Neo-Cons of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Slaves, Mansions and Huge Pots of Money 246

David Folkerts-Landau, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank, who has claimed that Scotland would have a “Great Depression” if independent, has a second home he bought for US $11.6 million dollars. His first home is in London – where he would have been well-placed to notice that Deutsche Bank was at the very heart of the LIBOR interest rate fixing scandal. Naturally neither Folkerts-Landau (he and his wife are friends of the Camerons) nor any other senior banker was jailed for that long term criminal illegality.

Folkerts-Landau must, you might assume, have great powers of economic prediction to have accumulated a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars from banking salary and bonuses. Yet he failed to notice that Deutsche Bank was running up 92 billion dollars of US sub-prime mortgage junk that would be written off in the actual great crash, in which Deutsche Bank was again in the centre. Why a man who failed to notice that his own work was contributing to an actual great depression, should be taken seriously in ridiculous prognostications of a new one, is rather beyond me.

It is interesting that Folkerts-Landau states that Winston Churchill’s return to the gold standard was a major cause of the great depression. From the German Deutsche bank, that dismissed its Jewish directors in 1933 and denounced Jewish employees, and received expropriated Jewish assets through direct cooperation with Hitler, this criticism of Winston Churchill might be thought culturally insensitive.

Folkerts-Landau is just another example of the super-rich who realise that the people-based movement for Scottish independence is currently the most potent threat to the neo-con hegemony that has resulted in the destruction of social-democratic society and the massive gap between the super-rich and real people. If you look at the other boards on which sit members of the board of Deutsche Bank, it reads like a catalogue of corporate dominance:

Coca Cola
Pepsi Cola
EON Energy
XL Group
Alliance Trust

That is an illustration of the fact that mega corporations are not really competitive, but part of an interlinked web of capital interests all sharing directors. Those interests have bombarded Scotland with apocalyptic threats the last few days. There will be a great depression, major businesses will leave, energy bills will go up, interest rates will go up, oil will run out, shopping bills will go up, call charges will go up, terrorists will run round unimpeded, Russia will invade. These nonsensical claims have been hammered home relentlessly in perhaps the most concentrated stream of mainstream media propaganda in history.

The extraordinary resilience of the Scottish people, in face of these ludicrous levels of threat and intimidation from “authority figures” like Folkerts-Landau, is something of which I am very, very proud.

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246 thoughts on “Neo-Cons of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Slaves, Mansions and Huge Pots of Money

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  • Peacewisher

    @Anon1: Can you please view the youtube video I posted (URL above), and then let us know whether the BBC is lying in its portrayal of events.

    This should be a National scandal in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, let alone Scotland…

  • Chris

    I’m English. Lerwick and Galashiels are as much my country as Reading and Manchester.

    You can say all sorts of rubbish about “neo-cons” or whatever, but ultimately it boils down to this: The UK – my country right or left.

  • Tim

    Ben @ 9.04

    On your continent Quebec has voted against in 1980 and 1995. One factor in the recent defeat of the Parti Quebecois was that people thought that they were planning a third go.

  • nevermind, Scottland wird bald frei sein

    The only people being ‘sanctioned’ by jobcentres are the feckless who do not want to work. Why does virtually every illegal immigrant make a beeline through Europe straight to this country?

    So thats how it is then, nothing to do with tax evaders who work abroad for six month of the year to avoid paying taxes, you could have fooled us there Anon1.
    The lucky to be alive and teaching abroad can just dump on those they have heard of as scroungers, can they? you feckless selfie you.

    Virtually every illegal immigrant knows that the party politicians of this country will cheerish cheap labour for their pals, a reality that masks the racism underneath, which could break out any time as so many Tories have shown by walking over to Nigel Farrage. Dirty establishment party politicking. Another poor sod establishment goon trying to project spine.

    You in Sierra Leone now Anon1? or still sipping sake?

  • Peacewisher

    @Chris: do you really think the UK still “my country right or left”? If it was… Blair would have taken notice of the huge 1-2 million demonstration in London against involvement in any war with Iraq. As you know, he took no notice at all, and told a few more lies. He has never been brought to account. Do you recognise that as “my country right or left”?

  • Republicofscotland

    Not on Yes – that would be foolish. You won’t get good odds on a No vote but luckily I have a hundred pounds with Craig.
    It will be the easiest £100 quid Craig’s ever made.
    The standard lefty twaddle. How many times does this stuff have to be rebutted? Unemployment is down, foodbanks on the rise because you offer free food and people take it, shock, bedroom ‘tax’ is no such thing. The only people being ‘sanctioned’ by jobcentres are the feckless who do not want to work. Why does virtually every illegal immigrant make a beeline through Europe straight to this country?
    I don’t think I’ve ever read a comment from someone so out of touch with reality as you, but Habb comes a close second.

