Greek Orthodox Church Sells Palestinian Lands to Israel 51

I found this report very interesting. It probably isn’t news to many of my readers, but it is to me.

I have a very jaundiced view of the Greek Orthodox Church since my time working on the Cyprus dispute – in Cyprus the Church is a major player in money laundering and the international illegal arms trade. Is the Greek Orthodox Church the most corrupt major religious organisation in the world? Discuss.

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51 thoughts on “Greek Orthodox Church Sells Palestinian Lands to Israel

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  • Dick the Prick

    That’s a gauntlet you’ve laid down. The Orangemen are doing fine work recently and you can’t relegate the Catholics out of the top ten because of a bit of real estate.

  • anno

    If you’re stuck, you can earn a good living in Athens serving the gay fantasies of Greek Orthodox priests, but you might get hit by one of those monster crosses they wear to show off. Don’t know what they’re made of, the crosses or the priests.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Before anyone states the obvious, I want to take credit for asserting that the moon landings were faked on Cyprus by the Joos, HIV was invented by a Greek Orthodox priest with the help of the Joos and that the Palestinians, as Muslims, are the only people who can save us from our usurious masters (the Joooooooos).

  • glenn

    How could any organisation based on lies, fear, intimidation and indoctrination of its victims from birth with superstitious mumbo-jumbo be anything _but_ fundamentally corrupt?

  • spot

    ‘Before anyone states the obvious, I want to take credit for asserting that the moon landings were faked on Cyprus by the Joos, HIV was invented by a Greek Orthodox priest with the help of the Joos and that the Palestinians, as Muslims, are the only people who can save us from our usurious masters (the Joooooooos).’

    I am Jewish but not-Zionist and wonder why this offensive anti-semitism is allowed on this thread?

  • glenn

    Spot: All comments are allowed, even those from half-witted trolls such as the one you quoted. They are best ignored, as they exist only to disrupt and hijack discussion.

  • Dick the Prick

    @Spot – he’ll get bored after a while. Think he got a bit of abuse for being a wanker a few days ago and seems to have got all sissy about it – ah, bless.

  • Craig

    I had a Palestinian girlfriend, thirty years ago. She was a Roman Catholic. By no means are all Palestinians Muslim.

  • technicolour

    actually ‘spot’, i think larry from st louis was simply mocking some of the comments made by some sad mad people on another post.

  • V ronsky

    My advice to my children, which I have never had cause to revise: never trust men wearing funny hats.

  • tony_opmoc

    Larry from St. Louis,

    In the link below you will find some high definition photographs and explanatory text of the “moon landings faked on Cyprus by the Joos”.

    To follow are photographs of a Greek Orthodox Church Altar Boy complete with Thurible and white phosphorous celebrating achievements a year ago complete with burnt Palestinian offerings.


  • MS

    Sales and settlements involving Palestinian occupied land is illegal.

    I suppose the Greek Orthodox church and Israel must have very good lawyers.

  • Abe Rene

    How exactly has the Greek Orthodox Church been involved in illegal arms trading and money laundering? There’s a topic for someone’s next book!

  • Roderick Russell

    Please see the comments section relating to Craig’s article “January 11, 2010 The Case of Dr Al-Balawi” for my “RESPONSE TO CRAIG / RUTH’S EARLIER COMMENT (Jan 11, 2010)ON MI5/6’s ZERZETSEN TORTURE”

  • ingo

    Is the Greek Orthodox Church the most corrupt major religious organisation in the world? Discuss.

    Not sure, the roman cathilc church used to have shares in french missile manufacturing, who knows what else they do in the name of their god.

    Best is to ask any irish priest not tarnished by the current scandal surrounding ‘the human dignity of the child’.

    Spot don’t get flustered about the odd one out, everyone’s got one.

  • The Cartoonist



    “Zerzetsen” is really not a German word. It doesn’t exist in the German language. Neither does your other spelling version, “Zerzetzen”. What are you on about? This is getting more and more like the daily dispatches from Arkham Asylum here. As is Tony’s link to that highly scientific website. Good grief.

    No wonder Craig just writes a few lines of text and finishes with “Discuss.” He’s probably enjoying all those mad (ok, most) comments tremendously.

