The Big Lie Technique 32

Breathtaking lies from the White House press spokesman:

“Israel is only doing what is necessary to prevent terrorism. Nobody supports violence.”

The horrific thing is, some people do actually believe this ludicrous propaganda. But on the subject of supporting violence, I had a momentary emotion today of which I feel deeply ashamed. The BBC reported an Israeli civilian killed by a Palestinian rocket, and my involuntary reaction was:

“Good – they got one back. 340 Palestinian dead, but at least they got one of the bastards”.

I then froze in horror at my own thought, and said a quiet apology to the soul of the poor man killed, and to his family and friends.

I am happy to say my initial emotion still seems to me repulsive and aberrant, and if I think back on it I do not recapture any of that feeling. But if the Israeli offensive can make someone as dedicated to peace, and far removed from the conflict, as I feel that kind of instinct, even if momentarily, how truly counter-productive it must be. How much hatred and antagonism has been stirred among those related to the four young sisters killed in their bed, to give only one example? We are seeing not just the death of hundreds now, but the instigation of yet additional violence for decades to come.

Of course, some people will make money and/or gain political power and influence out of that. “Nobody supports violence” is bollocks. Some people profit very nicely from it, in a variety of ways.

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32 thoughts on “The Big Lie Technique

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  • Kathy

    Although you were repulsed by your initial reaction, how would you feel if you were directly affected by your own child being killed by an Israeli bomb or even if you were just a Palestinian? Besides that, the person killed by the Hamas rocket you refer to was a Bedouin construction worker ironically. Strangely, most of the attacks on Israel seem to kill Israeli Arabs.

  • Omar

    You were right about being afraid of your initial thought. It is troublesome.. And for those who don't think that's the case, just have a look at the man who died:

    Hani al-Mahdi, 27, of Aroar, a Beduin settlement in the Negev was killed when a Grad-type missile fired from Gaza exploded at a construction site in Ashkelon; 16 other workers were wounded. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

    That's the gruesome reality of war! Bombing is a very indiscriminate way of negotiations.

  • Leo

    The BBC had this caption yesterday:

    "Israeli jets hit key Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip, as air raids aimed at ending militant rocket attacks continue for a third day."

    It annoys me that they accept the stated aim of the bombing on face value.

    The BBC don't report that the Hamas rockets are aimed at ending oppression of Palestine so why do they report that the equally wrong (and far more deadly to innocents) Israeli bombing has such an aim?

    All violence from either side does is stir up the other and everyone involved must know this.

  • KevinB

    Israel is responding in defensive rage at the killing of an arab construction worker (Israeli citizen)….yea, right.

    Israel broke the truce with Hamas when they bombed Gaza some months ago. The main aim of this bombing was to start the rocket attacks against Israel off again……so that they could do exactly what they are doing now. Arab blood, as Gilad Azmon says, translates into votes for the party in power.

    The motto of Massad is "By deception you will carry out war". What are the odds that Israel itself is responsible for most of the rocket attacks on itself (as certain sources allege)? Surely, pretty high.

    Talmudic Judaism is Luciferianism.

    The Melanie Phillipses of this world who relentlessly attack Islam should be forced to explain to the rest of us the fact that, according to the Talmud, all non-Jews are 'goyim' or 'cattle'…..and why the only discernable objective of this occult religion is total power for the Jews themselves. I object to our pathetic silence on these issues. Does anyone imagine that the Rabbis who beat the drum for the vicious attacks on Palestinians do not mean exactly what they say? Can anyone doubt that the Zionist political classes serve the very same God.

    Do any of you good people out there wonder if we're next? Is it not clear that Zionists have the US and UK governments under almost total control?

    Why else would WE be imposing economic sanctions against the poor persecuted wretches in Gaza. What kind of degenerates have we become?

  • George Dutton

    "Nobody supports violence" is bollocks. Some people profit very nicely from it, in a variety of ways"

    Here is one.

    "Cheney: 'I Don't Have Any Idea' Why People Don't Like Me"

    "Only 29 percent of Americans approve of the job Dick Cheney is doing as Vice President. In an interview with his hometown Wyoming newspaper, The Caspar Star-Tribune, Cheney expressed his bewilderment over his low approval numbers:"…

    I think it's got something to do with you being a super paranoid megalomaniac psychopath dickhead.

