Horror!! Horror!!! Horror!!!! 60

What do Rebekah Brooks, Christopher Lee and Vincent Price have in common?

The answer is obvious – they were all born on May 27th.

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60 thoughts on “Horror!! Horror!!! Horror!!!!

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  • YugoStiglitz

    Of course you can post that because you’re an outrageously attractive man.

  • Clark

    Dreoilin, you mentioned 9/11 and guess who turned up? There was nothing to find, hence the empty comment above.
    But it does suggest that Our Yugo may subscribe to this site via RSS which he filters via keyword search to give him alerts. That further suggests that we can decoy his keyword search by randomly inserting “9/11” in comments that have no bearing on that subject.

  • Clark

    Rebekah would make a good goth…
    How many goths does it take to change a light bulb?
    None, they’d rather sit in the dark.

  • dreoilin

    Clark, that occurred to me sometime recently. About his “keywords”. I think it’s just been proved. Excellent idea about decoy. 🙂

  • angrysoba

    So what? Henry Kissinger was also born on May 27th and he’s a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and respected statesman. I don’t suppose you’re going to call him ghoulish as well are you?

  • dreoilin

    A vampire bat flies back into his cave after a big night … he has blood all over his face. Perches himself on the roof to try and get some rest. But before too long the other bats smell the blood and start to gather around him. They ask feverishly where he got the blood from. Knowing that they will not let up till he tells them, he says, “OK, follow me!” He flies out of the cave, across a valley, over a river into a dark forest. Deep in the forest he stops. All the other bats gather round in an excited frenzy. “OK”, says the bat, “see that big oak tree over there?” “Yeah, yeah” say the other bats, drooling in anticipation. “Well I *@$##ing didn’t!” said the bat.

  • craig Post author


    Henry Kissinger as well! Bloody hell! I presume you were being ironic about “Nobel peace prize winner and respected statesman.” Actually, I think ghoulsh is just right for Henry Kissinger.

  • YugoStiglitz

    Angrysoba, I likewise hope that you were being ironic!

    And you are quite the detective, Clark; you always make such brilliant observations.

    Do you really think Craig Murray wants people to mention 911 more than you folks already do?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Henry Kissinger is the Dalek-at-a-football-match: “Damn! That was off-side, just like the Ho Chi Min Trail! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!”

  • mary

    PS Why did we have to see two images of the red haired virago/dominatrix? One was sufficient.

    What news of Julian Assange Craig and did you have fun at the party? Hope that he is bearing up and that you did not spend all day travelling. I looked at the map and thought it would have been quicker by a boat to Lowestoft! I read that he starts a two day hearing on his fight against extradition.

  • Clark

    YugoStiglitz, you’re so manic about it, I’m starting to suspect that you arranged 9/11 all by yourself. Is your birthday May 27th perchance?
    Look, I’m sorry about your friend, but it’s nearly ten years ago, you’ve got to come to terms with it. Several of my friends have died since then. I was at a friend’s bedside in Hull in 2003, as he was dying of bowel cancer. We watched that ludicrous scene in Iraq where the statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down by a tank, on his hideous PatientLine “exploit the sick and their friends and family” bedside television, Internet and overpriced telephone system. He looked like a skeleton and couldn’t stand on his own before he died. If his condition hadn’t been repeatedly misdiagnosed as haemorrhoids he could still be with us.
    Martyn was a fine man, the best friend I ever had, and worth several of me. But he’s gone. I’m not going to troll Internet forums for the rest of my life because the UK National Health Service let him down.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    That’s a heart-wrenching story, Clark. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. A (South Asian) pal of mine’s sister (and young single mother) was raped and murdered by a white guy 4-5 years ago in a city park one morning as she went for a jog. A relative of mine was murdered in the mid-1980s by criminals in Saudi Arabia. My uncle lost his daughter in a RTA. I’m sure we’ve all got accounts of varying horror. There could be much bitterness, etc. We’ve all lost people to natural and unnatural causes. Wrt YugoStigliz, I agree with Clark. There are no answers, no sweet dramatic resolutions and the impact of every loss is unique. But one imagines that the departed would not wish for the poison and negativity to infect everyone else around them for years and years afterwards. It serves no purpose, other than to give ongoing victory to the perpetrators. Best, I think, to remember the people as they were and strive for the good. Not always easy, but who said it would easy?

  • Frazer

    In my job,I lose friends every year..you can hate the perpatrators, but what is the point..you would just go nuts hatching revenge scenarios and drowning in a sea of your own bubbling mental poison.

  • craig Post author

    Will you please all stop replying to 9/11 posts which are put up deliberately to derail threads. Could those with moderating powers just delete irrelevant 9/11 provocations asap.

  • dreoilin

    That’s an amazing owl image. I see owls as ‘sweet and wise’, though. Not quite how I see Rebekah Brooks. I don’t think she’s a beauty either, by the way. Take away the hair and she’d look like the back of a bus! (What is this thing men have about long hair?)

  • Clark

    Sorry, Craig, I guess this was my fault, though I doubt I could find a serious political comment to make that would be relevant to your original post on this thread.
    My apology also to Yugo, as I see that he is no supporter of Henry Kissinger.
    I don’t think anything here should be deleted. This thread seems to have found something important about our shared situation of being mortal. Unlike the vampires at the top of the page, poor things. No way out for them. Rebekah in particular has been so successful at blackmail that she doesn’t stand much chance of a stake through the heart, even in our Stakeholder Society.

  • craig Post author


    This is not an important thread, I agree – merely noting an amusing coincidence. More a general note to delete Yugo’s blatant attempts to derail threads, which happen continuously.

  • dreoilin

    My first comment up top was about the apparently weird and callous attitude of Rebekah Brooks, and not about “those numbers”.
    On July 8, 2010, you did a post entitled, “The Ethics of Banning Trolls” which began, “With genuine reluctance, I find myself obliged to ban Larry from St Louis from commenting on this blog.”
    But he/she/it has been commenting here ever since.
    Is he/she/it banned or not?

  • ingo

    Craig did write this dreolin and many of us agreed with such a move, then.
    But this is a humane blog, read internationally, Craig and many here know that a vital part of reconcilliation is reflection and contemplation, not exclusion at all times.

    Thirdly it is also a long known strategy of Chinese emperor Sung, if I’m not mistaken.
    As for Ms. Brooks Wade, she is truly compromised, her ‘influence’ seemingly has touched the whole Murdoch family, especially the males, like a red rash, don’t think she has much credibility left outside NI. Are fellow journo’s dare to sharpen their pens, aaand knitting needles. Suhayl?

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