Speaking Date Availability 581

I am available again for Yes meetings on 15, 16 and 17 September. Invitations welcome through the contact button above. Happy to go anywhere I can do good. My St Andrews speech a week ago has now had 75,000 views on Youtube.

It is symptomatic of the way this campaign has gone that I can find nothing online from the No camp which has had one fifth as many views, with the solitary exception of the PatronisngBTWoman video, which has massive views from people making fun of it.

Miliband was in Blantyre yesterday where his every bodily function was breathlessly reported by Severin Carrell in the Guardian – but even the Guardian could not pretend his audience in the “Labour stronghold” amounted to more than “dozens”. I am told it was under fifty. Better Together support on the ground has simply evaporated. What they rely on is that the massive output of mainstream media and the authority of the Westminster parties will have sufficient impact on their key demographics – pensioners, and housewives in a 1950’s sense – to shore up a residual no vote of the easily scared. My challenge to people to identify any Better Together gathering of more than 300 has been met with resounding silence.

Television has been wall to wall Miliband lately, and the BBC in Scotland seem to have simply abandoned their obligation to give equal broadcast time and treatment to both sides. Presumably many of the New Labour hacks who control Pacific Quay realise that their behaviour has made a Yes win a career threatening situation for them, so at this stage they see nothing to lose.

If independence is achieved it will be down to a popular movement and not to any politician. Indeed, if one person has to be singled out, I would say the Rev Stuart Campbell has made the most decisive individual contribution in the campaign. If Social media has beaten the mainstream media, the central rock around which millions of flowers have bloomed has been the Wings over Scotland website. This has a significantly larger daily readership than any newspaper in Scotland. The Wee Blue Book I found everywhere, including copies already available in pretty well every pub I entered, as I toured the East Coast. Over 400,000 downloads of the PDF have been made and 250,000 copies centrally printed, as well as a number of private initiatives which had already obtained professional printings from the PDF. Conservatively, there are over half a million hard copies out there, as well as all the reads online. In a population of 5.2 million, that is a major impact.

When we close down BBC Scotland and create a new citizen based, cheaper and more arts-oriented organisation in its place, let’s put Stuart Campbell in charge. Some state-funded drama and arts output seems to me commendable. State funding of pap entertainment is not needed – the private sector can do that perfectly well. State funding of “journalism” which investigates nothing and never challenges the establishment must be stopped.

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581 thoughts on “Speaking Date Availability

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  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    Thanks for the updates on Gaza, Mary. Though who needs any more proof that Netanyahu is a complacent, lying, duplicitous shit who is stirring the situation as hard as he can and has no intention of negotiating a permanent settlement?

    Meanwhile, another complacent, lying, duplicitous shit lost some important support this week – (paywall but gist is there):


    If no-one else has, Harvard School of Divinity has noticed that the Tony Blair Faith Foundation* exists to reflect the views of noted faith leaders Ayn Rand and Dick Cheney, and dropped its collaboration. Well done Harvard.

    *Mission statement – Uniting the World’s Faiths Except Islam to Bomb Iran, Syria And Anyone Else who Gets In Our Way

    The TBFF’s flatulent and discordant website is run by 12-year-old Peter, the son of Archbishop Justin Welby, It betrays no more understanding of the Middle East than Blair exhibited in 2001. Damned if I link to it, google it if you must

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “The main difference between you and me, Mary, is that I have a sense of humour.”

    Oh, don’t talk yourself down, Dreoilin. There are many other differences : you also have a sense of proportion and you are not an obsessive. Neither do you have that rather unpleasant National Socialist (or indeed Stalinist) tendency to judge people by their family background and ancestry.

    PS – I think that reference to Hilde Benjamin – which I did not choose lightly, of course – did get a few strings vibrating, didn’t it. 🙂

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “You will probably have the last word but I will not be responding. All very Irish.”

    All very Irish?

    Observe the milk of human kindness overflowing…..

