Neo-Con Speed Dating 207

The TV debates for the Westminster election will offer you a dazzling range of neo-con policies from right wing to very right wing. Conservative, Labour, Liberal or UKIP, any flavour of corporate neo-con control that you like. It is a kind of weird speed dating circle between Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and Farage.

If it had been UKIP with thousands of supporters on George Square yesterday, does anybody doubt the rally would have received much more coverage. The decision about the election debates could not offer starker proof of my thesis that UKIP is an antibody produced by the establishment in response to voter disillusion with the lack of real policy difference between mainstream parties. Protest is to be diverted into a right wing channel that really offers no difference at all.

The fact that UKIP and the Lib Dems are to participate in the electoral debates, whereas the Greens, Plaid Cymru and the SNP – all of which offer genuine alternatives to the neo-con narrative – are not, is indefensible. The SNP will win more MPs than the Liberal Democrats and the Greens will have more votes. UKIP have just won their first ever elected MP – which means they have finally caught up with the Greens. Given equal media access, I expect the Green vote would exceed the UKIP vote too – which is precisely the outcome the broadcasters are desperate to avoid.

The voters must not be shown that other choices, other visions, other policies are possible. You can choose any neo-con you wish.

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207 thoughts on “Neo-Con Speed Dating

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  • Republicofscotland

    Efforts by the Israeli lobby in the UK and Britain’s Friends of Israel parliamentary groups, have recently gained momentum to block a motion to recognize Palestine as an independent state.

    British lawmakers are expected to debate the motion, proposed by Labor MP Grahame Morris, which calls on the UK government to symbolically recognize the state of Palestine.

    However, leading figures from Labor Friends of Israel (LFI) have threatened to resign from the opposition party if Labor leader, Ed Miliband, does not stand against the motion.

    Rachel Reeves, Ivan Lewis, John Woodcock, Michael McCann and many other prominent figures have warned that they would not take part in the vote.

    The motion’s possible approval in the Commons has raised concerns among Zionist lobbies in Britain.

    The insane genocidal murderers have, have enlisted the help of their lackey politicians at Westminster to put the blockers on the vote.

  • Republicofscotland

    David Beckham is set to lead a campaign to stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa.

    As part of his role as a Unicef ambassador, the former England captain will appear in a video which highlights ways to prevent the spread of the virus and will be broadcast across West Africa.

    The 39-year-old will explain how cleanliness is crucial in controlling the epidemic in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea as the death toll rises to 4,033

    What the hell’s going on here first his wife, and now Mr squeaky voice himself are welcomed into the arms of the UN and UNICEF. The Beckham’s really have become a global brand just like Mr disinformation man himself Bono, aka Paul David Hewson.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Slippery Nigel Farage finally has admitted he would prop up a Tory Government if UKIP wins….”

    Well, Mary, if he has admitted it then you can’t accuse him of slipperiness any longer, can you.

  • Republicofscotland

    Edward Snowden has hit out at Dropbox and other services he says are “hostile to privacy,” urging web users to abandon unencrypted communication and adjust privacy settings to prevent governments from spying on them in increasingly intrusive ways.

    “We are no longer citizens, we no longer have leaders. We’re subjects, and we have rulers,” Snowden told The New Yorker magazine in a comprehensive hour-long interview.

    There isn’t enough investment into security research, into understanding how metadata could better be protected and why that is more necessary today than yesterday.

  • Republicofscotland

    Well, Mary, if he has admitted it then you can’t accuse him of slipperiness any longer, can you.

    Habb the commentless clown.

    Speaking of slippy when are you going to post a comment, of your own making, Mr Mass Murder supporter

  • Tony M

    SNP membership numbers put them in the top position within Scotland and near the top in the rest of the UK, a representative should automatically be included in any debates to puncture the Westminster troughers Party sickening consensus and to put the strong case for moderate left of the old centre policies, if not house training then caging the wild beast of capitalism.

