fuhrer.. the 5+1 eyed phone hacking story supersedes the daily death march of Covid self inflicted civilian deaths – note that the hospitalisation numbers have not been updated since FRIDAY!

    Where’s today’s fig leaf? Ah the 2 great Duncan’s get to pen a few words alerting the readers that there is only ONE DAY to object before independent journalism and even us pesky kids sticking out oars into the slave owners business are about to be outlawed and have our tongues and ears ripped off and be blinded publicly if we deign to resist – heck they’ll be closing down this site and any blogger anywhere in the world with the latest grant of fascist power – in this coup state we live in like frogs beginning to boil!


    Very succinct summary of ABC trial and CliveP, who used to frequent here and is missed.

    • Wikikettle

      DunGroanin. What a decline of the Judicary, from the Clive Ponting case to now open season on the few remaining Journalists in MSM to the many in Independent Media. The Cretins are destroying age old institutions and claiming to be Patriots !

      • Wikikettle

        I am sorry, when I say Institutions, I meant Jury in the Ponting trial, who went against the Judges’ directions.

    • DunGroanin

      U.K. has HIGHEST infection rate in the world fourth day in a row.

      PM in his bunker supposedly a b the country.
      Health Secretary in a bunker probably in the City..

      • Stevie Boy

        After nearly two years haven’t the sheeple twigged that this is now all about the Westminster variant, ie. It’s now an evidence free, politically driven hoax ?
        Any threat from the flu has passed it’s now about civil repression and big pharma profits.
        I’m not wrong …

    • Giyane


      Thanks for linking to this article. Thought crime will be punished appropriately, possibly by the hanging, drawing and quartering of the mind, or worse. As with all fanatically generated legislation, it probably hasn’t occurred to them that it could be used against foam-flecked Home Secretaries who have wriggled out of their bat suits.

  • Tim Glover

    Craig, haven’t heard from you for a while. I am sure all your supporters wish you well.

    • DunGroanin

      He is more active on Twitter – give the guy a break, new baby, summer. Supreme Court rejection, imprisonment all within days now… just saying.

      • nevermind

        Absolutely agree with DunGroanin, patience, of which I myself suffer the lack of at times, must prevail at present.
        I listened today to A. Rattansi on RT interviewing Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor of Wikileaks, once again going through the points of bent law that Julian Assange’s continued revenge incarceration is based/flawed on.
        He points to this charade as the most important case for press freedom.
        Can the removal of the bed of flowers art work be compared to banning or burning of books? Are we there yet?

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