  • Ben

    “Yes, please do”

    Heh. The McCarthy Hearings made famous the need to prove a negative, putting the burden on the accused as though guilty until proven innocent. That’s what this feels like, and the mean-spriitedness of your Star Chamber indicates the opposite of your intent, I believe. You’re a nasty and intemperate piece of work.8

    Your coercion and glowering has no impact on me. i feel no need to defend myself from the toxins emanating from the acrid smoke of your inner anger, and over-compensating self-esteem. As to your sense of humor, it must be so dry as to be unnoticed. You have gone full troll. Begone, hind-tit Harridan.

  • Resident Dissident

    Rather than Hilde Benjamin Lady Dorking does remind me not a little of the old maids in Clochmerle who spent their time watching the pissoir so that in due time they could be offended and express their outrage. Can any of our more learned contributors think oftheir British literary equivalents?

  • Al Milliner


    “do shut up and take a look at this”

    Guano, you’re doing a Craig. A picture of a war zone does not make 15,000 deaths.

  • Al Milliner


    “Reactive violence, as opposed to legal redress/qisas/ en eye for an eye, is way out of the boundaries of Allah’s commands.”

    Can you tell me which category your prophet’s beheading of 600-900 Jews fits into?

  • Fedup

    Can you tell me which category your prophet’s beheading of 600-900 Jews fits into?


    You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

    Mat. 7:5

    Do tell which category 70 years of invasion, and mass murder of at least 4 million, along with ethnic cleansing of another four million (estimated as per the figures over these years, you may research through google, I know how much you like to site sources) did Moses specify, or fits in with Moses teachings?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Where has the thread about Craig’s speech at St. Andrews gone?

    Seems deleted.

    Was it done because Ba’al Zevud predicted Trowbridge H, Fraud’s return after Bardarbunga started erupting – what now is expected to start shooting cloud ash into the atmosphere?

    Looks more like a disaster for Scotland is in the works.

  • Ben

    $18B can come from petty cash, but it must still smart.


    “A US judge has ruled that BP is guilty of gross negligence in the Deepwater oil catastrophe. If upheld (of course BP will appeal) it will increase the fine from $1100/barrel to $4300/barrel, totaling an estimated $18 Billion.

    BP had already plead guilty to 14 felonies, with a fine of $4.5B in a plea bargain with the US Gov! (Yes, felonies.)

    So how does one count the number of barrels already spilled, especially when BP publicly stated it was leaking 5000 barrels/day, while internal reports stated the leak could be between 62,000 and 146,000 barrels per day?

  • Republicofscotland

    I see Lord Robertson, has called Scotland a minor entity in the UK, if that’s the case why is Westminster desperate to hold onto this “Minor Entity.” Of course Lord Robertson has form on this subject, he said that if Scotland became independent western Europe would fall into Balkanisation, the end of the world is “Nigh” if you believe Rabid Robertson.

    Meanwhile this sis doing the rounds, regarding Scottish independence, it starts of, well I won’t spoil the surprise you watch it and see.


  • Al Millinner

    So there, 600-900 Jews as I proved with my detailed and reliable sourcing. And what about those dangerous extremists beheading poor innocent Israeli spy Steve Sotloff who was just minding his own business? They really did saw it off too, I saw it with my own eyes except for the part where they actually cut it off, because there it was sitting there detached on the internets not laughing or anything, don’t take it from me, ask the objective experts of SITE!!


    See I substantiate my claims, not like you anti-english radicals. This proves you have to vote no and also give more nukes to Israel!!!

  • CanSpeccy


    Timoshenko is a very corrupt politician/oligarch but neither genocidal not a maniac.



    “It’s about time we grab our guns and kill go kill those damn Russians together with their leader.”

    Sounds genocidal to me and, frankly, insane.

  • Republicofscotland

    Tel Aviv issues new tenders for about 300 settler units in the occupied West Bank despite international outcries against Israel’s illegal settlements.

    According to the documents published on the Israel Land Authority’s website, 283 settler units will be built in the Elkana settlement in the northwest of the occupied region.

    The latest announcement by Israeli authorities came shortly after Tel Aviv declared its biggest land grab in the occupied Palestinian territories in three decades.

