Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • lemme at him

    Get the US cannon fodder killing each other: What’s not to like? Anything that impedes their mission of killing brown babies is worth it, as Madam Secretary Albright would say. Forcing them to fortify their war department against their own psycho-zombie veterans is very nice sand in the gears.

    Hooray for the Second Amendment, the only one that’s left!

  • Jives


    “As regards the sudden absence of malign posting style these last couple of days, it is my theory (thanks GG) that, somewhere within an academic institution, new strategies are being drawn up as I write and it won’t be long before another tide of mischief engulfs us. I do hope I’m wrong.”

    Yep,alas you’re wrong.Regardless of my post above yours i know they’ll be back,but,meanwhile,lets enjoy a few days free of their bullying,gang-stalking and,ultimately,depraved cruel illnesses.

  • oddie

    Techdirt: NY Times Doesn’t Think That NSA Sharing Raw Communications With Israel Is Newsworthy
    This is a big story for any number of reasons, but apparently the NY Times doesn’t think so. When Public Editor Margaret Sullivan asked why, the managing editor basically said the story wasn’t newsworthy:
    He told me that The Times had chosen not to follow the story because its level of significance did not demand it.
    “I didn’t think it was a significant or surprising story,” he said. “I think the more energy we put into chasing the small ones, the less time we have to break our own. Not to mention cover the turmoil in Syria.” …

  • Someone

    17 September 2013

    “Worried about a nuclear disaster? Get a warning sent to your mobile: Government starts trial of text messaging system for major emergencies

    New plan designed to alert people to emergencies more quickly
    50,000 will receive test message in the next two months
    Testing grounds include central Glasgow, Leiston, Suffolk and Easingwold, North Yorkshire”

  • BrianFujisan

    Yes Jives….it’s been a breath of Fresh air here. Nice to hear from you

    Lemme at Him –

    Kerry has shifted his focus on Syria to lying about the CW negotiations because the US wants to continue its illegal threats in breach of UN Charter Article 2(4):

    It’s Crime for sure, Assad has said as much,…Crimes galore to threaten, and ensure war = carnage.

    Here’s Abby with former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, discussing Iraq before the first Gulf War, his opinions on Syria, why he legally represented Saddam Hussein, and how US sanctions have a far greater negative effect on people than on the regimes of the countries these sanctions target.

  • oddie

    Fox News: AP: Syria deal shines light on suspected Israeli chemical weapons program
    In a radio interview Monday, former Defense Minister Amir Peretz declined to discuss the country’s chemical weapons capabilities but said the international community’s attitude toward Israel is “different” from Syria.
    “It’s clear to everyone that (Israel) is a democratic, responsible regime,” he told Israel Radio…

    talk about a sense of EXCEPTIONALISM??

  • Daniel Rich

    @ Sofia,

    Q: As regards the sudden absence of malign posting style these last couple of days, it is my theory (thanks GG) that, somewhere within an academic institution, new strategies are being drawn up as I write and it won’t be long before another tide of mischief engulfs us. I do hope I’m wrong.

    R: You are not wrong.

    Nevertheless, a wise warrior looks over the valleys from a vantage point high on a hill. This will ensure his ‘enemies’ will have to fight an ‘uphill’ battle, so they will be out of breath when they finally reach the front lines.

  • Juteman

    Talk about hypocrisy from Fred the Foulmouth!

    “Let’s keep the personal jibes out of the forum”

  • Exexpat

    Biometrics in the workplace.

    Global cleaning giant ISS trying to get workers to clock on using a fingerprint scanners…

    Cleaners working on the London Underground will resort to industrial action this week in protest against the introduction of a controversial biometric clocking-in system.

    Starting at just after midnight on Thursday morning, “up to 300 cleaners” will join in the action by refusing to scan their fingerprints every time they clock on for work, said the union. Their decision will set the workers on a collision course with ISS.

  • Daniel Rich

    “Chinese media boasts that the SCO is “the only regional inter-governmental organization founded in China, named after a Chinese city and headquartered in China”. [1] Iran, Pakistan, India, Mongolia, and Afghanistan have signed on as observers, with Pakistan, India, and Iran openly interested in joining the organization. The United States applied for observer status, but its application was rejected in 2006.

    At Friday’s summit in Bishkek, SCO member states issued a series of joint statements bluntly rebuffing Western geopolitical aims in three of the world’s most dangerous hotspots. Regarding Iran’s nuclear program, the SCO said, “The threat of military force and unilateral sanctions against the independent state of [Iran] are unacceptable.” Vladimir Putin went a step further, saying “Iran, the same as any other state, has the right to peaceful use of atomic energy, including enrichment operations.” [2]” – LINK to ATol.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  • Komodo

    US moves towards rapprochement with Iran

    In its own inscrutable way….

    A Manhattan office tower is subject to forfeiture because revenues from it were secretly funneled to a state-owned Iranian bank in violation of a U.S. trade embargo, a judge ruled Monday.

