Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • Daniel Rich


    9:43 GMT: EU defense ministers have agreed that embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons in an attack in a Damascus suburb on August 21, reports AFP

    Based on what ff-ing evidence?

  • AlcAnon

    Pope Tweets Against Syria Strike, Writes Putin, Plans Saturday Vigil

    Pope Francis has written a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, host of the G-20 summit that President Obama is attending, urging world leaders to oppose a military intervention in Syria.

    “To the leaders present, to each and every one, I make a heartfelt appeal for them to help find ways to overcome the conflicting positions and to lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution,” the Pope urged. “Rather, let there be a renewed commitment to seek, with courage and determination, a peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation of the parties, unanimously supported by the international community.”

    Born Again Catholic Tony Blair apparently knows better. So he’s treasonous even to the Pope now.

  • AlcAnon

    And just a reminder, Putin could not be clearer.

    Putin himself said that he believes the alleged chemical weapons attack was nothing more than “a provocation on behalf of the armed insurgents in hope of the help from the outside, from the countries which supported them from day one.”

  • John Goss

    7 Sep, 2013 – 3:37 am

    Pope Francis’ statement is a lot more forceful than anything the A of C has said. Perhaps Justin Welby is just being loyal to his Jewish ancestry. Blair is so determined to become president of a new world order he forgets his crimes in Fallujah. What he is really worried about is if the Middle East Israeli takeover fails he might have to face trial for his war-crimes. Note in the report below that when Blair uses the word ‘frankly’ a downright lie is about to follow.

  • NR

    WSJ: “Why America Is Saying ‘No’ — Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man. — If we bomb Syria, will the world say, “Oh, how credible America is!” or will they say, “They just bombed people because they think they have to prove they’re credible”?

    Itar-Tass: “US ambassador to RF says US diplomats tried to contact fugitive NSA leaker”

    Awww. They just wanted to turn down his bed and leave a chocolate on his pillow.

    DailyKos: ““This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.””

  • Krisnamurky [was: Hyman Minsky]

    With the kind of noises the Syrians are making, one would not be incorrect in assuming they might just have some of the 3,000 TNWs that went missing upon the demise of the USSR. Perhaps they should contrive a small mushroom cloud safely off Tel Aviv beach as a plain warning, might just clear all the delusions from sewage satanyahu/obomber heads. Putin has not succeeded in making any dent in their warmongering at the G20 summit, but he could launch missiles against rebel positions in Northern Syria on strictly “humanitarian grounds” (as legally concocted by another compliant UK AG) now that he has enough proof of Chemical Bandars rebels CW activities in Aleppo earlier.

  • Arbed

    While the US is busy planning future war crimes in Syria, we might just get a teensy bit more info on one of their previous war crimes:

    The Swedish police have now confirmed that they are opening a formal police investigation into the suspected illegal seizure by an intelligence agency/ies of Wikileaks encrypted laptops containing evidence of a US war crime from Assange as he was leaving Sweden (with permission) on 27 September 2010.

    Swedish police have opened a formal preliminary investigation into the seizure of WikiLeaks property on 27 September 2010, which contained evidence of a war crime. Julian Assange filed a criminal complaint at Arlanda police on 3 September 2013 via his lawyer Per E. Samuelson.

    Julian Assange said: “The Swedish police has decided to open an investigation. I hope this investigation is given the independence to go wherever it needs to, and no official is considered above the law. The police should be supported in their investigation. The WikiLeaks material that was seized contained evidence of a US war crime committed as part of the Afghan military campaign.”

    The criminal complaint is opened under case number 0201 K 268906-13.

    Link to press release regarding the filing of the criminal complaint:

    A separate complaint was filed in Germany with the federal prosecutor that same day.

    A la David Miranda, investigative journalists seem to have an especially hard time getting through airports these days.

  • oddie

    public opposition to war forces the AIPAC boys out into the open:

    Ynet: AIPAC to lobby Congress for Syria strike
    American Israeli Political Activity Committee to attempt to persuade Congress to vote in favor of attack, as constituents urge Congress to vote against intervention…
    After Israel’s ambassador to Washington Michael Oren and AIPAC noted that military action would send a message to Assad’s supporters – Iran and Hezbollah – that US won’t tolerate use of weapons of mass destruction, some 250 Jewish leaders and AIPAC activists, according to the Politico website, intend to storm the halls on Capitol Hill beginning next week to persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution authorizing US strikes against Syria…,7340,L-4426658,00.html

  • Jon

    Oh dear Krisnamurky [Hyman Minsky] – you’ve managed in this thread, a David Duke link, an approving reference to Zyklon B, and the suggestion that the US is controlled by an “evil alliance” of “zio southern baptists, jews and gays”.

