Bliar: How Much Death Can One Man Want? 93

I presume that serial killers become addicted. The really big killers, like Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot appear figures divorced from humanity. I really do find it hard to know what to make of Tony Blair. Universally execrated for fabricating the evidence to attack Iraq, apostle of war everywhere, Israel’s most ardent supporter, I used to think the desire for personal wealth – which his murderous career has indeed brought – was his primary motivation. But with his latest cheerleading for yet more wars, it seems he is indeed one of those who, having thrown off conventional morality in favour of homicide, just wants to go on and on with it.

For Bliar, the desire for killing will never stop.

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93 thoughts on “Bliar: How Much Death Can One Man Want?

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  • falloch

    but Tony robed himself in white and dipped himself in the River Jordan as godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch’s daughters – what’s not to like? It’s like a Cecil B Demille scenario – just need to book the choir.

  • vronsky

    “none of these attempted explanations”
    Do the attempted explanations matter? I had a schizophrenic mother (as regulars will already have guessed) who made everyone very miserable. Part of her knew what she was doing, but other parts of her didn’t. As we (her children) got older and calmer we all hoped that she would never fully understand what she had done to us because that knowledge would have destroyed her. Blair seems to me to be the same – willfully and helplessly cruel but somewhere aware that he is so, and equally aware that confronting that truth would break his mind. And he has a very little mind, much smaller than my mother’s.

  • John Goss

    Writeon, I agree to a good extent. Psychopath, sociopath, both are labels and I doubt any psychologists, or psychiatrists, believe totally in labels today, since we are all individuals and have our own character traits (inherited or learned) which reveal some of the aberrations which the fields of expertise ascribe to us. Neither do I have a medical background. But Blair appeared “straight” and “sincere” and “convincing”, so much so that I voted for him the first time he was elected (much to my regret) even though a very sensible conservative woman had almost convinced me that he was “smarmy”. It does not matter from which political persuasion a person has been indoctrinated – what matters is whether someone, even if they have not always supported a specific viewpoint, is prepared to make a stand when the ideology he or she believes in is subverted by those who have clawed their way to power using a party machine.
    To me that is the big problem.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Indeed, Eddie, you could borrow one of my hats, if you wanted. They’re a bit late for the period, though – more early C20th than C19th, but they would suffice.
    Vronsky, I didn’t know. It’s very generous and courageous of you to share that with us.

  • Tris

    I seem to recall reading that back in the 1920s, when Winston Churchill had some junior ministerial job at the FO, he was sent a cable querying some directive he had sent out to Mesopotamia. It seemed that the resident out there feared that carrying out Winston’s orders would involve the deaths of many locals.

    Churchill replied that he didn’t care how many heathens were killed as long as the aims of His majesty’s government were fulfilled.

    No wonder there are so many people in that area of the world who hate us so badly.

  • tony_opmoc

    I have been participating in American web sites for at least the the last 5 years…

    And believe me, they are not Ready for The Truth

    They Will Get Really Angry – and Tear Each Other Apart

    They will also probably Nuke Tel Aviv, and if we are not Really Careful London…

    But I am Convinced that all These Psycopaths Can Be Tamed and Brought To Peace…

    Come on Craig…

    This is Your Website

    What The Fuck Do we Do?

    It may be Survivable in Margate

    But We Live Within The Blast Zone

    I even Personally Got The Ripple Effect From The London Bombings


    SERIOUSLY – I am not making this up


  • Courtenay Barnett

    On being a psychopath, the classic symptom are:-

    High opinion of ones self importance
    Compulsive lying to achieve ones goals
    No empathy for others
    A flagrant disregard for ones self or others safety
    Compulsive risk taking
    Over concerned with others opinion of self
    With regard to the compulsive lying element of Blair’s psychopathic personality, it really did do him a great deal of good. My “Notable Committee” awarded him the top prize for mendacity. Truly – so don’t just discount the man….read on:-
    Award to Tony Blair for mendacity

    Annual NOTABLE awards for Blair and Bush (2005) – Afghan/ Iraq Review – Carter speaks.

    In 2003, the “NOTABLE” AWARD was presented to Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom. This year the NOTABLE COMMITTEE having reviewed our short-list for mendacity, again recognises Blair’s sterling contribution. President Bush remained a contender, but the committee determined that Bush does not have either the brains or the capacity for articulate deception.
    Bush, however, has this year been recognised as the President most worthy of the H.L. Mencken prize. In light of Mencken’s words, the committee commends President Bush for his undeniable suitability for the award, and congratulates Blair on his victory.

