The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty 603

The planned scenario for a war with Iran is playing out before our eyes at frightening speed now. Unfortunately. as I have frequently said, Iran has a regime that is not only thuggish but controlled by theocratic nutters: the attack on the British Embassy played perfectly into the hands of the neo-cons. William Hague is smirking like the cat who got the cream.

The importance of the Fox-Gould-Werritty scandal is that it lifts the lid on the fact that the move to war with Iran is not a reaction to any street attack or any nuclear agency report. It is a long nurtured plan, designed to keep feeding the huge military industrial war machine that has become a huge part of the UK and US economies, and whose sucking up of trillions of dollars has contributed massively to the financial crisis, and which forms a keystone in the whole South Sea Bubble corporate finance system for servicing the ultra-rich. They need constant, regenerative war. They feed on the shattered bodies of small children.

Gould, Fox and Werritty were plotting with Israel to further war with Iran over years. The Werritty scandal was hushed up by Gus O’Donnell’s risibly meagre “investigation” – a blatant cover-up – and Fox resigned precisely to put a cap on any further digging into what they had been doing. I discovered – with a lot of determination and a modicum of effort – that Fox, Werritty and British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould had met many times, not the twice that Gus O’Donnell claimed, and had been in direct contact with Mossad over plans to attack Iran. Eventually the Independent published it, a fortnight after it went viral on the blogosphere.

The resignation of the Defence Secretary in a scandal is a huge political event. People still talk of the Profumo scandal 50 years later. But Fox’s resignation was forgotten by the media within a fortnight, even though it is now proven that the Gus O’Donell official investigation into the affair was a tissue of lies.

Take only these undisputed facts:

Fox Gould and Werritty met at least five times more than the twice the official investigation claims
The government refuses to say how often Gould and Werritty met without Fox
The government refuses to release the Gould-Werritty correspondence
The three met with Mossad

How can that not be a news story? I spent the most frustrating fortnight of my life trying to get a newspaper – any newspaper – to publish even these bare facts. I concentrated my efforts on the Guardian.

I sent all my research, and all the evidence for it, in numeorus emails to the Guardian, including to David Leigh, Richard Norton-Taylor, Rupert Neate and Seumas Milne. I spoke to the first three, several times. I found a complete resistance to publishing anything on all those hidden Fox/Werritty/Gould meetings, or what they tell us about neo-con links with Israel.

Why? Guardian Media Group has a relationship with an Israel investment company, Apax, but the Guardian strongly denies that this has any effect on them.

The Guardian to this day has not published the fact that there were more Fox-Gould-Werritty meetings than O’Donnell disclosed. Why?

I contacted the Guardian to tell them I intended to publish this article, and invited them to give a statement. Here it is, From David Leigh, Associate Editor:

I hope your blogpost will carry the following response in full.

1. I know nothing of any Israeli stake in the ownership of the Guardian. As it is owned by the Scott Trust, not any Israelis, your suggestion sems a bit mad.

2. The Guardian has not “refused” to publish any information supplied by you. On the contrary, I personally have been spending my time looking into it, as I told you previously. I have no idea what the attitude of others in “the Guardian” is. I form my own opinions about what is worth publishing, and don’t take dictation from others. That includes you.

3. I can’t imagine what you are hinting at in your reference to Assange. If you’ve got a conspiracy theory, why don’t you spit it out?

I can understand your frustration, Craig, when others don’t join up the dots in the same way as you. But please try not to be offensive, defamatory, or plain daft about it.

As I said, it would be honest of you to publish my response in full if you want to go ahead with these unwarranted attacks on the Guardian’s integrity.

Possible some Guardian readers will get drawn to this post: at least then they will find out that Werritty, Fox and Gould held many more meetings, hushed up by O’Donnell and hushed up by the Guardian.

It should not be forgotten that the Guardian never stopped supporting Blair and New Labour, even when he was presiding over illegal wars and the massive widening of the gap between rich and poor. My point about Assange is that he has done a great deal to undermine the neo-con war agenda – and the Guardian is subjecting him to a campaign of denigration. On the other hand Gould/Fox/Werritty were pushing a neo-con project for war – and the Guardian is actively complicit in the cover-up of their activities.

The Guardian. Whom does it serve?