  • Ronbo2571

    Craig,I generally agree with most of the the things you write about and even bought your book.However,I disagree with your sentiments regarding Israel's current action in Gaza

    There are many times when Israel tests my patience,but sadly this time they are absolutely right in their response to the actions of Hamas.

    The Arab world are losing patience with the terrorist outfit that Hamas is.Furthermore,Israel is on the frontline in the fight against Islamofascism,we must support them and help liberate the Palestinian people from this madness,in the same way Britain and its allies liberated Europe in the second world war.

  • writerman


    I share your feelings. It's difficult not to feel anger at the slaughter of innocents and the rage and frustration at the unequalness of the two parties involved in the conflict. One possessing one of the strongest armies in the world, an airforce, tanks, missiles, field guns probably two hundred nuclear warheads, and the other small-arms, homemade rockets – a militia really.

    Imagine though if one lived in Gaza and these people were one's friends and neighbours, how would one feel then? Wouldn't one vow to take revenge on the people who've caused so much pain, suffering and torment and taken so much by force, leaving the Palestinians with so little?

    What's tragic is that Israel took the land by force of arms and terror in the first place, so why shouldn't the Palestinians use the same methods to take it back? Why is force and terror right for Israel yet wrong for the Palestinians? And who decides what 'terror' is allowed, lawful and acceptable, even just, and what isn't?

    It seems that when Israel uses massive violence this is somehow seen as legitimate and understandable, but those who fight back are seen as barbarians, savages, who glory in violence for it's own sake and not as a military tactic. But of course this fits neatly into the classic imperialist attitude to the 'natives' who have the audacity to fight back against the invaders who've come to take their land.

    Hamas is becoming an Arab version of the Zionist-nationalists who used precisely the same methods to build the state of Israel. Hamas isn't just a threat to Israel, it's seen as a profound threat to all the corrupt regimes in the region. One shouldn't forget that the elections in the occupied territories were arguably the most democratic in the history of the Middle East, outside of Israel itself of course, but the result was simply unacceptable and therefore Hamas must be wiped out before the 'contagion' spreads.

    I would contend that if there were free and fair and democratic elections in the rest of the region, 'radicals' like Hamas would sweep the board in almost every country, pushing aside the old, 'pragmatic' regimes with ease. That's why the West supports the anti-democratic dictatorships from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. We don't really support democracy, that's far too dangerous a concept. What we support in stability, control and access to markets and resources.

    Yet the West is supporting corrupt minorities against the wishes of the vast majority of the regions inhabitants and the really dangerous thing is that they understand what's going on. We cannot fool them even though we apparently are successfully fooling ourselves.

    It's like Iran all over again and from one end of the Arab world to the other. But how stable is Western policy in reality? How long can we support these gahstly and corrupt dictatorships? Will they like the Shah in Iran always be able to subjugate their own people? One day the people will rise up in Eygypt and Jordan and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and all hell will break loose. It won't be pretty and it won't be nice.

    The Palestians want their country and homes back and they may be weak now and betrayed by the Arab leadership, but not amongst ordinary Arabs. Among ordinary Arabs they have massive support. And this gap between the feelings of hundreds of millions of Arabs and their pro-Western elites is incredibly dangerous and destabilising for the entire region and ultimately for us too and even Israel.

  • Craig

    Ronbo 2571

    I can't think of anything more calculated to increase the popullarity of Hamas than what Israel is now doing. I too regard the embrace of radical Islam by he formerly diverse Palestinian people as a bad development for the Palestinians. I believe Israel is fully aware this will increase support for Hamas, and actually wants that. Violent extremists feed off each other.

    As for your embrace of the Blairite notion that you liberate people by killing them, if you buy that I am indeed surprised that you agree with me on anything.

  • writerman


    I just wonder what the Palestinians have as an alternative to Hamas? I think Hamas and Hezbola in Lebanon represent the future. This is of course an incredibly dangerous development for everyone, though I believe it's perfectly understandable, obvious and even predictable. These militias are becoming integrated into their societies as 'warrior castes' but with the added ingredient of regligion/ideology/faith added to the explosive mix. These people are becoming Spartans, who even in defeat and death – 'win' and become legends, martyrs to their cause.

