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- This topic has 351 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago by
Dear Clark
Aluminium is VERY toxic to humans. It’s why you should avoid using deodorant with Aluminium in. The other metals have ZERO place in a ‘vaccine’. In fact, we new study conducted by 18 scientists globally, conducted SEM and other analysis on over 2305 samples of 12 global Covid19 vaccines and found them ALL to contain PEG and nano particles but oddly ZERO biological matter – no mRNA, no S-Proteins, no sub units etc – nothing. They were all the same – chemicals that are toxic to humans.
Graphene Oxide is most definitely toxic to humans and carries a negative charge that can be turned positive (by radio waves) where it becomes lethal. It is suspected of causing the clotting and herding of red blood cells. I could point you to many studies from doctors and scientists proving the toxicity of the elements I highlight, but you will try and scour the internet for counter evidence from shills for big pharma
Pfizer state there is no graphene oxide in their vaccine.
“I could point you to many studies from doctors and scientists proving the toxicity of the elements I highlight, but you will try and scour the internet for counter evidence from shills for big pharma ”
Are you being serious Weasel? You won’t cite your sources for your claims in case someone might actually look at these studies to assess the rigor of their methodology etc? Do you realise just how astoundingly dumbassed such a statement is?
Transparency is the key.The earth is flat as conclusively proved by some studies I read but I’m not letting you have those studies in case you find flaws in them. Would you go fuck off please.
Weasel, today, 11:29
– “…ZERO biological matter – no mRNA, no S-Proteins…”
Ah ha! So we don’t need to worry about the “novel gene-editing ‘vaccine’” (Weasel, August 22, 10:37) after all!
Keep slinging shit, Weasel; some of it might stick eventually.
Weasel, you made this accusation of me:
– “you will try and scour the internet for counter evidence from shills for big pharma”
My accusation against you is that you don’t care about consistency, evidence or science; you merely cherry-pick any snippet that you superficially believe to help build your false case. You don’t care that, for instance, “the US CDC knew the mRNA potion didn’t even meet the definition of a vaccine” (August 22, 10:37), nor that your latest “ZERO biological matter” claim renders it irrelevant. You don’t care whether any piece of science is right, wrong, irrelevant, or contradicts some other snippet you posted, because you’re interested only in using it as a prop.
Weasel, August 22, 10:37
– “…mass formation psychosis,”
Is that a thing? Or just something Robert Malone made up? Surely you didn’t just parrot something because the person who said it is someone you happen to believe in? Y’know, like you’d say the “sheeple” do.
Seriously; what is so much better about believing some fringe narrative rather than believing “the official narrative”? To me, both appear to be blind belief. Seriously, please explain, because it makes no sense to me.
Weasel: Your latest offering is the logical equivalent of saying, “There are pixies in my garden. They do amazingly magical things. But I offer no evidence of them whatsoever, because you will show my evidence is all nonsense.”
Genuine notions stand up to scrutiny. If your proposal is un-falsifiable, because you refuse to show its basis, then the proposal remains no more valid than any myth, such as magical pixies in the garden.
Much as we might wish to believe something, we cannot promote it with any intellectual honesty, unless we’re willing to have our evidence examined and challenged. Otherwise, we’re just ‘gurus’ or ‘mystics’.
But feel free to ignore all this, and just feel good about yourself in a community that values such notions because it makes you feel exceptional, one of the ‘tribe’ of brave non-conformists. That is both the benefit and the price you pay for refusing to live in the reality-based community.
Glenn_nl (and ET), do we really want to see Weasel’s “evidence”? After all, Weasel confidently warned us about the “novel gene-editing” mRNA vaccine, then equally confidently told us that it contained “ZERO biological matter – no mRNA”. Even Weasel found this odd – but didn’t become sceptical about either source. Weasel cited (or rather, again omitted to cite) yet another source that was at odds with both other claims, yet still didn’t become sceptical of any of them.
Weasel clearly applies zero scepticism and probably wouldn’t even know how to, so if Weasel does link to any of this stuff, most likely it’ll merely give us all headaches working out how to refute the precise flavour of bullshit it contains.
