Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

michael norton

A point well made PE

I think there is a movement to subvert British values.
When I was growing up you would be put in prison for being a homosexual, now it is normal behaviour.
When I was growing up about half the population went to church, now only a few go to church. Far more Moslems go to their places of worship in Britain than do British people go to their places of worship.
Almost all adults were married and only with children of that marriage, living together, that is no longer normal.
We had people hunting foxes on horseback, now no longer legal. You could smoke in public houses, now no longer legal.
Most of our services were provided by the state, mostly no longer provided by the state.
When I was growing up, you just went to the Post Office and handed over five shillings to get your shotgun license, now no longer the case.
Virtually since we joined the Common Market our values have been removed from us, so as to almost be aliens in our own land.
We have forgotten who we are?