    Israeli military sources said on Sunday that about 400 hectares of land at the settlement of Gevaot in the southern city of Bethlehem are “declared as Israeli land.”

    Israeli media reports say the plan is a part of Tel Aviv regime’s settlement expansion projects.

    Israeli settlements council has welcomed the new plan. The council members have expressed hope that the move will pave the way for the expansion of the Gevaot settlement and for making a new city.
    The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erakat, condemned the Israeli plan, saying that the Tel Aviv regime is “committing various crimes against the Palestinian people and their occupied land.”
    The international community regards all Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian land as illegal.
    So not content with genocidal murder of the Palestinian people, the poor souls are now being forced off their land, whilst the double speak international community’ claim that the illegal state of Israel’s land grab is wrong.

    Will the UN or NATO or any other powerful organisation do anything to help the poor women and children of Palestine? I think we ALL know the answer to that question.
    Israel occupied and then annexed the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in the Six-Day War of 1967, but the move has never been recognized by the international community.

    More than half a million Israelis live in hundreds of illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories 47 years ago.

  • Republicofscotland

    Physicians and human rights activists say evidence shows Israel used internationally banned weapons against civilians during its recent military offensive against the Gaza Strip, Press TV reports.

    According to international experts and physicians present during the most recent Israeli onslaught on Gaza, Tel Aviv once again used Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME), which are usually carried by US-made Hellfire rockets, against Gaza’s heavily-populated residential areas.

    Injuries caused by DIME bombs, also used during Israel’s 2009 offensive, are distinguishable from injuries caused by other weapons.

    Reports indicate that Israel also used armor piercing (AP) bombs, causing massive explosions resulting in large numbers of civilian casualties, including many women and children.

    Thermobaric weapons were also used to burn down entire residential buildings in Gaza.

    “Most of the weapons that were used to kill hundreds of civilians in Gaza contained depleted uranium. They also used new weapons that even international experts were unable to figure out their types,” Gaza Bomb Disposal Squad’s Ahmad Abudayyah said.
    Not content with stealing their land they use illegal and barbaric weapons against women and children, whilst the UN, NATO, and the Hague sit back and twiddle their thumbs, whilst mumbling publicly we’ve told them not to do it.

  • CanSpeccy


    Your talk of “suppressing the fertility of the indigenous population” puts you in the General Jack D Ripper category, I’m afraid, CanSpeccy.

    So just fuck off, there’s a good egg!

    That’s a nice example of the way that any truth inimical to political correctness is buried with hate speech.

    Hate speech, in fact, is the essence of political correctness, the religion of the New World Order.

  • Dreoilin

    “Ladies, please, if Craig became a Muslim he could take you both as political wives.”

    Don’t confuse us, Guano.

    I have a husband, thank you. I don’t want another.
    I am not obsessed with Craig and his doings.
    I don’t have a Google News alert set up on him (or Werrity, or Gulnara.)
    I don’t post links to other people’s talks at Yes rallies so that people can look at Craig sitting on a chair, ffs. (I mean, seriously, “You can see Craig here”)


    “I have had enough of her digs and siding with trolls.”

    So what’s the story here, Mary. People have to either “side” with you, or “side” with what you call the trolls? Nobody is supposed to think for themselves? And criticism of anyone on “your” side is verboten? Why?


    “You have gone full troll. Begone, hind-tit Harridan.”

    So where’s Republicofscotland today, Ben? Ahh, I see he has been resurrected while I was typing, close to yourself as usual. What time is it over there now? Heading for 10am?


    “Where has the thread about Craig’s speech at St. Andrews gone?”

    As far as I know, Craig deleted it, because of holocaust-denial comments. Nothing to do with Trowbridge H Fraud.


    “Can any of our more learned contributors think of their British literary equivalents?”

    I’m not a ‘learned contributor’, and no I can’t I’m afraid. But when you mentioned the old maids watching the pissoir, I thought of the tricoteuses at the guillotine. Seems appropriate enough.


    “I think that reference to Hilde Benjamin – which I did not choose lightly, of course – did get a few strings vibrating, didn’t it.”

