The Fun of Electioneering 221

I just received a phone call from a very nice lady. concerned that the obstacles being placed in my way as a candidate may be getting me down. On the contrary, I haven’t had so much fun in ages.

We sit down to dinner about 10pm every evening after the day’s campaigning, usually about 16 of us, guitars come out, someone strikes up on the piano and we have enormous fun, except for my singing, for which the politest word is loud.

If we didn’t scare the political establishment, they would not react so fiercely to us. We get abuse from party hacks on the street, while the parties are tellingly polite to each other and connive to keep me out of broadcast events. Lots of flak now coming on the internet from Tories, Lib Dems (see the immensely dull Norfolk Blogger) and Greens, and lots of trolls on this website. I might start a flyposting storm to wind them up further.

A prize of twenty pounds is offered to anyone who spots Chloe Smith in public with less than six minders.

Reaction on the doorsteps can only be described as extremely warm – and we have witnessed many instances of outright hostility in public reaction to the political parties. So despite the efforts of overpaid BBC execs to bolster the political parties, something really interesting is happening with real people here in Norwich North. The challenge is to turn that in to action at the ballot box.

Get yourselves to Norwich now – you are missing a lot of fun!

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221 thoughts on “The Fun of Electioneering

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  • Abe Rene

    @ Jon

    Many thanks for the campaign reports, they illustrate well that Craig’s campaign is going like a house on fire. Carrying on burning, all the way to the victory torch parade!

  • George Laird

    Dear Eddie

    Can you name an organisation in the UK which publishes on their website, specific people that they have subjected to discrimination in detail?

    “Yes, I could find no trace of you at Glasgow, so that is suspicious isn’t it?”

    No, sorry not suspicious, it is just that you lack common sense. I think it explains your political connections.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird

    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  • eddie

    George – oh I see, victimhood. Not your fault but someone else is to blame for your problems and inadequacies, like most people on this site. Presumably if you have a case you can take it through the usual channels and win, if not you won’t. Employment Tribunals are very accommodating towards aggrieved employees generally. “Human Rights” is a bit far fetched though isn’t it? A Campaign for Human Rights in Afghanistan or Gaza I can understand, but not at a British University. Shouldn’t it be “The Campaign to be nicer to George Laird who is a bit miffed at the way he has been treated”? I was just curious that’s all, nothing sinister involved.

  • George Laird

    Dear Eddie

    “George – oh I see, victimhood. Not your fault but someone else is to blame for your problems and inadequacies, like most people on this site. Presumably if you have a case you can take it through the usual channels and win, if not you won’t. Employment Tribunals are very accommodating towards aggrieved employees generally. “Human Rights” is a bit far fetched though isn’t it? A Campaign for Human Rights in Afghanistan or Gaza I can understand, but not at a British University. Shouldn’t it be “The Campaign to be nicer to George Laird who is a bit miffed at the way he has been treated”? I was just curious that’s all, nothing sinister involved.

    I read your crap and you are as others have said, beneath contempt.

    Labour is the place for you.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird

    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  • anticant

    eddie obviously fancies himself as a psychoanalyst, and I would out him as Derek Draper and claim my £5, except that eddie is far too stupid even to be Derek Draper.

    Keep up the good work at the coalface, folks. Make sure as many people as possible in the constituency have heard Craig’s message, even if they don’t vote for him. I’m off to bed now – sad and bitter old men need sweet dreams, you know. Mine will be of Larry Silverstein claiming his dodgy insurance dosh. (Google that, eddie.)

  • eddie

    Thanks for your kind thoughts. I’ve just donated £25 to Craig’s campaign and as compensation for my trouble. I know he can’t win but he’s a plucky bugger. All these words are meaningless you know.

  • Abe Rene

    Credit where credit is due. After all, a donation of £25 will pay for the same number of DVDs, which could mean another hundred or so votes for Craig. It all helps.

  • eddie

    Weather in Cambridge today is good thanks – horrible yesterday, but hoping for an England win in the Ashes today.

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