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8,105 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    You stated “Motive first”

    So what are your likely motives? And what probability do you ascribe to them?

    My take is ‘means, motive and opportunity’ but ranked in the following order;- opportunity, means and lastly motive.

    Essentially I am unsure that the true motive will become apparent before the killer is actually caught and interrogated. Shades of “find the perp, find the motive”. In fact there may be no proper motive at all.

  • michael norton

    There may be a single motive or there may be more than a single motive, wrapped up in this slaughter, however we do not and most likely will never be privy to that/them.
    There are however a few strange clues.
    One clue is the idea that her previous husband ( possible her still legal husband) mysteriously met his death on a different continent but on the same day as the Alps Massacre, as intp1 has stated, that is astronomically unlikely.
    If these two events are linked and I suspect they are linked, then they are linked by America.
    So a deeper look into what Ikbal was up to in America, could be most useful?

    • michael norton

      Another clue could be hidden by “The Mother of Ikbal” How strange that if Mrs. al-Hilli or Mr. al-Hilli were prime targets, that the assassin waited until they are “On Holiday” in France with her mother. I have suspected for a long time that her mother was not her actual mother but another spy, as was Ikbal. So, a deeper look into the life of “The Mother of Ikbal” could be most fruitful.

      • michael norton

        Another conundrum, is the fragment of Luger grip. We are expected to understand that the shootist, cracked the elder girl in the skull with the butt of the very old weapon and that a fragment of grip fell off and lay on the ground or that the shootist dropped the weapon on a hard surface and a fragment of grip fell and lay on the ground or possibly the shootist used the butt of the weapon to smash a car window. What if a fragment of century old Luger grip was dropped, on purpose, so we would think that an old Luger was used and we would come to think that a local backwoodsman with a family heirloom had randomly slaughtered this family and an innocent local Frenchman? Perhaps a more modern weapon was used but with a barrel of the bore of the shell casings found, scattered about the site? I mean to say that the slaughtering could all be real but the scene was set to tell a local story, rather than an international story. The French, however, did not run with that idea, the French, did not want us to think of a local nutter or any local connection but The French had no doubt been retroactively, briefed.

        • michael norton

          I think I might have not understood what retroactively really means. What I was trying to suggest, was that The French, would have been briefed but not until the slaughtering was done and the perps got away. That is why The French were not keen to run with the idea that a local French person was the shootist.
          The French spent the first few years, trying to pin it on the United Kingdom.
          The French are not part of Five Eyes and they were not briefed in advance.
          Almost certainly, from a few hours or days after the event, The French would have known which state was the perpetrator but they have kept that quiet.
          The al-Hillis and W.B.M. are from Five Eyes states as well as was the first husband of Ikbal.

        • Good In Parts

          michael norton

          You wrote:- “What if a fragment of century old Luger grip was dropped, on purpose, so we would think that an old Luger was used… …Perhaps a more modern weapon was used but with a barrel of the bore of the shell casings found, scattered about the site?”

          Come on chap, you are smarter than that. You must realise that all the forensics must be consistent with a P06/29.

          The scene actually did tell a local story, rather than an international story. The French, however, did not run with that idea, for whatever reason.

          • michael norton

            Good In Parts, the call for death, likely came from America.

            How likely is it that a person from Sweden, two people from England and a local man from France were all executed in very rural France, with an ex-RAF New Zealander, virtually a witness.
            I should guess, very unlikely.
            But if it was an international hit, killing all the adults on site, that makes a bit more sense.

  • michael norton

    Another clue, would be to find out who the man Mr. al-Hilli was loudly talking with at their first campsite.
    It was said this smartly dressed man could have been Mediterranean/West Asian or Eastern European.
    What he isn’t, as far as I know, is, he has not been identified?

    • michael norton

      If the smartly dressed man from the first campsite had been identified, we might know why the al-Hilli party left their first campsite.

    • Good In Parts

      michael norton

      There were two ‘encounters’ of note at the first campsite (Europa)

      Firstly there was ‘the smartly dressed man’ who was, according to the campsite staff, merely a tourist from Italy.

      Secondly there was some kind of fracas that actually left the tent and caravan in disarray. I previously referenced this incident here:-

      Shadwell, who occasionally posted over here, described this fracas as follows “I hadn’t realised (or had forgotten) that the campsite altercation occurred at the Europa rather than Solitaire du Lac and that the caravan was apparently smashed up inside as a result”.

