Feile An Phobail Belfast 4110

The Respectability of Torture

St Mary’s University College, Thurs 1st August, 7.30pm


Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, was a whistleblower who was removed from his ambassadorial post by Tony Blair for exposing the Tashkent regime‟s use of rape and systematic torture, including the boiling to death of political opponents. He has also spoken out against Central Asia‟s appalling dictatorships, regimes which are allies of the West, involved in torture and rendition, and was accused of threatening MI6‟s relationship with the CIA. Now a human rights activist, author and broadcaster, he outlines the dynamics of torture and the hypocrisy of incriminated Western governments.


My first public appearance for a while will be in Belfast on 1 August where I shall be giving a talk.  Long term readers of this blog will recall that, while my focus is largely on international affairs, the domestic political achievements I most hope to see are a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.

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4,110 thoughts on “Feile An Phobail Belfast

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  • Dreoilin

    “Remember it is me you are talking to.”

    LOL! I’m supposed to know what that means? Tell us what u75 stands for and maybe I can go and investigate. Otherwise, stop wasting your breath. You’re talking through your ar*e.

  • fedup

    Tell us what u75 stands for and maybe I can go and investigate

    Surely you cannot be so coy now, can you?

    You know! I have the measure of you, your act is nothing new is it?

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    I sense this is to swing the pendulum back to making the Public more concerned about security than liberty. Great damage has been done to the Monolith by Manning et al and they could be staging a comeback for their reputation as ‘protectors’.

    Imagine if they show, with charts and graphs, that they could have gotten metadata to stop an attack, if only Snowden hadn’t spilled their candy in the Lobby. The metrics for civil liberties would take a giant step backward.

  • Dreoilin

    It’s after midnight, Fedup/Passerby, and your nonsense is boring. Whoever you think I am, you’re wrong.

    I’ve Googled u75 and come up with this

    somewhere I have never visited before. Ever.
    I told you, you’re off your head. You have the measure of nothing. Just more of your hot air.

    Goodnight all

  • technicolour

    ps try searching for ‘dreoilin’ on the Urban 75 forums. Fedup, can you explain why there are no results?

  • fedup

    I told you, you’re off your head. You have the measure of nothing. Just more of your hot air.

    Yeah sure!!

    You are a cunning little devil aren’t you?

    Hot air! You wish don’t you?

  • fedup

    ps try searching for ‘dreoilin’ on the Urban 75 forums. Fedup, can you explain why there are no results?

    You really think you are so sharp don’t you?

    Search engines, that is namely google knows everything, and your search turned up nothing, so that is the end of that then?

    Pitiful just pitiful!

    Let us see what is your explanation for this “phenomena”?

  • fedup

    Ben did you ever go to Ogrich before it transmuted to an sis front shop?

    If you did so, there you would have seen the chopper attack in its entirety, and many other attacks, including the friendly fire incidents along with the nude pics of the US soldiers posing with their weapons along with other sick clips of US soldier eating a dead Iraqis Marsbar, and puking as he ate it?

    Manning is being fitted up, the poor bastard, most of the clips that are no longer on the net were doing the rounds in the early days of the war. Don’t know what is happening with peoples memory, no one seems to remember shit!

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Yemen Times..

    “The AQAP-affiliated online Arabic magazine, Sada Al-Malahim, called the NDC members “infidels,” and encouraged supporters to send in the addresses of those who voted against the measure.”

  • Flaming June

    Hate to disabuse the Resident Invigilator that ‘leafy Surrey’ does not see any interventions from Mrs May’s heavies trawling for humans who don’t have the right bit of paper.

    In February, an old lady died alone having been left for 9 days without a visit from her carers after the care agency employed by Surrey CC to look after closed down following a UKBA raid. Note the involvement of the Met in the raid. Outrageous that nobody was prosecuted.

    Family disappointment as police drop investigation into pensioner who starved to death
    Family and friends of a pensioner left to die alone after the council forgot to replace her care staff have told of their outrage that no one will be prosecuted. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/elderhealth/10049848/Family-disappointment-as-police-drop-investigation-into-pensioner-who-starved-to-death.html

    In Guildford, another trawl has just taken away six other humans, for deportation presumably. Their countries of origin are Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and Nepal. Note the possibility of a £10,000 fine for an employer and also the cooperation of the Surrey Police and the council. Verily a police state.

    Illegal immigrants found working for Guildford firms http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/illegal-immigants-found-working-guildford-5402869

    Just two instances of round ups in Surrey. I expect there are many more that do not make the headlines.

    ‘And then they came for you’…….

  • Flaming June

    Just one of those coincidences. I was looking at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to see who resides there. They are now inquiring into the legality of the Border Agency’s recent activities.
    Immigrant spot checks: Equality watchdog investigates

    The UK is good at holding inquiries by the dozen.

    Who should be the deputy chair but this person from BT!

