Reply To: Care home staff resist the vaccine; their bosses want to force them to have it

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Care home staff resist the vaccine; their bosses want to force them to have it Reply To: Care home staff resist the vaccine; their bosses want to force them to have it


“what you are proposing “social compartmentalisation” is inhumane social isolation, and simply wouldn’t work in any society valuing work and freedom. “

Wrong, as ever. The point of compartmentalisation is to avoid isolation. People organise into closed groups, ie. communities, for company and mutual support. When there has been no transmission within the community for 14 days, it becomes a Green Community. Green Communities may mix and merge with other Green communities, increasing opportunities for socialisation and work.

It is similar to the concept of Green Zones, but with some complications. Since self-sufficiency is nearly impossible in the UK, each Green Community requires Amber volunteers, to get supplies from Red Zones and put them in a safe place for collection by the Green Community. This can be worked by three groups on a six-week rota – a fortnight on collection duties, a fortnight in quarantine, a fortnight within the Green Community. But if everyone observed this discipline, only two cycles would see COVID-19 wiped out.

You claim to be anti-globalist Dave, but here is a valid reason, indeed a necessity for travel restrictions, yet you are opposed to it. Just like the Brexit “Control Our Borders” Conservatives took ten months to before controlling our borders.

You’d do better not to make assumptions about my ideology, Dave, and you’d do better to abandon your own; it seems to be blinding you to reality and making you waffle about irrelevant politics, about which the virus cannot possibly care. And I get my ideas from the study of nature, not Vincent Price films.

“Mental health is the ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs”

M. Scott Peck, US army psychiatrist.