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michael norton

“A common thread in these face-offs is the fact that Mr Macron and his cronies are preparing for a presidential election in April. Mr Macron is determined to win a second five-year term and establish himself as the de facto EU leader after the retirement of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

As France moves further to the Right, Mr Macron knows he has to attract extreme nationalist voters to defeat rivals such as Marine Le Pen of the National Rally party.

An obvious way of doing this is for ‘Napo-Macron’ to take on his country’s historic enemy at every opportunity, so prepare for Britain to be blamed for every French ill in the coming months. He might not win every battle, but if Mr Macron finds himself back inside the Elysee Palace, his aggression will have served him well – whatever it does for Britain’s relations with one of its closest neighbours.”

Macron thinks he will soon have the U.K. tided over a French barrel.
He ought to remember that The Germans thrashed the French three times, in recent history, it is two hundred years since the British done for Napoleon, the last war between France and England ended in 1815.
Why does he want another war, with his near neighbour, because we left the control of the E.U. of which he wants and expects to be soon crowned Leader of Europe. Yet the French hate the squirt. They despise him.
No, Pigeon English, the U.K. is better off apart from the E.U.