Submission to the United Nations 130

The complaint to the United Nations against my imprisonment for contempt of court has now been submitted. This is the first time I have been able to state the case without the compulsory use of Scottish counsel, who were astonishingly timid of criticising Lady Dorrian or detailing Sturgeon’s conspiracy, its personnel, and how it worked.

Those who followed my earlier legal submissions will note a real change of tone and emphasis.

At this stage my legal team advise I can only make public the first six pages of the forty four page complaint. These are below. The complaint also has many attached documents. I hope to make more of it public later.

I apologise but I again need to ask for your help, as the appeal fund is currently £12,000 shy of what is now owed. It has been a long, bruising and very expensive fight. I have been jailed in extreme harsh conditions, including being locked in a small cell 23 hours a day for four months.

But I do believe there has gradually been a sea change in public understanding of what happened. The fact that the exact people I accused of criminal conspiracy to fit up an innocent man, have since been arrested by police on suspicion of embezzlement and other offences, has led many people to look at my work in a new light.

I believe that every day we are closer to ultimate vindication.

I could have done none of this without the unfailing support of those who have donated large or small sums to the defence fund, and I ask you, but only if you can without hardship, to help again at this last stage. I do realise times are hard.

You can contribute to my defence fund here. I am extremely grateful to those who have and I want to stress that I absolutely do not want anybody to contribute if it causes them even the slightest financial difficulty. I am afraid to say that the need to raise huge amounts is of course all part of suppression of dissent, by “lawfare”.

Click HERE TO DONATE if you do not see the Donate button above


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130 thoughts on “Submission to the United Nations

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  • Kevin Roberts

    Craig, I’ve been following you for years and I just wanted to thank you for your resilience and persistence and the insights you’ve given the world. Seems like increasingly dark times, but I retain a small amount of hope due entirely to the efforts of people like yourself. An inadequate reflection of my appreciation for the hope you provide is on its way to your BTC address. Cheers and best wishes.

  • nevermind

    Thanks for your link to the defend our juries site, Clark. The judicial slippage into Goebbels’ last drawer is becoming apparent to all now.
    And those in Europe who feast on campaigning rather than letting all the stops out for Julian to be freed, able to play with his children after being in a western judicial maelstrom, is more than sad, it is disrespectful and wrong.
    I wonder what Sarah Wagenknecht has to say on this issue, being busy trying to keep afloat politically.

    Good luck with devouring a ribeye for freedom.

    • AG

      …if the ribeye gives you the chance to do small talk at the buffet with someone well connected in US affairs who can help in Assange´s case and whom you would normally not meet, well then I would even eat that piece of meat raw…

      p.s. as I have heard from various catering services lately considerable energy is being used to satisfy all possibilities of eating habits that exist today, so no one stays hungry. That would include Thanksgiving turkey made with 0% meat and some of those fried bugs.

  • Jules Orr

    You are right to seek vindication. What the Murrells – and their surrogates – did to you and tried to do to Salmond are outrages that need high-profile recognition and condemnation. It cannot be just buried from history, as hacks attempted to do in all the eulogies that accompanied Nicola’s departure. Your Twitter followers and blog readers know what Sturgeon did. It is long past time her depravity in trying to destroy you and Alex was put on the official record. At the very least the U.N. should know who they are dealing with once the job application arrives from Murrell Towers.

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