Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party and EDL 213

Anders Behring Breivik posted links to the Atlas Shrugs website of the Tea Party’s Pamela Geller. Here you can see him under the name of Anders Behring (his middle name) posting links to Geller’s “Atlas Shrugs” site. That cache page is bing translated from Norwegian.

Here is a video of Pamela Geller addressing the Tennessee Tea Party convention. This is a list of links I just copied off her Atlas shrugs website to a stream of virulent anti Norwegian-Muslim articles Geller has been publishing:

January 2009: NORWAY: Jewish children are not allowed to play outdoors –

April 2011: Norway: Muslim Taxidrivers Refuse to Drive Jews to Synagogue

May 2009: More Jewish Graves Desecrated in Norway


2011: Norway: ALL Rapes In Past 5 Years Committed By Muslims

2008: Jewish Genocide watch: Jew Hatred in Norway Part II

2009: JIHAD ON THE JEWS: Something rotten in the state of Norway

2008: ISLAM ATTACKS – Death for Writer! Norway Hides

2007: Massive Islamic Terror Plots: Germany, Norway, Denmark

2007: Email from Norway

2006: Norway calls for Israel Boycott

The links themselves appear to have been disabled. You could still see the links on Atlas Shrugs here as I type this. Someone more technically proficient than me might want to grab a screenshot before the list vanishes.

Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League. Geller states on her website that she had been in Oslo to attend a pro-Israel rally. It would be interesting to know whether Anders Behring-Breivik was also on that rally.

We are told that Behring Breivik acted alone. In truth he had ideological and communication links with organised far right networks every bit as solid as the comparable connections of Islamic terrorists.

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213 thoughts on “Norwegian Killer Linked to Tea Party and EDL

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  • Eric

    Wait, so he links to Tea Party sites, and this makes the Tea Party evil.

    If I am not mistaken, Al Qaeda kills in the name of Islam, so does this make all of Islam evil?

    The list goes on of people who have killed in the name of a religion or creed, does that make all of those religions or creeds evil?

  • Clark

    Samir S. Halabi, I am shocked by your account of violence and intimidation against Jews in Norway and Sweden. I had no idea that this was occurring. I condemn it utterly, as I condemn all such abuse.
    I was very surprised by your figure of 14 million Jews worldwide. I had no idea that Jews were such a small minority. This is probably because the secondary school I attended had about 10% Jewish pupils, so of course it seemed to me that Jews were very numerous. At that school, I never once knew of anyone victimised for being Jewish.
    I am appalled by the behaviour of the modern state of Israel. The history may explain, but it cannot excuse. The demolition of homes, the eviction of Palestinians to build settlements, and the siege of Gaza are gross injustices. Operation Cast Lead and the executions aboard the Mavi Marmarma were atrocities.
    Consequently it seems to me that even peaceful demonstrations in support of Israel are problematic; they are bound to lead to anger from some of the people who oppose Israel’s policies.
    I hope that a peaceful solution to these problems can be found.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Samir, hello. Thank you for your very important and valued perpective. I wasn’t aware of the situation in Norway you describe, so it’s good to learn.
    But you do seem to attribute all these negative facets to an entire community – i.e. (I paraphrase) ‘spongers, scroungers, vicious thugs, bigots’, etc. It’s almost like a Daily Mail (UK tabloid) sub-headline. I’m not sure that would be an accurate or fair characterisation of all Muslim people in Norway. There are actually relatively few Muslims in Norway, as a proportion of the general population, compared even to, say, the UK or Germany or France. There is a sizeable Pakistani community in Oslo, as you will know. Many of these people are very well integrated indeed. I know some. Now, if there are taxi-drivers who are refusing to carry ‘fares’ of any specific religious of ethnic groups, that is heinous and needs to be prosecuted in law. It would be, in the UK. If there are people attacking synagogues, that needs to be deal with by the police; if that is not happerning, then that is wrong.
    Furthermore, I would ask you to remember that this atrocity was committed by a white, Far Right non-Muslim person, yet you seem mostly to be directing your ire largely at the Muslims of Norway. Would it not be more appropriate for you at this time to be worried about the Far Right? They are only (newly) pro-Israel right now because it suits their purposes, but they are viscerally anti-Semitic and would dispense with these pretenses if ever thay acquired any sort of power again. They are not your friends, Samir. I’ve seen Jewish cemteries desecrated in Eastern Europe; this was done by locals; these are places where there are no Muslims living, little villages and so on. It’s not say anti-Semitism is not now a problem in some Muslims poeple – it is. But I am concerned that some people are aseeking any means of demonising Muslim people in Europe, even when actually they had no part in this awful massacre.
    I have no wish to ‘destroy Israel’, btw and am aware that the majority of Israelis are now of Mizrahi/Sephardic, etc. origin and I am also aware of the discrimination against these people by ruling groups within Israel, esp. historically. I am aware too of the situation in 1940s Iraq. This is all really another discussion, though, one worth having for sure, but not really directly relevant to the massacres in Norway.