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603 thoughts on “The Guardian Protects Gould-Werritty

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  • Mary




    The western powers seem to be doing everything possible to increase tension with Iran. Yesterday EU ministers imposed new sanctions on top of those agreed by Canada, the US and Britain last week. David Cameron promised yet another round in January, meanwhile he has expelled Iranian diplomats in response to protests at the British Embassy in Tehran, closing one of the last channels for negotiation.
    A British minister recently promised that further unspecified ‘appropriate measures’ will be taken against Iran. The recent IAEA report showed there is no conclusive evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, but this kind of western brinkmanship can only antagonise the Iranian regime.
    Stop the War is planning a national campaign against an attack on Iran in the next months. The campaign starts with a public rally in London on Monday.
    Public Meeting: Don’t Attack Iran
    Mon 5 December, 7pm
    Speakers include George Galloway, Tony Benn, Lindsey German and Abbas Edalat
    Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion sq, London WC1R 4RL

  • Ken

    @Mary..Is Ken Stephen’s new name?

    Says Mary who posted up a link to Holocaust a denier as evidence that Amnesty is somehow controlled by the Jews. You are done girl,your credibility is less than ZERO.

  • John Goss

    Mary, I wish Stop the War would come up with something new. It’s the same slogan as ten years ago but for one letter. The slogan did not work then. What about “Arrest the War in Iran – arrest the perpetrators”? I’m sick of these inane slogans aimed at peasants. It’s not the early days of Soviet Russia with “Bread – Land – Peace” though that would be better than “Don’t attack Iran”.

  • Mary

    @’Ken’ My post was purely about the provenance of Suzanne Nossel, given on the link and confirmed by Wikipedia. I said nothing about the holocaust so don’t try that one.

  • Ken


    My post was purely about the provenance of Suzanne Nossel, given on the link and confirmed by Wikipedia. I said nothing about the holocaust so don’t try that one.

    You tried to dispute my link to an Amnesty report into human rights abuses in Iran with a link to an Holocaust denier ranting about the Jewish Mafia,no point trying to deny it now.It is there for everyone to see.You cannot dispute any of the reports that I posted up from Amnesty.

  • Ken



    You linked to this piece to try and discredit Amnesty..the headline says it all..
    Jewish mafia inside Amnesty International USA.

    I have already proven the writer is an Holocaust denier,if you just linked to the wiki page you might have an argument but the wikipage does not say what your Holocaust denier does. Seems you prefer what the Holocaust denier had to say.

  • Fedup

    Why do you waste energy with this troll? The idiot was outed last night by me and Jives, he/she a ziobot wlike the rest of his cohorts assigned to fight the good fight on the keyboard! Ignore it.

  • Ken

    @Fedup.. laughable.

    All you have proven is that you like to insult people because you cannot hold a discussion together for two seconds. Everyone can go back thru this thread and see what constitutes a discussion to you sunshine. You have no arguments and throw a tantrum when confronted.It is all there is black and white for everyone to see so you cannot deny it.

  • John Goss

    Ken, nobody I know of who comments on this blog has said good things about the human rights’ record of Iran. Mary was concerned that her trust in US Amnesty might be compromised by having a new chargé d’affaires in Suzanne Nossel.

  • Ken

    @Fedup..he/she a ziobot.

    Clueless. I guess all my anti Israeli posts make me a zionist.. You get funnier by the minute.

  • Ken

    @John Goss..nobody I know of who comments on this blog has said good things about the human rights’ record of Iran. Mary was concerned that her trust in US Amnesty might be compromised by having a new chargé d’affaires in Suzanne Nossel.

    They have spent the last few hours trying to pour scorn on Amnesty reports about Iranian human rights abuses and shift the argument to the UK/US policies etc and that says it all. Also posting up a link to an Holocaust denier with the headline Jewish mafia inside Amnesty International USA as some kind of excuse as not to believe the Amnesty reports on Iran also says it all.If you cannot see that then you are lost.

  • Azra

    Ken, my point was that if the so called democratic/Free west gets up to this kind of mischief, the expectation from Iran should not be that high! after all they are considered backward Mullahs, right???

  • Ken


    Hmm, no. The Iranians do not get a get out of jail free card because the west breaks the law on a regular basis.Also there is nothing free and democratic about the west. They have elected dictatorships, always have and seems always will.

