Reply To: Any German English speakers here?

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Laughing at morons

Jesus Christ, how frustrating if people can’t think or read.

If you actually read this hemorrhage of a trash book, the dead Ulfkotte will tell you yourself how bad his own health was.

He claims that during his reporting in 1988 he got in the middle of a mustard gas attack near Baghdad, got diagnosed with cancer and three weeks to live.

While working for the German newspaper FAZ, he called in sick because of a fractured skull. He offered three explanations for how it happened:

a) he tripped over his cat and fell down the basement stairs backwards
b) members of the Pakistani secret service chased him through his home and shoved him down the stairs
c) he was beaten with an iron bar from behind while walking to his mailbox

When he got sacked from the newspaper, he claimed it was because they no longer wanted a physically handicapped person to work there – and he complained that the paper failed to report the mustard gas attack to the worker’s accident insurance (Berufsgenossenschaft) – of course, because they wanted to cover for the manufacturer of the gas…

In his book, he also details how he himself was bought by the media – and it is plainly documented (e.g. on his german Wiki page) that he himself got corporate sponsorship by Shell to downplay the environmental damage of Shell in Nigeria during his trip there (of course he failed to disclose the Shell payments in his article).

So yes, surely he is a very valuable source of information, if by information you mean cooked bullshit.

The books is available in German – just Google reviews in German and translate them – that should cover your needs plenty.