The Rush to Violence 933

Between 4 and 20 August the Saudi Arabian government beheaded 19 people. Saudi Arabia, which has funded and armed ISIS from inception (initially with CIA support), is now bombing alongside the USA in Iraq and Syria.

Forget the war technology porn regularly being broadcast by western media, with those spectacular photos of missiles erupting from ships into the night sky. Those missiles and bombs eviscerate and maim innocents as well as combatants, children as well as terrorists. The West always first denies, then regrets, “collateral damage”. The propaganda can be laughable. During the invasion of Iraq I remember a news propaganda item about how a cruise missile can enter a specific window, being followed by the next item – the US had apologised to Syria for two missiles aimed at Iraq which had hit Syria by accident.

If we can accidentally bomb the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, we can – and do – hit civilian homes near the proposed target. Being eviscerated by a piece of flying shrapnel is no less terrible than being beheaded by a jihadist. Let us not pretend that our violence is somehow nicer. Children will be dying under our bombs soon.

Other than the two extraordinary crazed Nigerians, there have been no recent Islamic motivated terrorist attacks in the UK and even a slowdown in the propaganda of phoney attacks. This was a threat to the major financial interests of the security industry, in both its governmental and private branches.

There can be no greater nonsense than the idea that the Caliphate poses a direct threat to the UK. This is even more crazy than the claim that Saddam Hussein posed a threat to the UK. But by seeking to join in the bombing campaign, and initiating a new round of fake “anti-terror” arrests in London, the British government is doing everything it possibly can do to try to provoke terrorist violence on British streets. The interests of the security state are therefore secured. I am longing for somebody to explain to me the precise mechanism by which our bombing Islamic countries helps prevent terrorist incidents in the UK. The way it can provoke such incidents seems to me too obvious to need stating. Indeed it says a great deal for the wisdom and tolerance of Britain’s Muslim communities that it has not provoked more. They could teach government a great deal about the good sense of not resorting to violence to gratify passions and earn short term acclaim.

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933 thoughts on “The Rush to Violence

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  • Phil

    And perhaps our two Woolwich killers were more crazed (ie driven to madness) than crazy.

    I increasingly suspect the epidemic of mental illness we suffer is caused in a very real way by trying to rationalize and live with the violence of the state.

  • Phil

    Anyone going to the demo in Whitehall? Let’s not allow the stwc stewards corral us into their poxy little square.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    ” what are the better alternatives?”

    This is the standard reply. IOW’s ‘Now that we’ve been engineered into breaking pottery, who is going to put the pieces we’ve broken together again, Humpty Dumpty?

  • Briar

    Network of death? Death cult? That’s us. We’re the ones who think violence is the only solution.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Waiting in the ‘wings’….long-term MI complex planning extant and needs to stay healthy for any future we may have.

    “But you can’t really compare yesterday’s bombers to tomorrow’s, argues Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. David Deptula. It’s a mistake to even think of the new plane as a bomber, he says.

    “If you look at Next-Generation Bomber – I wouldn’t call it a bomber, because that creates a perception based on historical uses of bombers that this platform is going to be well beyond,” Deptula tells Danger Room. “This platform is going to have the ability to conduct intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, act as a communications node — and have the added capability of providing strike.”

    Deputla would like to do away with this whole idea of segregating aircraft into these pre-defined slots — “F,” for fighter, “B” for bomber, “EA” for electronic attack. After all, fighter jets today are used mostly for surveillance and reconnaissance. Tankers are doing double-duty, as communications nodes.

    “I envision a future in which all the vehicles are ‘AVs,’ aerospace vehicles… and you lose the preconceived notion of what that craft does,” Deptula says.”

  • pete fairhurst

    James 4.04 pm
    “Was this a reference to the Woolwich attack? If so I’m afraid you have been fooled by disinfo.”

    Spot on. Woolwich was definitely a false flag, which ramped up the public fear, showed an early false “beheading”, again with no actual blood on the body, and demonised muslims, all at the same time. A pure psyop, and a very successful one too. The trial clearly subverted the uk legal process, which takes some doing, unless you are very well connected I suppose.



    Another excellent post thank you. The ISIS threat is a manufactured one for certain. If you research the history of the Caliphate, and their alphabet soup of labels, then you will quickly find that the usual western suspects are involved in the background. The same warmongers who are always ready to bomb civilians and children in countries far away. And Cameron will obviously ensure that uk forces join them again soon enough. It wouldn’t surprise me if uk special forces are already there; this is the usual MO isn’t it?