    Currently Director of People and Policy at BT, Caroline Waters has a distinguished record on equality, inclusion, and human resources, and has been the driving force of many diversity-focused groups such as the Chair of Employers for Carers since 2001, helping to found the Employers’ Forum on Belief, and as Chair of the Lone Parents working group. She was awarded HR Director of the Year in the 2009 HR Excellence Awards and has also judged a number of prestigious diversity awards including the CRE Race in the Media Awards and Help the Aged’s Living Legends. She was awarded the OBE for services to diversity and equal opportunities in the New Year’s list in 2010. She is a Trustee of the Employers network for equality and inclusion.


  • Flaming June

    Q Are Bush and B.Liar back in power? I only ask because terrrrrrrr is all over the internet.

  • fedup

    Old Aussie fart, good to see your family vids, but what has got to do with the price of eggs in the farm yard? You are still the same senile tosser who cannot distinguish between a mental malady and and insult, whining on about you are not old and irrelevant. Despite the same tag team operating on the same lines, on another thread, sort of habit with these really.

  • fedup

    Brian, I am sick of the same characters using the same tactics to intimidate commenters and bully them. The history is indeed an inserting one, hence the denials, and the constant stream of accusations, and so far as the opening shit with girls goes, snap out of it! Just have cruise on the internet clips and see how “girls” are kicking the blokes heads and stabbing them, the rage is equality now.

  • fedup

    Brian also do some research on Tokyo fire bombings, Curtis LeMay the war criminal (he actually is on record acknowledging that if US loses the war, he will be tried for war crimes) planned these meticulously. He had learned his trade from Bomber Harris and attacks on Germany, including the Dresden bombings; waves of incendiary bombs, followed by high explosives bombs, causing a fire storm of 200 miles an hour magnitude. The stories of German mothers getting stock in the melting road asphalt in a bid to rescue their young, are trickling out gradually.

    Those animals around here supporting such a policies, can do so because the mickey mouse version of history available on tap 24/7 on Hitler Channel will not even hint at the reality of what ghastly, and sickening crimes were committed during the “just wars”.

  • A van at the Tory conference saying "Eff off back to Eton," and reaction by a Torygraph Zionist

    This van will be parked outside the Tory conference, carrying the slogan “FUCK OFF BACK TO ETON”. Good stuff.

    Once again, as with the party held in Trafalgar Square to celebrate Thatcher’s death, anarchist Ian Bone is doing something that a large number of us can latch onto. Nice one, Ian!

    But wait a minute…the Torygraph don’t like it!

    According to Jake Wallis Simons, writing in that wretched organ, everyone who uses ‘social media’ will be aware of this van. Sadly I think he’s exaggerating. Jake goes on to express his outrage at the fact so far he hasn’t come across “a single person who has criticised it as an expression of hatred and prejudice”. Oh how terrible! Us Moorlocks just don’t understand stuff! We’re just animals!

    Jake can’t write for toffees, but he landed himself a job at the Independent, where his pals made one of his novels a “Book of the Year”.

    Most of his novels are on Jewish themes. A raving Zionist, he helps promote the ‘Iranian nuclear threat’.

    Loyal to Israel (read on), he also pokes fun, in his cackhanded way, at those who would dare criticise the US and British war effort and intelligence services. For instance, he says things like “The Guardian’s new Edward Snowden exclusive is anti-American mischief”.

    Ho hum. Another day, another Edward Snowden exclusive in the Guardian. This one reveals a real shocker: spies do spying. No, no, you don’t understand. They do. They actually do. At one point, the article quotes an anonymous GCHQ employee complaining about “the level of deception involved”. With a straight face and everything. (April 1st, was it?)

    He went to St Peter’s College, Oxford, but appears to have got a completely crap degree, because he ended up doing a PhD in “Creative Writing” at the University of East Anglia…

    …after failing to get into MI6. Maybe that was because he was too thick, or maybe they’d filled up their Zionist quota for that year? After all, the Zionists will decide how obvious they want to make what they’re doing. In any case, either consideration would have been sufficient.

    The following quotes are from here.

    Many of my friends from Oxford tell the same story. The Master discreetly calls them in for sherry one day. After a brief – and somewhat stilted – chat about their future, he asks if they have considered the Foreign Office. If they reply positively, he asks how they would feel about the “special Foreign Office”. There follows several weeks later an interview in a certain nondescript building near Westminster. At that point, whether the candidate embarked upon a career with SIS (MI6) or not, they will draw their story to a close.

    The students who were approached were precisely the sorts one would expect. The ones who were studying PPE or languages; those with an interest in politics, perhaps active in the Union; the ones who were the most efficient, conformist, responsible, ambitious, and worldly that Oxford had to offer. Personally, I was none of these things, and I never got the “tap on the shoulder”. Nonetheless, when casting around for a suitable career after University, I thought I might as well throw SIS into the mix.

    I managed to make it through the first round before I was rejected. To be honest, I was surprised that it had taken all of one round for MI6 to twig that a creative type like me, with an unusually small hippocampus and a dislike for anything practical, might not be of great benefit to our national security. Nevertheless, I’d tasted the tiniest soupçon of the world of espionage, and found myself determining to experience it – or a version of it – for myself one day, through fiction.