    U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest made the forfeiture finding in Manhattan, ruling in a case brought by the U.S. government in 2008.

    The government had said the Alavi Foundation’s sole partner in the ownership of the 36-story Fifth Avenue building was a shell company fronting for a secret interest held by the state-owned bank of Iran, Bank Melli. The Iranian government has been designated by the U.S. as a sponsor of international terrorism, an allegation it has repeatedly denied.

    The judge agreed that monetary transfers by the shell company, Assa Co., to Bank Melli violated money laundering statutes. {snip}

    More shell companies:

  • Komodo

    ^ Though I don’t think the Divine Tony has any interest in Bircham Nominees, which is a subsidiary of his tax avoidance company facilitator. He does have two more not listed there: BDBCO No.850 Ltd and BDBCO No.853 Ltd.

    The shares in BDBCO No. 819 (which gets a mention on The Office of Tony Blair website) are held by BDBCO no. 822 (which doesn’t)

    Similarly, Firerush shell BDBCO No. 850 is acknowledged on the Tony Blair Associates privacy page, but BDBCO No. 853 – exactly parallel in function to No. 822 – doesn’t.

  • Fred

    “[Mod/Jon: aggressive and abusive post snipped]”

    And it’s blatantly biassed moderating like yours that makes it necessary as well.

    I see you left the personal attack against myself and only deleted the reply. You allow the attack but delete the defence.

    One group of posters can make snide comments about another all they like but when the other group does the same they are called “trolls”. Someone can enter a discussion just to make personal remarks about another but when that other person replies he s deleted.

    It isn’t me who is the hypocrite.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    Daniel Rich
    1 37am

    “…a wise warrior looks over the valleys from a vantage point high on a hill…”

    Thanks for that advice.

    As it happens I have my rucksack packed and am heading for the hills in search of wisdom (and little bro).

    After all the necessary stuff, tent, fishing rod, kelly kettle,hot water bottle, there’s not much room left and I’ve decided to pull the laptop out to make space for “God and the State” by Michael Bakunin (now there’s a good read for you Phil now you have agreed to run the “Anarchism” module at Holy Trinity Church, Barkingside sunday school).

    And Fedup I wish you good luck on the job hunt. You didn’t need to use such flowery language when they didn’t give you that one at the Federal Reserve. You are far too qualified for them anyway. Set your sights high. That’s my advice.

    So, for the moment guys it’s time to wish you all a tearful goodbye.

    I’ll visit the odd internet café on my travels to feed my cafeine addiction and see how you’re all getting on.

    Be kind to each other and please look after my lovely lizard, who will if course be heartbroken.

  • Fred


    Any half decent troll could troll this blog to hell and back without even trying. They could tell everyone beforehand what they were going to do and how they were going to do it and there still isn’t a blind thing anyone could do to stop them. This place could be turned into a cesspit with all attempts of rational debate drowned out by the dross. It’s easy, you just need to know which strings to pull.

    Let it be known now. Any personal remarks made against me will by met with a barrage of abuse. It’s not because I’m thick skinned it’s because it’s easy, it’s automatic and the troll soon sees they are not in control, they are not pulling my strings, they are not getting to me, I am the one getting to them.

    If anyone would prefer my to fight trolling with trolling I could do that instead but I have a feeling people would prefer a few four letter words. If you want neither, fine by me, you know what to do.

    Do you understand yet?

  • nevermind

    Bon voyage Sofia, I hope your brother has not demised in the craggy mountains and you will find the solice you are seeking.

    @ Daniel. The forming of the SCO and their yearning for a new world currency not manipulated by bankers is admirable, but it is also a reason for us here in Europe to abandon NATO and seek a European peace and defence force.

    Sadly the moment Germany steps out of NATO, unlikely under Merkel, the current and future new Kanzler, the attitudes of other members would be encouraged to re-run the WW2 most nasties propaganda tricks, it would have to be an EU initiative taken by Parliament, with as much support as for the SSM, as posted by Someone yesterday.

    Europe should be looking after its own affairs, a balance on the superpower scale.

    OOps, just woke up, was I dreaming?…;)

    And, agreed Komodo, get off the Mods back and stop bickering, we can all do without it.

  • Juteman

    I wasn’t trolling, Komodo, i just hate hypocrisy.
    The only ‘crime’ i have comitted on this forum is to question Freds politics, only to be answered by a torrent of filth and abuse.
    New readers need to see what happens if you question Fred too closely. I’m not easily upset, but a new reader may be.

  • Jon

    @Lurker/Krishnamurky, I deleted you once twice just now for (again) using a misleading handle, which you know is unacceptable here. You have also been previously asked not to return, on account of some dreadful anti-Jewish racism, though I concede that seems to have abated recently. However, you don’t seem interested in discussion here, so why bother? Not a rhetorical question, incidentally (if you wish to respond, do so as Krishnamurky please).

