Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • BrianFujisan

    good wee piece from George Monboit.

    We’re one crucial step closer to seeing Tony Blair at The Hague

    “When Desmond Tutu wrote that Tony Blair should be treading the path to The Hague, he de-normalised what Blair has done. Tutu broke the protocol of power – the implicit accord between those who flit from one grand meeting to another – and named his crime. I expect that Blair will never recover from it.”

  • guano

    I would like to think that it was universally agreed that we are not responsible for our parents and predecessors. It is not acceptable journalism to cross that boundary, even/especially in the case of a war criminal.

  • AlcAnon


    LADEE was originally announced in 2008 with a launch date in 2012 which was subsequently put back to now. Even with the delay that’s a short time from allocating the budget through to spacecraft launch.

    Certainly having it in orbit around the moon as we approach Ison’s dust trail seems to be a very lucky coincidence. Still the earth will be about 2 million miles away from intersecting the centre of Ison’s debris trail some it remains to be seen just what if anything we will encounter.

    LADEE is also equipped with an experimental high bandwidth laser uplink/downlink channel. Will be interesting to see how that performs.

    The Deep Impact spacecraft which was supposed to have imaged Ison recently apparently started spinning out of control before it could transmit the pictures to earth. NASA does not seem to be having much luck with getting good Ison images.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    LADEE was cobbled from ICBM’s and needed the thrust because of a heavy payload. Lasers?

    Your birthday is coming up…:) Early October seems to be a popular time for oddities.

    (FEMA MERS Region III)

  • Mary

    That was really kind of the K lurker to repeat my post.


    Kerry has landed at Stansted. Now we await the propaganda BS onslaught.

  • guano


    I for one do not have time or inclination to study or subscribe to Haaretz. It is therefore very useful to be able to scan through its comments here. thanks to Mary.

    What is going on in Villager’s mind, I ask myself, that he feels the need to make sexist remarks to Mary about embroidering tea-towels?

    Egypt and Israel have nothing in common except a national border. Egypt is the repository of thousands of years of religious knowledge about the monotheist beliefs of Muslims from way before the time of Jesus pbuh to the present time. Israel is a Frankenstein monster with bolts through its neck to enable the British Empire to re-vive the cult of Judaism in its original homeland, by deception and force, in order to gain control over the oil resources of the Middle East.

  • AlcAnon


    LADEE itself isn’t that heavy and didn’t require a heavy lifter.

    The classified launch last week from Vandenberg – now that was heavy!

    VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE ( — The largest rocket ever to be launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base had a successful lift-off Wednesday.

    The Delta IV Heavy rocket was launched with a $1 billion spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) “in support of national defense,” according to aerospace engineering firm United Launch Alliance (ULA).

  • Mary

    How about this for chutzpah? CACI who ran Abu Ghraib for the US military are suing former Iraqi detainees for legal and other costs. The ex detainees took them to court for abuses suffered when held prisoner at Abu Ghraib.

    Alleged Torturers sue Abu Ghraib Torture Victims
    Posted on 08/21/2013 by Juan Cole

    Sarah Lazare writes at Commondreams

    ‘Defense’ contractor CACI International has taken the shocking step of suing four former Abu Ghraib detainees who are seeking redress in U.S. courts for the company’s role in [allegedly] torturing, humiliating and dehumanizing them, with the U.S. corporation recently requesting that the judge order the plaintiffs—- all of whom are Iraqi—-to pay CACI for legal costs.

    CACI is demanding over $15,000 in compensation, mostly for witness fees, travel allowances and deposition transcripts, according to court documents.


    The ‘GICS’.

    Reminder – The images that shamed America –,8542,1211872,00.html

  • Villager

    “That was really kind of the K lurker to repeat my post.”

    Happy to oblige anytime, including in helping you read your emails from the DVLA. But what i cannot help you with is to encourage your conspiracy theories in the anti-virus software at the Licensing Authority! Too many PRISM and GCHQ convolutions in your over-worked mind perhaps.

    Btw have you thanked Suhayl for pointing out the haaretz access policy?

    Try to be a little less in-your-face with your pastes; normal social skills, or it too much to ask for?

  • Villager

    Mary: “Back to America with you!”

    I wonder what our American commenters/readers would make of this? The word zealot comes to mind. She’s even managed to get Murky on side, dubious distinction that it is.

    I should think a prompt apology to our Americans would be in order.

  • Villager

    “common-sense test”

    Dreoilin, if that is their plea, do you note a sign of desperation?

    And the “F*ck you, Obama!” is more like it rather than pleas for damning the whole of America, where 90% of the people don’t want to bomb Syria. So how about that for ‘common sense’.

    Well, one encouraging remark that Obama made was that he was elected to stop wars and not start them. Let’s wait and see.

  • Dreoilin

    Every common sense test in the book says Assad was not responsible, but his enemies were. I’ve heard many say that Assad is evil – I haven’t heard one say he’s as thick as a brick. And only someone as thick as a brick would have carried out that attack in the face of American threats PLUS UN inspectors on his door step.

    The White House is banking on the American public being illogical idiots.

