Diplomacia Suja 309


My last post did not signal a return to blogging but rather explained why I need a few days’ break. But I have to share with you my joy at the release of the Brazilian edition of Murder in Samarkand, translated from the US edition and entitled Diplomacia Suja.

This is the first foreign language edition and I am childishly excited to hold it in my hands. I was actually jumping up and down a few minutes ago. There seems something magical about seeing your work in a tongue which is mysterious to you. Many thanks to Companhia Das Letras and especially to the translator, Berilo Vargas, whom I am yet to meet.


Good progress is being made on a Turkish translation.

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309 thoughts on “Diplomacia Suja

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  • Ruth

    Mark Golding

    ‘Robin Cook spoke to me in depth about ‘deep state’ collusion with radical Islam and about covert operations over the last twenty years intended to acheive foreign policy objectives, overthrowing roque governments and controlling resources.’

    Did he mention how these activities were funded?

  • Solomon Adeleye

    “Nomad” – May God bless you.

    In answering to your claim that i am a hypocrite, sorry but i disagree with you.

    Point is you the quote you read in my blog was a quote from the bible,:

    The Book Of Ephesians 6:10-20.

    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should”. (NIV) {End Quote}

    The Word Of God Is Not Hypocritical its DIVINE REVELATION.

    There are many kinds of strength. But the most important one is the strength you need in the Lord. True Christian strength is not of the body. True Christian strength is of the spirit, measured in faithfulness, trust, and perseverance. By Grace we live by Faith.

    Our (true) struggle is against powers and principalities and the Lord wants us to be strong.

    God bless you

  • Stephen Jones

    ——–“Mark’s name-check of Conservative MPs who voted for the invasion of Iraq prompts me to ask: has anyone tried to list (from election literature etc) how the new Conservatives MPs say they would have voted had they then been in Parliament?”——-

    Boris Johnson has stated he only voted in favour because he felt Tony Blair was telling the truth, and that if he had known what he knew later he would have voted against.

  • Solomon Adeleye

    The Book Of John 1:1-5

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

  • Nomad

    Solomon Adelaye,

    please answer these questions:

    -Do you accept the truth that God created Adam, Eve, and offspring from them?

    -Do you accept that God chose some individuals amongst people as prophets, i.e. Ibraheem (Abraham), Nuh (Noah), Yakub (Jacob), Musa (Moses) etc. to guide people to the Truth? And the task of all those prophets was to teach people to worship God alone not idols.

    -If your answer is yes, answer more of my questions:

    -Why do you think God decided to come down in person as Jesus (?) or send his son (?) in person of Jesus? Do you think God couldn’t manage anymore to choose righteous individuals as prophets to guide people?

    -Why jews, who accept Moses, do not accept the message of Jesus who came after Moses?

    -Why christians, who accept the message of Moses, do not accept the message of Muhammad who came after Jesus?

    -Why muslims accept the message of Moses, Jesus, and all prophets, whose names are mentioned in the Bible and Quran?

    -Slightly different subject, why a German priest recently committed suicide because many of his former followers reverted to Islam?

  • Clark


    Layla Anwar says “…the Iranian criminal puppets we [the US/UK] installed…”, and I found something similar on another post of hers. This seems like the direct opposite of what our mainstream media was telling us. Do you know any more?

  • glenn

    Solomon: Would you mind keeping that religious hog’s-snot out of this forum, and allow those feeble minded enough to delude themselves into enjoying reading nonsense like that to do it elsewhere?

    Most of the world’s problems have been and are caused by religious cranks like yourself, and we’d be far better off if you all prayed in your closet, like your Jesus actually told you to (if you bothered to read the Bible instead of just quoting favoured sections of it). What the historical Jesus stood against most enthusiastically was organised religion. So kindly take the primitive, idiotic, superstitious religious mumbo-jumbo elsewhere.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    I spent just about 20 mins with Robin, his car was waiting and he seemed nervous and agitated. I spent what seemed like ages convincing Robin who I was Ruth and I had thought about my questions in advance which did not include specifics of funding.

    Clearly he was critical of the intelligence services lack of accountability and waste of tax payers money, but also he emphasised a distinct threat to civil liberties – the latter I pursued with him.

    I have said before – beyond any doubt he was frightened or worried or both and told me he had talked to ‘his wife’ (Gaynor?) about “getting out of politics” soonest or earlier.

    Strangely I am still shaken by the meeting and his astonishing details constantly haunt me.

  • Solomon Adeleye

    God bless you too Clark Killick.