    If the SNP were to stand in the 2015 GE in selected parts of North Britain (which isn’t Scotland btw) or in the South, it establishes the fact beyond doubt they are a UK-wide party; their position -that of a geuinely left of centre party opposing austerity and the rightward drift in English politics spearheaded by the Tory infiltrated ex-Labour Party, highlighting that the reciprocal effect of Scottish Independence must, can only be English Independence from the Westminster system, from MPs bought and sold in bulk by corporations, bent on permanent wars, of MPs over friendly with tyrannical regimes abroad and tending that way at home, etc. etc. and all the other reasons we justifiably hate that rotting system. Unintended consequenences might be unfortunately that the vote in these Englsih seats is further split and one or another established and establishment unionist party wins the seat via FPTP, but it challenges UKIP and their appalling scapegoating of the already defenceless and besieged new and fellow citizens, hits back directly at these reactionary oafs who care not who they hurt or for anything or anyone except themselves, and helps expose the turgid media love-in with the repellant Farage. Another unintended consequence is UKIP are forced out of the rage that boils within them, to campaign more vigourously in Scotland, blunting their very limited resources –there’s only one Nigel Farage, fortunately; and as in England, splitting the unionist vote further, but with the SNP or Yes Scotland candidates the hands-down beneficiaries of the unionist confusion when they come to choose which right-wing reprobates will better cement the grim status-quo; UKIP too in Scotland campaigning will be so divisive, it’s the key, the only appeal they have, that they’ll drive even more too, to see that Scotland’s Independence is the only way secure way ahead for Scotland and boost the SNP/Yes Scotland vote directly and show the rest of the former UK a future not within the straight-jacketed confines the neo-con right including Labour desire as best to keep their own snouts deeply embedded in the pockets and purses of the poorest, guzzling from the state’s coffers and in the plentiful pigswill of bribes and favours from the elite they crave entry to, by serving as their minions.

    As an independent Scot, Elections in RUK are nowadays in the realm of foreign affairs.

  • CanSpeccy

    Do you mean that we ought to agree to stop foreigners coming in order to make “simple folk” feel secure?

    It’s not about people’s feelings, its about whether their posterity should be eliminated from the face of the earth.

    When government policies relating to taxation, education, broadcasting and other matters reduce the fertility of the indigenous population to well below the replacement rate as happened to the indigenous people of Britain, while allowing into the country millions of people from elsewhere, mostly young adults ready to start families, it requires only a knowledge of elementary arithmetic to see that the result is to make the indigenous people a minority in their own communities as has happened already in London, Leicester and Luton and as will happen shortly in England’s second city, Birmingham. This is genocide both racial and cultural, and those who promote such policies are Anglophobe racists.

  • CanSpeccy

    To suggest that UKIP is Neo-Con is to float a desperate and transparent lie.

    The NeoCon program calls for global governance via undemocratic institutions such as the EU. UKIP was founded with the primary objective of getting Britain out of the EU, therefore UKIP is the only mainstream party in Britain that is anti-NeoCon.

    The greatest obstacle to the NeoCon plan for global governance are the sovereign nation states, particularly powerful ones such as the UK. Therefore, the NeoCons seek to break up of the UK and subjugate the parts to the EU and other globalists institution such as NATO and the World Trade Organization, whereas UKIP seeks to preserve the UK as a sovereign nation state mainly populated by the nations of the British Isles, not Asians, however admirable those in Glasgow may be, or Poles or Gypsies or Bulgarians, fine people though they all may be.

    Thus, both with respect to Europe and immigration, UKIP is the only truly anti-NeCon British political party.

    Your positions, of course, are fully compatible with the Neo-Con program and are driven by the unpleasant techniques of the Soviet Communists, who also sought to achieve global governance through mass murder and genocide, while suppressing dissent by the deployment of political correctness back up with bullets.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “The insane genocidal murderers have, have enlisted the help of their lackey politicians at Westminster to put the blockers on the vote.”

    Well, that’s one way of putting it, Republicofscotland; not a terribly literate or elegant way, but a way.

    Of course, another way of putting it might be that the divisions on this issue within the Parliamentary Labour Party (and perhaps also within other parties) are part of the normal process of democracy and freedom to have one’s own opinion on issues.


