UK State Racial Hate Machinery Grinds On 52

The five young men arrested for daring to be brown-skinned in Cumbria (aka behaving suspiciously near Sellafield nuclear plant) have all been released without charge – and had not, contrary to MSM lies, been taking photographs of the plant.

Their arrest was first headline in all the main broadcast media, and tabloid front page. Has the fact that they were completely innocent been reported in the mainstream media with equal prominence, or indeed in any way you might find without deliberately looking? No. “Muslims tried to blow up Sellafield” is now another lie inserted into large areas of the popular psyche, as more grist to the mill for the warmongers and those who make money from conflict.

Which is another reason that the Guardian’s contention that political blogging is dead is nonsense. Bloggers are needed more than ever to counteract the lies of the mainstream media in its cosy and poisonous relationship with the state.

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52 thoughts on “UK State Racial Hate Machinery Grinds On

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  • Pete B


    This is Sky’s report on the release of the suspects. Have a look at the comments – if the government are promulgating race-hate, they’ve got a large, receptive audience. It seems to me though, that maybe what’s driving this isn’t hatred, but fear.

    Governments of all shades talk up the threat of terrorism, again partly out of fear, I think – fear of appearing to have failed to address a threat, or take it seriously enough – also partly to big-up how important their government is in protecting us from bad people.

    Oh – and one of the comments seems to be saying under AV these guys would have been dealt with once-and-for-all. (If I understand it correctly.) (Which I probably don’t.)


  • arsalan

    They were arrested on suspicion of being Muslim, due to the suspicious act of having brown skin.
    And then released when it could not be conclusively proven that they were Muslim

  • JimmyGiro

    In the days of community, people gossiped about what others did, thus so-and-so did this and that, thereby being what they did. In our day of asocial society, we now rely on label to fill the gap left by the absence of community gossip.
    Blogging may address the absence of community gossip in another way; of course a lot of blogs merely ape the MSM, yet plenty of diversity of styles results in many blogs fulfilling the community gossip void, thence challenging the ‘labelling’ orthodoxy.
    It is said that evil happens when good people do nothing. This implies that good people know what’s going on. How can they expect to know, when their information consists of labels rather than events. By exclusively labelling, the media propaganda makes ever more redundant the need to think and judge for ones self. The antidote of the MSM propaganda must therefore be detailed blogging.

  • ingo

    Thanks for falgging this up Craig, once again proof that the BBC is using public funds to promulgate a Governments false propanda, false information that suits the status quo is amplified, but the retractions are kept small and insignificant.

  • mark_golding

    Craig has got an uncanny way of making my blood boil – Perhaps we need an idea to supplement this blog. A sort of CraigMurrayRevealsAll on Facebook and/or a YouTube channel complete with RSS feeds and a real-time comment scroller.
    Alas the MSM are determined to prevent such actions by forcing a “community guidelines” violation statement on anything controversial, contentious, combatant, rapacious or belligerent.

  • Clark

    Pete B, the comments on the Sky article are disturbing. I reproduce verbatim this section from “Mr fedup”:
    “On Islam, can you produce a passage from this tthat tells muslims to be god to none mslims or are you rpeating the garbage that flwsfrom the mouths o mslims andour corrupt politicians, Islam wants world domination,t is written, so go nd read it.”
    If proficiency in English was used to secure UK residency, as I’ve sometimes seen suggested…

  • Vronsky

    I wonder to what extent cybernews contributed to the recent SNP victory in Scotland. Commenters on blogs like Newsnet Scotland and Bella Caledonia rate their effect quite highly, but then I suppose they would. However readership of Newsnet Scotland is claiming readership growth in double figures per month and has recently become a limited company, this at a time when the mainstream press circulation is plummeting.
    What we really need is an alternative – make that a replacement – for the BBC, and in Scotland that might just have become a possibility. How sweet it would be to be rid of those patronising Home Counties drawlers and their fantasy ‘news’.