    @Fred, I’ve explained my position many times, and your appealing against it with the same old accusations of bias don’t strengthen your case. Someone hits you with a pea-shooter, and you respond by using your shotgun. Yes, Juteman did appear to be winding you up, and yes, it was silly. However, it wasn’t abusive, and as you know we have a strong preference for non-deletion here.

    You’re on record as being in favour of Habbabkuk’s posting (prior to his last outburst anyway) and if he wasn’t deliberately winding people up, my name’s Aunt Fanny. So, please toughen up. Juteman should simply have been ignored in this case.

    Now, house-keeping out of the way, thanks everyone for a much nicer environment of late. I trust that the tricycling triumvirate will be welcomed back in short order.

  • Komodo

    Fred: This place could be turned into a cesspit with all attempts of rational debate drowned out by the dross. It’s easy, you just need to know which strings to pull.

    You appear to be pulling them.

    Juteman: I accept that trolling was not your intention, but in the course of the tit-for-tat exchanges, it started to look that way. If his responses become abusive, you’ve won, anyway, and there is no need to continue. It’s in your power to stop this. It may not be in his.

    Just sayin’

    Komodo out.

  • Fred

    “I’ve explained my position many times, and your appealing against it with the same old accusations of bias don’t strengthen your case. Someone hits you with a pea-shooter, and you respond by using your shotgun. Yes, Juteman did appear to be winding you up, and yes, it was silly. However, it wasn’t abusive, and as you know we have a strong preference for non-deletion here.”

    A strong preference for non deletion of blatant harassment from Nationalist Blackshirts.

  • John Goss

    Sofia, as one-who has travelled let me say my good wishes go with you. Travel is eye-opening. It usually keeps you fit too. Best of luck. Will miss your wit.

    Daniel Rich, I have a few thoughts on SCO. First I had to read the article to see what the acronym stood for. Having read it I can see that this organisation sees itself as a check and balance against US, UK and western aggression and domination. Such a check and balance has been needed for some time. While in general it is welcome when you look at some of the states involved, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan for example, it does not fill one full of confidence. The human rights record of China and Russia in some cases leaves a lot to be desired. Vaguely I am in favour of it as a buffer against the planned US world domination. The world was I felt a safer place during the Cold War years when MAD was the initiative that kept governments safe.

    For all his dictatorial atrocities Islam Karimov has at least kicked out the US military base in Uzbekistan. Only he and President Rafael Correa of Ecuador have done this. Correa told the Yanks you can have a base in Ecuador if we can have one in Miami. The Yanks continue to build bases, having kicked the islanders off the Chagos Islands to build a Naval Base there, which has all kind of rich-set facilities like a yacht-club, they are now building one, against the wishes of the islanders, on the beautiful Jeju Island off Korea. Somebody has to stop this creeping military presence. If that is the Shangai Cooperative Organisation I am all for it. Can they please kick the Yanks off my beautiful island. I have no special relationship with people who intercept my private correspondence and personal messages. Kick them out now.

  • John Goss

    “The world was I felt a safer place during the Cold War years when MAD was the initiative that kept governments safe.” I should have qualified that because I know there was the awful Viet Nam war but today with the Yanks appearing, until last week, to have a total monopoly on aggression and carrying a lot of western countries with it, the wars have been coming thick and fast this century. We know the Zionists are behind it and only when the dollar is replaced by a new currency can the world be restored to decency. Let’s hope when that happens that the bankers who propagated these wars are prohibited from getting their hands on the new medium of exchange.

  • John Goss

    It would be good if Craig Murray could start a new thread, mostly because every time you enter this up pops that picture of the two dictators, Ton Blair and Nursultan Nazarbayev.

  • Komodo

    Be kind to each other and please look after my lovely lizard, who will of course be heartbroken


    Good luck, enjoy, and don’t carry stuff through Customs for anyone, hear?

  • Macky

    Expat: “I bet you didn’t know this (!)but today they released Grand theft auto 5 game. I have nothing against gaming and completely understand the need to escape this god awful fake reality we in the 99% must experience”

    Just came across this by accident, and thought you might find it interesting;

  • oddie

    the latest from australia’s two govt broadcasters…what planet does Psaki live on?

    SBS Australia: Russia ‘swimming against tide’ on Syria
    “He’s swimming against the tide of international public opinion, but more importantly, the facts,” State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said, referring to Lavrov…

    ABC Australia: AFP: Syria unrest: Russia given ‘new evidence’ rebels behind chemical attack
    “The corresponding materials were handed to the Russian side,” Mr Ryabkov was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies after talks with Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Muallem late on Tuesday…
    Mr Ryabkov also said Russia was disappointed with the UN report into the chemical weapons attack published this week, saying it was selective and had ignored other episodes.
    “Without a full picture… we cannot describe the character of the conclusions as anything other than politicised, biased and one-sided,” he said…

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