The Iranians Are Coming – Aaaaargggh! 118

The undertow of anti-Iranian fearmongering becomes stronger. This is a tremendous bit of totally baseless fearmongering from an Obama administration official in the New York Times, positing nuclear bomb collaboration between Iran and North Korea:

The Iranians are also pursuing uranium enrichment, and one senior American official said two weeks ago that “it’s very possible that the North Koreans are testing for two countries.” Some believe that the country may have been planning two simultaneous tests, but it could take time to sort out the data.

This is on a par withthe Bush administration’s totally false claim of links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaida. There is no linkage between the governments of Iran and North Korea; both regimes are highly unpleasant in many ways, but they have utterly conflicting ideologies and absolutely zero history of political collaboration. This is ludicrous scaremongering fantasy.

New CIA haed John Brennan put Iran and North Korea into the same sentence with nuclear weapons in his Senate confirmation hearing. This aspect was overlooked by the mainstream media, which focused on Brennans defence of drone killings (and ludicrous claims of absence of bystander deaths). But Ray McGovern rightfully picked up on this part of his opening statement:

“regimes in Tehran and Pyongyang remain bent on pursuing nuclear weapons”.

As Ray points out, the US intelligence services own assessment is that while Pyongyang plainly is developing nuclear weapons, the situation in Tehran is much more nuanced. There is no clear intention of Iran to develop nuclear weapons. That Brennan gives a position at variance with the actual analysis of the agency he is to head is worrying, to say the least.

We have the same seamless and completely unjustified linguistic waving together of North Korean and Iranian nuclear programmes from former Israeli Foreign Minister and Netanyahu prop Liebermann quoted here:

Former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says North Korea’s nuclear test was an “obvious example” of diplomacy failing to curb a nuclear program. Lieberman told Army Radio on Wednesday that “anyone who thinks sanctions or negotiations will stop Iran is wrong.”

Iran remains the best justification for bloated military budgets and the next obvious target for war profiteers and hydrocarbon vultures. Expect a crescendo of this nonsense this summer/

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118 thoughts on “The Iranians Are Coming – Aaaaargggh!

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  • karel

    to our resident puffball
    who would like to bomb Iran. It may come as surprise to you that I have already started a collection in support of this action. For the time being we get some moey but hardly more than just a dribble from the sale of DVDs with the inimitable McCain singing “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”. As it sells so poorly, we would need a better performer to enhance the sales. Can you sing by any chance, puffball? Or would you prefer to contribute financially to this secret fund? If so I will tell you where to transfer the money. Bombs, good old boy, cost lot of money as you may have heard.

  • Kempe

    “Little wonder that North Korea is Twitchy, and paranoid, about amerca ”

    So NK is justified in being one of only three nations still refusing to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty because of what the Yanks did 60 years ago? Doesn’t seem to have left the Germans or the Japanese “twitchy and paranoid” even though they suffered worse.

  • MJ

    “there are recent signs that Ahmedjinadhad is on the way out”

    The Iranian presidential elections are in June of this year. Ahmadinejad is unable to stand because he will have completed two consecutive terms, the maximum permissible.

  • Clark

    resident dissident 13 Feb, 11:02 pm:

    “Jeez – the debate on the Left in the UK used to be about whether nuclear disarmament should be unilateral, bilateral or multilateral –”

    Those were the days, eh? But no one ever actually disarmed to any great extent.

    “BTW despite what Galloway says Saddam did at one time have WMD”

    We know that, ‘cos we (the UK) sold him some. The US encouraged him to attack some of his neighbours. Our Craig Murray worked on monitoring the arms embargo against Iraq.

    “so perhaps [Saddam’s indefatigable friend] George’s advice on how to maintain peace might just be a little flawed.”

    Galloway spoke the truth, a rare quality in a politician. Countries want bombs to protect themselves from aggressors, which more often than not is the US. And it works. I’d rather have effective international law, but instead Blair and Bush walk around free, making lots of money, despite Iraq 2003.

    Why do the conventional Left hate Galloway so much? Oh yes, he spoke the truth, and the Left would rather maintain their fake fight with the Right. Cash for the bosses or jobs for the workers; there’s good money in death.

    “Is it worth it?
    A new winter coat and shoes for the wife,
    And a bicycle on the boy’s birthday…”

  • daniel

    Resident Dissident. You are aware, are you not, that Galloway was one of the few UK MPs at the time who was opposed to Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against the Kurds at Halabja while the majority of his colleagues in the house supported the then Iraqi dictator. In fact, while other members of the house were siding with the murderous thug, Galloway was actively demonstrating outside the Iraqi embassy in London against him. Moreover, the weapons in question were supplied to him by us. Galloway’s advice on how to maintain peace is not flawed at all but rather is entirely consistent with his principled position above. You need to look elsewhere for the hypocrites.

  • Clark

    Kempe, what the hell has justification to do with anything? No, not sixty years ago. Invasion and attack are ongoing.

    But good point about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Hopefully this little nuke won’t spark off a wave of tests.

