The Rush to Violence 933

Between 4 and 20 August the Saudi Arabian government beheaded 19 people. Saudi Arabia, which has funded and armed ISIS from inception (initially with CIA support), is now bombing alongside the USA in Iraq and Syria.

Forget the war technology porn regularly being broadcast by western media, with those spectacular photos of missiles erupting from ships into the night sky. Those missiles and bombs eviscerate and maim innocents as well as combatants, children as well as terrorists. The West always first denies, then regrets, “collateral damage”. The propaganda can be laughable. During the invasion of Iraq I remember a news propaganda item about how a cruise missile can enter a specific window, being followed by the next item – the US had apologised to Syria for two missiles aimed at Iraq which had hit Syria by accident.

If we can accidentally bomb the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, we can – and do – hit civilian homes near the proposed target. Being eviscerated by a piece of flying shrapnel is no less terrible than being beheaded by a jihadist. Let us not pretend that our violence is somehow nicer. Children will be dying under our bombs soon.

Other than the two extraordinary crazed Nigerians, there have been no recent Islamic motivated terrorist attacks in the UK and even a slowdown in the propaganda of phoney attacks. This was a threat to the major financial interests of the security industry, in both its governmental and private branches.

There can be no greater nonsense than the idea that the Caliphate poses a direct threat to the UK. This is even more crazy than the claim that Saddam Hussein posed a threat to the UK. But by seeking to join in the bombing campaign, and initiating a new round of fake “anti-terror” arrests in London, the British government is doing everything it possibly can do to try to provoke terrorist violence on British streets. The interests of the security state are therefore secured. I am longing for somebody to explain to me the precise mechanism by which our bombing Islamic countries helps prevent terrorist incidents in the UK. The way it can provoke such incidents seems to me too obvious to need stating. Indeed it says a great deal for the wisdom and tolerance of Britain’s Muslim communities that it has not provoked more. They could teach government a great deal about the good sense of not resorting to violence to gratify passions and earn short term acclaim.

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933 thoughts on “The Rush to Violence

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  • Ishmael

    “Indeed it says a great deal for the wisdom and tolerance of Britain’s Muslim communities that it has not provoked more. They could teach government a great deal about the good sense of not resorting to violence to gratify passions and earn short term acclaim.”

    Agree. What does not seem regarded much is people who’ve lived in the uk (some for many generation) have links, family. Some may shout extremism, and no doubt there is some, as there is in any large conflict. But it’s just natural to want to have solidarity with people so linked. And without the news spin, is it so wrong to fight for them if they wanted or believed that would help ? It’s what we are always doing apparently.

    And why should government pick sides in internal conflicts in the ME. this is not some war against the west. Though our so called leaders seem keen to make it so.

    If you dont wan’t british people to be fighting other british people. Then don’t send our amry to fight where many have close realations. Whater side they go for. We should not be there anyway.

    Why is it always extreme when it’s someone else is doing it.

  • Peacewisher

    You don’t get much more extreme than bombing! It’s all part of confusing the populus sooo much that they won’t even bother to question.

  • guano

    Ishmael: “is it so wrong to fight for them if they wanted or believed that would help ?”

    How could any Asian Muslim believe that shooting up their Arab Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria could be helping them?

    Surely this only happens because The Brits continue to Divide and Rule, divide the Muslims between countries that do not share a language or culture, and grab the land from them for themselves aka Israel.

    I just don’t understand how Asian Muslims are capable of being that daft after 250 years of colonial British rule.

  • Ishmael

    Ps, Aren’t small arms actually less uncivilized? I think a case could be made. It’d be nice if those who want to fight sort it out themselves, but the civilian casualties of western warfare are perhaps the worst ever.

    Maybe we could help those fleeing, and if it was me i’d wonder why not those behind both lines. Food water medicine. At least that would be guaranteed to protect some human life. In a place we owe some protection to. But fighting, after what we have done, won’t help.

  • guano


    It’s a pity you didn’t try wearing one before the CIA brainwashed you to fight for them.

  • Ishmael

    “How could any Asian Muslim believe that shooting up their Arab Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria could be helping them?”

    Did I say that’s what I belive? I don’t actully, the same way I don’t think it helps whan the UK uses agressive force locally. Not the point I was making.

  • Silvio

    “The Corbett Report interviews Graeme MacQueen, author of THE 2001 ANTHRAX DECEPTION – The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy”

    In his new book “The 2001 Anthrax Deception,” Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, lays out the case for a domestic conspiracy in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US. In this conversation, James and Graeme discuss the context in which these attacks happened, the way they were portrayed by the government and the mainstream media, their ultimate effect, and the voluminous evidence that disproves the FBI’s assertion that the attacks were the work of Dr. Bruce Ivins.”

  • guano

    Ishmael: “is it so wrong to fight for them if they wanted or believed that would help ?”

    Who is fighting who? and why?

  • Richard

    Our leaders just don’t learn very quickly. Everything they touch, foreign and domestic, turns to dross. There is a simple rule, really: don’t start killing people unless it is absolutely necessary – chiefly, self-defence. It is a most regrettable course of action even then. Furthermore, I still don’t understand what direct threat I.S.I.S. are supposed to be to Britain. They certainly seem an unpleasant bunch, but they aren’t alone in that and they are in the Middle East. Do they actually pose any threat to us at all?

  • Ishmael

    “Do they actually pose any threat to us at all?”

    Do they a navy army and nukes?

    They certianly have made it clear they don’t think we should be there, i’d say the main risk they pose would be retaliation for us being there. And that would be to citizens, not the army or anything.