    I think it would be better if you stopped commenting here.

  • oddie

    6 Sept – RT: Footage of chemical attack in Syria is fraud
    Mother Agnes, a catholic nun, who has been living in Syria for 20 years and has been reporting actively on what has been going on in the war-ravaged country, says she carefully studied the video featuring allegedly victims of the chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Guta in August and now questions its authenticity.
    In her interview with RT, Mother Agnes doubts so much footage could have been taken in so little time, and asks where parents of the supposedly dead children are. She promises to send her report to the UN.
    The nun is indignant with the world media for apparently turning a blind eye to the Latakia massacre by rebel extremists, which left 500 civilians including women and children dead…
    Mother Agnes: I have carefully studied the footage, and I will present a written analysis on it a bit later. I maintain that the whole affair was a frame-up. It had been staged and prepared in advance with the goal of framing the Syrian government as the perpetrator.
    The key evidence is that Reuters made these files public at 6.05 in the morning. The chemical attack is said to have been launched between 3 and 5 o’clock in the morning in Guta. How is it even possible to collect a dozen different pieces of footage, get more than 200 kids and 300 young people together in one place, give them first aid and interview them on camera, and all that in less than three hours? Is that realistic at all? As someone who works in the news industry, you know how long all of it would take.
    The bodies of children and teenagers we see in that footage – who were they? What happened to them? Were they killed for real? And how could that happen ahead of the gas attack? Or, if they were not killed, where did they come from? Where are their parents? How come we don’t see any female bodies among all those supposedly dead children? .
    I am not saying that no chemical agent was used in the area – it certainly was. But I insist that the footage that is now being peddled as evidence had been fabricated in advance. I have studied it meticulously, and I will submit my report to the UN Human Rights Commission based in Geneva…

  • oddie

    6 Sept – PressTv: Syria war a carefully orchestrated Israeli plot: Expert
    In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Wednesday, Gordon Duff, a senior editor of Veterans Today, said the US Senate is set to adopt a resolution authorizing military action against Syria, noting that Israel has bought the Senators’ votes. “It is a done deal,” he added…
    He went on to say that a recent Israeli missile, which was “test-fired” in the Mediterranean, had actually been meant to target the populated downtown area in Damascus.
    “That was blocked. The Russians have been very public about that. It has been very embarrassing. There is no way of calling it anything but a plot,” he said…

    the notorious Hadley was squirming with excitement as he shilled for war on the equally notorious Bloomberg channel:

    6 Sept – Bloomberg: Stephen Hadley Says Republicans Must Support Obama on Syria (Transcript)
    Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser to President George W. Bush, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend, that Congress should authorize a military strike against Syria even if it risks retaliatory attacks and instability in neighboring Iraq…
    The real concern is about Iran and the concern that Iran will decide that the president having acted – and I think it’s more likely if the president acts with a limited demonstration strike than if he does something more vigorous – but the risk is that Iran will say, “We need to try to teach the president and the American people a lesson that this is not free,” so as to try to deter President Obama from using military action, if Iran goes forward with a nuclear program. And that could take the form of activity by Hezbollah attacking our embassies overseas, maybe doing some missile attacks potentially into Israel. I think that’s in some sense less likely…
    HUNT: How would it be read in Tehran if we don’t strike?
    HADLEY: I think that’s one of the biggest problems. And that’s why, if I were – and when I talk to Republicans, I say if you are concerned about Iran and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, you better be voting in favor of this resolution, because having – the president having set down a red line for chemical weapons use in Syria, if he does not enforce it, the – the red line, if you will, that we’ve put down with Iran on its nuclear program doesn’t look credible.
    We’ve said that Iran needs to give up its nuclear program, and if it does not do so, all options are on the table, including the military option. If we don’t enforce the red line in Syria, that threat looks empty…

    Wikipedia: Stephen Hadley
    He admitted fault in allowing a disputed claim about Iraq’s quest for nuclear weapons material to be included in Bush’s January 28, 2003 State of the Union Address (see Yellowcake forgery). On July 22, 2003, Hadley offered his resignation to Bush because he had “failed in that responsibility” and that “the high standards the president set were not met.” Bush denied Hadley’s request.