  • Mary

    RoS As usual our friend gets it wrong.

    Farage did not call himself slippery. Neither did I. The Mirror did so.

  • Kempe

    A country with an expanding population needs economic growth to provide enough jobs and services to support everyone.

    ” We also have a demographic that badly needs an influx of young working age people. ”

    Forty percent of the 2 million or so registered unemployed in the UK are aged 16-24. A good proprotion of the remainder would love to take any work offered if they weren’t considered too old at 40/45/50.

    As we’ve seen with the Farrage/Clegg encounter TV debates are really about personalities not policies and add more heat than light. I’d be happy to see them abolished.

  • Mary

    Corruption at the top. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

    Tycoons mix with top Tories at fundraising ball in London
    Lobbyists and oligarchs pay up to £1,000 a head to dine with David Cameron and ministers at Conservative fundraising event
    Simon Goodley, Melanie Newman and Nick Mathiason
    The Guardian, Sunday 12 October 2014

    Also on

  • Republicofscotland

    The UK authorities are operating a surveillance system where “anything goes” and their interceptions are more intrusive to people’s privacy than has been seen in the US, Edward Snowden said.

    Speaking via Skype at the Observer Ideas festival, held in central London, the whistleblower and former National Security Agency specialist, said there were “really no limits” to the GCHQ’s surveillance capabilities.

    He said: “In the UK … is the system of regulation where anything goes. They collect everything that might be interesting. It’s up to the government to justify why it needs this. It’s not up to you to justify why it doesn’t … This is where the danger is, when we think about … evidence being gathered against us but we don’t have the opportunity to challenge that in courts. It undermines the entire system of justice.”

    The snoopers are worse than we first thought.

  • Daniel

    “To suggest that UKIP is Neo-Con is to float a desperate and transparent lie.”

    Nonsense. Neoliberalism is a particularly nasty extreme ideologically-driven variant of capitalism which UKIP subscribe to.


    I agree with the comments in your last post. It seems to me that the paradox of neoliberal boosterism is that it creates conditions of the kind that free up control and command economies from which others come to places like London to escape from.

    As I alluded to previously, what we need are planned economies of scale whereby under-developed localized economies within the E.U are encouraged to grow through inward investment. That’s what I thought the E.U in principle was supposed to be about.

    Unfortunately, it hasn’t turned out that way. Instead, it’s become a neoliberal race to the bottom privileging entity. That’s not what I, and many like me on the left, supported.

    It’s a great shame that the right have disingenuously co-opted and exploited the feeling of discontent among the general population for their own pernicious and nefarious ends.

  • Mary

    I am still watching the HoC debate on Palestinian statehood on Ch 131.

    On BBC 1, there is this.

    The BBC: “Ukip and its people’s army” WTF!!!

    Panorama, BBC1, 8.30pm
    The Farage Factor

    Ukip and its people’s army have shaken the political establishment by attracting voters and defecting Tory MPs. It has been an extraordinary year for the once-fringe party. Reporter Darragh MacIntyre has been on the trail of the charismatic and controversial leader who claims he’s revolutionising British politics, but is Nigel Farage really any different from the politicians he criticises?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “RoS As usual our friend gets it wrong.

    Farage did not call himself slippery. Neither did I. The Mirror did so.”

    Ah, the famous “Mary defence” – “it wasn’t me that said it, it was the { insert whichever MSM Mary is cutting-and-pasting from }.

    You obviously approved of the article, so for all practical purposes you were calling Farage slippery. Heaven forbid that you should ever post anything positive about anyone!


    BTW – did you co-sign Iain Orr’s letter to the Home Secretary about the Moazzam Begg case?

  • CanSpeccy

    More people. People are a good thing. I like them. We also have a demographic that badly needs an influx of young working age people.

    You like them do you. But the English not so much that you’re for genociding them by suppression of reproduction while bringing in “an influx of young working-age people”, i.e., people in their prime reproductive years.