Weasel, I’ve been trying to understand what your concern is regarding the data you directed us to:
– “Please look at lines 455 and then sum of lines 456-461 – The sum is higher in vaccinated (any dose, aggregated) than the vaccinated per 100,000 person-years. 795 per 100,000 Non-Covid deaths in unvaccinated vs 8,699”
I see 795(.3) as the ASMR for unvaccinated (so you do seem to be referring to Table 1), but I don’t see 8699 anywhere in the table. How did you get that figure?
Line 463 gives the ASMR for those ever vaccinated as 787.1, less than 10% of your 8699. This again shows hardly any difference in non-covid deaths between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, just as ET found before.
Why did you ignore line 463? And why did you omit line 462?
Some people may be interested in reading the following:
The past, current and future epidemiological dynamic of SARS-CoV-2.Weasel
Here you go chaps. Take a look at this. In the US they have made it illegal to perform analysis on the vaccine and it is protected by US Dept of Defense secrecy laws. It is the US Dept of Defense that is the Govt contractor PAYING for the vaccines. But you carry on Shilling for Pfizer and Moderna LOL
Thanks for the laugh.“Graphene oxide is activated by electromagnetic frequencies, specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum. Graphene oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA patented hydrogels. It is these hydrogels that are in the Covid injections, the PCR test swabs and the masks.”
Not only in the vaccines but also in masks and swabs? And activated by 5G frequencies.
“DARPA funded a company that produces soft flexible hydrogels … injected beneath the skin to perform health monitoring … they sync to a smartphone app to give the user immediate health insights. However, hydrogel nanotechnology grows and spreads in the body once implanted. We do not know how this affects our DNA. We know that it can send information directly and continuously through artificial intelligence.”
LMAO. Soon skynet and multiple T-1000 terminators. I’m scared.
““There was MASSIVE contamination in the Covid-19 injections through heavy metal particulates such as tungsten, chromium, iron, sodium (highly electro-conductive), strontium, magnesium, gold and silver nano particulates, lead, antimony, aluminium, tin and many others.”
Iron and sodium (highly electro-conductive). That would be the iron needed for haemoglobin without which we’d all be unable to transfer oxygen from blood to cells and found in all your red blood cells. That would also be the same sodium in salt and again absolutely essential to how your physiology functions, and literally highly controlled by multiple physiological mechanisms in your blood, extravascular spaces and cells. Sodium is literally VITAL for life as we know it.
Weasel, take a step back and stop relying for your information on this kind of utter shite. It’s fantasy. Start with a basic physiology book, there’s plenty of them online for free.
I am not shilling for anyone or anything, Weasel, except perhaps scientific method. If you want insight into how “Big Pharma” screws us all over go read “Bad Pharma” by Ben Goldacre, far more damning than any of this shite.
Dr. Wagh’s credentials are somewhat suspect.
I was just wondering when strontium would get a mention, to go with the caesium, of course. Two hours later, lo and behold, there it is! Can we have iodine and potassium next please, or are their biological roles too well known?
Strontium is harmless. Chemically, it’s a lot like calcium and barium. Someone has been reading too many Marvel comics.
Weasel, this is parody, right? “Ooh, science words – they sound dangerous”. But you should be more circumspect; you’re provoking irrational fears in people like Kate, which is exactly what the denialists accuse the so-called MSM of doing.
Meanwhile, the excess deaths trend continues in the UK and elsewhere.
“The number of deaths registered in the UK in the week ending 26 August 2022 (Week 34) was 12,330, which was 15.4% above the five-year average (1,646 excess deaths); of these deaths, 505 involved COVID-19, which was 117 fewer than in Week 33.”
Link to ONS data.
This is perhaps a better graph from than the cumulative graph I linked earlier in the thread showing various countries. (you can choose your own countries to compare).
The cause or causes are still unknown. There doesn’t seem to be much coverage of this in the corporatocratic (CRAP) media though there is some reference to it in such as NewScientist.