    Seems that the recent, patently false, “beheading” stories will have done the trick in preparing the uk public for yet more killing of innocents in the middle east. Anyone watching the 3 videos released so far can see that they are pure propaganda. There is the same lack of blood as in the Woolwich farce. The false flag perps should surely employ Hollywood film makers, who would do a far far more realistic job.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Quid Pro Quo……

    “In the end, the Arab partners in general will still expect concrete returns for offering their Western allies not just diplomatic cover, but also serious military and intelligence support.

    Most pressingly, it’s very likely that these governments will expect Washington to take their views on board when it negotiates a more permanent deal with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear programme. Ever since the announcement of a preliminary deal between the two sides, the Gulf monarchies have made clear their displeasure at the US’s apparent eagerness to bring Iran back in from the cold without sufficient heed to Arab concerns.

    Washington’s Arab allies will hope that the Arab states’ participation in strikes against IS will make Western audiences more willing to tolerate or even support “wars on terror” at home in the Middle East – in which, all too often, moderate Islamists and secular liberals get caught up.

    But the endurance of authoritarian rule is a major root cause of the Middle East’s chronic instability. It it would be all too easy for the West to let it continue unmolested in return for help with the crisis at hand – however

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Worth a read..

    “Dynastic power relies upon a complex network of relationships and interactions between institutions, individuals, and ideologies. Through most of human history – in most places in the world – power was wielded by relatively few people, and often concentrated among dynastic family structures, whether ancient Egypt, imperial Rome, ancient China, the Ottoman Empire or the European monarchs spreading their empires across the globe. With the rise of state-capitalist society, dynastic power shifted from the overtly political to the financial and economic spheres. Today’s main dynasties are born of corporate or banking power, maintained through family lines and extended through family ties to individuals, institutions, and policy-makers. The Rockefellers are arguably the most influential dynasty in the United States, but comparable to the Rothschilds in France and the UK, the Wallenbergs in Sweden, the Agnellis in Italy, or the Desmarais family in Canada. These families are themselves connected through institutions such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, among others. The power of a corporate-financial dynasty is not a given: it must be maintained, nurtured, and strengthened, otherwise it will be overcome or made obsolete.”

  • mark golding

    Craig succinctly describes ‘direct threats’ to the UK. I am made aware of bio-threats.

    The Ebola virus determined to be “a threat to global security” by President Obama in a speech to world leaders today opens the door for US boots on the ground in Africa, explicitly drifting towards the South Sudan oil-fields.

    Ebola a deadly deadly virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it was first reported, and is classified as a CDC Bio-safety Level 4, making it one of the most dangerous pathogens on the planet. It is thought to spread through close contact with bodily secretions. EHF has a 50 to 90 percent mortality rate, with a rapid onset of symptoms that start with a headache and sore throat and progress to major internal and external bleeding and multiple organ failure.

    There are five strains of the Ebola virus, each named after countries and regions in Africa: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo and Reston. The Zaire Ebola virus is the deadliest, with a mortality rate of 90 percent. It is the strain currently spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and beyond. Scientists say flying foxes probably brought the Zaire Ebola virus into cities.

    The ‘Reston’ strain is non-pathogenic to humans and has received attention at the British Porton Down laboratory in work to produce a vaccine and mostly investigate the air-borne spread potential of the virus.

    The bio-weapons findings may have been shared with the Institute for Biological Research in Nes Tziona, Israel, the lab involved in Anthrax vaccine research in the 1990’s paid for by a grant of hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. government to produce an anthrax vaccine in return for handing over the results to the Americans.

  • Phil

    Take away the “media” and the teenagers flogging socialist worker and there was left maybe 150 pensioners singing 1234, we don’t want your bloody war. A shitty old generator, unused for an hour, spewed choking fumes into the crowd corralled into a pen. I kid you not. Step outside of the pen to have coppers get you back in. I saw only me and one busker type even argue with them. The buses were louder than the chants. An RMT banner, newly resplendent with Bob Crow, went forward obscuring the crowd just as the speeches started. My cue to leave. Fucking rubbish.

    Write to your mp, go on demos, makes no difference, they are going to war.

  • Phil

    “Write to your mp, go on demos, makes no difference, they are going to war.”

    Or indeed spend your days moaning on blog comments.

  • Republicofscotland

    Sky news reporting, that the mentally ill UK man held in Pakistan who allegedly blasphemed by claiming he was a prophet, has been shot in the back in prison by a guard. On the same day a christian preacher was shot to death in the seat of his car in public, I would say that Pakistan is one of the most corrupt and lawless, countries in the world filled with hate filled zealots. God help you if you accidentally say anything against Islam, whilst in Pakistan.