      His post is here:- It seems that he is referencing an RTL broadcast that I have not been able to autotranslate – see here:-

      Having said all that, I also remember that sometime over the last five years there was a reference on a french site to a vociferous disagreement between SAH and a camper in an adjacent pitch. Apparently this was because SAH had actually parked his BMW on the neighbours pitch and the campsite fire regulations forbade parking cars close by tents. Unfortunately I cannot find a link for this.
      I am guessing now, but it seems possible that this vociferous disagreement led to an altercation that left the caravan in disarray.

      To me it seems unlikely that a campsite altercation could be so fierce that it would lead to mass murder but who knows?

      Possibly, this incident led to the bonnet-tapping incident at the second campsite (Solitaire du Lac) and escalated from there. It is somewhat disturbing to note that the gendarmes were unable to identify or trace the bonnet-tapper.

  • michael norton

    Good In Parts, I have re-thought the grip business.
    I expect there are firms that supply replacement grips.
    Possibly original factory grips.
    However, I doubt that even original factory grips were made in the Luger factory, probably more likely to have been manufactured by a manufacturing/supplying business.
    I wonder if the replacement grips had identifying marks?

  • michael norton

    A “coincidence”.
    One person who is “technical” is apparently married to a woman who is a dentist or trainee dentist.
    Another person who is “technical” is apparently married to a person who is a chemist.
    Both men are about the same age. Both men ( and their watcher are cyclists)They are from different countries but they die on the same day in the same lay-by.
    All could be described as middle class.

    Neither men are actually married to their partners but to the World they seem to be.

    These arrangements tick the boxes of spies.

  • michael norton

    The standard German Army Luger used in WW I had a 4″ barrel, the Navy Luger a 6″ barrel and the Artillery Model an 8″ barrel.

    All sorts of lengths, have been used.

    I wonder how many shots are fired before the barrel needs swapping?

    I assume that from collecting the shot shells, the experts could tell the length of the barrel fitted?

  • michael norton

    Quote INTP1 September 24, 2020 at 13:58
    “PB never poked his head above the parapet again”
    Then we now have
    Suspected Enforcers
    “Pierre B. and Carl E. are the two alleged executors who work for the DGSE. They do not belong to the action service of the DGSE but they are simply guards of the DGSE training camp in Cercottes . They have as pseudonyms: Dagomar and Adelard ”

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    “Having said all that, I also remember that sometime over the last five years there was a reference on a french site to a vociferous disagreement between SAH and a camper in an adjacent pitch. Apparently this was because SAH had actually parked his BMW on the neighbours pitch and the campsite fire regulations forbade parking cars close by tents. Unfortunately I cannot find a link for this.”

    Well now, I finally found a link for the’ adjacent pitch confrontation’. Unfortunately it was posted here on page 219 of this thread by myself back on June 24, 2017 at 23:01 Here it is:-

    “How sure are the French investigators about the DNA ?
    There are a shed load of possible sources, here are a few:-
    The first campsite, (possibly called Europa), where SAH had an argument with his neighbours because he parked his BMW on their pitch. Maybe a child from the neighbouring pitch squeezed past the beemer and grazed him/her self.”

    So things get a little recursive, because sadly I cannot find the original french web posting. However I am pretty sure that there was both a confrontation and that the caravan and/or tent were left in disarray. Whether the two events were causally linked is probable but not definite.

    • michael norton

      Good In Parts, yes, there does seem to be confusion over the actuality, was there confrontational behaviour in the second campsite as well as the first campsite. Of course, there could be a more simple explanation, the family al-Hilli were under much stress, being under stress might put you in a confrontational mood, meaning Mr. al-Hilli could have been short-tempered.
      Having said that, I think that tracking down the “smartly dressed man”, should have been a key task for the authorities in France.
      We do not know, they might have tracked this person and concluded he was insignificatant in the further movements and death of the al-Hilli members but it would have been incredible if “the smartly dressed man” was known to Sylvain Mollier.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    You wrote:- “Having said that, I think that tracking down the “smartly dressed man”, should have been a key task for the authorities in France.”

    Yes, yes it should. Unfortunately they have not managed to find a whole bunch of people that they should have run to ground by now. OTTOMH there is your “smartly dressed man” and the ‘bonnet-tapper’ at the second campsite. Then there is the ‘photographer’, at least two motorcyclists and, if I am correct, one or more VTT riders and walkers.

    However, now that the case has been transferred to the cold case unit, there are fresh eyes available. The new judges seem to have doubled-down on chasing down the specific weapon used in the hope that it will lead them to the killer.

    What would be your priority actions?

