Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions? Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?


It is very noticeable that the whole discussion has now shifted away from Covid. It is now acceptable to have more than 40,000 positives per day, it is acceptable to have 150 deaths a day and rising, it is acceptable to have 11 hour queues for ambulances in A&E. Covid has now been ‘normalized’ and is just part of the background. Even the tiny token of self restraint that is symbolized by wearing a mask has now been banished as a sign of repression as ‘freedom day’ was declared.

Together with everything else disastrous that is going on, from the aftermath of Brexit to fuel price hikes and shortages, and with a total lack of meaningful opposition, this country is hurtling towards disaster.