    Several members of my family have served in the Israeli army, in various different units. My brother, for instance, was a combat medic, my cousin was in an infantry brigade, and my uncle was a paratrooper commando. I myself, at the age of sixteen, briefly flirted with the idea of joining up, even though I knew deep down that it was just a fantasy (like the attempt I would later make to join SIS). Instead of joining the IDF, I went travelling in Asia, then on to Oxford. But my proximity to the toughness and camaraderie of the Israeli army has left me with an enduring fascination. And, of course, a wealth of interview contacts.

    When I began my research for The Pure, I was surprised by how rarely the contemporary Mossad features in popular culture. This is the deadliest, most feared, most awe-inspiring secret service in existence. The audacious assassination of the Hamas weapons smuggler in Dubai in January 2010 – for which Mossad operatives disguised themselves as tennis players – commanded the attention of the world (in Israel, tennis kit has become a standard fancy dress outfit). As did the 1996 killing of the Hamas suicide bombmaker Yahya Ayyash, known as “the Engineer”, whose head was blown off by a booby-trapped mobile phone.

    Did tennis kit become a standard fancy dress outfit in Israel before or after the Dubai murder? Does someone here know?

    Jakie continues:

    My first port of call was to interview my various contacts from the Israeli military. I also consulted the wealth of media reports – many of them speculative – about alleged Mossad operations around the world. Most helpful of all, however, was the 1991 memoir By Way Of Deception: the making and unmaking of a Mossad officer, by Victor Ostrovsky. This book, the publication of which the Israeli government tried to suppress, claims to lift the lid on the Mossad’s recruitment and training processes, as well as their modus operandi in the field. Much of The Pure is based on this, which I think lends the thriller authenticity.”

    So he wrote the book for his Zionist pals, got helped by the Brits who didn’t recruit him for a proper job, and ripped a load of stuff off from Victor Ostrovsky.

    Finally, it was natural to show the first draft of the manuscript to the various British diplomats and intelligence officers to whom I was connected through Oxford. By and large, they found that the book rang true, although they did provide several very important pieces of advice, all of which I implemented. My only regret is that for obvious reasons I am unable to acknowledge them, and my Israeli contacts, by name. Nevertheless, they have my thanks.

    What strikes me, is that this dickhead can’t write.

    The world of international espionage – so desperate, so dangerous, so cunning and audacious – is a perennial source of vicarious entertainment. In expanding our fictional horizons to encompass the world of the Mossad, I hope to provide not only high octane thrills and spills, but also a thought-provoking exploration of the difficulties involved in being an Israeli in the world today.

    Expand our horizons? High octane? Thought-provoking? The world today? That’s fucking awful! I wouldn’t have thought you could get a PhD in “creative writing” at the Unversity of East Anglia, having so little clue. Did he have some pals there, too? Or what?

  • A van at the Tory conference saying "Eff off back to Eton," and reaction by a Torygraph Zionist

    I am now told that Jakie got a first in English at Oxford, and apparently he did get a PhD in 2009 from the University of East Anglia. Funny he appears to have no skills whatsoever in writing creatively. There again, maybe they are just using the word “creative” in the “advertising” sense, i.e. not to mean anything to do with creativity?

  • Flaming June

    The colour Orange.

    Shame on this woman who is a Unionist councillor. Has she not seen enough killing in N Ireland?

    ‘On Facebook, she responded to someone else’s post about an imaginary attack on the parade in which several people including Sinn Féin figures are killed.

    She wrote: “We would have done a great service to Northern Ireland and the world.” She later apologised.’

    Ruth Patterson is charged over Facebook parade comments

    Her CV. Well embedded. Deputy Lord Mayor and Alderman even.

  • Phil

    Jemand – Censorship Improves History 2 Aug, 2013 – 4:21 am

    “Phil, Your rejection of and antipathy towards “competition” is wholly political.”

    Blimey, I do not even know how one might reject or dislike the notion of competition. One might as well say “I don’t believe in trees”.

    I guess you only read one part of what I said. So, just to be super duper clear, let me repeat my point again (apologies to others). It is a simple point that is lost in the “it’s a dog eat dog world” orthodoxy constantly sold to us in an ideological push to justify greed and war. Here it is:

    Cooperation drives evolution as well as, if not more than, competition.

    “competition drives improvement and cooperation drives performance.”

    There you go. I suggest you oversimplify and create partition with your specificity but really we are saying very similar things.

    “Regarding road traffic experiments where road rules and/or traffic controls are removed, it sure seems to be working out well in Asia and Africa.”

    Er, I don’t believe they are experimenting with ‘shared space’ in those places. Which sort of makes the point. Perhaps at some point some countries might look at embracing such a wonderful idea to reduce the traffic deaths.

    Orthodoxies are deeply entrenched. The fact that traffic regulations cause accidents and slows down traffic is difficult to get your head around. But try harder because the evidence points that way:


  • Phil

    “Shame on this woman”

    Sure shame her but don’t arrest people for what they say.

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