Blogging 105

Pardon a rather navel-gazing morning, but I have been thinking about blogging. I am not sure how the Leverson Inquiry got into discussion of blogging, but apparently the editor of the Daily Mirror has described bloggers as “cowboys”.

If you read this blog you would, even in the last few months find definite and documented evidence that Jack Straw is lying about his complicity in torture, that Gus O’Donnell lied spectacularly about Adam Werritty’s number of meetings with the FCO, that there was a secret diplomatic deal between the US and Saudi Arabia that provided for the NATO attack on Libya and the Saudi invasion of Bahrain. You would not know any of those things from reading the Daily Mirror, or any other mainstream paper, with an honorable partial exception for the Independent.

Yet to my knowledge the only blogger to appear at Leverson has been the ultra right pin-up boy Paul Staines.

I have entered this blog for the Orwell Prize this year. I have never done so before. I had not realised, until I received an email last week, that the Prize accepts entries purely on the basis of self-nomination. That presumably rules out most decent people from the start. But I did have to select eight blog entries from 2011 for the nomination, and I found a dozen or so of which I am quite proud. This gave me impetus to move forward with an idea I have had for some time. I wish to bring out a book of collected writings.

My working title is “Zionism is Bullshit – Craig Murray and the Need for Dissent 2005-2011“. I want to bring together not just the best entries of this blog, but published articles, and transcriptions of speeches and talks, as well as highlights of evidence to parliament etc. I probably won’t be able to incorporate comments from the blog, as copyright and permission issues look a bit nightmarish.

A book called “Zionism is Bullshit” is going to have to be self published and sold via the internet. That worked fairly well for The Catholic Orangemen of Togo. There are now 74 left of the original 1200 hardbacks printed. Please buy a copy or two, using the buttons on the right. My hubris has been punished, and in the two months since I announced I will be donating 10% of my income to Scottish Independence, my income has been nil (except £64 profit on Catholic Orangemen sales). Like “The Catholic Orangemen“, “Zionism is Bullshit” will be available for free download.

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105 thoughts on “Blogging

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  • MJ

    GB: Craig never suggests or implies a “Zionist conspiracy”. He comes down like a ton of bricks on any commenter how does. Do try and keep up.

  • joey dq

    GB – there is no excuse or need for foul language. Most intelligent people can get their point across without using terms like ‘wanker’. Just saying……

  • TK

    Personally, I think “bullshit” is brilliant. The profanity and lightness of such word can only counter the depth and heaviness associated with the mysticism of Zionism.
    @Abe Rene, my apologies. I didn’t know you were joking.

  • Fedup

    Guido Barker,
    You don’t like Craig much do you? Seems a bitter hunts (damn keyboard I meant to type C not H) soliloquy, that ends in the Wayne & Waynetta fashion parlance But there again with your head so far up the zionists poopchute, you could hardly come to any other conclusion now, can you?

  • Anon


    Yeats may well have put it better – but I’m afraid I see very little self doubt or challenge in most of Craig’s wrting. Although relative to many commenters on this blog, rather than elsewhere in the world, I can see why such a view might be reached.


    “Craig never suggests or implies a “Zionist conspiracy”. He comes down like a ton of bricks on any commenter how does. Do try and keep up.”

    I’m sorry but I fail see many tonnes of bricks on this blog – just the occaisonal mild rebuke.

  • Anon

    I must say that if anyone wants to see what the two minutes of hate for Emmanuel Goldstein actually looks like – the comments on most threads on this blog are as good a place as any to start

    @Noel Shaw

    If you consider this blog challenges the prevailing intellectual left wing orthodoxy in the way that Homage to Catalonia and Animal Farm did – then might I suggest you take something of a reality check.

  • Abe Rene

    TK: That’s all right. My poking fun through a “pharisaical” persona did have a serious point though: should such books be suitable for children? By this I mean, should human rights, the importance of civil liberties, the wrongness of torture, the skills to analyse propaganda and such important aspects of education be made accesible to children through such books? If the answer is ‘yes’ then they shouldn’t have content unsuitable for children. So putting swear words on the cover (or inside) is not a good idea in that case. Blogs or conversations in pubs are better places for letting off steam in that way!

  • Rose

    I agree with the sentiment Craig – if by Zionism you mean double dealing, hypocrisy, speaking with forked tongues, whited sepulchres, framing people, engineering social unrest, murder – the kind of tactics employed by the Pharisees and Saducees – avaricious lawyers and religious zealots of their day – nothing changes really does it? Of course it’s bullshit and you are a brave person to challenge it.
    But would George have chosen it as a title? Nah

  • TK

    In the world of inverted values, “Zionism is bullshit” has economy of grace. George might not have used it, then again it resonates with “brood of vipers”.

  • crab

    iirc Craig is sparse in commenting on comments. I never read him come down hard on Zio Banking >Secret World Order talk, but have read him come down plainly against it.
    We do seem to have no public knowledge of what the richest families on the planet want and encourage with their unusual resources. It is hard to tell apart what is decent investigation of the subject, from the most polished end of the phantasmogorical fictional genre attached to it. I think a government should document the persuations of private superrich groups, almost as well as it must document its own cabinets – as a matter of being properly informed to govern. But the 0.01% surely dont encourage that. Its alright though craig met one of them and he seemed normal and nice. :p
    Perhaps the situation is just beyond reproach right now.

