The Feminist Defence of Blowing Out the Brains of Small Children 615

The number of people still prepared to defend the Iraq War in public is tiny.  The interesting thing is the very strong correlation between those people, and those prepared to pretend to give credence to the farcical sexual allegations about Julian Assange.  Zoe Williams Guardian piece about what a jolly good chap Blair is I find breathtaking.  War crimes like Blair’s result in terrible anguish for millions.  I am prepared for purposes of argument to believe that Williams’ anguish for female victims of crime is genuine; why she can’t extend that to the tens of thousands of women who were raped because of Blair’s Iraq War, or had the still worse agony of seeing their children killed and mutilated I don’t know.  Nick Cohen is just very, very sad.  I just hold up these two in the hope that those deceived by feminist political correctness into following their lead against Assange will see to what they are subscribing.

Rather a side issue, but even if we accept Zoe Williams view that dead Iraqi children don’t matter, she appears not to have noticed that Blair introduced tuition fees, academies, kick-started NHS privatization, allowed the banksters’ bonanza leading to worldwide economic crash and oversaw the greatest widening of the gap between rich and poor in British history.


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615 thoughts on “The Feminist Defence of Blowing Out the Brains of Small Children

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  • A Node

    “He probably isn’t,”
    Hmm, not a lot to get my teeth into there.

    “it is very unpleasant of you to attack him about anything at this particular moment of time”
    I sympathise with him as a father, I despise him as a human being.

  • guano



    Your self-inflating delusions are apparent to all, whetever you really believe in them or not, doesn’t really matter; the reason why you squat here is because there is no other Blog that would tolerate you making a mockery like you do, so keep thanking your lucky star that Craig tolerates you because he enjoy “Lefties” being baited, and for sure, you cetainly have nothing else to contribute here.”

    I thought it was purely in defence of freedom of expression that Cuckubus was allowed to stay on here. Identified by the smell of rotting eggs he’s kicked to the ground. Why do the mums keep feeding him?

  • guano

    Rather despise the empty wind-bag of the media for creating him.
    Yesterday I switched off a Turkish soap my wife was watching. A young mother who had lost her baby murdered her mother-in-law by switching off her oxygen. I don’t have a telly but the smell of swine-manure still keeps wafting in. Leave the poor man alone please. He is a well-intentioned human being. The media will not present cynicism at the level needed to understand what is really going on any more, after Blair’s castration of the media over false intelligence. Nor will the newspapers. Even the politicians have to scour the conspiracy sites to find out what is really going on.

  • Macky

    Guano; “I thought it was purely in defence of freedom of expression that Cuckubus was allowed to stay on here”

    Sadly nothing as noble, but don’t worry as you are far from alone in being fooled on this score.

  • A Node

    “Rather despise the empty wind-bag of the media for creating him.”
    I’ll take the opportunity to correct myself. Instead of “despise”, let’s say I have contempt for him as a human being. And unfortunately, the media isn’t an empty windbag – it controls the Western world.

    “Leave the poor man alone please. He is a well-intentioned human being.”
    No, that’s my point. He isn’t well-intentioned. He is knowingly shafting Africa for his own selfish advancement. I take back my first correction. He is despicable again.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Anybody with a conscience would disassociate themselves from such a character, a person who has probably murdered, and continues to murder, more children than Beria and Stalin put together, in Afgahnistan, Iraq and Libya.”

    “Stalin’s purges were against adults and those who he thought posed a threat.”

    You are a disgusting person – my wife’s family lost relatives both in the GULAG and in Western Russia due to the famine created by Stalin to deal with the Kulaks. As some one who purports to have a degree in International Relations and claims to have studied Russia I’m afraid ignorance cannot be offered as a defence.

    As for who killed more Stalin or Blair, I can well understand ESLO wanting to make you justify your feeble claim, since the answer is pretty well know to those with more than the basic level of education and who are not blatant sycophants for Stalin and his more modern admirers but please read the following and check all the links before coming back with an apology for your initial ridiculous claim

    What I find slightly worrying is how my Party ever let you join in the first place – but good riddance to bad rubbish is what I say.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Any chance of removing this cross avatar. Easter is an especially annoying piece of pagan brainwashing without being given idolatrous logos as well.”

    Not per the Quran

    “And they said we have killed the Messiah Isa son of Maryam, the Messenger of God. They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, though it was made to appear like that to them; those that disagreed about him are full of doubt, with no knowledge to follow, only supposition: they certainly did not kill him. On the contrary, God raised him unto himself. God is almighty and wise.”

