Yes Scotland Meetings 818

Confirmed speaking dates at the moment are
26 August St Andrews
28 August Insch
29 August Dundee
30 August Cupar, Fife

I will post details of times and venues shortly – these are all evening events. I am still open to invitations on dates around these, and indeed any daytime events. Don’t mind dashing all over the place. A number are in the pipeline already. Contact me using the button at top of page.

Have been rather unwell the last couple of days, so please forgive lack of regular posts. BBC Hardtalk interview with Anders Fogh Rasmussen of NATO made me feel much worse. Totally incapable of acknowledging the disasters NATO and NATO members have inflicted on the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union – and the BBC totally incapable of serious questioning on the point.

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818 thoughts on “Yes Scotland Meetings

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  • Republicofscotland

    @Fred. 4.13 and 4.20

    True it wasn’t Phil Hammond who said the outerspace comment, it was Andy Burnham, but the undeniable facts,is that it was said.

    So you’ve posted the UK’s official document regarding attacks from outerspace, and what? somehow if Scotland becomes independent we’ll need to look to the skies in case wee green men decide to attack.

    I thank you for your concern but, and independent Scotland will have far more important think to do between September the 19th and 2016, when matters will have been settled, between Scotland, and Westminster.

    Mind you if ET does land in Scotland,post independence, we won’t see Theresa May kick him out, or have UKIP’s Nigel Farage, declare him an illegal alien.

    Until then we’ll deal with more earthly matters, “Live long and prosper.”

  • Republicofscotland

    @Kempe 4.13pm

    Re your comment, whats the point of posting those links I already know who made the outerspace comment, and no I didn’t have to search to much to find out the truth.

    As for your comment on Alex Salmond meeting with Rupert Murdoch, if memory serves me Murdoch employs around 9000 people in Scotland, tell me, is i,t only Westminster politicians that are allowed to meet with Murdoch, in the hopes of creating more job opportunities for citizens.

    Alex Salmond was only doing whats best for Scotland by meeting with men of power and influence, to bring business opportunities to Scotland,and ergo jobs.

  • fred

    “True it wasn’t Phil Hammond who said the outerspace comment, it was Andy Burnham, but the undeniable facts,is that it was said.”

    Google “reading comprehension” and try to find a good online tutorial.

    Having grasped the basics go back and read the link both myself and Kempe were kind enough to post in an attempt to educate and enlighten you.

  • Republicofscotland

    @Mary 4.02pm

    Re your comment Mary.

    Its to be expected the comment from Tony Abbot, why? well Australia is a part of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance so don’t expect any support for Scottish independence from those countries.

  • fred

    “As for your comment on Alex Salmond meeting with Rupert Murdoch, if memory serves me Murdoch employs around 9000 people in Scotland, tell me, is i,t only Westminster politicians that are allowed to meet with Murdoch, in the hopes of creating more job opportunities for citizens.”

    No, all politicians are allowed to meet with Murdoch on official government business. They will be required to have someone making notes on what is discussed of courses and us the electorate will have the right to examine those notes.

    On the other hand if Salmond was attempting to bribe Murdoch into supporting independence while he was on a trip funded by the Scottish tax payer then that would be entirely different.

    One way to find out, if the meeting was official then there would have to be minutes. Are there minutes of the meeting?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Alex Salmond was only doing whats best for Scotland by meeting with men of power and influence, to bring business opportunities to Scotland,and ergo jobs.”

    You mean like Tony Blair sucking up to Murdoch ?


    “Scottish politicians are men and women of ethics and principle who cannot be bought, as opposed to UK ones”. Discuss.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Tony Abbot

    Well, Tony Abbot has every right to give his views on independence for Scotland, doesn’t he.

    To object to his right to do so is mistaken, intolerant and anti-democratic and exude a certain whiff of desperation.


    Extract from the Great Book of Excuses (Edinburgh, 2014, ed. A. Salmond)

    Excuse No. 78 for why the vote was “No” : Tony Abbot spoke against Scottish independence?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Its to be expected the comment from Tony Abbot, why? well Australia is a part of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance so don’t expect any support for Scottish independence from those countries.”

    Yes, but so what? I expect that those who wish the UK ill are greatly in favour of Scottish independence. So what does your comment add to our understanding of this matter?

  • fred

    “You mean like Tony Blair sucking up to Murdoch ?”

    It wasn’t just exactly the same. Salmond was sucking up to Murdoch to get his support at the referendum. Tony was sucking up to Murdoch because he was shagging his wife.

  • Vronsky

    When I was at Glasgow Uni the Men’s Union (anyone here remember that?) used to show Tom and Jerry cartoons in the debating hall every – um – was it Wednesday? We called these shows the ‘Freds’ after their producer, Fred Quimby. Watching a Fred here brings a tinglingly pleasurable déjà vu. Ah, to be young again. Keep it up Fred – how we laugh.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Short of money Habba ?: Working the weekend instead of playing Golf?
    Must be desperate if you are protecting Fred and his spacey theories.
    And what happened to no dog in the independence debate. It was Glasgow City council that flew the Palestinian flag, Not the SNP.

