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566 thoughts on “A Good Idea

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  • guano


    Not only can they do it, they can falsify it to make it look like a tragic accident. The dopplegang effect.

  • Peacewisher


    BSE happened because of a poor risk assessment.

    In this case, the risk does seem to have been suitably minimised, but you’ve always got to keep your eyes on those trying to cut corners to make a fast buck…

  • John Goss

    Guano, you’re disturbing me.


    “I have picture in my mind: Clinton, Nuland and Timoshenko sunning themselves on Abramovich’s luxury yacht. I don’t know where on earth this image comes from.”

    Please. Please. I’m clean. I’ve just had a bath. No more dirty images. That’s grotesque. And I’ve just got this awful picture in my brain of Gulnara Karimova joining them with Tony Blair. Now look what you’ve done.

  • guano

    Flight 370 captain is told to fly to Brunei, where he delivers 20 Chinese cryptographers to UKUSIS agents. Pilot then given permission to return to Kuala Lumpur with passengers. Bombs detonate so pilot tries to land at sea in the Malaccan Straits, witnessed by fishermen. Red herrings, tripe in all directions…

    UK spy company to the rescue with Doppler calculations for South Indian Ocean. China cannot take over Dollar as World currency because no longer able to defend itself from USUKIS attacks by land and sea. I predicted April 2014 for the currency manoeuvre. Looks like Cameron is whiter than white poodle poo.

  • Mary

    Strangely Timoshenko’s father’s middle name was Abramovych.

    Yulia Tymoshenko’s father Volodymyr Abramovych Hrihyan—who abandoned Lyudmila Telehina and his daughter when Yulia was three years old—was born December 3, 1937, in Dnipropetrovsk and was according to his Soviet passport Latvian. His mother was Maria Yosypivna Hrihyan, born in 1909. His father was Abram Kelmanovych Kapitelman (Ukrainian: Абрам Кельманович Капітельман, born in 1914); after graduating from Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1940 Kapitalman was sent to work in Western Ukraine, where he worked “one academic quarter” as the director of a public Jewish school in the city Sniatyn. In the autumn of 1940 Kapitalman was mobilized into the army, he was killed while taking part in World War II on November 8, 1944, with the rank of “lieutenant communications”.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!


    Which vaccinations do you think infants should go without? Would you like polio vaccinations abandoned? Diphteria, perhaps? Or MMR?

    Since you think there are too many vaccinations in infancy, it would be logical for you to tell us which of them you feel are superfluous.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!


    “Strangely Timoshenko’s father’s middle name was Abramovych.”

    What do you find “strange” about that, Mary? Do tell us!

  • John Goss


    Abramovich, simply means son of Abram or Abraham we would say. It’s called a patronymic. You can’t read anything into it. So her father would be Vladimir son of Abram (meaning his father’s Christian name was Abram). The last name is the family name or surname. She does share her surname with Semyon Timoshenko, a famous marshal who was also a friend of Stalin. This might be why the evil fraudstress who wants to nuke Russia has changed the spelling to Tymoshenko. But it is spelt in Russian the same as Timoshenko (which is why I transliterate it correctly). Anyway her husband is not related to Marshal Timoshenko. Thank God said one Russian commentator.

  • John Goss

    Yes thanks Herbie. I’ve seen the raccoon website before. But that was her maiden name. She’s married to this man and between them they’ve siphoned off trillions from the poor people of the Ukraine. They should both be in prison but he fled. Don’t know whether he took any of the money back with him when she was released.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!

    Mr Goss


    Abramovich, simply means son of Abram or Abraham we would say. It’s called a patronymic. You can’t read anything into it. So her father would be Vladimir son of Abram (meaning his father’s Christian name was Abram).”

    I think Mary’s well aware of that, Mr Goss, and I think you’re well aware of what Mary was getting at. If you aren’t, read further into her cut and paste
    (hint – full name of her grandfather).

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!

    Mary appears to show great concern for children, eg

    “As I have suggested for BLiar, a cell on a cold island with a loop playing of the screams of injured Iraqi children.”

    Why then is she suggesting that there should be fewer infant vaccinations? Does she think that not protecting children against illnesses like MMR, polio, TB and diphteria is a price worth paying for getting Big Pharma to “do less well” (her words)?