  • mark_golding

    Pete B –

    ‘fear of appearing to have failed to address a threat’ is the exact line the intelligence services use at the Government intelligence briefings who then appear in the main media via a convoluted ever changing system:
    Originally government information came from the Home Office Information Bureau – then Downing Street Chief Press Secretary (after the BBC refused to be the Governments mouth-piece) – then the Ministry of Information which became the COI which changed to the Executive Agency reporting to the Cabinet Office – then Blair introduced ‘spin’ and the Alastair Campbell era of lies and deceit – then came Carol Fisher and the COI morphed twice thru the Government News Service to GICS then GCN in the Cabinet Office – then Bob Phillis, Chief Executive of the Guardian Media Group plc, chaired a review. The result of the review saw a very high-ranking civil servant (Permanent Secretary) to coordinate government wide communications, disband the GICS, changes to how the media are briefed and clearer rules for release of statistics.
    We got Howell James in charge which pissed off the Guardian on neutrality issues – eventually GNN rejoined the COI and the Media Monitoring Unit moved out of the Cabinet Office to join nine specialist delivery units:

    James left for Barclays Bank and Matt Tee took his place within the COI. Now the COI is getting flaky and broke, although Tee gets about £160,000 a year, it probably will go back within the Cabinet Office under Jenny Grey, a nice Enid Blyton guru who intends to shake-up the Audit Commission.
    Yet who is the SIS liaison officer to the COI – eh? David Cameron? Or is it new media expert David Gadd?
    Checkout blog monitoring here:

  • Herbie

    This one’s a gem:

    “Porn found in bin Laden home”

    Seems to have come from The New York Times. No evidence. No named sources. No nothing but childish speculation.

    They simply made it up. It’s so easy to do in a world of secrets and lies.

    Make no mistake. This is all going to get a lot worse.

    This constructed world of bogeymen and false flag ops will not benefit decent people. They’ll be its victims.

  • Roderick Russell

    As Craig says – “Bloggers are needed more than ever to counteract the lies of the mainstream media in its cosy and poisonous relationship with the state.” Absolutely, and this little story from just 2 months ago should demonstrate that.

    On March 4/5th 2011 I corresponded by email with Jeff Stein of the Washington Post about the threats that happened following my visit to the Guardian’s Office in Manchester back in 2005. I won’t reiterate this rather shocking story since I have done so before on Craig’s blog – it’s on page 15 of the “Aid Memoir” document whose URL is on my Web Site. But it is certainly provable that intelligence agencies like Canada’s CSIS and the UK’s MI5/6 monitor my emails so they would know what I was saying to the Washington Post. A day later, at 12:05 on Sunday 6 March 2011, I was walking down 30 Avenue near the corner with 14th Street SW (in Calgary, Canada where I live). Two hoods skidded across the road deliberately and rapidly in a truck just as I walked past them. They then got out of the truck. When I questioned the larger of the two guys (6’ 4’’ plus) about his dangerous driving asking him if it was deliberate and aimed at me, he started swearing and got very threatening. Probably just hired on for the job, I don’t think they knew what it’s about. So I told them that it’s about basic justice and rule of law; it’s about the criminal abuse of power.

    We need political blogging from all viewpoints to defend our freedom. It is dangerous for democracy when our press is becoming propagandists for powerful elites rather than truth tellers.

  • mark_golding

    Another Gem:

    In a breakthrough that will surprise nobody with even trace elements of common sense, Associated Press revealed, after talking with the intelligence services, that Bin Laden wrote his emails offline and then saved them to portable disks.

    If terrorists are not using the internet for sending messages to one another, who, exactly, are the targets for the Intercept Modernisation Programme — a vast database to log details of phone calls, text messages and emails sent in the United Kingdom?

  • Ishmael

    You want to help me at all old boy? You will not allow my posts. Don’t be scared. I wish it was not true, I wish I knew nothing of it all. Do you know how hard it is trying to build a picture with maybe one pixel. I need others with good geography to come in and start doing some work from information I will give them, other specialists are welcome.

  • KingofWelshNoir

    Amazing how easily some of the commenters beneath that Telegraph article have managed to convince themselves of the justness of the cause. Apparently Gaddafi is now an ‘evil, murdering, cowardly sonofabitch’.

    The real cowards, of course, are the Telegraph readers and this dickhead general – slaughtering people in foreign countries safe in the knowledge that they run no personal risk whatsoever.

  • gyges

    Hi Craig

    This link from Mindhacks may be of interested, Why the truth will out but doesn’t sink in explaining why MSM can repeat the lies of our institutions, followed by the institutions corrections knowing that the initial lies will be remembered in preference to the corrections. Example given in the article is about the ‘deathing’ of OBL; whilst examples pertinent to Blighty (not given in the article) refer to the killing of JCdeM. Read the note to see what I mean.