    16th December 2003
    Prime Minister Anthony Blair
    10 Downing Street
    London SW1 A 2AA
    Dear Prime Minister Blair,

    It is a distinct pleasure to inform you that the ‘NOTABLE COMMITTEE for liar of the year’ has by unanimous decision declared you ‘ NOTABLE liar of the year for 2003’. Normally, the committee makes its decision in January of the New Year. On this occasion, your mendacity so impressed us that for the first time in the committee’s history exemption was made in acknowledgment of your achievements.
    You can read the full text here: –
    If Blair is indeed a psychopath, he is in a special category – “ Imperialist psychopath”.

  • John Goss

    I want to retract my conjecture that Blair is a sociopath, because of his intelligence. In a way I agree with Canspeccy that he is an imperialist. There are other things with which I don’t agree with Canspeccy, but it’s good to look for common ground.

  • Ian

    Blair is acting neither as a sociopath nor as an imperialist. Otherwise he would not solely be targeting Syria and Iran. He is an agent of Israel above and beyond everything else. Whether for the money, blackmail, ideology or all three will probably never be known.

  • Canspeccy

    Tom Welsh said:
    “I didn’t suggest there was anything racist about the killings in Iraq – just about the failure to care about them. (Although have you heard any recordings or accounts of the language used by American and British soldiers about “hajjis”, “sand rats”, etc.? Or the often-expressed view that countries like Iraq and Afghanistan are “shitholes” (a favourite expression with Americans).”
    All killing in war is more or less racist. The Vietnamese were Gooks, The Japanese were “Japs” and “Nips”, the Germans were Huns, Jerries, Krauts, Boche, etc. It’s difficult to stick a bayonet in the guts of someone you consider a clean cut German boy.
    “The people who died in WW2 are constantly being remembered and memorialised.”
    Really? You mean the 5.3 million German soldiers, the 7 million German civilian casualties? I don’t think so. When Ronald Reagan visited a shrine to dead German soldiers it created a row, just as it created a row when PM Nakasone visited a shrine to dead Japanese soldiers of WW2.
    As for the dictators starting it, that’s pretty meaningless. The Americans cut of Japan’s oil supply. What else could they do but go to war? And the Germans were carefully manipulated into confrontation with Russia by Great Britain. Chamberlain betrayed both Poland and Czechoslovakia, inviting Germany to help herself. It was the refusal of Britain to offer a defensive alliance to Russia that persuaded the Russians to do a deal with Hitler. In fact, Britain wished to attack Russia in Finland, which Russia had invaded as preemptive move against an anticipated German attack. Britain offered 100,000 troops (after refusing any assistance to the Czechs and the Poles), but Sweden prevented consummation of the deal (British troops would have had to reach Finland via Swedish territory).
    “The Americans actually stayed neutral until the dictatorships declared war on the USA”

    Japan attacked the US because the US was attempting to suffocate Japan by denying her access to oil. The US then declared war on Germany, not the other way round.
    “As for Stalin’s victims, Western governments were reluctant to have the truth come out because of that old factor – their precious “credibility”.”
    Well whatever the reasons there were 40 million or so dead white people who nobody gave a damn about. So you thesis that we only care about white people is wrong. The fact is, governments make sure no one cares about anyone that the government itself kills, and governments in the last 100 years killed about 160 million people, a large proportion of whom were white.

  • Canspeccy

    King of Welsh, said
    “The thing is, none of these attempted explanations (IMHO) get close to explaining the enigma of Blair.”
    Maybe, you didn’t read what I said (too long to put here). But it is quite clear that Blair is an imperialist. He is for the New World Order. The process is expansion of the empire, preferably by agreement and assimilation, but if necessary by force. What’s hard to understand?
    Of course Blair lies, all politicians lie all the time. Heck they don’t stand up in public making speeches for the edification of the public. The only time they go to the trouble of making a speech is to tell some goddam lie or other — obviously. There’s nothing abnormal in a politician doing that. If you call that psychopathology, you have to say all politicians are psycho — which I wouldn’t disagree with, but why pick on Bliar and not Clogg or Moribund, or Obama bin Lyin.
    And the thing about this imperialist project is that it has a respectable anscestry. Its the war to end all wars. Well it would be if there’s only one global military authority. I happen to oppose it because I’d rather live under the risk of being killed in an war among nations that live in a limitlessly corrupt global empire which will sink into a decay, decadence and disintegration.

  • Canspeccy

    And in fact, many white war deaths are hotly disputed. See for example the controversy about the alleged starvation of one million German POW’s after WW2.