    —Quran surah 4 (An-Nisa النساء) ayah 157-158[22]

  • Clark

    John Goss and Resident Dissident; do you both want to argue with each other? I doubt that either of you are “disgusting” or immoral; you just believe different things. You can argue about which killer is “worse”, but I am sure that you are both deeply morally opposed to any non-defensive killing. From my outsider’s perspective, I see both fault and good intent in both of you, and I find your argument pointless and depressing.

    Would you like to increase the total of human happiness? You could start right now by cheering me up. To do this, just discuss general moral principles at the most fundamental levels and establish that you essentially agree about good and bad. From there, you can progress back down to the details of how those ideals might be achieved.

    If you can’t solve this trivial disagreement, how can you expect humanity ever to progress towards greater peace? Lead by good example deliberately, because your example has influence whether it’s good or bad. Give me some hope for humanity; at present you’re both doing the opposite.

  • John Goss

    ESLO, Resident Dissident, or whatever your real name is. If what you say is true, and with a person who changes his socks as often as you do it is very hard to tell where fact can be differentiated from fiction, I am sorry to hear about your wife’s family. That does not detract from the fact that you have not answered the statement that Stalin killed more children than Blair. Your figures also appear to include deaths from famine (though I have not studied them in depth). Nobody who believes in justice would want to belong to a party who had Blair at its head. Or Stalin. They are both in the same book as Vlad Tepes and Genghis Khan in my opinion. Two-faced people never criticised Stalin or Hitler while they were alive. Fortunately we can criticise in the west today. When the real history books about Bush and Blair are written we will all be long dead ourselves so we will never know what the full toll was.

    There are millions of bereaved families already in Iraq alone and the historians have not got the figures yet for all the deaths, abortions and stillbirths from depleted uranium and white phosphorous weapons. Blair knew these weapons were being used. And what they were capable of doing. The human cost of Blair’s riches are incalculable. Your party as you call it has nothing to do with socialism. There are a few MPs who still believe in socialism, but that’s it. You are welcome to it.

    While your link is worthy of some study I cannot find where it gives the number of children killed by Stalin. Can you provide that link please. That would be very helpful. Thanks.

  • John Goss

    I am not defending Stalin or the gulags. 40% (roughly) of 20 million may have been children. I cannot dispute that. I do not have any alternative figures. How many of these children died? Those that died of starvation must be discounted. There were millions died worldwide in the thirties. It was a global depression. There is another one coming because we are a world in debt living in a fictional world of false finance.

  • Herbie


    “Any chance of removing this cross avatar. Easter is an especially annoying piece of pagan brainwashing without being given idolatrous logos as well.”


    Surely the pagan Easter speaks more to us as humans than The Book.

    I see everyone out enjoying, rebirth, renewal and blossom. The cycle. The longer days. The planting. The dancing. The harvest to come.

    I do understand that if you don’t have seasons then it may well be all a mystery, and you could be a bit dour on it.

    Here’s Maddy, with the difference between Romans and Celts:

    Interestingly, the Celtic Church were perhaps a bit more ascetic and to your taste. The Roman Church quite debauched.

    Fell out, over the date of Easter apparently.

    Became heretics…

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “How many of these children died? Those that died of starvation must be discounted. There were millions died worldwide in the thirties. It was a global depression. There is another one coming because we are a world in debt living in a fictional world of false finance.”

    “Those that died of starvation must be discounted”???????

    You really are a thoroughly filthy fellow.

    I wonder if the people in the “Left Unity” party read your vaporings on this blog? Someone should be of service to that party and let them know about you.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    Did you get a good rate of exchange for your purchases of Chinese currency?

  • Jives


    You’re not-i sense-an instinctively bad chap/chapess..however..

    You do need to be more genteel amongst your bretheren,brother.

    Think about it.