    Absolutely. All we’re missing is Macky and her interminable 😀 😀

  • Mary

    I came across this website today. http://www.govknow.com/ Shades of Common Purpose.

    At first I thought it was one of these quasi government outfits but it is a money spinner for one Neil Kamal Kharbanda who is the sole director of Government Knowledge Training Ltd and Government Knowledge Events Ltd.

    For £500 you can go to this nonsense. How many CCGs will waste the NHS budget sending delegates?

    ‘Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Commissioning Support Units (CSUs) Manchester, 16th October 2014
    Manchester Conference Centre, Weston Building, Sackville Street, Manchester, M1 3BB

    •Why Attend
    •Who should Attend
    •Sponsors & Exhibitors
    •Supporters & Contributors
    •Book Now


    CCGs are now responsible for 60% of the NHS budget in England and are driving moves to commission new pathways of care. In particular, CCGs are moving activity away from the acute sector and focusing on quality and outcomes. CCGs are charged with working jointly with Local Authorities around the better care fund which is taking forward the integrated health and social care agenda.

    Commissioning Support Units are set up to provide clinical commissioners (CCGs) and others with efficient and cost effective ways to deliver better outcomes in a competitive environment.

    Find out how CCGs and CSUs are meeting these challenges in practice and how you can work more closely with them.

    This event will appeal to public health strategists, commissioners, voluntary organisations, senior and middle managers from NHS, Local Authorities and voluntary sector organisations.’

    Nice little earner.

    His previous companies are dissolved.

    HINDU COLLEGE LONDON (DISTANCE LEARNING) LIMITED Company is dissolved Director 03/12/2001 – SOLVE IT 2000 LIMITED Company is dissolved Director 04/06/1998 –

    Look at the list of speakers. All bases covered and all troughers present. MPs, Ministers, public servants and the like. http://www.govknow.com/speakers.html Even Mrs Hodge LOL and even one Charles Crawford Esq ex UK Ambassador appears in the list of events.

    Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Masterclass – Gold
    4th December 2014
    £520 a pop. No wonder he can afford his extensive estate in leafy Oxfordshire. Pure gold.

    Craig You are missing out.

  • Vronsky

    I come here to learn stuff. Even Habba on a good day can tell me things I find of interest. So I try to make a reciprocal contribution – a soldier’s letter from the northern front, at least.

    Laying aside the various quibbles we might have with each other’s views I think the clip of James Kelly talking, in a calm, dead-pan way about what opinion polls are and what they DO, is a contribution of general interest. You won’t get it anywhere else. Here’s the link again, if you haven’t watched it already.


  • Dreoilin

    “I come here to learn stuff. Even Habba on a good day can tell me things I find of interest.”

    Glad to see you say that, Vronsky.
    I find the pack mentality here in recent times appalling.

  • Mary

    6 September 2014 Last updated at 18:17

    ‘Jarrow March’ ends in pro-NHS rally in London
    Protesters in London Police said about 3,000 to 5,000 protesters attended the rally

    Jarrow Crusade revived for NHS
    NHS protestors buoyed by public Watch
    Modern-day ‘Jarrow March’ for NHS

    Thousands have attended a pro-NHS rally in London, the culmination of a 300-mile march organised by a group of mothers from County Durham.

    The group from Darlington, the Darlo Mums, are opposing what they say is the privatisation of the NHS.

    About 30 people took three weeks to march the full 300 miles from Jarrow in South Tyneside, organisers said.

    The government said the NHS’s use of the private sector had only increased marginally in the last four years.

    The march, which began on 16 August, was a re-enactment of the 1936 “Jarrow March”, a protest against poverty and unemployment during the Great Depression.

    ‘No place for profit’

    Trade unionists and health campaigners have also been involved in the march.

    Protesters went through a number of towns and cities, including Leeds, Sheffield and Leicester, holding rallies along the way.

    Police said about 3,000 to 5,000 people attended the rally in Trafalgar Square.

    A number of high-profile figures have supported the campaign, including shadow health secretary Andy Burnham, writer and social commentator Owen Jones and singer-songwriter Billy Bragg.