  • Fedup

    John Goss
    So far no one is talking about the WWIII, and stop threatening Earth. We all know that the ziofuckwits suffering from a plethora of complexes chief among them the masada complex are relentless in feeding their paranoia with a queue of a never ending array of enemies. These ziofuckwits, having ingratiated themselves in the power circles. Thereafter have been busy plotting for wars for the duration of the last decade, which so far has resulted in millions of deaths of innocent civilians, and millions more displaced victims of the insecurity of these ever persecuted bunch of wankers.
    But as ever no one seems to have the guts, to stand up and shout out; I have had it, and I am no longer putting up with it, stop the WWIII. The military industrial complex old Eisenhower warned us all about have employed mighty good salesmen, whom evidently are far too scared to be told to fuck off!

  • Ken

    @Pee..Can’t Ken have a view without being vilified and accused of being a troll?

    I do not mind being called a troll by some people who cannot formulate an argument to save their ass. I have posted that the Iranian regime have a really bad human rights record and backed it up with links to Amnesty and Human Rights Watch and I disputed some claims on here that Wikileaks is somehow a cover for a CIA disinformation campaign and in some peoples books that makes you a troll. My evidence has been met with abuse by a few posters,they cannot actually dispute any of the evidence so they revert to type and just call me names,that says a lot about them and not me frankly. One fool even called me a ziobot even though I have posted a few anti Israeli posts against Stephen who was claiming that Israel had a free pres and was a democracy. These people are so full of anger and not being able to put an argument into words they just swear at you.Bit of a joke really but happens a lot on the Internet.

  • glenn

    Yesterday on radio-4’s World Tonight I caught some ‘expert’ with a US accent being interviewed on Iran. They were tut-tutting about the disgraceful embassy attack and other poor behaviour, discussing sanctions, but the host eventually said, “We know what this is all about really, though, don’t we? Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”
    Yes indeed, those centrifuges are still all spinning away, even as we speak, the expert agreed. Iran would have a nuclear device very soon, which could not be allowed, as this would trigger an unthinkable arms race in the middle east – between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and so on. (No mention of Israel, naturally enough.) Iran might carry out its threats with these weapons too.
    The host thanked the expert for his time, not one critical word or question being uttered (Peter something, I think), and then the story switched to an entirely unrelated matter – the new Holocaust museum in Macedonia. Straight onto horrifying accounts of Jews being killed and gruesome tales of savage anti-antisemitism in action. The Holocaust industry at it finest, with perfect timing.

  • Azra

    Ken,You are right about that , we have elected dictatorships in the west as well as in the East, and I am not disputing that the present Iranian regime has a terrible record of human rights violation. What I really trying to say, with all its bad record it is a bit better than the previous regime, believe me .. I have had friends/family taken and imprisoned by both regime. I know it is not believed, but it is true, even in torture the previous regime was worse. Also as I mentioned present regime has done a lot for the really poor in the country, and has made a real push towards higher education. The more educated the masses are the less they will put up with tyrants, this is the hope!

  • Ken


    Well if you believe that they are better than the former regime then that is what you believe. I am glad that the Iranians are getting educated and that the conditions of the poor are being improved as you say.if that is the case. The government though still arrests and tortures its people and does not let people dissent at all. We all know that the Shah was a western pawn and spent the oil wealth on his family and weapons from America and the west and that he tortured and imprisoned masses of people. I hope Iran changes and I hope that that change comes about thru the Iranian people and not a western backed coup/invasion etc.

  • John Goss

    Fedup and anyone else:
    WWIII has already started. What we have in the Western Alliance and NATO is the biggest bully that ever existed. Call me cynical but when Hans Blix, sends a team of UN inspectors into Iraq, which reports that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction, and a corrupt neocon banker, Ahmed Chalabi, sets a false flag to say that they do have weapons of mass destruction, it appears not that the corrupt banker is wrong, but Hans Blix’ dedicated team. Then, knowing that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction the most powerfully armed country in the world bombs the shit out of it, to steal its oil, it should fill any right-minded person with disgust. It did me.
    If in the school playground a sixth-former, built like a brick-shithouse, kicks the shit out of an eleven year old to steal his pocket money. What happens? He, or she, gets excluded. The problem is with bullies like Hague, Cameron, Osborne, Fox, Buckingham, Gould, Werritty, their cronies in the UK and US, who collectively amount to the biggest bully the world has ever seen, will go on bullying indefinitely to add to their stolen wealth; or until somebody big enough comes along to stop them. Russia and China are the only two powers capable of standing up to this monster, this awful horror, that has set itself upon the seat of righteousness, and is wreaking havoc all over the world. If they get involved I shudder to think what plagues will
    be set loose on the world. But this aggression cannot go on indefinitely.