    Western/Israeli policies are failing in the Middle East and this needs to be faced, before we create a deadly backlash, a mighty wind, which will blow everything down in it's path and prove unstoppable.

    And of course Israel 'created' Hamas in the first place in a shortsighted policy designed to weaken the secular, socialist PLO. And this has been the Western policy in the region for decades, support religious conservatives and undermine the secular nationalists who want to liberate their countries from Western colonialism. Yet these relious groups are turning into Frankenstein's monsters and are arguably far more dangerous than the 'socialist' secular threat to Western dominance.

    One almost dispairs at the crass stupidity of Western policies, that violence solves all questions relating to power. That power comes from the barrel of a gun, does it really, all the time and in all situations?

    But are we really as stupid as we seem? Is stupidity even an excuse? What if we are only pretending to be stupid? What if are true aims are so foul so ghastly and immoral and criminal, that we daren't even whisper our true goals, even to ourselves?

    What if our goal is more war? That the leading Western nations are encouraging Islamis extremism in order to provide us with an excuse for more war? Wars of agression designed to subjugate the entire region for our benefit. Hasn't this been our longterm strategy for decades?

    Imagine how powerful the Ottoman Empire would be today if we hadn't carved it up between us. Think of the Turks with access to the Gulf's oil reserves. It would arguably be the most powerful empire on earth. This is just to illustrate how much the region has lost. We don't actually want the region to develope and we never really have. We want the Middle East weak and devided, subjugated and needing our protection. If the region developed normally they would begin to use their resources for their own benefit, not ours. For example the oil wealth of the Gulf has benefitted the West far more than the Middle East and we like this state of affairs just fine, it suits us and it suits the corrupt elites we keep in power, regimes that oppress and rob their own people protected by us because we benefit as well.

    This is, of course, a very depressing and simplified analysis, but I believe it's fundamentally not far from the truth. Behind our democratic and liberal facade we're the same band of robbers we've always been. Five hundred years ago we began our campaign of rape, war and robbery, and nothing has really changed.

  • George Dutton

    "Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers"

    "WHILE Israel fights Hezbollah with tanks and aircraft, its supporters are campaigning on the internet.

    Israel's Government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda. The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee diplomats to track websites and chatrooms so that networks of US and European groups with hundreds of thousands of Jewish activists can place supportive messages."

    "In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special "megaphone" software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate"…


    "Amir Gissin, the Israeli Foreign Ministry's public relations director, said: "The internet's become a leading tool for news, shaping the world view of millions. Our problem is the foreign media shows Lebanese suffering, but not Israeli. We're bypassing that filter by distributing pictures showing how northern Israelis suffer from Katyusha rocket attacks."


    "Tuesday, February 08, 2005

    Fake rocket attack

    Typical Israeli timeline:"…

    Aired August 6, 2006

  • Peter of Briz

    I can agree with how you feel and to me it is a normal reaction. This business has been going on far too long;sixty years too long for the imperilled people of Palestine. This current situation is a black-hole;it is an enormous unjust blight;the real carnage is currently one-way. I am worried this will reach a tipping point and many coutries will be drawn in militarily- but not against the Palestinians.The USA has something to answer for.

  • Ruth


    You are absolutely right. Very few people ask themselves how the UK has survived over the last decade with the loss of manufacturing etc. The answer to this lies in corruption beyond imagination; corruption that has decimated the lives of a few people here but many, many all over the world.

    We live of the agony and suffering of innocent people.

  • opit

    Gaza is a sore inflicted on the region : a pestilence exacerbated by U.S. 'Foreign aid' consisting of arms shipments.

    Mind, the Knesset itself is powerless not to acquiesce to Washington's wishes in escalating murders of Palestinians. Ha'aretz had an article back in 2006 on how a splinter right-wing faction had been supported with money and influence by the Oval Office, leading to 'escalation' of response to Palestinian actions.

    The best intelligence, perversely, is offered from within Israel itself, where the military action is much more controversial and opposed than seems to be the case in Western 'Media'.

    The Heathlander at WordPress and Ten Percent – also at WP – are two of my most used sources, however.

    As to your reaction ? Craig, anybody who tells people they have been conditioned literally from birth by planned and coordinated information control – and perversion – faces an insurmountable obstacle to credibility.