    Protesters in Jarrow
    The protesters began their march in Jarrow on 16 August

    The protest centres around the government’s Health and Social Care Act 2012, which critics say has opened the NHS up to privatisation, but the government claims has given health professionals more decision-making power.

    The protesters have called for the legislation to be repealed.

    Darlo Mums founder Joanna Adams said: “It’s been magic really. You only have to look over there [at the protesters gathered] to see people are behind the NHS and support what we’re saying.

    “Profit has no place in public health.”

    A department of health spokesman said: “Use of the private sector in the NHS represents only 6% of the total NHS budget – an increase of just 1% since May 2010.

    “Charities, social enterprises and other healthcare providers continue to play an important role for the NHS.”


    BBC spinning there for Jeremy. Similar to their ‘Israel says’ stuff in their reports on the Gaza massacres.

  • fred

    “Strange site.

    It seems to be keeping its address, and owners’ identity a secret. Only the address of its registrar is to be found. Why could that be?”

    Because onderzoeksraad is Dutch for “Safety Council”.

    They are a government department.

  • nevermind, Scotland will be free

    I learn new facts and trivia every day of my life, not just here, but everywhere. So, can we make a moral point about it please, just to get one over on each other.
    I mean how bad would it be to get it right once or twice, not be perfect at conception….
    has anyone got a spare straw to grasp at, whilst the card houses around us are disintegrating?

    When will the next poll come out? was there one today? If not, why not?

  • Republicofscotland

    So where’s Republicofscotland today, Ben? Ahh, I see he has been resurrected while I was typing, close to yourself as usual. What time is it over there now? Heading for 10am?

    If you’d have been paying attention, instead of b*ggering your old fraternal bunkbed buddy Kempe, you’d have noticed I commented on the previous page. Nevermind I’m sure a sad wanna be Bullingdon boy like you will come to life when your masters Fred and Habb, make an appearance.

  • Mary

    A hellhole rather than a ‘hall’. The Home Office should be proud that we have the equivalent of Abbott’s Manus Island. An Immigration Removal Centre. Doesn’t that sound nice?

    6 September 2014 Last updated at 18:59
    Morton Hall Immigration Centre detainees in ‘disturbance’
    Morton Hall Immigration Centre Staff from the secure centre withdrew from the building after the disorder broke out

    Probe after Yarl’s Wood centre death
    Detainee violence leaves six hurt
    Detainees scale removal centre

    Disorder has broken out among detainees at an immigration centre following the death of a man at the facility.

    Staff at Morton Hall in Swinderby, Lincolnshire, have withdrawn from the building to a “place of safety” and emergency services are at the scene.

    It is unclear what has caused the disturbance but it is thought to be connected to the death on Friday night.

    A Home Office spokesman confirmed an investigation had been launched.

    Immigration and Security Minister James Brokenshire said: “Our thoughts are with the family at this very sad time. Deaths in removal centres are rare but tragic events.

    What is an immigration removal centre?
    Removal centres are used for detention in cases where people have no legal right to be in the UK but have refused to leave voluntarily.
    A minority of detainees are foreign national prisoners who have completed prison terms for serious crimes, and are being held in detention while steps are taken to remove them from the UK.
    The Home Office has 12 immigrations centres in England.
    Morton Hall opened in 2011 and has 392 rooms for male detainees.

    “We take our responsibilities towards detainees’ health and welfare extremely seriously.”

    The Prison Officers’ Association said it was monitoring the situation and extra prison staff in riot gear had been sent to the centre.

    One detainee told the BBC up to 300 men inside Morton Hall were refusing to go back into their rooms.

    The man’s death is the second at a UK immigration centre this year after Christine Case died at Yarl’s Wood in Bedfordshire in March.

    Last year a report by HM Inspectorate of Prisons criticised staff for the inappropriate use of batons and handcuffs but said, overall, Morton Hall was a “safe establishment” for detainees and security staff.


  • Republicofscotland

    “I come here to learn stuff. Even Habba on a good day can tell me things I find of interest.

    The only things that you could learn from Habb is how to be an ars*hole, but I can confirm that you’re already a master in that field.

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