  • Rob


    I like the Guardian, it has a well designed website and its views are a modest antidote to those “rock solid” dailies, the DT and DM.
    But even in my naive enthusiasm, I do realise that everyone on the planet has an agenda and if you’re a jurno or politician, then you positively live and breath according to your agenda. I reckon that your critique of Middle East politics does not suit the agenda of Mr Katz (G deputy editor) or Mr Freedland (senior columnist) or Mr Cohen (Observer leader writer) and all the others who set the editorial policy.

    You could try Douglas Reed’s “Disgrace Abounding” (Jonathan Cape, 1939) for an historical view of European press manipulation by special interests.

  • jack daniels

    welcome to the realization that the media, among other things, is owned and controlled by zionists & jews.

  • Mary

    As Michael Winner would say to Ken ‘Calm down dear’. Oh I forgot he doesn’t like Iran either.

  • John Goss

    Glenn, you’re right about the Holocaust. Yes it was a nauseating item of world history, but, if it’s not too bad a pun, it’s been done to death. There are lots of nasty historical mass-killings and massacres from as long as world events have been recorded, but the Holocaust industry, as you call it, is thriving yet. When you get something rammed down your throat day-in, day out, eventually you’re going to throw up. Nobody blathers on endlessly about the Black Hole of Calcutta, the Roman invasion of Jerusalem in AD70, Vlad Tepes, the pyramid of human heads Genghis Khan constructed in Samarkand, or all the other nasty things that happen in times of war. But the Holocaust is an industry. When I cycled through Poland in 2001 I refused to visit Auschwitz for that very reason.

  • Roderick Russell

    @Mary – Bias is nothing new to Amnesty International as my recent exchange, as a comment on Prism, with their Director General in Canada demonstrates. Here it is
    “Mr. Neve
    Your comment does not fit with the facts. I tried repeatedly to get help from Amnesty International with regard to the serious human rights abuses against myself and my wife in Canada. At no time did your organization make any attempt to discuss the matter either with myself or with any of my witnesses. As I wrote your people at the time, it is clear that AI will not look at any issue where the potential wrongdoers are the high Establishment – too close to their main funding sources perhaps. Yet my experience is not unique – others have reported similar failures from the UK & Canadian based human rights industry.
    Award winning UK Journalist Denis Lehane in his book “Unperson, A Life Destroyed” describing his persecution by MI5 / CIA goes on in his last chapter to castigate Amnesty International for its total lack of help. Indeed he describes how from a prison cell he wrote your then Director General “Piere Sane” only to receive no reply at all. Wasn’t it the same Director General who said – “Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their crimes….So, they set up phony human rights institutions”.
    Now I don’t say that these Human Rights organizations are phony, rather that they are very careful to avoid offending powerful interests groups that are close to their funding sources. I took a list of people who had similar experiences to my own and Lahane’s (zersetzung, cointelpro, vigorous harassment, D&D – call it what you like) and selected a sample (not scientific) of c. 80 of them. Not one reported any assistance from AI.
    Roderick Russell”
    For those who want to review the article and all comments (including AI Canada Director General Mr. Neve’s), here is its URL:
    Suzanne Nossel with her associations to the US State Dept does not appear to be without bias; but she cannot be worse than what has gone before. Hopefully she will surprise us all and help make AI the honest human rights organization that it should be but isn’t.

  • Azra

    Ken, this is the hope, this is what all Iranian (well nearly all!) hope that there will be changes and reforms . Iran has a massive young population and eventually things will have to change. No government in a country of that size can resist will of people no matter how big the army, or the police. The whole of Middle East has to change, but not with the western power intervention, change has to come from within.

  • Ken

    @Mary. As Michael Winner would say to Ken ‘Calm down dear’. Oh I forgot he doesn’t like Iran either.

    You have already been caught posting up links to a Holocaust denier as evidence that somehow Amnesty is not a reliable source for reports of human rights abuses on Iran and now all you have left is to bounce back again and again trying to claim things about me that are incorrect. You have no credibility whatsoever left Mary. Obviously you cannot formulate an argument against anything I have posted and need now to try and pour scorn on me personally. That says it all about you frankly.

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