    Despite that, this link might prove interesting. Drat. The URL is too long – and I don't expect people to follow blindly.


  • Kashmiri Nomad

    I regularly read your weblog and have in the past linked to some of your posts. However this is the first time that I can remember sitting down to give you my thoughts on any matter.

    The situation that is developing in the Gaza Strip from a purely humanitarian point of view is devastating.

    The images of numerous dead bodies strewn across our television screens can affect us in ways that shock us at times. That goes for both sides in this current conflict irrespective of whether the victim is a Palestinian or an Israeli.

    Moving on to your last comment that the hostilities will profit someone.

    I think that you have hit the nail on the head with that sentiment. Lets have a look at some of those who will benefit from these hositilies.

    The current Israeli operations in Gaza have come to about by convergence of interests.

    The ruling coalition in Israel was headed for a electoral defeat if it did not show some type of force towards those who fired crude projectiles at its cities.

    Therefore the first beneficiary is the ruling coalition in Israel.

    The fighting and subsequent removal of the Hamas administration in Gaza works to the advantage of the Fatah faction in the West Bank.

    The second beneficiary is the President of the Palestinian authority and his associates.

    Regional countries and other big powers can act as brokers in any eventual cease-fire.

    The third beneficiary is the international community. From weapons sales and enhanced diplomatic status

    As you said there will be those who profit from the death and destruction being wrought on Gaza. But be assured that they will not be the civilians who will have had 1000's of pounds of high grade military ordinance exploded on their collective heads before the current round of blood letting is over.

  • KevinB

    The Truth About Those Hamas Rockets

    By Dennis Rahkonen

    January 01, 2009 "Online Journal" — Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to dupe us into supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq.

    A few days ago, Israel trotted out only an infinitesimally more credible excuse — the Hamas rockets case — as justification for its own murderous shock and awe in Gaza, a long-planned campaign perniciously aimed at ousting a "regime" that came to power via popular, democratic vote.

    Yes, such rockets exist, but they're little more than slingshots against Israel's incredible military might, and they're used out of desperation by Palestinians who've never been accorded the democratic space within which to gain redress of their eminently just grievances.

    Israeli apologists have presented absurd propaganda about those devices.

    We've been asked, for instance, what would we do if rockets were being launched on our homes in New York or Texas, from Canada or Mexico?

    The proper answer is that, if those two nations had been unlawfully occupied or embargoed by the United States for 60 years of relentless oppression and repression, and if all attempts at peaceful change had been forcefully prevented or scuttled by the U.S., then such attacks would be an understandable, indeed a justifiable attempt at gaining intolerably deferred liberty.

    Our appropriate response wouldn't be to bomb the hell out of the nearest Canadian or Mexican city, but to collectively look into mirrors and earnestly ask ourselves, "What have we done wrong to incur their wrath?"

    And then act to correct the situation.

    Conscientious Israelis acknowledge that the Hamas rockets rationale is fraudulent. For instance, Jerusalem Post writer Larry Derfner has noted, "We don't want to see how people in Gaza are living, we block it out of our minds — which, I suppose, is natural for a society at war, but which also keeps that war going longer than it might if we would recognize that Gaza is getting so much the worst of it.

    "The [Palestinian] Kassam [rockets] have terrorized the 25,000 people in Sderot and its environs, but have caused very, very few deaths or serious wounds. By contrast, Israel has terrorized 1.5 million Gazans, locked them inside their awfully narrow borders, throttled their economy, and killed and seriously wounded thousands of them . . .

    "This is crazy. Israel is the superpower of the Middle East, but because we still think we're the Jews of Europe in the 1930s, or the Israelites under Pharaoh, we spend a lot more time fighting our enemies than we might if we looked at the whole picture, not just our half of it . . ."

    As Gazan hospitals and morgues fill beyond capacity because of an ongoing air assault that cruelly began at precisely the hour when countless children were heading home from school, we're expected to believe that small craters mostly in empty Israeli fields constitute this terrible episode's chief sin.

    Bugs bothered by sporadically impacting, glorified fireworks cobbled together in backyard garages are ludicrously supposed to be the primary problem, not human limbs and lives shattered by the most destructive weapons that military science can produce!

    At any point during the past six decades, Israel could have had peace, simply by assenting to the great moral imperative of our time, namely the Palestinians' right to their own, unitary, sovereign homeland.