  • michael norton

    1) find out categorically if Ikbal and Saad were legally married and ask Zaid if he attended their “wedding”?
    2) Find out categorically is Al-Allaf the mother of Ikbal or was she her handler?
    3) Dig up the corpse of Mr.Thompson and have a proper investigation into the cause of his death, find out if Mr. Thompson and Ikbal were legally married, find out if they legally divorced, look into the deep background of Mr.Thompson, was he put up to becoming the “husband” of Ikbal to allow her to lay low in the U.S.A.
    4) Find out if Ikbal was working for a secret service of the U.S.A.?
    5) Find out if the father of Saad, Kadhim had children by another woman.
    6) Most importantly, find out who called Mollier to “request” he go on his last cycle ride

    • michael norton

      Purpose: to strengthen the bonds of friendship that unite the SPs of the Grand-Arc; organize sports and recreational activities for members and families; support the various works related to MS
      RNA: W731002328
      Activities :
      SECURITY, CIVIL PROTECTION (firefighters’ association)
      57, rue Joseph-Martin
      73200 Grignon

      I would hazard a guess, that Mr. Mollier and his common-law-wife would involve themselves in social activities that happened in their back-yard.

      As far as I know, it has never been said that people who attended the Pompiers club, have been interviewed.

      If people from next door had not been interviwed, that would be extraordinary if true.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    You wrote “Most importantly, find out who called Mollier to “request” he go on his last cycle ride”

    I would like to be sure that they have done a deep dive into his whole communications stream for say the three months up to the shooting. If he was up to something, or was being threatened, there should be some trace even if there were just silent calls.

    Remember that SM apparently claimed that he was afraid of being “shot in the street” – see link below

    I doubt that they found his ‘little black book’.

    • michael norton

      I would be interested in seeing all communications to and from Mr. Mollier in the three months leading up to his death.
      As well as all communications to and from Claire Schutz, over three months, before the death of her common law husband, Sylvain.
      As well as all communications to and from the Sapeurs-Pompiers CPI Grand-Arc,57, rue Joseph-Martin
      over the same three month period.
      Also the communications of ex-RAF cyclist, W.B.M. the discoverer of the horror scene and nearby home owner.
      Also the communications of the as yet unnamed mystery motorcyclist with the distinct helmet, who lives in Lyon.

      I would find it difficult to imagine that the Authorities in France have not done these searches, years ago.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    My priority actions would be as follows:-

    1) Identify and find all the motorcyclists. All of them. Particularly the first mobylette that passed CA.

    2) In particular, identify the MC seen by ONF1 at the scene. I think it was the TBR but it could be the killer.

    3) Ditto for the VTTists and hikers.

    PS check out the “GIP prescription” written back on October 20, 2016 at 18:22

    Mmmm, October 2016…… We have made so much progress since then.

    • michael norton

      GIP, yes it has been more than a decade, since the slaughtering, up that back woods parking.
      I doubt a single realistic motive has yet been alighted upon.
      I do not think anybody has been charged with murder, not even for a week.
      Some suspects have been taken in and questioned but as far as we are told, all quickly let go.
      I wonder if they ever interviewed “the gun slinging uncle, Pierre Morange” the brother of the mother of Claire Shutz.
      I think he had equity in the Pharmacie that Claire ran?

      • michael norton

        Pharmacie Schutz Morange

        Capital social : 1150000,00 EURO
        Date création entreprise

  • michael norton

    “French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45, also died after being shot seven times.”

    From what we have been told, all adults took head shots. The person who took the most shots was Sylvain Mollier, the only local person shot. That could lead you to understand, it was of utmost importance that Sylvain was killed.

    • michael norton

      Apparently, W.B.M. moved Sylvain Mollier. We do not know if Sylvain was still alive, at this moment or already deceased?
      We have never been told ( as far as I remember) the supposed sequence of shots?
      We have not been told if Sylvain was first shot as he cycled in to the parking area?

      If, as the French Authorities wanted us to understand, Sylvain was not initially part of the group that was being killed, I expect he would have been first shot as he cycled in to the mayhem that was already unfolding?
      If this was the case how did he end up at the Al-Hilli car?

      What was the position of Sylvain’s cycle, when W.B.M. entered the scene?
      What was the position of Sylvain, when W.B.M. entered the scene?
      What was the position of the elder al-Hilli girl, when W.B.M. entered the scene?
      What was the position of the younger al-Hilli girl, when W.B.M. entered the scene?

  • Good In Parts

    Anyone remember the claim that ONF2 saw SM (but apparently didn’t see WBM)?

    These days I think that their claim is doubtful.

    Anybody got any views on the matter?

  • Good In Parts

    Where did WBM first see SM?

    At the ‘T’ junction in the village of Chevaline near the eglise?

    Or at the ‘Y’ junction to the south of the village of Chevaline?