    Tomorrow’s entry will be “Tony Blair is a bad man. Discuss.” Alright, I’m just kidding. 🙂

    What on Earth has happened to this once fine weblog? Well I guess you can’t choose your readers, can you?

  • Courtenay Barnett


    You asked: “Is the Greek Orthodox Church the most corrupt major religious organisation in the world?”

    By far it has to be the Roman Catholic Church.The priests used to marry, until a Pope discovered that more money could be accumulated if there were no direct families of priests to bequeath wealth. They got a huge boost in their coffers when they set out plundering the Americas.

    Interestingly,the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church both claim that they gave the world the Bible. Clearly, there are foundational fallacies upon which both churches are based. Simply stated these churches Bible have different books.The authority they wield globally is by way of first getting into peoples heads that they have the answer for the meaning of life via their God ( Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox version) and then they have done great business over centuries in accumulating a huge stock of wealth. They have both a business function in the global economy and play and have continually played political roles.

    Having said all that – it is the Catholic Church that takes the prize for corruption – and the little boys are just the tip of the iceberg.

  • Craig

    Abe Rene

    If you pop in to your nearest Cypriot restaurant and have a few glasses of Five Kings brandy with the owner, you’ll find that pretty well every Cypriot can tell you all about it.

  • The Cartoonist

    Thinking about it, it really *is* a good idea!

    How about “Is Alastair Campbell a liar or just a misguided wanker? Discuss.”

    “Is Gordon Brown human or indeed a one-eyed reptile? Discuss.”

    “Is Jack Straw … ”

    This is a brilliant idea. The possibilities are endless. In fact you could probably condense all of the questions/answers into a new book! 🙂

  • glenn

    Cartoon: Tony_Opmoc didn’t claim that was “highly scientific”, so your blustering is completely irrelevant. Rather than put up a straw man, why don’t you highlight actual flaws in the arguments it presents, in specific terms?

    Amazing all these people stopping by a blog they claim not to like, and reading comments from people they think little of, just to opine that they don’t like it or them. I spend time on blogs/sites I _do_ like. But then, right-wing True Believers have a strong element of self-abuse about them.

  • Anonymous

    fuck me…why the hell is Alistair Campell (no elected moron) entitled to sit in any meeting around whether wo go or not to war with Iraq, and please chairing meetings…wtf has the country gone fucking mad…opps yes we have an unelected Prime Minister and an unelected lord mandelson…

    so where is this democracy thingy then…..sorry for being off topic

  • The Cartoonist

    Glenn, I *only* read blogs I don’t like. This one especially. Since Craig (and Tim) set it up – which must have been in 2003 or so. I still read it every day, all the time thinking how much I hate it. And now excuse me, it’s half past eight and I have to organise a field march with the local Hitler Youth.

  • glenn

    Cartoon: So you couldn’t actually find anything in that essay that was illogical or factually incorrect then?

  • Craig

    Mmmm the Cartoonist is not a right wing nutter, folks, and he’s teasing you. He has one of the best blogs on the web.

  • ghaleb

    This is an old news for me.

    In fact, the Orthothux church had sold very precious land in the Arabic area of Jerusalem few years ago, and the Greek archbishop was impeached due to the controversy that followed it. but he refused to leave and the israeli occupation Police protected him.

    large proportion of Palestinians are christians, and for your information there Catholic christians in Gaza, the Pope never looked at them when he visited the occupied palestine..

  • glenn

    ok, Cartoonist… I take it back, and you’re not a right-wing nutter. That dismissive and sarcastic attitude did fool me, I admit. About that davesweb site – you should take a look at it and the arguments there before poo-pooing it, as it really is rather fascinating. I’d far rather hear someone say what they find wrong with his arguments specifically, instead of being referred to a general ‘debunking’ set of arguments (which all go for the fluttering flag etc. etc.).

    Personally, I don’t believe that the US is beyond a hoax or false-flag operation given their long, undistinguished record on just that. Many people thought at the time the moon-landings were faked, so I’m willing to keep an open mind on the subject. Personally, I don’t know for sure one way or the other. I envy the absolute conviction some people manage, it would make life far less complicated. But then, less interesting too.

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