  • Sunflower

    TB is a Zionist puppet. As is many of the top people in european governments, media and banks and EU. Not to speak of the clown Rasmussen in NATO. Same with the US government.
    The puppet masters, the Zionist banksters, that actually control and direct the way our society is developing are the root of the evil.
    Ordo ab Chao is their modus operandi in creating one global fascist police state. They want as many wars and as much killing as possible to take place, they attack US, UK, Spain, Norway, Italy and many other countires, blaming the muslim (or right-wing) “terrorists” in order to create chaos and fear.
    They stir up local violence in order to slam it with even more violence.
    Non violent non-cooperation is the way to deal with them, we are many they are just a few. Looking forward to the day when millions and millions of ordinary people hit the streets and peacefully show that this is the end, no more wars and no more killing.
    I’m pessimistic about tomorrow, wouldn’t surprise me if we will see a major “terrorist” (black-op) attack as a 10th anniversary celebration of the 9-11 catalyst to the “war on terrer”

  • anno

    I sincerely apologise. I seem to have been having some ? bipolar ? moments myself in the last few days in which if I’ve offended anyone by my strong language, I apologise.
    It’s not disconnected to my running a bit of a temperature, having some family problems, and the fact that I always find overwhelming bombardments on civilians in order to keep the lorries on the M6 moving, deeply personally disturbing. I go into mourning and rage for a time. Sorry about that. Whatever I may have said to offend, I apologise.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    As Angrysoba astutely once pointed out, WW2 in the ‘Far’ (‘Far’ to whom?) East began in the early-mid-1930s and continued, really until 1949. Many yellow people died in WW2. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Burmese…
    “The Second Sino-Japanese War was the largest Asian war in the 20th century.[8] It also made up more than 50% of the casualties in the Pacific War if the 1937–1941 period is taken into account.” [from Wikipedia].
    20 million USSR citizens died in WW2. The USSR and its armies consisted of many different kinds of people. I have a friend from Siberia who was in the Red Army; his skin is yellow. The USSR and Japan also were at war in northern China.
    German POWS and Ukrainians were indeed massacred – and these were war crimes. The UK and USSR did deal repatriating lots of Tartars to the USSR, where they were then massacred. Tartars have yellow skin.
    The many Indian and African service personnel who fought and died in WW2 on the Allied side seldom get a mention in feature films or documentaries. The myth that WW2 was a war involving only ‘white’ protagonists is a racist myth. It is grossly inaccurate.

  • Donny Darko

    Tony Blair is a vile little man who I hope suffers an agonising death one day,but before it happens I’d like to see him in court where all his crimes against his country and the peoples of the countries we invaded are laid bare and he is incarcerated.
    A catholic god would forgive Tony Blair but there’s no proof God is a catholic.So Hell here he comes !!
    Only in our Orwellian world could this war criminal become a peace envoy.
    I remember his face during the Dr Kelly farce…….. he was as guilty as OJ Simpson. He couldn’t hide it !! He knew !

  • DLJ

    Three tiny problems with Craig’s post.

    First, the indirect comparison of Blair to Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot is grotesque, and only works at a rhetorical level. There is no need to justify this point here or indeed anywhere, it is self evident to any sane person. Sorry, no offence to those struggling to maintain their sanity!

    Second, the equation of Blair’s being a serial killer with him being a supporter of Israel is also grotesque.

    Third, in the Guardian piece you refer to Blair only talks about regime change and does not specify exactly how this is to come about, though admittedly he seems to be ‘open’ to the use of force. Regime change in itself, however, might not be a bad thing in Iran. I do believe that many Iranians, especially the young, urban and educated would like an opportunity to change their regime and move in a more democratic direction.

  • Clark

    Anno, this crazy world of war drives many of us somewhat mad. In my opinion a person has done quite well if they manage only to go a bit mad from time to time. In English, “mad” can mean “insane” or “angry” – I’ve often wondered about that. Best wishes to you, and I hope that things improve for you soon. I hope that things improve for the people targeted by war, too, but this seems a more tenuous hope.
    Evolutionists often cite the dinosaur skeletons when arguing with creationists. The oil which humanity have made themselves dependent upon is also the remains of those long-dead animals. The humans and the dinosaurs both, it seems, were formed from matter from the hearts of exploded stars, and yet some humans kill many other humans to acquire sludge formed from dinosaurs, merely because it burns well, and even though the combustion products are causing our world to roast. Some humans use the word “dinosaur” as an insult against those who refuse to adapt. How strange and convoluted.