    I settled on the ‘T’ junction as did Panorama.

    But others on french sites claimed that SM came up the combe from Arnand and thus did not cross the ‘T’.

    Some ‘issues’ with the choice of junction were covered in a post by James back on May 22, 2016 at 17:54

    It also seems that WBM may now be suggesting that SM came up the combe from Arnand.

  • michael norton

    On another couple of points.

    Presumably, the Authorities in France did gunshot residue tests on all the bodies and of W.B.M.?

    I do not think they have specifically stated that W.B.M. had not fired a shooter.
    I do not think they have stated that of all those dead, none had gunshot residue on their hands.
    I do not think they have stated that there were no guns found in the al-Hilli car.
    I do not think they have stated that there were no weapons discovered anywhere near the site?

    • Good In Parts

      michael norton

      It might be worth your while reading-in at

      The poster there interviewed WBM and apparently he was swabbed for gunfire residue.

      Unfortunately the evidentiary value is essentially zero because les gendarmes drove WBM back to the scene and let him wander around up there effectively unsupervised for approximately two hours before taking him to the station to be swabbed!

      So, your statement “I do not think they have specifically stated that W.B.M. had not fired a shooter.” is likely true because they cannot rely on their own test results.

      And Yes, I am shocked but not surprised…

  • Manchester

    Hello friends, have you heard of this theory?

    Chevaline: the reconstruction
    In September 2021 the incoming Annecy Procureure, Line Bonnet Mathis ordered a new reconstruction of the Chevaline murders, with the aim of better understanding the timeline of events on 5th September 2012. Based on computer modelling of these events this is what was discovered, why it led to the arrest of a Lyon businessman in January 2022 and where the inquiry goes from here:
    1. There was no mystery grey UK registered BMW X5 on the Combe d’Ire that day – it was a misidentification of Saad Al Hilli’s maroon estate car by the ONF ranger who passed it. [ … ]
    2. The order of the sightings of a motorcyclist by the ONF rangers was back to front. [ … ]
    3. Despite having apparently left the Combe d’Ire before 3.10pm, the Lyon motorcyclist was not seen leaving the area by CCTV cameras in nearby Doussard until some time later. [ … ]
    4. When this motorcyclist was first seen by the ONF rangers above the Place du Martinet, he was described as wearing a black, open face helmet. The motorcyclist seen arriving later at the Place du Martinet by the other ONF ranger and then by British cyclist William Brett Martin was described as wearing a white, full face helmet. So if it was the Lyon motorcyclist who had doubled back, he also changed his helmet on the way back up and (presumably) again on the way back down for the second time before being seen by CCTV cameras in Doussard. [ … ]
    5. With the Lyon motorcyclist eliminated, another possibility remains: that the motorcyclist seen at the Place du Martinet was not the Lyon motorcyclist seen earlier further up the track. [ … ]”

  • Good In Parts


    Yes I have. It is essentially a recapitulation of ‘motorcycle theory’.

    His point number five is interesting to me;-

    “With the Lyon motorcyclist eliminated, another possibility remains: that the motorcyclist seen at the Place du Martinet was not the Lyon motorcyclist seen earlier further up the track.”

    Below is a link to my take on the claimed observation of a MC by ONF1 at le Martinet parking posted on Nov 13, 2016 at 20:04.

    So, I reckon that the MC could be either the TBR or the killer. I thought it worth follow up by the gendarmes because if it was the killer then we would have a close up observation of the MC and the rider.

    P.S. If you are reading this Shadwell, please come and post over here.

    • Good In Parts

      Apparently the documentary is provisionally titled ‘The Chevaline killings – Finding the missing piece’.

      I think that the doco makers have been reading up this thread. They will then shock everybody by revealing that the ‘missing piece’ is in fact a motorcyclist or vététiste.

      Quelle surprise…

  • michael norton

    If Sylvain was an operative, even if he had be told he was to exchange with a member of the al-Hilli party, he would have been expected to have been armed.

      • michael norton

        The Alps massacre.
        The Authorities in France have always wanted to direct attention away from France.
        Maybe it was because the family were British. Maybe because they were From Iraq or Iran or Sweden or America.
        Do not look at the one person at the scene who was French and very local and very fit.
        Do not look at an area of France that is peppered with people in the forces or special units or spies.
        Do not look at the relatives of the one local French person.
        Do not ask about the history of Sylvain?

  • michael norton

    “A Frenchman re-arrested over the murders of three members of a British family and a cyclist in the Alps has been released without charge.

    The Annecy prosecutor confirmed on Thursday evening that the 57-year-old married father, who has not been identified by name, had ‘been ruled out’ from the enquiry.”