    Look behind us, the biggest military spender in the world. As much as all the rest combined. A threat? If they where any real threat to centers of power they would not be there.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Goss

    “Thatcher, who when her popularity was flagging got it back on course with her war in the Falklands. Anything will do.”

    Yes, the Argentine dictatorship (remember it, Mr Goss? You know, the guys who threw left wingers out of helicopters over the South Atlantic) showed immaculate timing in invading the Falklands* just when they did.


    * Hope I got that right – they did invade, didn’t they? Or was it the Brits invading Argentina…?

  • Peacewisher

    But… 57% would support bombing. Must be highest ever. I can understand your despair, Ishmael. So when the British bombs do fall, will Cameron’s popularity rise?

  • fred

    “There is the same lack of blood as in the Woolwich farce. ”

    This lack of blood is a recurring theme on this blog.

    If you cut through someone’s jugulars the blood supply to the brain is stopped immediately, the heart stops beating a few beats later, there is not masses of blood. If someone cuts their wrist you get loads of blood as the brain remains supplied with oxygen and the heart keeps on beating.

    I have slaughtered a number of animals and I know, lack of blood is not evidence of anything, it is to be expected.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “He’s a bit like Habbabkuk in that you never get a straight answer from him.”


    Now now, Mr Scorgie!

    Is the above from a man who answers my question “Do you believe Israel has the right to exist” with “Not as a Jewish state” or (depending on the day of the week) “Not within its present boundaries”.

    You are so twisted that if you swallowed a nail, you’d shit it out as a corkscrew.

  • Peacewisher

    @Ishmael: Did Afghanistan pose a threat to the mighty US in 2001? Of course not!

    If 9/11 was a dozen or so fanatics, what happened was clearly a failure of US internal policy. Bush, or at least his Defence Security, should have been thrown out of office. I was waiting for the internal blame game to begin. But US citizens allowed themselves to be duped, and they bombed one of the poorest countries.

    And our leader stood “shoulder-to-shoulder”. And the United Nations did not offer any resistance. In comparison with that, the current Middle Eastern incursion doesn’t look too bad!

  • fred

    “Banksy outing the BBC over its bias,towards Scottish independence.”

    No it isn’t. It’s a Nationalist fake. Lies, cheating, theft of Banksy’s work and name.

    The original before being photoshopped by scum was called “Hippy Fight Peace Vs Love.

  • Ishmael

    But… 57% would support bombing. Must be highest ever. I can understand your despair, Ishmael. So when the British bombs do fall, will Cameron’s popularity rise?

    What poll?

    God knows, maybe, maybe not. I suspect it won’t be a simple start finsh job though, Thoes in power dipping our foot into this could well just be a mangle that finishes of any chance of us recoveing a normal society. So his lagacy worse than Tony.

    Don’t know whather to belive at all polls really. But depends what info people have to frame the questions. And what info emerges after or during. Like it’s just another bunch of lies.

  • $$$

    A model for how to suss Syria out,

    The ICJ

    (1) By 16 votes to 1, found violations of the principle of non-use of force in international relations and the principle of non-intervention;

    (2) Unanimously, found claims for breaching international human rights law and international humanitarian law admissible;

    (3) By sixteen votes to one, found violations of obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law;

    (5/12) Unanimously, found obligation to make reparation

    (6/13) Unanimously, decided that failing agreement between the Parties, the question of reparation shall be settled by the Court;

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Interesting photo of ‘radical preacher’ Anjem Choudary on the front page if The Telegraph.

    Note the 5 fingers.


    Not in very good taste, Jivesy.

    Why, you’ll be laughing at the poor buggers who get their limbs amputated under Sharia law next.

  • Peacewisher


    Glad to hear it. Just shows what focused propaganda can do to an unsuspecting population.

  • guano

    Since you have not answered my question, I will inform you that the Pakistani Muslim scholars support Taliban and other jihadists fighting against and throwing out of their homes millions of Syrian practising Muslim families.

    In Pakistan they justified similar actions because the people were practising shirk, i.e. worshipping graves and idols.

    But in Syria the Muslims are free from these deviations and the only reason for fighting against them is that they are not apke/ not “your” people, not “your” nationality and therefore the racist scholars judge them to be lesser Muslims than themselves, may Allah’s curse be on any of them who hold this disgusting racism..

    As a result, most of the Muslim Sunni Syrian menfolk have joined Assad against the foreign invading jihadists. No one can understand how terrible the jihadists have been to the Syrian Muslims better than by realising that they have joined a cruel dictator dynasty which has persecuted them for decades.

    You would not like to criticise those Pakistani scholars as I have done. Maybe you’re scared of them? They are collaborators with the enemies of Islam, the UK government. They do not condemn the nihilism of the Muslim Brotherhood which wants to make violence the centre of Islam. They do not condemn the nihilism of Saudi Salafism by accepting Saudi takfir of every Muslim who does not agree with Saudi thinking.

    It takes two to tango. Maniacs at the top who chop people’s heads off who criticise them and maniacs at the bottom who chop people’s heads off for them. There is a very thin veil of deception and denial behind which the Pakistani/India scholars hide their violent aspirations. in reality they are willing to do the USUKIS and Saudi dirty work for them.

  • Kempe

    ” No it isn’t. It’s a Nationalist fake. ”

    A pretty obvious one too.

    Habbabkuk, didn’t you know? The Falklands War was a massive false flag operation staged in an isolated area of the Outer Hebrides. All the so-called casualties were crisis actors and the blood was fake. Nobody can disprove it so it must be true!

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