  • Tim

    Tony Abbot’s Intervention is interesting in introducing the Commonwealth dimension to this. Has the SNP taken a view on what relationship it would want?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    ““You mean like Tony Blair sucking up to Murdoch ?”

    It wasn’t just exactly the same. Salmond was sucking up to Murdoch to get his support at the referendum. Tony was sucking up to Murdoch because he was shagging his wife.”


    But didn’t Blair make a 48 hour return trip to down under sometime before the 1997 general election to solicit the support of Murdoch and his titles?

    Anyway, I think we probably agree that the theory that politicians in an independent Scotland will not act more ethically or morally than current UK politicians (despite what has often been claimed on here).

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Short of money Habba ?: Working the weekend instead of playing Golf?”

    Certainly not and certainly not (I’m a beach volley man, as you should know by now)

    “Must be desperate if you are protecting Fred and his spacey theories.”

    Fred is more than capable of seeing you lot off by himself, as this thread proves amply.

    Have I said anything about what you quaintly call “spacey theories”?

    “And what happened to no dog in the independence debate.”

    If I had a dog, I’d say it was keeping well, Donny. But since I don’t, I’m afraid I can’t answer. Sorry!

    “It was Glasgow City council that flew the Palestinian flag, Not the SNP.”

    So U understand. Your point?


    If I may borrow Mary’s expression : is there a single element of your comment that is not inane?

  • Fedup

    Tony was sucking up to Murdoch because he was shagging his wife.

    You are mixing up the past, and back to future and sex and sucking up, there Fred. If I was less charitable I would have asked; are you sure you are taking your meds regularly?

    Mrs Murdoch then was another unfortunate woman and the later model Mrs Murdoch (younger than his children) was only house keeper. Unless you are unveiling a new secret about Miranda?


    self inflicted profit, you have dropped too much sugar again and your divinations are way off whack; “those wishing UK ill”!

    Those who live in UK have every right to debate any eventual probabilities and outcomes so far as their own affairs are concerned, unless your Jewish supremacist claims extends to UK being a part of eretz eretz zionistan? Thus your slip of the click; “those wishing UK ill”.

    Evidently you are now banning the UK citizenry of the right to self determination, as you do with Palestinians. self inflicted prophet, is this a kind of habitual self appointment to rule the world, that us goyim cattle would not understand?

  • Republicofscotland


    Re your comments 5.13/5.24

    As yes I wondered when we’d get to the condescending remarks, I think I liked you better with your tinfoil hat on Oh! well.

    As for your other comment “If Salmond was attempting to bribe Murdoch” So now a meeting with an powerful business man is considered bribing. As for minutes to the meeting being available to the public, I think not, as far as I know.

    However the meeting between Salmond and Murdoch took place in New York at a time when Murdoch was trying to take over BskyB, Alex Salmond came out favour of Murdoch to protect 6000 Scottish jobs.

    Lets just say as far as bribing goes Alex Salmond couldn’t hold a candle to Westminster, I wouldn’t even know where to begin with regards to the debauched and underhand deals Westminster has done over the decades, with names like Gaddafi/Pinochet/Hussein, and Netanyahu, the list of evil is eternal.

    So when you, think you’re in a position to pass judgement, start with Sodom and Gomorrah, aka Westminster.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Tony Abbot’s Intervention is interesting in introducing the Commonwealth dimension to this. Has the SNP taken a view on what relationship it would want?”

    I think I can help here, Tim.

    If Mr Salmond apparently (I emphasise apparently) very sensibly wants to keep Her Majesty as the Head of State of an independent Scotland, I assume that Scotland will wish to be/remain a member of the Commonwealth.

    It’ll be all change in an independent Scotland, by Jove!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    Terribly sorry about the “several in a row” (again!) and also for appearing at the top of page 2. Please don’t be angry with me! 🙂

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Habbasense: It would be kind of impossible to rid the Commonwealth of one of the founding Nations wouldn’t you think ?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “So now a meeting with an powerful business man is considered bribing.”

    I imagine that many of the Eminences and Useful Idiots would secretly agree, given the prominence they give on this blog to meetings between politicians and businessmen/women.

    Why, I do seem to recall Mary once waxing indignant about some politician having attended some charity event or other as a very rich man (forget the names, sorry). But perhaps that was because the very rich man was Jewish.


  • Republicofscotland

    @Hab. 5.54pm

    So I take Abbot, and you, think an independent Scotland wishes the UK ill will, what a load of mince. Anyone who knows anything about Aussie politics knows Abbot is a zionist puppet along with Cameron and Miliband,and Obama no surprise their then.

    Oh! that’s right I forgot the minute Scotland becomes independent we’ll all don AK47’s and shout Jihad,now where did I leave that rocket launcher,ah there it is.

    But you are correct,in one aspect many countries in the world wish the UK ill will, I wonder why?.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “It would be kind of impossible to rid the Commonwealth of one of the founding Nations wouldn’t you think ?”

    You’re right, Donny.

    I hadn’t realised that Scotland was one of the founding states of the Commonwealth. I always thought it was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Borthern Ireland. Silly me!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “But you are correct,in one aspect many countries in the world wish the UK ill will, I wonder why?.”

    Not only many countries, also many on here.

    But hey, it’s a free country, right? Unlike many countries. 🙂

    And now stop being such a chump.

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