  • oddie

    Bloomberg isn’t the only voice of the banksters shilling for war:

    shame on u Morici:

    Yahoo Finance: Peter Morici: Hesitation on Syrian Strike Threatens Economic Recovery
    (Peter Morici is an economist and professor at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, and a widely published columnist.)
    President Obama’s vacillation on Syria—first delaying military action and then booting the decision to Congress—poses grave threats to U.S. prosperity…
    Had Obama acted quickly on his own authority, or at least called Congress back into session immediately, the period of uncertainty would have been cut from at least a month to one week.
    Extended uncertainty can wreck havoc on investment and consumer spending, and potentially tank the economy.
    The president faces formidable opposition among Congressional liberals and the Tea Party, who don’t grasp what is at stake for U.S. security and economic interests…
    If the liberals and Tea Party block U.S. military action, that vote will mark the end of the United States of America as a prosperous nation with the resolve to lead.

  • NR

    @John Goss + AlcAnon
    NewsBusters: “On Friday’s CBS-TV’s “This Morning,” Mark Phillips all but hinted that Pope Francis had “taken sides” with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and against President Obama in the international debate over military strikes in Syria.”

    @ Daniel Rich “@ Macky, Thank 4 the links.”
    Did you catch the version, a few days back, in the DM, “Assad’s One-Leg Brother may have Ordered Attack.” Supposedly dictator has volatile brother in charge of some part of military. DM expressed sensitivity in not calling him Crazy Peg Leg Assad.

    Ben Franklin:” Fedup; I had no idea you were an aficionado. My knowledge is only from the movie.”

    Much of my knowledge of the Middle East’s recent history is from that movie; the 70mm restoration. I recall an alleged screenwriter behind me exclaiming loudly to his partner, every few minutes, “I could have written better lines.” While I’m muttering (softly), “I could edit this thing down to a four minute music video.”

    The kinky scene with Tony Curtis whipping Lawrence in the Roman baths was pretty good, or, uh, maybe I’ve mashed my formal histories?

    Always thought it was mighty stupid of England to plop Israel right down in the middle of ancient enemies, but then again not, if what was wanted was another few thousand years of perpetual conflict. Too late now to send contenders to neutral corners, like the North and South Poles?

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    Benedict Cumberbatch launches defence of Julian Assange
    Cumberbatch says of playing Assange in new film The Fifth Estate, ‘we show his ideas and integrity and self-sacrifice’

    ‘Benedict Cumberbatch, the British actor whose high-profile portrayal of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is generating Oscar buzz, has launched a defence of the man he plays in new movie The Fifth Estate. “I think we show his ideas and integrity and self-sacrifice,” said Cumberbatch, the morning after the film opened the 38th Toronto film festival. “I think there’s a lot to celebrate about his achievements.”

    In the film, Cumberbatch plays Assange as a quicksilver saviour, humane at times, deceitful at others, never less than human. The actor, 37, said empathy was key to his interpretation. “I think to try and go into this realm of thumbs up or thumbs down is so limiting. You want to find what’s human about him. And that’s not to soften the edges. [But] so it’s something we can relate to.”‘



    One star out of five for the Diana film in a Guardian review by Peter Bradshaw. He asks ‘Is this film an MI5 plot to blacken Diana’s name and make her look plastic and absurd?’.

  • oddie


    6 Sept – Global Research: Media Deceit Tries to Make Opponents of a Syria Attack Think They Are a Minority
    More Americans Have Supported Syrian Air Strikes Than Opposed
    Time Mag headline: More Americans Have Supported Syrian Air Strikes Than Opposed
    The actual headline from the poll:
    American Voters Say 2-1 Stay Out Of Syria…
    How can it be true that a majority of Americans say the U.S. shouldn’t get involved and at the same time be true that a plurality of Americans support air strikes on Syria? Obviously, both can’t be true. And they’re not. Time’s headline and lead paragraph are not just misleading, they are a lie. Time doesn’t bother to try to explain the self-contradiction to its readers.
    See, what Time doesn’t inform its readers is that the poll question it is referring to was not a question about whether the people polled supported or opposed military action against Syria. Rather, it was a question that assumed the U.S. would attack Syria and asked under that assumption whether those surveyed would prefer the U.S. to use weapons that risked American lives or weapons that don’t. Here is the actual question:…

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    Miliband and co fouled up on the dispute with Unite on the Falkirk candidate selection and now they are £1m down on party funding.

    Falkirk vote-rigging row: Labour ‘should publish report’
    Unite leader Len McCluskey had maintained the union had done nothing wrong

    Labour is under pressure to publish an internal report that cleared Unite of claims it tried to rig the selection of a party candidate in Falkirk.

    It found no rules were broken and two union officials – one the candidate – have been reinstated as members.


  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Egregiousness from John Goss:

    “Perhaps Justin Welby is just being loyal to his Jewish ancestry.”

    What are you trying to imply here, exactly?

    Relevance (to anything)?


    “What he { ie, bLiar }is really worried about is if the Middle East Israeli takeover fails he might have to face trial for his war-crimes.”