  • guano

    Mr Miliband did not forget to talk about the economy and Mr Cameron did not forget about civilian casualties. The Tory/Dem coalition has done absolutely nothing for the economy except to continue borrowing. Hence I conclude that the robber banksters will make the economy lush and green for Mr Miliband when his time comes for his election win.

    Meanwhile, USUKIS’ Islamic State has reached the far boundary of the prospective Greater Israel and its power must be reined in so that someone near and powerful can step in to give security under the blessing of the United Nations.

    Expect every Islamic cliche to be employed in the Israeli Islamic State, Caliphah, female circumcision, Shari’ah, Khorasan… .

    Khorasun is the name the prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, used to describe the origin of the force that would drive its way through Iran and defeat Israel. It is described as Afghanistan. The name derives from the Korusun, the young male devotees of the Earth \Mother Goddess Demeter that the Children of Israel took with them after the Babylonians had chucked them out of Israel.

    Unfortunately the Caliphah is not a Caliphah but and an Israeli Bollywood creation, the Khorasan Al Qaida threat is an Israeli Bollywood version comprising the deviant USUKIS collaborators of the old Muslim Brotherhood roue Al Zawahiri up to their murderous tricks again. false flag false flag 45 minutes warning Alert Alert, as in all the worn out Bollywood film plots… yawn.

    I am very grateful to USUKIS for threatening Bollywood Islamic State and Bollywood Al Qaida if they attack USUKIS ally Kurdistan, but the purpose of the mission is not a sudden breakout of mercy on the Muslim Ummah/nation. It is a signal to all the participants that the party of blood-letting by Nusra = Al Qaida = ISIS is now drawing to its end.

    K I D S . . . B E D T I M E

  • Rob Godfrey

    I posted a comment last night on Severin Carrell’s piece in the Guardian:

    I politely asked No voters what they think about the fact that not much more than a week after the referendum, the UK Government is about to become embroilled in another American neo-con war in the Middle East.

    My comment attracted quite a lot of replies. I don’t know if anyone in these parts saw it, and I hope I was polite?

    Today, of course, I see that my entire comment thread has been removed from Carrell’s article. I won’t bore you with the details about what I’ve said about this on the Guardian, suffice to say that everything I have said has quickly been deleted by the Moderators.

    As a regular poster on the Guardian, and as someone who tends to speak their mind, I’m on pre-mod just as much as I’m allowed to post freely, and know how it all works. I was surprised, though, at the way my comment thread was removed, and my subsequent attempts to address this.

  • Peacewisher

    @David Wilson. Please add (to partly quote Craig) “We are bombing them because it is good for them, and if they dare to even talk about fighting back, we’ll charge them/get their governments to charge them with conspiracy to cause terrorism.”

    And our brainwashed publics will sadly lap up every word. Well it’s sad by a voice of authority so it must be right…

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Kempe 25 Sep, 2014 – 6:33 pm


    Who was that addressed to? Craig? A particular poster? Everybody but you?
    Do you think it was clever? If not, why did you do it?
    Does it contribute in any positive way to this blog?
    Is it the best you can do?

  • KingofWelshNoir

    Kempe I hate to be the one to break the news to you but making jokes about tinfoil hats and lizards stopped being witty, original or clever about twenty years ago. It’s now the equivalent of wearing a mullet.

  • mike

    Only slightly O/T: I see Hamas and Fatah are nearing a deal on a unity government. As this is what sparked the child-killers into action the last time (a “foolish” slaughter, according to the noble Lord Ashdown) perhaps we’ll see more mass murder quite soon. War porn is all very well when we’re zapping monsters; not so evident on our screens when it’s the only democracy in the middle east doing it to 478 children.

    Mind those shared values now !

  • Peacewisher

    @Mike: How can the mass murder of hundreds of children be merely “foolish”. He should write the sequel: “1984: 30 years on”.

  • mike

    I struggled to understand that, Peacewisher. I tried to attribute a decent moral compass to the noble Lord. I assumed he was talking about wearing the wrong shoes to the beach, as that is foolish.

    I gave up trying to understand why he used this word, concluding that Ashdown, as a senior political figure, must be a psychopath like all the other senior political figures. They have all connived in the construction of Airstrip One.

    Next they’ll be talking about the purity of our bodily essences.

    If only we could send them all away somewhere.

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  • mike

    Ha. That bot’s funny.

    I prefer giving insight from the arse, when it’s not covered up by a baco-foil onesie.


  • Peacewisher

    The bombing and destruction of Syrian infrastructure (the hijacked oiled wells) without UN permission, or even request for permission, would appear to be a war crime.

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