    Btw, have you read Ariel Sabar’s (originally, ‘Sabagh’) excellent memoir, ‘My Father’s Paradise’? I wiuld recomend it. It may ring some bells with you.
    All good wishes.

  • mary

    Calling all members of the Arizona youth section of the Tea Party. You are invited to a shooting camp.

    btw Glenn Beck that master of rational thought processes has compared the gathering of the young Labour party memmbers on the Norwegian island to a gathering of Hitler’s Nazi Youth.

    Suhayl I understood that the predominant origin of Jews in Israel was now Ashkenazi due to emigration from Russia into the settlements.

  • BobBarker555

    The shooter was an Israel-firster, a neo-con, not a TEA party member. Israel-firsters are the Bush regime, Sean Hannity/Rush Limbaugh folks. The idiots that watch Fox news.

    Breivik stated in his manifesto that he was in support of communism, and that he supported a NAZI style state in which only Whites, and Jews were welcome in the society. He was also a supporter of the Iraq war, and the “War on Terror”.

    Israel-firsters are dangerous people.

  • rene de vries

    This is a very simplistic an polarizing piece. There are nut-cases everywhere and they do not necessarily represent the values of a general movement. If you would have reviewed the perspectives of the godfather of the Tea Party, Dr. Ron Paul, you would have had a hard time to even write a headline like this.

    I can agree with your last paragraph (minus the general Tea Party branding), but perhaps you should have added: Breivik was a useful puppet for the illuminati/freemason/banksters who with the help of the NATO/US military industrial complex are currently hard at work in the world playing their age-old and violent divide and conquer games. As a former diplomat, I would have expected better from you than to add fuel on that crazy fire.

  • Jon

    I think you’ve broken open a big secret the tea party doesn’t want expose! Guilt by indirect association!

    Now let us all be good little classic Democrats and have all the tea partiers indefinitely locked up until the “threat” is over. I mean, it worked so well when Democrats unlawfully detained African slaves (and worse) on a whim during the 1800s. It worked for Democrats when they detained/interned Japanese, Italian and German-Americans during World War 2!

    I mean, the United States of America hasn’t seen enough hatred of their fellow man in their history. We haven’t seen enough curtailing-of-rights either! So let us ramp it up and liberally detain millions, ostracize and scapegoat them because of some nutjob across the ocean!

