Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

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michael norton

Pigeon English, what I think I mean, is that almost everyone I know, voted for the U.K. to Leave the E.U. and regain our sovereign status. We are now being branded as The United Kingdom. Almost everyone I know, did not think we would be allowed to leave as Britain is so valuable to the E.U., we gave them status.
Our own Prime minister, David Cameron, was against the U.K. leaving the E.U. Most of Big Buisiness was against us leaving. Most celeberaties, were against us leaving. Most scientists, were against us leaving.
You could say most University educated people were against us leaving, so in a way, it was a “peasants revolt”
or you could say the biggest decision in the history of the U.K. that allowed Democracy to win.
In my area, there was a Big majority for leaving, I think in the North East they had the biggest majority for leaving, this was partly about de-industrialisation and consequent poverty. The Levelling-Up, is targeted at the North East.
Blyth for example is where the HVDC Interconnector comes ashore from Norway.
There are plans for a monster undersea fertilizer mine.
Now with added need, as Methane has skyrocketed.
All these elements are geopolitical.
Part of the mechanism for Global Britain, as much as AUKUS, probably more so.
But so much of the U.K.assets are to do with our seas, that is why there is a rapid build up of the Royal Navy.