Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Pigeon English

I understand that you are racist and xenophobe and that is how you are. But what annoys me is your justification with meaningless slogans and your intellectual dishonesty.

Couple of examples

– your great uncle in lobster pot by the Japanese and yet you hate China

– you use Regime so much and yet you never mention Corruption in UK politics.

– Royal Navy and British Empire imposing your values in the past and now It’s not a problem for you

– Being part of EU bad but Nato good

– Taiwan is in theory Chinese territory but you object to Chinese planes flying close to it and you approve of the Royal Navy patrolling there

– In the 70’s you went to West Indies to lure labour to come to Britain.

– Many in the world were British subjects and they took the opportunity to go to the “Motherland”?