  • Jon

    Heh, a bit awkward that another Jon is using the same handle as me! I’m mod Jon, but sign as I do here. I guess people will know that you’re not me as I’m not quite as keen as you on exclamation marks 😉
    I think it would be a mistake to assume that Craig is a supporter of the Democrats because he’s written a piece criticising the Tea Party movement. I am sure both main parties in the US have plenty of skeletons in their closet when it comes to illegal detention – and of course both parties can take a share of the blame for the obscenity of Guantanamo Bay.
    I don’t believe anyone is suggesting that Tea Party membership should become a jailable offence, either. I certainly don’t think that – people should be able to espouse whatever political views they like. However, anyone who hears a political view also has a right to respond to it, whether or not the response is acceptable to the original speaker. So, the premise of the discussion is that some parts of US right wing deliberately employ inflammatory race-based and anti-immigration rhetoric to whip up divisive sentiment. This premise is similar to the suggestion that much the same political groupings were excessively using militarist and gun imagery, and that was felt by some to be a contributory factor in the Giffords shooting.
    I agree that the whole of a movement shouldn’t be discredited by the actions of one person. But a movement must be defined by its stars and its spokespeople – Geller in this case – since people would leave if they no longer signed up to it. I can’t help but feel that the criticism is justified for this reason.
    @Rene, that’s interesting about Ron Paul – I didn’t know that. Do you know whether he has commented on the direction the Tea Party has taken? Or, indeed, whether there are any groupings within the movement that are unhappy about racist elements amongst the leadership?

  • Shamrock

    The Norway Killer was the work of a mad man full of hate. To link this to a political movement in another country is ludicrous. The U.S.A. Tea party movement is a grass root movement that has nothing to do with anti-Muslim or Norway. It is about about addressing the US government to lessen their taxation, to limit their government spending, and to have the government uphold our contituional rights as its people. I just don’t see how this is correlated to a disturbed man in Norway.

  • Shannon

    You people are so mis-informed it is comical really. Go to the website

    This is what I found:
    Tea Party Patriots Mission Statement and Core Values

    Mission Statement
    The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

    Core Values
    •Fiscal Responsibility
    •Constitutionally Limited Government
    •Free Markets

    SO PLEASE TELL ME where this anti-muslim police is?

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Shannon,

    You say:-

    “You people are so mis-informed it is comical really.”

    On a personal level, many of those I know what are Tea Party supporters, members or sympathisers, convey to me the following traits:-

    1. A very strong inclination to dislike for President Obama – not on political and/or ideological grounds – but because of the colour of his skin.

    2. The ideas about the size of government and the fundamentals of the US and US related integrarion into a global economy – in the Tea Party information I have read simply does not begin to comprehend or address the complexities. There is a lot of standard right-wing slogans ( maybe some in your post) and not quite enough rigorous analysis – of what is really a very challenging set of options and choices for the US and the world economy.

    3. Why a dim whit like Sarah Palin is placed forward as an “intellectual” represenative for Tea Party values – can any reasoned, informed or rational person take the movement seriously – save in its potential to raise and excite latent racist feelings; reduce economic analysis to the simplistic and ridiculos; and – sloganise all the way to the polls.

    I need from the Tea Party – ideas, analysis, a detailed grasp of the complexities of the US economy such as it is – and not the latent racism – not the trivia posing as economic analysiis – not the hype by way of an appeal to scared persons who find themselves without jobs and caught in the vortex of an economy in crisis.

    Prove me wrong – present those ideas and responses I have asked for – and prove to us all that it really is not the Tea Party that is misinformed and misguided.