    Something which Israel continues to resist tooth and nail.

    Two years ago, in Southern Lebanon, Israel engaged in similar bombings in civilian areas. Then, too, it maintained that only "terrorist" targets were being hit. As impartial observers finally ascertained the truth, clear evidence of enormous civilian carnage surfaced.

    The Israeli leadership lied then, and it's lying now.

    There's a veritable holocaust occurring in densely packed Gaza. Think Guernica, or the Warsaw Ghetto, with all the searing irony that comparison involves.

    Apart from being an ethical travesty offending all decent hearts, it's an unpardonable outrage to especially Arab/Islamic peoples around the world.

    Witness the angry demonstrations in cities across the planet.

    It takes no extraordinary analytical prowess to appreciate that, when the White House ridiculously blames what's currently happening on "thugs" in Gaza, and when moderate Arab states adopt an accommodationist position pleasing the U.S. and Israel, a profound Arab/Islamic radicalization billows and swells.

    New Osama bin Ladens are being born as innocents in Gaza are getting ripped to death by American-made Hellfire missiles, dispatched toward fleshly targets by Israeli pilots.

    In fact, the almost certain, counterproductive outcome of Israel's action makes us necessarily suspect that secret motives mistakenly judged by Tel Aviv to be worth the risk are actually at play.

    Three possibilities spring immediately to mind:

    1) Obscenely using de facto genocide to give the present Israeli government a "tough" image before upcoming national elections.

    2) Roping Barack Obama into a harder pro-Israeli stance than Tel Aviv fears he'd otherwise take.

    3) Creating a manipulated, intensely propagandized situation that would enable a desired Israeli attack on Iran.

    Whatever the most deeply hidden reality, Israel's gargantuan crime must be universally condemned in the strongest possible terms . . . and halted at once!

    Dennis Rahkonen of Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the '60s.

    Copyright © 1998-2007 Online Journal

  • George Dutton

    "Those who want to use the video for anti-Semetic reasons should note that the Human Rights group 'B'Tselem' is a Jewish organization. Without their tireless work we would never have known about what really happened. Human Rights groups such as B'Tselem give voice to people like Ahmad Sanur who lost family in attacks which the IDF disgustingly twisted to work as propaganda for their own agenda. I cannot thank B'Tselem enough and strongly encourage everyone to consider donating to their cause."

    "People who work at B'Tselem truly embody Judaism and its many pro-Human values, please don't allow yourself to hate people who are Jewish simply because they are linked to people who care very little for human life."…

    "Know the facts"

    "Receive and distribute our materials: B'Tselem distributes all its material free of charge. If you would like to receive our publications on a regular basis, send us your address via mail or e-mail. Please specify if you would prefer to receive reports in English or Hebrew."

    "Every three weeks, B'Tselem sends an update to its e-mail subscribers. The update includes information on individual cases and larger policies concerning human rights, as well as calls for action. Click here to subscribe to the electronic updates."

    "Speak out for human rights"

    "Send letters to Israeli officials and to your government representatives expressing concern about Israel's human rights violations."

    "Israeli missions abroad"…

  • KevinB

    Thought I'd put this one back up, Craig:

    The Truth About Those Hamas Rockets

    By Dennis Rahkonen

    January 01, 2009 "Online Journal" — Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to dupe us into supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq.

    A few days ago, Israel trotted out only an infinitesimally more credible excuse — the Hamas rockets case — as justification for its own murderous shock and awe in Gaza, a long-planned campaign perniciously aimed at ousting a "regime" that came to power via popular, democratic vote.

    Yes, such rockets exist, but they're little more than slingshots against Israel's incredible military might, and they're used out of desperation by Palestinians who've never been accorded the democratic space within which to gain redress of their eminently just grievances.

    Israeli apologists have presented absurd propaganda about those devices.

    We've been asked, for instance, what would we do if rockets were being launched on our homes in New York or Texas, from Canada or Mexico?

    The proper answer is that, if those two nations had been unlawfully occupied or embargoed by the United States for 60 years of relentless oppression and repression, and if all attempts at peaceful change had been forcefully prevented or scuttled by the U.S., then such attacks would be an understandable, indeed a justifiable attempt at gaining intolerably deferred liberty.

