Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines Reply To: New World Shifting to the Indo-Pacific new nuclear powered submarines

Pigeon English

Happy to know that British Empire is back in the game!
Are you parking one Aircraft carrier in La Manche to fight the Frogs and dinghies or to deliver food and petrol to the nation?
With a sailor in command finally Brexit Britain is Safe and ready to rule the world. Step aside Biden, BJ is coming – no pun intended!
Did you finally get some airplanes for Carriers?

Even in the linked article past wars were mentioned and obviously Germans.

One of the purposes of the EU was to have friendly co-existence guided by common interest instead of this Brexit Bellicose rhetoric!!
I am happy that Brexit is just giving benefits as promised.
I fully trust BJ and his henchman to turn idle working class (Britain Unchained book) into a well-paid high-productive work force. The rise in prices will be worthwhile and I kind of agree but paying unskilled lazy workers double to get half a job done is very risky. I am sure Brexitears will step in for the country and pick vegetables, slaughter pigs, and nurse their compatriots. At least the army is doing something useful like driving lorries! After all, we have the Royal Navy to protect us with their boats …

[ Mod: For the record, a recent reply from michael norton was deleted because it contained the phrase “The Frogs are hopping mad!”. He has been warned many times about his xenophobic rhetoric – particularly towards the French, Scots, and Chinese – and he may be suspended for it again soon. ]