Feile An Phobail Belfast 4110

The Respectability of Torture

St Mary’s University College, Thurs 1st August, 7.30pm


Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, was a whistleblower who was removed from his ambassadorial post by Tony Blair for exposing the Tashkent regime‟s use of rape and systematic torture, including the boiling to death of political opponents. He has also spoken out against Central Asia‟s appalling dictatorships, regimes which are allies of the West, involved in torture and rendition, and was accused of threatening MI6‟s relationship with the CIA. Now a human rights activist, author and broadcaster, he outlines the dynamics of torture and the hypocrisy of incriminated Western governments.


My first public appearance for a while will be in Belfast on 1 August where I shall be giving a talk.  Long term readers of this blog will recall that, while my focus is largely on international affairs, the domestic political achievements I most hope to see are a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.

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4,110 thoughts on “Feile An Phobail Belfast

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  • Dreoilin

    Fedup/Passerby is getting cross. Put your anti-splatter covers on your screens.

    Thanks for the link to BBC Radio Ulster, Mary.
    I must say the guy who interviewed Craig irritated me. 1) It would have taken him all of 5 seconds to find out the pronunciation of “Féile an Phobail” — so he didn’t pronounce it Fayla an Foebal. And 2) he sounded more interested in the sound of his own voice than in what Craig was saying.
    But maybe it’s just me …

  • technicolour


    “I am sick of these cunts insulting all and sundry and getting away with it!”


  • Dreoilin

    “I am sick of these cunts insulting all and sundry and getting away with it!”

    No, Fedup/Passerby. You cannot tolerate any – even the smallest hint of – insult to yourself. And you start foaming at the mouth over it.

    Calm down. Go out for a walk.

  • Dreoilin

    And “u75” is?

    You don’t know me from Adam, or Eve, Fedup. The only place you’ve come across me is here.

  • Dreoilin

    “Old hag you played the same shit in u75 you can fool these tossers, but you are not fooling me I know what and who you are!”

    Paranoid nonsense. Perhaps you’d tell us what u75 is?

  • fedup

    Don’t be coy now, you are talking to me, remember!

    Sum total of your efforts are sniping from the side lines with your suppressive fire in support of the ziofuckwits. You are constantly on Mary’s case, and there is not a week that goes by without you calling me fedup/passerby, cute isn’t it?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    No, no, you musn’t get all annoyed with Fedup!

    He’s doing a great job in diverting you away from my post(s) of substance.

    So he’s really working for you. 🙂

  • technicolour

    You are constantly on Mary’s case,


    and there is not a week that goes by without you calling me fedup/passerby, cute isn’t it?


  • Dreoilin

    “Sum total of your efforts are sniping from the side lines with your suppressive fire in support of the ziofuckwits.”

    You’re clearly unbalanced, Fedup/Passerby. And you clearly don’t read here very carefully either or you’d have worked out long ago that I’m pro-Palestinian.
    And I assure you that we have not met anywhere else. I very seriously doubt if I’d forget your hot air and your language and your strange way of expressing yourself. Not a lot of people start sentences and forget to finish them.

    I call you Fedup/Passerby because they are one and the same person. Clear as day. And you made a reference to your “other nicks” on the Counter-terrorism thread.

    Now calm down. You don’t have the faintest idea who I am. And whatever u75 is, I know zero about it.

  • John Goss

    Fedup, everybody’s getting fed up.

    Something’s about to happen with instructions for UK residents to leave Yemen. (Yemen is one of the countries where a large number of people are killed by drones). It would surprise me if any of this “news” is based on information about al Qaeda. After all the Yanks arrested and imprisoned 779 people from al Qaeda (many from the Yemen). After more than ten years they have charged 13 people out of those that have been incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay and I know of only one conviction. Mark Golding at 10.13 I hope this is not right, but nothing would surprise me. Russia and China will probably not get involved. The plan for the US/Israel to dominate the world is still on target. At least that is what they think. That is what the Nazis thought too. All empires are doomed. When the sleeping giant (people) wakes up there will be unimaginable changes.

  • fedup

    You are constantly on Mary’s case,


    Course not, as ever jump in there, and start your act, go read the constant drivelling about Mary’s punctuation, grammar, fuck knows what else, that is not being on her case. Then comes her fucking crystal ball that she so gases into so fucking often fedup/psserby that is her fucking sum total of contribution juxtaposition with a token peppering of links for keeping up appearances sake.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Technicolour


    Apologies, I think I mislead you with a typo; the above part sentence should have read as follows :

    “-and the people who make money out of getting THEM (ie, the illegal economic immigrants) into the country – “

  • fedup

    You’re clearly unbalanced, Fedup/Passerby. And you clearly don’t read here very carefully either or you’d have worked out long ago that I’m pro-Palestinian.

    Yeah sure!!!

    Remember it is me you are talking to.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Technicolour

    You’re rather keen that I should watch “To shoot an elephant”. What’s it about (time is money, you know!) and how/why do you think I would benefit?

    Are you related to elephants, or even an elephant yourself? You have such a good memory….. 🙂

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    If you are Céléstine, who is your Babar? Nobody on here, I hope!

  • technicolour

    ok Fedup:

    You are constantly on Mary’s case,

    Fucking nonsense!

    I’m off to bed now. Habbakuk, have you –

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    True John there will be unimaginable changes, incomprehensible to our conditioned minds.

    Yet that shift in consciousness (sleeping giant waking up) is eeezy man if we could connect with each other. Obviously although sadly and unfortunately that rebirth will be the result of a catalyst, an impetus from distress, suffering and pain.

  • technicolour

    Oh, Habbakuk, just before I go, as I said originally:

    “To shoot an elephant” is an eye witness account from The Gaza Strip. December 27th, 2008, Operation Cast Lead…from the only foreigners who decided and managed to stay embedded inside Gaza strip ambulances, with Palestinian civilians.

    Purpose: information/elucidation


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