    Would you like to know more about Jesus?

    Jesus Teaches About Love And Not “organised religion”

    The Bible Says In Matthew 22:34-40

    ” And [Jesus] said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it: ‘You shall love you neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

  • Solomon Adeleye


    May the Good Lord Bless you

    I See you want answers to a lot of “Whys”

    My answers to your above questions can be found in the book of:



    May the Lord give you insight to his words. Amen

  • Clark

    Solomon Adeleye,

    God bless you, too. A couple of weeks ago I opened a bible for the first time in years, and found myself reading Mark 11, I think, where Jesus arrives at the temple in Jerusalem and gets very cross with the moneychangers, and then confounds the priests who challenge him by asking whether the Baptism of John was heavenly or earthly.

    This was a highly political act. Jesus put morals ahead of profit, and I am not surprised that he was crucified.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    To understand why this man has visited us here I believe we have to understand the fundamental role of fear in our world.

    From the earliest fear of climate that could mean drought, flood or fire that required worshipping the sun, through to the awareness and recognition by man that fear could bring power and control. The fear of a curse that could worry an assailant to death; the witch-doctors curse was all powerful and earned respect. A cursed man was rejected from the tribe/society as friends became fearful of engaging. Loss of protection, lack of food & water, fear and abandonment inevitably meant physical and mental demise. A cursed man was condemned, literally scared to death

    Witchcraft and the occult exposed a more complex fear but again invoked power over weak minds to exploit riches and sexual favours.

    Fear of war, fear of terror and fear of the wrath of a god are now the tools of leaders and their followers in a religious mix that includes the fear of dying. But be cautious because it is only a wise man who can navigate through the corruption and touch the truth without falling because the way has become blurred by false prophets and exploitation. Evil is all too often cloaked in a religious robe.

    Judge for yourself here:


    and here:


    and here:


    and a video here:


  • Solomon Adeleye


    Oh yes he was crucified But Go back and read the end of the Book Of Mark and Matthew, you will find out he has Risen.

    Let me educate you:

    Matthew 28: 2-7

    2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the LORD came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

    Also Read The Book Of:

    Mark 16: 6-11

    ” 6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ” 8 Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. 9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons. 10 She went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping. 11 When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it”

    So Jesus is Risen, thats why you and i are alive today.

    God bless you Nomad

  • Glenn

    Mark: Understood, these are a bunch of religious nuts, racists and fearful far-right bigots.

    Solomon – please go away with this whacked out idiocy, and these insane, corrupt rantings that have been heavily edited by filthy christianist organisations. We all know the Pope is basically the head of a massive pedophile ring. We all know the Bible, despite enormous self-contradiction, came into being by committee rather than divine inspiration.

    Why don’t you quote from the book of Bartholomew, which has Jaysus helpfully lengthening pieces of wood for his carpenter father? Or when the trickster Jaysus turns his friends into goats and so on temporarily for a laugh? Guess that was too nutty to include in the Official Version.

    Tell you what, Solomon, let the DIVINE SPIRIT of the LORD guide your fingers, and the BAYBEE JAYSUS fill your heart. Be WASHED with the BLOOD of the LAMB, yay brother, and ANGELS give you strength as you… rapture yourself up right now, HAVE FAITH! Not a second to be wasted. Hear those trumpets! FEEL those earthquakes, OBSERVE the mighty whore of Babylon as predicted, and RAPTURE up and away, lest YOU too be caught in eternal gnashing of teeth AND rending of garments, AS it is predicted.

    Alternatively, give any rational and provable reason why your particular system of religion is different from that of any other peddler of cults. I thank rationality and reason that your lot is finally dying out. Good riddance to an evil influence, it is long overdue.

  • Solomon Adeleye


    Sorry i was busy reading the bible but since you asked, Please read:

    Proverbs 1: 7

    Proverbs 13: 3

    Proverbs 18: 2

    The book of Proverbs are filled with words of Wisdom, my prayer is that you seek wisdom, the above Scriptures should give you lots of wisdom, a humble heart and a tamed tongue

    God bless you

  • Anonymous

    Solomon, I’ve already read the whole damned book all the way through, many, many times. More times than your good self, I’ll wager, which is why I started thinking and developed a real problem with religiosity. So please don’t refer me to some vague passage which a True Believer such as yourself might see as bearing _exactly_ on any given situation presented.

    Instead of quoting a bunch of crap from well before any real historical or fact-based understanding of our world took hold, why don’t you just talk? Or are you one of these people who can only refer and quote, hoping that will obfuscate your utter inability to reason?