  • ToivoS

    Dear Craig, I have been visiting this site occasionally since the Werwitty scandal broke. Great blog. I think I became aware of your contributions following the Uzbekistan (or was it some …stan) but didn’t realize you were sent out to pasture over it and have been reduced (horrors of horrors) writing your own blog.

    Introductions over. I think ““Zionism is bullshit” is a poor title for your upcoming book. It lacks originality besides being unnecessarily crude. You should have a contest among your readers. What is a good title?

  • crab

    “Zionist Bullshit” keeps on board the possibility of nice zionists who dont bullshit.? There is such confusion about the word, it is mythical land in different tales.

  • boniface goncourt

    Perhaps ‘The Zionism Hoax’? A little nod to Prof. Butz’s classic ‘The Hoax of the 20th Century’ about the Holo. If you haven’t read it, you should. Free download pdf at …. Scroll down to Books in English, then scroll down to alphabetic section, ‘Butz, Arthur’. Lots of interesting free books there. Not for the incurious…

  • CheebaCow

    Not a fan of the title ‘Zionism is Bullshit’, outside of the context of your speech, it seems flippant and lacking in serious thought (which I’m sure the book won’t be). If I were looking in a bookshop and saw a book with that title and I didn’t recognise the authors name, I would assume it was a lefty equivalent of Limbaugh or Coulter. I also think it would be a turn off for those somewhat on the fence when it comes to the Israel/Palestine issue. It also reminds me of the TV show Penn and Tellers Bullshit! But hey, I haven’t published anything, so what the hell do I know? =P

  • Passerby

    1. exaggerated or foolish talk; nonsense
    2. deceitful or pretentious talk
    “eloquent and insincere rhetoric,” 1915, Amer.Eng. slang. Bull in the sense of “trivial or false statements” (1914) is usually associated with this, but it existed since M.E. in the sense of “false talk, fraud,” apparently from O.Fr. bole “deception, trick, scheming, intrigue,” and perhaps connected
    usage This word was formerly considered to be taboo, and it was labelled as such in previous editions of Collins English Dictionary . However, it has now become acceptable in speech, although some older or more conservative people may object to its use
    Hence Zionism is Bullshit ought to hold.

  • Sam

    How about: Zionism Kills. Accurate, a bit snappier and you style it along the lines of a fag packet warning. Just a thought. I’ll buy it.

  • Passerby

    Why would anyone want to legitimise the vile notion of zionism, through the use of none vernacular?
    Zionism is bullshit, Isreal is an illegitimate entity, end of.

  • willyrobinson

    Poor working title, and in all honesty, a poor speech.
    You’re better than this – w

  • Jon

    @boniface goncourt – I’m all for curiosity, and I’d be curious myself to research Professor Butz on Wikipedia – perhaps I will do so tomorrow when it is back up from its black-out. But whatever death-toll one attributes to the Holocaust, it is incontrovertible that it happened. Surely one can oppose Zionism without ignoring one of the drivers of it?
    Incidentally, I am generally not in favour of the view that Holocaust revisionists are not ‘curious historians’ – I’d wager there is a strong parallel between their activity and strong anti-Jewish racism.

  • boniface goncourt


    From the same website, I suggest you download Prof. Norman Finkelstein’s ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in which he makes the distinction between the ‘Nazi holocaust’ – documented
    atrocities that took place in the wider horror of WW2 – and the pseudo-religious ‘The Holocaust’, an evidence-free PR stunt fabricated by American Jewry after 1967, in order to excuse Israeli crimes, smear anti-zionists with ‘anti-semitism’, and extract pounds of flesh from all and sundry. It is pointless to research this subject in Wikipedia, hopelessly compromised by zionist hasbara. There is nothing I loathe more than racism. Guess which tribe invented it, millenia ago.

  • boniface goncourt

    BTW Jon don’t pussy-foot around with ‘research’. Download the books – they are free! Both weighty tomes, full of photos, documents, facts and evidence – all the things the holocausters hate and fear.

  • Rose

    Surely zionist behaviours – power-seeking bully-boy tactics, fomenting social strife, picking off opponents, lying, murdering et al were precisely those indulged in by the nazis both before and after they came to power, which led to the anti-Jewish racism that culminated in the Holocaust.

    For me zionism is the hatred which treats others as sub-human objects to be manipulated, denied,degraded and disposed of in the interests of power and wealth.

  • Anon

    Perhaps Boniface I can follow Finkelstein and draw a distinction between those people who oppose the State of Israel for its many abuses of human rights and those racist shits such as yourself who have invented a pseudo political position which allows them to get away with various anti semitic utterances.

  • boniface goncourt


    Ah yes…’shits’…scratch a zionist, and you get a potty-mouth. The flower of centuries of Talmudic scholarship. Such tasteful people.

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