    Of some interest, other than the “mother” of Ikbal and the daughters of Ikbal, all the participants/possible participants seem to be within a few years of age of each other.
    Sylvain, Ikbal, Saad, W.B.M. the very local ex-policeman Eric and this twice arrested and twice released local motorcyclist.

    To me this is an indication that fairly senior operatives had been deployed

  • Good In Parts

    Ongles rongés

    We know that the killer was a nail-biter.

    Whilst I was aware of links to anxiety and obsessive thoughts and behaviour, what I didn’t know was that it might be a coping mechanism to suppress more dangerous impulses. Not only that but cause memory suppression to boot!

    Check out this link relating to the mass murder in Moscow :-

  • michael norton

    Now France is so riven by strife,
    I doubt they will ever uncover who was responsible for the massacre up that combe, all those years ago.

  • michael norton

    I watched “Murder in the Alps”
    One of the themes, they did not cover, was, how and why did “the mother” of Ikbal join the al-Hilli family.
    Was she already staying with the al-Hilli family at their home in Claygate?
    Did she perhaps drive from Sweden and met them at the first camping in France?
    Did she perhaps drive from Sweden or where ever she was and meet them at the second camping in France?
    Did she fly to Switzerland and they collected her in their BMW?
    Did she fly to an airport in France and they collected her in their BMW?
    Did she go by train?
    Did she go by ship?
    It is likely that the Authorities in France know the answer.
    However, nobody has ever come out with a definitive route.
    One more thing, we must assume DNA was taken from the murder victims.
    It would be clear, if this woman was the actual mother of Ikbal.
    I do not think she was the actual mother of Ikbal.

  • Good In Parts

    michael norton

    The attitude and inflexibility of the Fonds de Garantie is shameful.

    “he is ineligible because his father’s name is spelt differently on his sister’s birth certificate” So? Transliteration can be fickle.

    In any case Suhalia was certainly murdered and she was certainly, at the very least, his legal guardian if not his birth mother. So he lost his only carer.

    • michael norton

      Good In Parts,
      the authorities in Sweden, in England, in the U.S.A. and more importantly in France, have had a decade to find out who the actors are and who knew who and how they were connected to each other?
      If any of these actors had arranged to liaise at this forest clearing?
      We have been expected to understand that Sylvain was a passing cyclist, yet unless you were on a mountain bike or an off road vehicle or a scrambler or a forest truck, Le Martinet,vid:KhTi9bgC-VU

      was the effective end of the lane.
      We have been expected to understand that W.B.M. a New Zealander, who had also been in the R.A.F., was also a passing cyclist.
      We have been expected that it was normal for the al-Hilli family to at the last moment take their children to the Alps, camping, just as the school year was starting and that Mrs. al Allaf join them at the drop of a hat as “the grandmother”, yet the children claimed they did not know who she was?
      I would like to have some clarity on many of the “connections” of the actors.
      If Mrs. al Allaf was not the biological mother of Ikbal, why not just come out with it and say, she was her step mother or she was the common law step mother. The girls did not know her because she had not been in their lives. Did al-Allaf attend the wedding of Ikbal and Mr. J. Thompson?
      Did al-Allaf attend the wedding of Saad and Ikbal?
      Did Ikbal ever live with al-Alaf.
      Was the biological father of Ikbal ever in any sort of relationship with al-Allaf?

      If al-Allaf was in no meaningful sense the mother of Ikbal, what was their actual relationship?
      Was al-Allaf, perhaps, “the mother” of Ikbal, as in she had been her trainer/handler?

      • michael norton

        Zaid, the elder brother Zaad
        lost his wife to cancer in 2007, Saad invited his brother to move back into the family home in Claygate.
        So that is about five years before “The Slaughter of the Horses”.

        The elder daughter, aged 7, in 2012, was shot in the shoulder and also suffered a head wound; she returned to the United Kingdom on 14 September 2012.
        So, some calculations show that the elder daughter of Saad would have been about two, when Saad invited his elder brother Zaid to move in with them in Claygate.
        Zaid would be a good person to ask if al-Allaf attended the wedding of Saad and Ikbal.
        Zaid could also be asked did al-Allaf stay at the house in Claygate?
        A grandmother would be hard to keep away from a very young granddaughter.

  • michael norton

    Sylvain apparently worked as a welder in a nuclear fuel factory in Ugine.
    France gets one third of its required Uranium from Niger.
    There has been a change of regime in Niger.
    It is reported that the new regime likes Russia but does not like France.
    If France is to keep the lights on, they may have to buy uranium from Russia.

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