  • Jon

    @Shamrock, @Shannon – thanks for your input. I agree with you that anti-Islamic sentiment is not likely to form a written statement of principles of the Tea Party movement. But there are a couple of points that are probably worth expanding on.
    Firstly, within any political grouping, there is a range of views, and not everyone agrees with everything. The British Labour party comprises of socialists on the left, who believe in a reformist path to the end of capitalism, via middle-of-the-road union supporters, right across to anti-union and pro-war members. Similarly the British Conservative party has people on the left, who believe in “kind conservatism” and who are pro-European, and also includes aggressive anti-immigration, anti-European members who entertain some pretty xenophobic ideas. So, my view is that most groupings are a pretty broad church.
    With that in mind, there are probably some libertarians in the Tea Party movement who are solely concerned with reducing the size of the US state, encouraging entrepreneurialism and free enterprise, reducing taxes and the welfare state. Some of these folks may be quite pro-immigration, since border controls are arguably an infringement of free market principles. But, as Geller ably demonstrates, the flip side of this coin is a markedly aggressive campaign against Islam, Islamic wrongdoing, multiculturalism and integration etc. I don’t think it is misinformed to want to discuss this. We should bring these ideas out into the open, and if Geller’s ideas about “Islamification” are correct, they will withstand thorough analysis.
    So, I contend that the Tea Party contains a mix of people, some of whom demonstrate awful levels of anti-Muslim racism. Geller does appear to be one of them – I did seek through Atlas Shrugged to see if I could see some balancing arguments in favour of multiculturalism, or maybe some criticism of Israel or the United States, but amongst all the vitriol, not one example could be found. Perhaps I didn’t look hard enough 😉
    The other point that is worth considering is whether a political party always states its genuine intentions in full. I tend to contend that, averaged out, people naturally exist on the centre-left politically, even in the United States. A corollary of my belief is that, the further to the right wing a party exists (either on an economic or authoritarian scale) the more it has to rely on false consciousness to achieve its aims (i.e. it has to persuade people to vote against their better interests). Gary Younge, a British journalist, found this out about the Tea Party in particular (though I would certainly say it is true of the Democrats and Republicans too). He spoke to a woman on a rally organised by the Tea Party, and found that the woman was most concerned about Mexican immigration. But he also discovered that she was finding it impossible to get work, and consequently relied on inadequate state healthcare to survive. When asked why she would vote for people who would reduce welfare payments AND her limited medical provision, she admitted she’d not thought about it – the main issue for her was the Mexicans.
    As I say, it would be unfair to single out the Tea Party to rely on people voting against their own interests, since all American parties do it. Hey, maybe quite a lot of parties around the world do it! But it does leave an important question – if they won’t be honest with their electoral base about economic policy, what else haven’t they written down? Would, for example, Geller be in charge of immigration policy in a Tea Party line-up? Yikes at the very thought!

  • craig Post author

    I have actually met Ron Paul and I have quite a lot in common with his views. (Though he is not big on humility – we British are self-deprecating folk). But I fear the Tea Party today does not bear much relationship to the aims of its founders, with which, as I said, I do have a fair degree of sympathy. But the birthers, ultra zionists, christian fundamentalists and plain racist bigots like Geller have taken it over.

  • Eterna2

    Here is a guide to using Google cache. You can still access the page even if they took it down via Google cache (if Google’s webcrawler had indexed the page). However note that, the cache may be update when the crawler next visit the page (so the cache will not be there indefinitely).

    e.g. In the atlas site, u copy the address of the page “”

    So in Google, you type “cache:

    And u will get the cached version of the page.

    I took a few screenshot of a couple of posts. But I guess u can take screenshots for the rest if u wanna using the cache.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Re. Mad John, thanks, Jon!
    Yes, I agree with Craig about Ron Paul et al – they’ve heavily criticised the Tea Party for these reasons.
    On another note, an interesting point for people who support organisations/movements on the distal Right in Europe/North America and who seem perhaps a little irritated by all the “guilt by indirect association” vis a vis the Norway mass murder is this:
    If I were to be polite, I would say that amidst all the horror, this may be an opportunity for those people to ponder very deeply upon what they are advocating and the manner in which they have been advocating it, the words used, the linguistic, cultural, historical and conceptual associations which they have utilised in order to construct and communicate their political programme.
    If I were to be blunt, I would say, regarding “guilt by indirect association”, well, now you know how it feels. Next time you are tempted to stand outside a community hall carrying a megaphone and screaming abuse at ordinary Muslim people entering the hall, I want you to remember this moment.

  • Jamie

    Geller has been actively promoting links between the Tea Party and the English Defence League.

    If the establishment parties are able to hold power largely becasue they obey the ‘terrible power of the Jewish purse’ — for instance defending ‘Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state’ while race-replacing European populations — then shouldn’t we expect to see the supposedly anti-establishment factions: the EDL, the Tea Party, the BNP, Geert Wilders, following the same standard as they seek power and influence?

    The problem isn’t really the various parties and movements, the problem is the concentration of money and ethnic power in one bloc.

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