    There’s not one shred, not one, of any provable basis to your doctrine. That’s why it’s called Faith, not Science. Science is what is provable and knowable, much as you doubtless hate that too. But Science is what keeps aeroplanes in the air and people alive during operations, not faith. I’m pretty sure you choose science every time over faith when it comes to matters of life and death like that, utter hypocrite that you are. Jesus hated hypocrites, by the way.

  • somebody

    I thought the funniest thing on this man’s Solomon’s site was

    The Conservative Party (“A Radical Distribution Of Power”)

    Support Rt Hon David Cameron For A Reliable And Lasting Change (Yes) Yes We Can

    which is presumably based on Obomber’s electioneering slogans. And hasn’t he turned out well!

    The US’s latest action in having these massive military manoeuvres with South Korea is designed to provoke the North Koreans. The embedded BBC reporter on board the 60,000 ton aircraft carrier George Washington, with its 5,000 strong crew and a fleet of F16s, was boasting of the size of the assembled force this morning. I think the threat is also intended to extend to China.

    And if you want a good example of a Christian Zionist talking to a racist here is one. It is two loonies talking in the asylum, which is fine except we know that the Christian Zionist lobby is extensive in the US. The lust for the blood of the Iranians is demonstrated here.


    Daniel Pipes: I don’t think so. I don’t think sanctions have any value beyond window dressing. I don’t think agreements have any value. I don’t think threats have any value. It boils down to whether we accept the Iranian nuclear program or we destroy it.

    Elwood McQuaid: How should Israelis feel about this?

    Daniel Pipes: I think it’s realistic for the Israelis to attack and do real damage. Now, what constitutes success, I’m not exactly sure. There are many, many questions. If I were [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin]Netanyahu, I would say to [U.S. President Barack] Obama, “Why don’t you take out the Iranian nukes? Or else we will And we will not do it by trying to fly planes across Turkey and Syria or Jordan or Saudi Arabia. We will do it from submarine-based, tactical nuclear weapons.

  • ingo

    Sorry to butt into this rivetting debate about assumptive writing of one or other indoctrination with some real news you most probably heard all over the world this morning.

    The proverbial has hit the fan, big time.

    I think that this marks the real turn around to the war in Afghanistan and I thank Julian Assange for his brave work and message.

    The message is that non of the major news networks can not be trusted with such news.


  • Eduardo

    Dear Mister Murray,

    I am a brazilian student of International Relations, and I am reading at this moment the br-portuguese edition – I am too lazy to read the original one.

    It’s my impression there was none or at least very involment of your embassy with the UN, toward human rights issues. Is there a specific reason?

    It’s a real lesson to read a testimony like yours, far different from the books about realism and realpolitik from college

    Best Regards, hope you will visit us in Brazil.

  • peacewisher

    Eduardo. If you are interested in studying this sordid chapter in our history, you might like to check out conversations between Kofi Annan and Clare Short. The latter, belatedly (too late?) resigned from the UK govt. If the truth does get out, Craig needs to get the International acclaim that his courage deserves.

  • Clark


    yes, a large consignment of manure has collided with an industrial rotational ventilation device. The BBC front page is full of propaganda about what US/NATO are doing in Afghanistan.

    The UK has launched a “Cyber Security Competition” to recruit network security specialists. Wikileaks rely upon donations (leaks) of information. They do not break into protected computer systems, but I expect that this is how they are going to be portrayed.

  • Abe Rene

    Glenn: I am not inclined to get into arguments about religion, but your calling the Pope the head of a paedophile ring almost compels me to respond: there is no evidence that suggests approval of these serious criminals by Benedict XVI. The fault and lasting responsibility belongs to those who failed to turn them over to the police.

  • ingo

    And listen to all the crying of foul on the blogs, as if they expected Iran to just sit put and take it as it comes.

    So much to US spending 400million/annum on the insurection of Iran, once that huge axial ventilator and its turbine start spreading the brown matter, it goes everywhere, including into our own faces, tough, they should have thought of that possibility when they begatted ISI and gave live to a radical political islam and the Taliban, now the tide is turning.

    Some say that ISI relationship with the Taliban is undermining western efforts.

    Well, at least they have a relationship and can talk to the Taliban, we have abondoned the child we created and only now, that it has grown into a healthy young adult, are we realising that we have to talk to it, that we need to have a relationship with Taliban junior.

    Unless the current drive changes and the Kandahar mission is called off, this will not happen imho.


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