    Lest you become silly,again.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    o Who takes Anna Ardin seriously? Did she conspire with her friend /lover ( ?) Sofia Wilen to set Assange balls a rolling – that is the question. Ardin is the Political Secretary of the Swedish Social Democrats. Ardin was connected to the “ladies in white” who protest the Castro regime and has ties to anti-Castro groups ( supported by the CIA) and she was deported from Cuba for reason of subversive activities. Lieutenant Colonel Mattias Ardin, Deputy Head of Operations, Swedish Joint Forces Land Component Command, cousin and close friend. He works with Nato Operations in Afghanistan. Is there any remote probability of a CIA link or operation? Would the CIA be smart enough to get a feminist leftist to smear Assange …duh…huh? Her blog is called “ 7 steps to legal revenge” and step one was to screw Assange. For goodness sake she brought the man to Sweden for a conference and a fuck. Then he bestows blessings on her friend Sophia as well and she too sets out to fuck him. Isn’t the whole affair a load of “poppycock” – sorry – double “poppycock” intended to smear Assange upon the flimsiest of so-called evidence? At least he has so far not been charged with impotence.
    • Top secret – I just figured it out – Assange has a weakness for women. So, my legal advice to him is that the next feminist Swedish woman he has sex with he proceeds as follows:-
    document, the following:-
    i) Names of the persons about to have sex.
    ii) Protected or unprotected sex has to be agreed.
    iii) The various positions in which the sex is permitted.
    iv) The duration of the sex – with a pre-ejaculation clause included.
    v) Whether the Kama Sutra can at any stage of the intercourse be consulted if the sex is not proving exciting enough.
    vi) Finally – what are the expressions of sexual satisfaction to be when the two climax – be it a simple ohhhhh – or an – ahhhh – or some other pre-approved expression of appreciation.
    Never forget to have the consenting Swedish woman sign with the words added “ I have signed this document of my own volition, without inducement, excitement, anticipation, or any other form of seductive invitation from the man with whom I am about to have sexual intercourse – and – I have signed because indeed I freely want to have sex with this man (insert the man’s name).” Then you can have sex and he can then insert his penis into the vagina ( but only for the duration that she has pre-signed to).
    I plan to write a play about the whole affair – and it will be called “ Captain cocksman in blonde land”.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Those that died of starvation must be discounted.”

    I thought Mr Goss had reached the bottom of the barrel. Apparently not.

  • Resident Dissident

    While your link is worthy of some study I cannot find where it gives the number of children killed by Stalin.

    Strangely enough your friend didn’t keep such detailed head count figures of the age or method of killing of his victims. Any person with any sense of shame would just admit that they had no support whatsoever fro their preposterous claim.

  • fred


    If RD uses sock puppets or not I wouldn’t like to say.

    I will say that him and ESLO using the same email address is circumstantial while the evidence given that they have never used the same IP address I would consider stronger evidence that they are not the same person. The moderator said there was no conclusive evidence.

    Either way attempts to discredit the poster are no substitute for having facts to support your statements. It’s if what someone says is true or not that matters.

  • Ba'al Zevul (Customer-Focused and Market-Driven)

    Herbie – “Ba’al Zevul

    You’re easily impressed.”

    Not at all. But when I’m wrong, I try to admit it. While the G8 failed to achieve its stated goals, (failed particularly and spectacularly in the case of CO2 emissions control), it can claim some modest success in pressing for Third World debt relief. In that case I was wrong to say its achievements had been zero – as I did, in haste.

    If cancelling debt and increasing aid have been a cash cow for some very wasteful and downright crooked NGO’s, and have leveraged access to poor countries’ resources for exploitative globalist companies, I have also to remember that geopolitics are of no interest to someone who is wondering where his next meal is coming from, or whether it will come at all. And his case has improved.

    Happy to debate this.

  • Ba'al Zevul (Customer-Focused and Market-Driven)

    Meanwhile, more downright spite from the masters of downright spite:

    Israel has imposed sanctions against the Palestinian Authority (PA) in retaliation for signing a number of international treaties… taxes collected on behalf of the PA will be frozen, with limited access to bank deposits in Israel.

  • Ba'al Zevul (Customer-Focused and Market-Driven)

    Bleak assessment from the Economist on the doomed Is-Pal talks –

    It anticipates* the tax sanctions (above), which may conceivably prove to be a shot in the foot for the Israel Project;

    If Mr Netanyahu carries out a threat to punish the Palestinians by cutting off the revenue from taxes and tariffs that passes through Israeli hands, the Palestinian Authority might well collapse, requiring the Israeli army to go back into West Bank cities and turning the Palestinians’ struggle into one for full incorporation into a Greater Israel, along with voting and other civil rights. Since the Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza outnumber Jewish Israelis, it would mean the eventual end of Israel as a majority-Jewish state.

    *With more than the usual benefit of hindsight – the article is wrongly dated as tomorrow’s.

  • Ba'al Zevul (Customer-Focused and Market-Driven)

    Wow. US mediator Indyk (ex-AIPAC, so no problem there) is dangling the release of Pollard in front of Netanyahu. (NOTE: contrary to an Al-Arabiya report, this is certainly not a done deal:

    More carrot for Israel, and still no sign of the required stick. Can Indyk deliver? Questionable. Will it even get that far? LOL. He’s safe enough, even if the US is happy to release its biggest traitor

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