  • John Goss

    Mary, I was trying to stop you falling into a trap that one of the spidery people who trawl the blog was setting. A decent person would have explained rather than bait.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!

    Mr Goss

    “Mary, I was trying to stop you falling into a trap that one of the spidery people who trawl the blog was setting.”

    What trap was that, John? I don’t think anyone forced Mary to post what she did about Timoshenko’s father, did they? She posted it all by herself.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!

    Herbie fell into a kind of name trap as well, didn’t he :

    “Her real name is not Tymoshenko.

    It’s Julia Hryhyan.”

    And Mr Goss made a valiant effort to get Herbie out of it.

    You’re a true buddy, John.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) a!

    A valiant effort which included a nice bit of diversion (the “stolen trillions”).

    Classic piece of Gossery.

  • mark golding

    Reading Nevermind’s link – Former NSA director Michael Hayden now a Chertoff group partner revealed a sinister methodology in an interview with Spiegel constrained by NSA truth revelations by former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden.

    Hayden attempted to extol the American belief that a ‘free’ democratic internet had been undermined by disclosures that only strengthened and sustained Russian and Chinese thrust for cyberspace barriers which I find laughable in the light of proven US Internet surveillance and moves toward ownership entitled ‘information superiority’ in cyberspace.

    Hayden admitted using NGO’s to distribute encryption devices(software?) which I interpret as protecting the anonymity of infiltrators, snipers and saboteurs. Hayden admits it is now harder to recruit these proxy agents because of US inability to keep secrets (deception) secret. Hayden was not prepared to apologise for spying on a friendly nation.

    Hayden went on to describe spying as a means of determining people’s inner thoughts by what they say in private especially if those thoughts were “inconsistent with the American view of the world.”

    Hayden tells us the American President is oblivious to decisions in the White House and the National Security Council. (that figures – Obama is a puppet)

    In relation to surveillance of other countries Hayden used a popular Zionist expression, “I can neither confirm nor deny what we do or don’t do.” “No-spy agreements are too difficult even with the British.”

  • John Goss

    If anybody’s to blame for a misunderstanding of who Yulia Timoshenko is it is Anna Raccoon who does not mention she is married. Perhaps the focus should be on her.

  • Resident Dissident

    “This might be why the evil fraudstress who wants to nuke Russia has changed the spelling to Tymoshenko. But it is spelt in Russian the same as Timoshenko”

    Might also have something to do with the Ukrainian language – but then you are an expert on all things Ukrainian aren’t you? And when has she ever expressed a desire to nuke Russia – links, sources or an apology please.

  • Resident Dissident

    So Mary has found that Tymoshenko’s grandfather was a director of a Jewish school and died fighting real fascists – so what should we conclude from that Mary? Is that a question you would like to answer when challenged?

  • John Goss

    I’m going to do some work on my book. But before I retire I leave you with a thought.

    When the Cold War ended the US created a new enemy with one of the worst false-flag incidents history has ever witnessed when it created a war on terror (Islam). Since the US funded the Maidan criminals that illegally took over the Ukraine parliament, and in the process lost Crimea forever, there has been a shift back towards “cold-war” politics. Hopefully this will take the pressure off Islam which has been a despicable plot on a religion to steal other countries’ resources – mostly oil. Discuss.

  • Resident Dissident

    Having a very young child who caught German measles/rubella before the vaccination age because that disease became more prevalent because of the fall off in MMR vaccination rates I would urge any parent to ignore the drivel of those who know very little about the subject.

  • ben

    Mission accomplished in Iraq without any nasty money or Intel tracks.
    WMD location completely unnecessary

  • fred

    “Mission accomplished in Iraq without any nasty money or Intel tracks.
    WMD location completely unnecessary”

    I got the impression they were proud of the fact there were no WMD, bragging about how they got one over on the rest of the world, seemed to think it made them cleverer than everyone else.

  • Herbie


    Apparently she’s admitted on Twatter that it was indeed her.

    She’s saying that her threat to bomb the Ukrainian Russians was edited.

    That’s hard to believe.

    She didn’t deny that she’d like to nuke Russia.

  • technicolour

    John Goss; “one of the spidery people….blackshirts that are crawling this blog” – hmmm. Does anyone here agree with killing anything?

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