  • ingo

    Netanyahu’s chilling fascist oratory in front of AIPAC says it all, we are facing the prospects of a protracted middle east war, yesterdays attrocities and murders being just one indication. To accuse Syria of ‘diverting its own agenda of repression’ although a possibility, was merely another strawmen argument. Syrian refugees fleeing to Lebanon might spread this violence as well, should Assad see it fit to pursue them over the border.

    That in turn could be a reason for Israel to usurp its prevalence in the area and pretending to ‘free Lebanon of its oppressing Syrian troops’, etc. Iran could enter this scenario via Hezbollah and hey presto, all are involved, including the last two targets on the US list of countries to usurp in their war on terror through more terror agenda.

  • mary

    Strange that nobody here comments on the atrocities committed at the weekend by the Zionist entity against Palestinian protesters. Does anyone care?

    An attack occurred overnight on another humanitarian vessel, yet again in International Waters. The Spirit of Rachel Corrie was encircled by and fired at by the Israelis and, with the assistance of the Eqyptian navy, the ship’s propeller was fouled and the ship stalled.

    BREAKING NEWS: Israel Attacks Humanitarian Ship to Gaza in International Waters

    by Michel Chossudovsky

  • Clark

    Thanks, Mary, I can’t find anything in the mainstream media about the attack on that ship. So the Egyptian navy assisted. What happened about the Egyptian announcement that it was to open the border to Gaza? I’ve seen no more about that since the initial announcement.

  • mary

    There will be little or no reporting of it Clark as there has been no MSM reporting of the London protests in Downing Street on Saturday and outside the Israeli Embassy yesterday on the BBC although they carried a report on a gathering of a few hundred that support the Cameron/Clegg cuts. See for the protests for Al Nakba.

    My brother’s letter to the BBC this morning (BBC Blunting Barbarity Incorporated – David Halpin – on the medialens message board) includes a para about the experience of entering and leaving Gaza at the Rafah border. In spite of having a permit from the Eqyptian Embassy in London, entry was initially refused but they persisted with the help of a Palestinian from Norway returning to Gaza for a family funeral. When David and my sister-in-law Sue were leaving they were subjected to another long wait when they were told that the permit didn’t entitle them to leave!

    You might have heard Humphrys this morning giving the Palestinian spokesman a hard time yet allowing Regev the usual BBC latitude. This is the segment of Radio 4 Today.

  • CanSpeccy

    The usual self-hating racism from Craig Murray.

    Here is what happened:

    The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC), which polices Britain’s nuclear facilities, stopped five Bangladeshi men who were “unable to give a satisfactory account of their actions,” as part of a routine patrol near the perimeter of the Sellafield plant, which serves as a place of storage for one hundred thousand kilograms of plutonium, enough to build tens of thousands of Hiroshima-sized bombs. The men were arrested under the Terrorism Act and questioned then released without charge.

    Here is what Craig Murray would have you believe. A bunch of white cops (were they white? Well no one seems to know but Murray’s account is intended to leave you in now doubt that they were), see a bunch of colored fellows and say, hey let’s give those niggers a roughing up.

    This is a totally false account of the appropriate action of police acting in accordance with necessary legislation to protect Britain and neighboring countries from sabotage that could lead to the greatest man-made catastrophe in the history of the world.

    And it’s not difficult to envisage how such a catastrophe could be engineered. A shoulder-launched missile, a crashed plane, accurately targeted on the basis of a study of the plant’s layout, could create a cloud of radioactive dust sufficient to make most of Britain, Europe and the Northern hemisphere uninhabitable — essentially for all time.

    The real evil, and what should be the focus of any radical account of this incident, is the existence of this plant. We have just seen how the Japanese have sterilized a large part of their own territory by the poor design and insane placement of nuclear facilities. Sellerfield poses a threat many times greater than Fukushima.

    To use this story to promote your a racist Anglophobic agenda is contemptible. Sure the decision to make the arrest and interrogation of five colored men may have been based in part on racial profiling. So what. You want die for the sake of political correctness and take the country with you?

  • Clark

    Thanks for the update, Mary. Respect for Dr Halpin and your sister-in-law. Please send them both my best wishes.
    Canspeccy makes a good point that we would all be better off without Sellafield, but I’m not inclined to reply to him directly as he seems to be on one of his trolling excursions from all sanity in his baseless accusations against Craig. I think he really fears and dislikes brown people.

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