  • Donny Darko

    DLJ: The comparisons stand up well I believe.TB was a dictator.HE decided to go to war against Saddam on the basis of lies.As with the other dictators, he personally did not do any of the killing,but his actions have caused the deaths of millions of people.Let’s be grown up about what Bushisms and Blairisms mean with regime change.As in Libya, regime change or the desire for it means WAR !!! Ain’t no doubt about it!! Supporter of Israel !! Well yes he is.His support of zionism is well documented.When has he ever acted even handedly? Where was his criticism of Israel as peace envoy,when ” cast lead ” was being unleashed on the civilian population of Gaza ??
    Democracy is just another weapon in the arsenal of the US and NATO to be wielded when necessary.Who got rid of democracy in Iran in 1958 ?? Why did the UK decide Iran was not good enough for democracy back then ?? And we’ve Cameron now, who was not the choice of the people.The majority didn’t want him.We are a shining example of what is wrong with democracy.

  • vronsky

    It may be an uncomfortable thought, but I wonder to what extent Blair is really different from any of us posting here – there may be no need to posit strange mental disorders. As regards his mendacity, it is hardly exceptional in his profession. They all tell lies and while Blair may be one of the more prolific it’s a pretty strong field. I have commented before on how many of Blue Labour were quite prominent radicals in their early years (Jack Straw, Peter Hain) and yet moved without a stumble from the definite left to the far right. Were they always wolves in sheep’s clothing, or did the job change them? Perhaps a bit of both, but I believe the second – the effect of the job – is very powerful and it requires an exceptionally strong mind and spirit to resist its baleful influence. Plainly we have no politicians with this special, platinum, incorruptibility.
    As a political activist I have seen friends within the party rise through the ranks and take seats and Holyrood, accompanied by a steady swing in their views from left to right. I didn’t doubt their sincerity when (in their early days) they spoke on the same side of the debate as I did on a number of issues, and so I am depressed and puzzled to find that the same ideas now embarrass them. What happened?

  • TFS

    I like the subtle but necesary change to his name in your piece from Blair to Bliar, may I suggest BLiar as a more prominent moniker when discussing such a traitor

  • Clark

    Vronsky, I agree. The holding of power changes people, it damages them, and the more power they wield, the more they are damaged. The damage is clearly visible in their faces and demeanor. Someone should make a “Before and After” ‘photo gallery of UK prime ministers and others.
    This aligns with Craig’s argument that governmental corruption greatly increases in second or third terms, and also argues that power should be more distributed and terms of office time-limited. It adds weight to your own arguments for sortition, and also Evgueni’s arguments for Direct Democracy.

  • Ed Davies

    Canspeccy: “The US then declared war on Germany, not the other way round.”

    Umm, follow the link from there to United States declaration of war upon Germany (1941) which starts:

    “On December 11, 1941, the United States Congress declared war upon Germany, in response to that nation’s declaration of war following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.”

    I.e., Germany declared war first.

    This is what I recall from history lessons which made we wonder if, had Hitler not done that, WW II could have remained as two separate wars. Was it Hitler’s biggest mistake? Had Britain had to sue for peace in 1942 without US support in the North Atlantic could he have gained access to the middle east allowing him to extract his armies from Russia?

  • KingofWelshNoir

    I second what Suhayl said – it was very courageous of you to share that.
    And I totally agree with your point that ‘confronting that truth would break his mind’. Absolutely. He’s on the radio this morning denying that the actions of the West have radicalised Muslims. He believes that because he has to.

  • Herbie

    “Mr Blair warned the threat would only end when “we defeat the ideology”.
    “I think it will take a generation, but the way to defeat this ideology ultimately is by a better idea, and we have it, which is a way of life based on openness, democracy, freedom and the rule of law.” ”
    When did Blair ever do anything to show that he believed in any of those things?
    Does anyone seriously think that the Blair regime provided more openness? Surely his was one of the more secretive regimes, even to many of his cabinet colleagues.
    Was his regime more democratic? Wasn’t it, on the contrary, characterised by fiat, dictat and whim?
    Did anyone feel more free under his regime? My memory is that it was under his rule that we lost many of our freedoms.
    And when exactly did anyone feel that his regime abided by the rule of law?
    The man is a complete charlatan, and he looks and sounds more so with each passing day.

  • KingofWelshNoir

    Serial killer
    Zionist puppet
    New World Order Stooge
    Imperialist conman.
    New World Order Imperialist stooge
    Illuminati shill
    Sociopathic Imperialist New World Order illuminati Shill
    Any more?

  • alexno

    EdDavies:”which made we wonder if, had Hitler not done that, WW II could have remained as two separate wars. Was it Hitler’s biggest mistake?”

    No, the invasion of the Soviet Union was. But the declaration of war on the States was not too far behind. More, it was an unforced error. He could have stayed out of the American war.

  • alexno

    “More, it was an unforced error. He could have stayed out of the American war.”

    Like British participation in America’s post-911 wars was an unforced error. We could have stayed out of them.

    Oh goody, I’m comparing Blair to Hitler!

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