  • Anon1

    Chris – it would help if Craig could give us some sort of definition of “neocon”. At present it appears to be anyone whose politics he doesn’t like.

    Nevermind – I’m afraid I can seldom make sense of your mangled mutterings? What are you trying to say? Calm down on the rabid emotional reaction a bit and then maybe you can get your point across?

  • Anton

    Am I alone in regretting the tendency of the yes campaign to attack the messenger rather than the message? This does not do us any credit. We have good arguments – let’s use them, rather than trashing individuals.

  • Ben

    “Nevermind – I’m afraid I can seldom make sense of your mangled mutterings? What are you trying to say? Calm down on the rabid emotional reaction a bit and then maybe you can get your point across?”

    It’s a shame we can’t dumb-down enough for your taste. Maybe a reading course focusing on alliteration would assist you with your special needs. Spreadsheets and accounting principles shouldn’t be the only reading matter one consumes.

  • Ben

    Peacewisher; It’s amazing how couples start to look alike when they grow older. Blair has assimilated Bush’s shit-eating grin.

  • fred

    “@Chris: do you really think the UK still “my country right or left”? If it was… Blair would have taken notice of the huge 1-2 million demonstration in London against involvement in any war with Iraq. As you know, he took no notice at all, and told a few more lies. He has never been brought to account. Do you recognise that as “my country right or left”?”

    Blair is Scottish, his government were largely Scottish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Chancellor, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Secretary of State for Defence were all Scots as were the leaders of the Conservative and Liberal parties at the time.

  • Peacewisher

    @Fred: Not saying anything. But I do remember some kind of prediction of hanky-panky at the end of the original TV series of “House of Cards”.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Captain Komodo-Baal

    “The writer is unaware that the Nazis sent thousands of, er, ‘mental defectives’ to the camps. and that its comment is self-referential.”

    Of course I’m aware of that. Hence my second sentence – it’s called irony, O Maximus Chumpus.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “The standard lefty twaddle. How many times does this stuff have to be rebutted? Unemployment is down, foodbanks on the rise because you offer free food and people take it, shock, bedroom ‘tax’ is no such thing. The only people being ‘sanctioned’ by jobcentres are the feckless who do not want to work. Why does virtually every illegal immigrant make a beeline through Europe straight to this country?”

    Very good point in the last sentence. If the UK is the living hell the Eminences and Useful Idiots claim it to be, why do so many people want to go and live in the UK – legally or illegally?

    Urgent response and clarification required from one or more Eminences and Useful Idiots!!

  • Fedup

    How many times does this stuff have to be rebutted? Unemployment is down, foodbanks on the rise because you offer free food and people take it, shock, bedroom ‘tax’ is no such thing. The only people being ‘sanctioned’ by jobcentres are the feckless who do not want to work. Why does virtually every illegal immigrant make a beeline through Europe straight to this country?

    Seconding ROS’s retort;

    I don’t think I’ve ever read a comment from someone so out of touch with reality as you, but Habb comes a close second.

    Might as well pick up an IDS brochure, or a flyer of the con serv athives instead of reading this blog. How far removed from reality one must be to believe the utter nonsense in on single lump?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “I don’t think I’ve ever read a comment from someone so out of touch with reality as you, but Habb comes a close second.”

    Do you ever re-read your own comments, RoS?



    Habbabkuk for keeping in touch with reality and treating loonies kindly.

  • Ben

    “Very good point in the last sentence. If the UK is the living hell the Eminences and Useful Idiots claim it to be, why do so many people want to go and live in the UK – legally or illegally?”

    Ah, so the veil of bigotry drops. France and Netherlands also take on hordes of refugees.

    As bad as it is in the UK, it’s still paradise compared to their original location. Do you favor brown-skin over black, or is all same-same to you?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Ben (Californian Nazi)

    “As bad as it is in the UK, it’s still paradise compared to their original location.”

    Cunning answer! The UK’s hell thanks to those awful Tories (bwahahahaha) but it an even bigger hell in the countries of origin of the immigrants.

    I think you’re a Russophile, aren’t you – nice place, good leaders, bastion of human and economic rights, and so on.

    How come a lot of the immigrants don’t head off there?

  • Vronsky

    Someone may have linked to this already, dunno, takes so long to scroll down past all the fucktards nowadays. Hello, anybody I missed in the passing! If you’re a troll, consider yourself insulted in the most vigorously unpleasant terms, as you would anyway. I don’t have time tonight to construct proper abuse on a personal basis. Apologies.

    But arriving at last at the point. Read this.

  • Peacewisher

    @Habby: They come because someone tells them this is the land of milk and honey, as you know. The people who give them “rites of passage” make a fortune out of it. It’s called people trafficking and if our government had the will to do it, it would stop tomorrow.

    Oh yes, and then there’s the matter of bridging the skills shortage… created by privatising and destroying our further education system.

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