    Our appropriate response wouldn't be to bomb the hell out of the nearest Canadian or Mexican city, but to collectively look into mirrors and earnestly ask ourselves, "What have we done wrong to incur their wrath?"

    And then act to correct the situation.

    Conscientious Israelis acknowledge that the Hamas rockets rationale is fraudulent. For instance, Jerusalem Post writer Larry Derfner has noted, "We don't want to see how people in Gaza are living, we block it out of our minds — which, I suppose, is natural for a society at war, but which also keeps that war going longer than it might if we would recognize that Gaza is getting so much the worst of it.

    "The [Palestinian] Kassam [rockets] have terrorized the 25,000 people in Sderot and its environs, but have caused very, very few deaths or serious wounds. By contrast, Israel has terrorized 1.5 million Gazans, locked them inside their awfully narrow borders, throttled their economy, and killed and seriously wounded thousands of them . . .

    "This is crazy. Israel is the superpower of the Middle East, but because we still think we're the Jews of Europe in the 1930s, or the Israelites under Pharaoh, we spend a lot more time fighting our enemies than we might if we looked at the whole picture, not just our half of it . . ."

    As Gazan hospitals and morgues fill beyond capacity because of an ongoing air assault that cruelly began at precisely the hour when countless children were heading home from school, we're expected to believe that small craters mostly in empty Israeli fields constitute this terrible episode's chief sin.

    Bugs bothered by sporadically impacting, glorified fireworks cobbled together in backyard garages are ludicrously supposed to be the primary problem, not human limbs and lives shattered by the most destructive weapons that military science can produce!

    At any point during the past six decades, Israel could have had peace, simply by assenting to the great moral imperative of our time, namely the Palestinians' right to their own, unitary, sovereign homeland.

    Something which Israel continues to resist tooth and nail.

    Two years ago, in Southern Lebanon, Israel engaged in similar bombings in civilian areas. Then, too, it maintained that only "terrorist" targets were being hit. As impartial observers finally ascertained the truth, clear evidence of enormous civilian carnage surfaced.

    The Israeli leadership lied then, and it's lying now.

    There's a veritable holocaust occurring in densely packed Gaza. Think Guernica, or the Warsaw Ghetto, with all the searing irony that comparison involves.

    Apart from being an ethical travesty offending all decent hearts, it's an unpardonable outrage to especially Arab/Islamic peoples around the world.

    Witness the angry demonstrations in cities across the planet.

    It takes no extraordinary analytical prowess to appreciate that, when the White House ridiculously blames what's currently happening on "thugs" in Gaza, and when moderate Arab states adopt an accommodationist position pleasing the U.S. and Israel, a profound Arab/Islamic radicalization billows and swells.

    New Osama bin Ladens are being born as innocents in Gaza are getting ripped to death by American-made Hellfire missiles, dispatched toward fleshly targets by Israeli pilots.

    In fact, the almost certain, counterproductive outcome of Israel's action makes us necessarily suspect that secret motives mistakenly judged by Tel Aviv to be worth the risk are actually at play.

    Three possibilities spring immediately to mind:

    1) Obscenely using de facto genocide to give the present Israeli government a "tough" image before upcoming national elections.

    2) Roping Barack Obama into a harder pro-Israeli stance than Tel Aviv fears he'd otherwise take.

    3) Creating a manipulated, intensely propagandized situation that would enable a desired Israeli attack on Iran.

    Whatever the most deeply hidden reality, Israel's gargantuan crime must be universally condemned in the strongest possible terms . . . and halted at once!

    Dennis Rahkonen of Superior, Wisconsin, has been writing progressive commentary with a Heartland perspective for various outlets since the '60s.

  • OrwellianUK


    The Israeli government is a Terrorist organisation.

    It propagates state terrorism against the Palestinian people.

    In this sense it is like Hamas only far more amplified as both are democratically elected. However, Hamas is resisting an illegal occupation with the only means it has at its disposal – e.g. homemade rockets, while the Israeli Goverment is enforcing that illegal occupation.

    I believe you have listened to too much Israeli propaganda concerning Hamas. The Israeli goverment began life in a remarkably similar way to Hamas.

  • Paul

    I don't feel bad thinking it. They are all party to the travesty that is Israel, they all deserve whatever that brings them.

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