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8 thoughts on “Emily

  • tony_opmoc


    Did Emily do the Rockcorps thing? She looks about the same age as Our Daughter Katy.

    Rockcorps is where you volunteer 4 hours of your time – to paint a school or clean up a river – or do something useful in your local community.

    You get a free ticket to an enormous Rock Concert – like in London – at The Royal Albert Hall

    Katy has been doing it since she was 16. The thing is, its tremendous fun and afterwards if you are lucky or a bit pushy, you get yourself invited to all kinds of media events and appear on TV and stuff…

    And it gets quite addictive, actually seeing yourself on National TV, so you volunteer as an extra to do other stuff – just as a laugh and a diversion from your studies at University

    I hope you asked your daughter’s permission to post her photograph on your website.

    My daughter would be absolutely furious if I did such a thing without asking her first, and she would almost certainly say no if I did ask.


  • glenn

    I wouldn’t bother Tony, mate. I’m sure your very proud of her, but she wouldn’t thank you, even if she’s already well published on Facebook or whatever.

  • glenn

    Sorry, that should have been “you’re”. And… is that actually her hand, with the purple nail-varnish, or that of someone passing to her left?

  • arsalan goldberg

    Your daughter does look like you. I mean that in a good way. She has you your features, but they look good on her. On you they look out of place.

    I said the same thing to a friend of mine in the real world when he told me people say that his daughter looks like him. for some reason he started swearing at me.

    Anyway, your daughter looks nice even though she has inherited some of your features and as you yourself mentioned you are not good looking.

    I think in her case it is because that nose and eyes are feminine, so on a girl like herself they look cute, but on a middle aged man like yourself they look out of place.

  • Arsalan

    Craig I don’t think all your wows can be blamed on genetic inheritances. What I mean is have you thought about investing in a nice hair cut?

    Or maybe working out a little?

    How about growing a beard, take a look at your first born son, he has the right idea?

  • Jaded.

    I wouldn’t trust them to do my shoe laces. 😉 Only joking… I hope they do you proud.

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