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44 thoughts on “Geneva

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  • Mary

    Jives Sorry to have misled you, It should have been £100 million for 30 years. ie £1 billion total!

    The hospital, which was funded through a £1bn private finance initiative, now has a mortgage of more than £100m a year for the next 30 years.

    The nation’s indebtedness to the money lenders/sharks is now over £300billion from Major’s time to Bliar, Brown and now Cameron.

    PFI will ultimately cost £300bn
    Repayments on contracts will grow to £10bn a year by 2017-18, say Guardian figures, and government is still striking new deals PFI contracts: read the full list here

    Milburn was the worst NuLabour offender with his PFI and ITSCs. He even had the brass neck after he slid off the political scene to take a financial interest in Alliance which provided diagnostic scanning to the NHS and it was a shambles.

    ‘Following his resignation as Secretary of State for Health (to spend more time with his family), Milburn took a post for £30,000 a year as an advisor to Bridgepoint Capital, a venture capital firm heavily involved in financing private health care firms moving into the NHS, including Alliance Medical, Match Group, Medica and the Robinia Care Group.[4] He has been Member of Advisory Board of PepsiCo since April 2007.’ Wikipedia

    Guess who now has an interest in Bridgepoint Capital? Why Milord Patten of BBC infamy.

    Are they not all disgusting specimens of greed and hypocrisy?

  • AlexT

    A warm – if not timely – welcome to Geneva. Once you have finished with the Uzbeks you might want to pay a visit to the Kazakh, Kirghiz and Turkmen families… They are ALL around here…

  • crab

    “a mortgage of more than £100m a year for the next 30 years.”
    At the time it just wasn’t possible to fund this any other way we were told, so the private sector was used to stump up the cash for the developement. Later the same private peoples required over a thousand times as much money as immediate aid to recoupe and continue providing any more loans – it was possible to fund that, and even to keep paying all the PFI loans off.

  • Mary

    Barbara I did find this in Le Temps but it is behind a paywall. Do you subscribe? If so would you be kind enough to copy it for us. Thanks for the other link btw.

    Monde 1 mars 2013

    «L’ennemi de l’armée, c’est son propre peuple»

    L’ancien ambassadeur britannique en Ouzbékistan Craig Murray a été le premier à dénoncer publiquement les crimes perpétrés par le régime de Karimov. Il demeure l’un des principaux lanceurs d’alerte concernant les atteintes aux libertés à travers le monde. Un prix cher payé. Il participe vendredi soir à un débat au FIFDH > Ouzbékistan – L’ex-ambassadeur britannique Craig Murray dénonce les crimes perpétrés par le régime de Karimov

  • Mary

    Ha|! A friend has just written back after I sent the Cohen ‘Iraq War was excellent for all concerned’ stuff

    The Cohen piece had me yelling at each line (again.) Hague, “don’t mention the war” and Hammond “Bombs not butter” – they are all barking mad. Today we hear that Cameron is going to stay the moderate, middle of the road, fellow he has always been and not veer to the right. He already has the jack boots. hard to see how much more right he could get.

    She sent this:

    Upcoming Tenth Anniversary of Illegal Invasion of Iraq. Her Majesty’s Government: “Don’t Mention the War” –


    Hilarious reporting of death of the ‘Alki Ada of the Magreb man’ by the news channels. They cannot decide if he is dead, who killed him, Chad or the French, and add ‘we cannot confirm this’ at the end of each segment in their propaganda broadcasts. It is all hearsay and speculation.

    President Assad doesn’t stand a chance of fair reporting either. They are all lusting for war on Syria just as they were for Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

  • Barbara

    I only subscribe to LeCourrier, because I don’t have time for more than one daily paper. LeTemps has an option to register free of charge – I tried, but they require such a lot of personal information that I gave up.
    Sorry, I’d have loved to do you this little favor, you’re almost like a personal acquaintance for me because I like your comments very much.

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