  • Dreoilin

    “90% of the people don’t want to bomb Syria”

    But there are others. Channel 4 was talking to some joggers last week, in Los Angeles. One woman said, “This is not about Syria. This is about our credibility”.

    I wanted to hurl something at the TV. It’s not about Syria or the Syrian people? Of course not. Everything to numpties like her is about the USA.

  • Dreoilin

    I should go offline. Before I say something on Twitter that I’ll regret. It’s a tad more “public” even than here. 😉

  • Gary

    It is stomach churning to see Tony Blair earning vast sums of money this way. For my sins I voted for him in 97. But I was young and sadly very naive to believe he was different from previous corrupt politicians.

  • NR

    @ Dreoilin: “90% of the people don’t want to bomb Syria”
    But there are others. Channel 4 was talking to some joggers last week, in Los Angeles. One woman said, “This is not about Syria. This is about our credibility”.”

    Odd reasons for war/not war, from both US/UK: “I’m against war with Syria, because President Putin loves animals. He stopped the seal slaughter in Russia. So he’s on the right side.” and “I’m ordinarily a pacifist, but President Obama said the federal govt. will respect states’ rights and won’t interfere with legalized pot in Oregon and Colorado. I support him on Syria.” and “Putin doesn’t respect gay rights. I’m on Obama’s side.”

    In spite of “new” gassing vid, DM readers remain overwhelmingly anti-war. DM has pic of pin-point pupils, somebody prying up victim’s eyelid. “These images are almost as bad as the victims of drone attacks.”

    “These pictures are faked–not a single person is dead. In death the bowel and bladder let go–the floors would show wetness. There is none–and all people are on their backs–not possible. These are faked pictures to support the lies Obama and Kerry have been telling at the behest of the Saudis.”

    However on the matter of UK jets intercepting Syrian planes off Cyprus they’re totally gung-ho, “We’d kick Russia’s arse”.

  • Daniel Rich

    @ John Goss,

    When I read this in the margins of GG’s site:

    ” Pledge £5,000 or more

    1 backer

    1) You will be credited as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER in the opening and closing credits and your name will appear on the DVD case. 2) VIP private dinner with George Galloway MP (date and time flexible) 3) Two tickets to the official film’s premiere in London. 4) A personal thank you video call via Skype from George Galloway MP. 5) Two tickets to an advanced private screening of the documentary in London followed by a Q and A session with George Galloway 6) Official documentary ‘Send Blair to the Hague’ T-Shirt 7) A limited edition documentary poster signed by George Galloway accompanied by a personal thank you message. 8) A ‘special backers edition’ DVD copy of the film signed by George Galloway MP. This will include exclusive behind the scenes footage 9) You will receive an invitation to an exclusive and early online screening 10) You will receive a thank you shout out from George Galloway on his documentary Facebook page or from the documentary’s Twitter account. 11) Your name will appear in the credits under the special thanks section of the film. – Estimated delivery: Dec 2014″

    I’m reminded of all those ‘anonymous backers’ out there who’ll ‘match every single $$’ I donate/contribute [to whatever good cause].

    True justice has no various classes/leagues/casts/donor color cards to separate those who contribute [anything they can] to the fight for an unequivocal zest for equality and indiscriminate justice for all and if those ‘anonymous backers’ really think/believe that particular site is such a good thing, they’d finance it anonymously and do me proud.

    Tony Bliar should be tried and then justifiably hanged from the nearest tree, but not by me, because I’ve lost all objectivity along the road to where I’m now/today.

  • richard 1

    i see that film ‘freedom to fascism ‘ was made in 2005. how closer now are we to individual micro-chipping?

  • Villager

    “Salafi jihadists hold public march in Gaza denouncing Assad and el Sisi
    By DAVID BARNETTSeptember 7, 2013

    On Sept. 4, the Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center (ITMC), a jihadist media unit tied to the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC), released an 11-minute, 27-second video to jihadist forums. The video shows a recent march in the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip that expressed solidarity with Egyptians and Syrians.

    In the video, translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, protesters are seen carrying signs with pictures of Bashar al Assad and Abdel Fattah el Sisi and text calling the two leaders “murderers and killers.” Another poster seen in the video said: “O our people in Egypt and Syria … If you seek the law of Allah, you will then only succeed through the law of Allah. Salafi Youth – Ansar al-Shariah.

    A separate poster targeted at Shiites and those supporting “the tyrannical dog Bashar [al Assad]” read: “You will not evade the punishment of the people of Islam soon, Allah willing. Salafi Youth – Ansar al-Shariah.”

    Later in the video, the Salafi jihadists, waving and donning black al Qaeda flags, are heard chanting: “Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!”

    Read more:

  • Jon

    (For the record: after his/her “Zyklon B” post, deleted seven eight items just now from Krishamurky, who was I think banned as English Knight previously anyway, for persistent racism).

  • Daniel Rich

    @ Villager,

    Q: Syrian government forces may have carried out a chemical weapons attack close to Damascus without the personal permission of President Bashar al-Assad…

    R: Couple of days ago they were sure Assad had done it. It’s like that case of being ‘a little bit pregnant…’

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