    And as for the Scots, you don’t seem to have much time for them either, at least not those in Glasgow who you find inferior to the Asians: an odd attitude for a purported nationalist (Scotch only, not English, Heaven forbid, English nationalists being all racists apparently).

  • MJ

    Given that these are nation-wide debates I can understand the regional parties being excluded but the Greens should definitely be there.

  • Republicofscotland

    “RoS As usual our friend gets it wrong.


    You have no friends, well maybe Fred,the sheep farmer…Baaaaa!

  • CanSpeccy

    Neoliberalism is a particularly nasty extreme ideologically-driven variant of capitalism which UKIP subscribe to.

    If UKIP is NeoLiberal, Craig Murray is HyperNeoLiberal. He’s all for exporting jobs and importing people to keep wages down and property developers profits high. Oh, he doesn’t say, to keep wages down and property developers profits high, but that’s what he means. Or that’s what what he advocates means.

  • CanSpeccy

    @ Mary

    but is Nigel Farage really any different from the politicians he criticises?

    He’s against genociding the English people. So, yeah, you can be damn sure he’s different. But some people seem unable to understand the simplest thing.

  • Daniel

    “If UKIP is NeoLiberal, Craig Murray is HyperNeoLiberal. He’s all for exporting jobs and importing people to keep wages down and property developers profits high. Oh, he doesn’t say, to keep wages down and property developers profits high, but that’s what he means. Or that’s what what he advocates means.”

    It seems to me that Craig Murray’s position is contradictory. I highlighted this in a previous debate elsewhere but I got no response. Importing people doesn’t necessarily keep wages down. There is no causal relationship between rates of immigration and low pay or unemployment For example, during the wind rush period in the 1950s and ’60s, rates of immigration were relatively high while relative unemployment was low but wages remained static. Conversely, during the Great Depression, immigration was near zero while unemployment was high and wages low.

  • Mary

    The link to the Mirror was put up for information. Get it? Defence? I
    need no defence from the likes of you.

    Why the row of £ signs?


    Can Speccy That was the blurb for the Panorama programme. That was obvious I would have thought.

  • Geoffrey

    I don’t think UKIP has a manifesto,but Farage has repeatedly said that he is against acting as America’s poodle in pointless foreign wars that we have no hope of winning,and the only purpose of which can be to impose Western Capitalism/ “Democracy” on ignorant foreigners.
    I would say that makes UKIP non Neo Con. Wouldn’t you?

  • Daniel

    “I don’t think UKIP has a manifesto,but Farage has repeatedly said that he is against acting as America’s poodle in pointless foreign wars that we have no hope of winning,and the only purpose of which can be to impose Western Capitalism/ “Democracy” on ignorant foreigners.
    I would say that makes UKIP non Neo Con. Wouldn’t you?”

    If that was illustrative of the genuine position of UKIP it theoretically might make it (at least in part) true. But that’s clearly not the case given that far right parties like UKIP are ideolgically driven by the same establishment-friendly socioeconomic models and agendas of their more traditional counterparts. It’s the easier populist thing to do to co-opt traditional left-wing policies in order to gain short-term political support. Hitler did the same.

  • Mary

    October 13, 2014
    BBC to launch its own Nigel Farage channel

    The BBC have announced they are to launch a digital station dedicated to Nigel Farage.

    The channel, BBC Nige, will be set up in the wake of UKIP getting its first MP, and British politics getting its first personality in over 20 years.

    Shows will include staple BBC programmes with a Farage twist including Immigration Wipeout, EasternEuropeanEnders and a privatised Dr Who.

    Responding to critics who say this will be giving an unfair amount of airtime to a minority party, the BBC said: “This has nothing to do with politics, it’s about entertainment.

    “Farage gets viewers. We could give as much time to the Green Party’s MP Caroline Lucas, but banging on about climate change isn’t entertaining, unless of course you are blaming it on the gays, then that’s prime time.”

    Speaking about his new channel, Farage said he thinks more of him on television will be a good thing, and confirmed he will even host a traditional BBC Christmas cookery show.

    “I can’t wait to show the nation how I get my German wife to cook a traditional British Christmas dinner, but without the Brussels.”

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