ET, thanks. The New Scientist article is behind a paywall, and at first sight the BMJ link it cites appears to be as well. However, the doi link at the top of the BMJ article opens the same BMJ article in full, at least on my system that blocks JavaScript. That link is as follows:
Some quotes:
– A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care told The BMJ, “Analysis is ongoing, but early investigation suggests that circulatory diseases and diabetes may be partly responsible for the excess deaths. These latest results emphasise the importance of active management of cardiovascular risk, as there is good evidence that many cardiovascular deaths are potentially preventable.”
– Patients with circulatory diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, have been particularly affected by very long waits for ambulances and emergency care, as well as delays in routine checks—all knock-on effects of the covid pandemic.
– A recent briefing from the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office for National Statistics shows that the pandemic has had significant indirect effects on the diagnosis of some long term conditions, particularly coronary heart disease, asthma, and atrial fibrillation.
A lot of pundits have jeered at China’s covid suppression policy, but maybe it was a wise choice.
Sorry about paywall. I use bypass paywalls clean add-on, so didn’t notice a paywall.
ET, regarding your Our World in Data link; it’s interesting that the lines converge. I tried adding in New Zealand due to their covid exclusion policy, but their excess deaths are up. Then I tried Iceland due to their low infection rate but their data only goes up to June.
Covid hoax deniers and shills. Your day of reckoning approaches. You were warned but too pious and wrapped up in your own sheeple bias to see it.
[ Mod: ‘Weasel’ is now banned from the forums.Recently several new identities have appeared, posting in favour of fringe viewpoints via anonymous proxies/VPNs to evade moderation. Accordingly, there is effectively also a ban on new identities posting via anonymous servers. ]
*** MODS ***, thanks for permitting Weasel’s, er, whatever you’d like to call it.
Weasel, if vaccines are responsible for the excess deaths, (1) it is already too late for those who got vaccinated, so your apparent gloating above is highly distasteful, and (2) it will be impossible to hide, eg. Iceland’s data will update in due course, counting either for or against covid itself as a cause; there is copious public data from over a hundred countries, all using different vaccines deployed in different ways to varying demographics at different times. The cause or causes eventually have to become clear.
In some matters all one can do is be patient, so I hope you manage to calm down; your commenting style, already self-contradictory, is seeming increasingly desperate what with multiple identities, anonymous proxies and VPNs. There’s a moderation team at Craig’s, so if you had a coherent, internally consistent hypothesis I’m sure at least one of them would have recognised its merit and approved the relevant comments, or argued with the rest of the team on your behalf. I have communicated with some of the moderators over the years and know them to be a rational and ethical bunch, not to mention Craig who is very rational and ethical himself. Chill out; if you think you anti-vaxxers are about to inherit the Earth, that should be reward enough, without having to call people shills and sheeple.
Here’s a good one for y’all:
“Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: ‘We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission’
We were moving at the speed of science, she says.
Must watch video of admission: god I was moving at the speed of Yeadon, Malone and McCullough, and declined that high speed science!!
Well if people aren’t going to get sick and die, then they won’t be transmitting it so much will they? Another small benefit is that they don’t actually get sick and die in anything like the numbers once vaccinated.
I’d call not being so liable to get really ill and/or die of a highly communicable airborne virus a pretty big plus, so I’m not sure why you think this is such a gosh-shock-gasp ‘revelation’.
Btw, I am sure you get all your ‘facts’ from the most reliable of sources, John. Like Yeadon, Malone and McCullough, that you mention – they nust be highly credible scientists who publish papers for peer review, and stick to their fields of expertise – right?
Oh no, wait – Yeadon, Malone and McCullough are three conspiracy nuts who peddle their rubbish to the gullible on youtube.
(There are dozens of other references to this dubious bunch. Not hard to find.)
I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya!
The originators of that misleading tweet are a far-right organisation, with a mixed bag of truth, half-truths and – wait for it – conspiracy nonsense about covid, vaccines etc.
Impeccable sources from the denialists as ever!