  • thatcrab

    I thought that was a half decent comment by Resident Dissident despite disagreeing with it. It is on the face of it paradoxical the idea that Iran and everyone else would be safer if they had nuclear weapons. Paradoxical but not impractical. Overall it is –only fair while it is being destabilised and threatened by invasive, illegal warmongering, nuclear powers.

  • BrianFujisan

    Kemp, if we take the the estimated population on N. Korea…in 1950, 1953 to be say 9 million, that along with size of country – compared to japan ( less than half in size ) All things considered, North korea suffered vastly more.

    Some of us who live on the Clyde, are concerned, at america’s taunting of China, teasing of Russia, Being hell bent on WWlll – ( just a Little ) – I live just across from ( to this day ) Russia’s Primary European Target.

    in fact, if it were not for Rusian hero No 2 – Stanislave Petrov – the entire west coast of Scotland Might be Devoid of humans.

    I was somewhat taken up By Stanilav’s Story, that i built a facebook page, Freedom Of The City Of Glasgow, And Nobel Peace Prize For Stanislav Petrov

  • craig Post author

    My own view is that it is highly undesirable for either North Korea or Iran to have nuclear weapons. Or anyone else, for that matter. I am not the least attracted by notions of universal MAD. The particular point of this article was that North Korea’s recent test has led to further untrue propaganda about Iran’s nuclear programme from the US and Israel, which is in fact motivated by completely different policy objectives than genuine concern about nuclear weapons..

  • Ex Pat


    > The particular point of this article was that North Korea’s recent test has led to further untrue propaganda about Iran’s nuclear programme from the US and Israel,


    Previously – Not the US Empire Muppet Stream Media’s version. –

    – ‘DPRK conducts nuke test to safeguard national security: KCNA’ – 12th February, 2013 – Xinhua news agency –

    Is it a poor thing when the Chinese provide (reasonably) accurate (foreign ; ) ) information and the UK Muppet Stream Media slavishly repeats the lies of the US Muppet Stream Media??

    Daily Heil goes Bonkers! – 11th February, 2013 ––says-American-Defence-Secretary-Panetta-secretive-states-successful-nuclear-test.html

    No change there, then! ; ) –


    Muppet Stream Media Newsflash, made with real Muppets – New – Utter rubbish – No change there, then! – : ) –


    UK peasants – Neo-Conned by their US Empire Sell-Out leaders? No change there, then! –

    – “There’s some lovely filth down here.” – The Anarcho-Syndicalist Peasant – Monty Python –

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Resident dissident:-

    ” should be recognised that they would be breaking UN Resolutions (or International Law if you like) if they were to do so; and I have no problem whatsoever with other forms of pressure being applied on them not to develop nuclear weapons”

    A. And help me.Why can the West increase its nuclear and banded chemicals weaponary?

    B. Isreal does not comply with the international established standards – and – neither does the US.

    C. But – ” should be recognised that they would be breaking UN Resolutions (or International Law if you like) if they were to do so; and I have no problem whatsoever with other forms of pressure being applied on them not to develop nuclear weapons”

    Double standards – just maybe?

  • Kempe

    “If we take the the estimated population on N. Korea…in 1950, 1953 to be say 9 million, that along with size of country – compared to japan ( less than half in size ) All things considered, North korea suffered vastly more.”

    In terms of percentage population killed the figures are very similar, 3.6 to 4.2% for Japan and 2.3 to 3.9% for North Korea.

  • Kempe

    ” You are aware, are you not, that Galloway was one of the few UK MPs at the time who was opposed to Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against the Kurds at Halabja ”

    That would’ve been before his groveling to Saddam’s “courage and indefatigability” then?

  • Mary

    Jim Murphy, general hypocrite NuLabour Friend of Israel and now seemingly ex-stooge of Bliar the warmonger to speak.

    Iraq war plan based on ‘primitive’ grasp of Islam, admits Labour frontbencher

    In a speech, shadow defence secretary will acknowledge shortcomings of Blair government’s approach

    In his speech to the Henry Jackson Society!!!, Murphy will commit…..

    Is the Guardian now openly doing PR for Nu NuLabour?

    What a shallow, opportunist and evil man.

    Vice-Chair (1997–2001) and Chair (2001–2002) of Labour Friends of Israel


    In 2011, The Daily Telegraph published documents,[15] compiled by a senior US official at the US Embassy in London and published by WikiLeaks, it was revealed that throughout 2009, Jim Murphy was in charge of organising a coalition of Unionist parties whose aim was to “block an independence referendum” in Scotland. The documents state:[16] Throughout 2009, UK Secretary of State for Scotland Jim Murphy played a leadership role in organizing the opposition parties, hoping to move Scotland toward implementation of the Calman recommendations as an alternative to an independence referendum, according to Murphy’s advisors, Labour party insiders, and opposition party leaders. First Minister Salmond’s response to independence critics (such as Murphy) has been to accelerate the implementation of the Calman recommendations as soon as possible – “to call the bluff.”

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Goood morning everyone, I’m back from a few days away and, refreshed, shall resume my quality-control and debate-stimulating functions as from today.