    I’m a long, long way from being a bLiar fan, but the above comment is really rather silly, isn’t it? Can you establish a clearer connection between both of these hypothetical events?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Mod / Jon

    I was wondering whether you would react to the Krishnamurky/ Hyman Minsky posts and am gratified to see that you have.

    At the risk of repeating myself : you were kind enough, recently, to establish and inform that a highly unpleasant post was not from me but from someone using my handle. I would assume that one of the jobs of a moderator would be to go one step further and see whether he could identify the spoof poster – and then take appropriate (and public) action.

    So please let me ask you again : were you able to find out who the spoof poster was and whether he or she was a regular on this board?

    I fail to see why you appear reluctant to post a brief comment on this.

  • Krisnamurky

    OK Jon I get it ! But if Cameron contrives a second Syria vote, I am back in again as well ! BTW-Hyman Minsky is my alter ego. Good luck with this stop the war campaign, I done my bit.

  • NR

    @ oddie 7 Sep, 2013 – 8:51 am: “6 Sept – Bloomberg: Stephen Hadley Says Republicans Must Support Obama on Syria”

    Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary for President George W. Bush, is making the rounds of the propagandists, incredulous that Congress and patriotic Americans would not support their president in action against Assad, even if action were precipitated by the president’s incautious red-line warning. Usual blather, loss of credibility/respect/fear.

    MSM is all, “There’s no longer any question” and “As we all know” and “Overwhelming evidence” and “No reasonable person could doubt” that Assad used Sarin, the only question is what to do about it.

    I predict, within a few days, they’ll drag out Donald Trump, on the side of the-rebels-dun-it theory plus Alex Jones ranting same on BBC and CNN, then mock as loonies all who question the official story and declare them 8/21 Truthers.

  • Arbed

    Mary, 9.29am

    Ahh, thanks for that link. I know the original commenter Franfalle that medialens post refers to, who has cannibalised one of my posts there. Not that I mind, but they’ve missed out some of the most interesting snippets of info about Domscheit-Berg. Here’s the original:

    Domscheit-Berg fled Iceland on 7 February 2010 – 4 days after Chelsea Manning’s first upload to Wikileaks – with some kind of “nervous breakdown”, so he wasn’t even around during Wikileaks’ 2010 releases (remember that as you view all those scenes showing him in the room during the editing of Collateral Murder); quickly met (within the week) and married a “Government Liaison for Innovative Programs” executive for Microsoft (shh! no one say ‘NSA backdoor’); following that, DDB was increasingly frozen out but he kept misrepresenting himself as the “founder” of Wikileaks in the German press; he then sabotaged Wikileaks’ mailserver (and got caught red-handed in the act); purloined Wikileaks donations via the Wau Holland Foundation; stole Wikileaks submission platform and tried to set up a (stillborn) rival leaks organisation; destroyed unpublished whistleblower submissions stolen from Wikileaks; wrote a gossipy and libellous book and has made his fortune by maligning Assange and from cash-in film projects, like this one, ever since.

  • Jemand

    Passerby, 6 Sep 11.21am

    Suhayl Saadi, 6 Sep 12.50pm

    Good grief! Did either of you even read Macky’s link to the story about the UK ex-soldier, transsexual Muslim?

    1. He states that Muslims at his local Mosque shunned him so he now prays at home, and

    2. Admitted that he didn’t inform his Muslim husband that he is a transsexual.

    I cannot see how both of you have drawn the conclusion that Muslim culture has embraced this poor fellow with his new identity as a faux woman.

    Only time will tell if he finds enduring happiness in his new skin. While you can change the way you look, you can’t force change on the way people see you.

  • Villager

    Jon, i agree with Habby at 9.47am.

    At the risk of pre-judging, it does rather look suspicious if you don’t respond. A positive confirmation, one way or the other can clear up this abuse one way or the other. I should think this would be a normal, automatic responsibility for a moderator to proffer this information; without falling back on a Freedom of Information principle.

    It is difficult to see that this would simply be a ‘drive-by’ abuse by a first time commenter. Look forward to your clarification.

  • John Goss

    Oddie 7 Sep, 2013 – 8:51 am. With the PressTV interview it was claimed that the missile fired early this week was not a test but a real attack on Damascus and that the Israeli missile was shot down. If true, and I have heard no other reports but that of the editor of Veterans Today, who shot it down. Russians? It does make sense because as I recall the order of events was that the Russians said two missiles had been fired in the Mediterranean, the Israelis then said that it was a joint-exercise between the US and Israel. The US then said it had no knowledge of this. The Israelis then said that only one missile had been fired.

    Thank God somebody can down Israeli weapons. There’s hope for the world yet.

    H you must have been sleeping again the week this was reported.

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