    Well, some of the contributions to this thread look depressingly familiar. After a brief read, my dummy-post prize must be awarded to the post from John Goss at 16h33 on 13 February :

    “Nuclear weapons are not what North Korea and Iran have in common. What they have in common is banking where the Rothschilds are not in total control. That’s why they are big prizes to the Zionist-owned Yanks.”

    Whereas it’s the case that Iran has no nuclear weapons at present, the rest of the post is egregiously silly.

    It implies that the Rothschilds are in total control of banking everywhere except in North Korea and Iran. Garbage.

    It seeems to suggest that North Korea has a banking sector worth taking over. Nonsense.

    It contends that the aim of US foreign policy is to advance the interests of Rothschilds. Paranoia.

    In addition, the post is a good illustration of how you can bring everything back to Zionism if you’ve a sufficiently large bee buzzing round in your bonnet.


    La vita è bella, life is good!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Personal question to our friend Karel : were you by any chance at the German Carnival the other day?

    Fairly big, beefy chap with a bit of a drinker’s face (flushed, broken veins round the nose); muttering and babbling away in English I think about becquerels and then switched to (?) tree-rings or something similar. Wearing one of those multi-coloured medieval court jester’s caps with little bells on it. Didn’t seem to be all there.

    Spotted in Duesseldorf this Monday afternoon – was it you?


    La vita è bella, life is good (especially at Carnival time)

  • Jay

    So Iran and North Korea come under control of the NWO.

    Then what? China will be under pressure to do what?

    How can we perceive China? How do the Chinese perceive China?

    What are the motives of the NWO?

    I would say it is driven by the markets and corporations, for planetary control and satisfy its need of expanding the system. With control of resources the ultimate reasoning.

    These corporations have the power to shape the world, we have the power to shape the corporations.

    In essence none but ourselves control us.

    Iran and North Korea?

  • Macky

    “That would’ve been before his groveling to Saddam’s “courage and indefatigability” then?”

    So which of the following groups of Galloway Haters do you belong to ?;

    Zionists and/or their Supporters, who hate Galloway because he bravely criticizes Israel’s many crimes, especially those committed against the Palestinians.

    Islamophobes, who hate Galloway for supporting the human rights of Muslims,everywhere.

    “You Hate the West” Trolls, who hate Galloway for repeatedly exposing the crimes & the hypocrisy that Western Countries have never ceased to commit against the developing World.

    “The Follow the MSM Lead” group, who mindlessly swallow all the lies & smears, and associated muck that the above three groups desperately throw in the hope that something will stick, at least in the empty minds of this last group.

    Don’t be embarrassed to admit if you fit into more than one of the above, but then again that’s being a bit superfluous, as holding the views that that you frequently express here, I guess you are a pretty shameless by nature type of person.

  • Mary

    Ths Aussies don’t appear to be much good at looking out for the welfare of their citizens abroad!

    ‘After being arrested in 2010 and held in virtual isolation, Zygier was found hanged in his cell, despite the fact it was equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems to prevent suicide, the ABC reported.

    His body was flown to Melbourne where he was buried in a Jewish cemetery.

    In Israel, questions are intensifying about the case.

    In a letter to the deputy attorney general, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel raised a number of key questions and asked that the scope of a gag order be further limited.

    “There is a strong public interest in the reasons behind the prisoner’s death, and answers to the following questions: Are we indeed talking about suicide? Was there negligence in the supervision of the prisoner?” it wrote.

    Nitzan Horowitz, an MP with the leftwing Meretz, said he had tried to help the anonymous prisoner in June 2010 and had been assured the situation was under control.’

    Australia knew of Ben Zygier’s jailing in early 2010, Bob Carr tells committee

  • Arbed

    Hi Mary, 8.36am


    In 2011, The Daily Telegraph published documents,[15] compiled by a senior US official at the US Embassy in London and published by WikiLeaks, it was revealed…”

    Why not cut out the middle man?

    Cablegate’s cables: Full-text search everything

    An extremely useful research tool. You can search by keyword, country, classification status, embassy origin and date range, and view full publication history (ie. compare date/time of redacted versions by different media vs full unredacted cable), and full listings of Cablegate coverage by publication title worldwide.

  • Giles

    Resident Dissident,

    I believe it was the US that helped Saddam develop the chemical weapons he used on Iranian villages.

  • Macky

    “I believe it was the US that helped Saddam develop the chemical weapons he used on Iranian villages.”

    Hence the US seizure of the Iraqi WMD Report that the Iraqis were compelled to give to the UN just prior to be attacked, and then its much delayed release to the UN, with of course some sections missing altogether, & other sections heavily redacted.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Yes Macky the Mackerel, I’m back (I take it you were referring to me with that schoolyard distortion of my handle?).

    Unlike you and some others, I can exist for a few days away from this blog. You should try it sometime. The real world’s very good for you, you know.

    Re Galloway, another category, which you missed out, might be the people who consider Galloway to be a bit of a fraud. And yet another category is the people who think that MPs should spend a little more of their time in the House (yes, I know Galloway would say that the House is a sham and powerless….to which the answer is why did you stand).

    Anyuway, think about it and happy obsessing!


    La vita è bella, life is good!

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