The Racist Concept of Israel 543

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.

We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.

I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.

It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.

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543 thoughts on “The Racist Concept of Israel

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  • fred

    “Like everything about the monarchy it is irrelevant and arcane. But actually it means the opposite of what you think. It is no claim of extra-territoriality, but rather an expression of the doctrine that the crown derives its sovereignty from the will of the people.”

    I know someone who is a Clan Chieftain, he gets letters from people all over the world who see him as the head of their tribe.

    Are the Clans of Scotland so removed from the Tribes of Israel?

  • fred

    “I hereby refer to the queen as Queen of the Parasites.
    Does that make it official?”

    I don’t know.

    Are you Presiding Officer to the Scottish Parliament?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I’ve been working very physically hard today (and yesterday) and am sweating like a pig, trying to cool down with a glass of beer…and I just wrote this on the Telegraph..Is it any good…cos the quality will undoubtedly deteriorate…Craig…watch your are getting a bit fat…try not drinking and eating so much..and have even more sex (good for your prostate) and walk for at least half an hour a day.

    How do you define a racist? There’s this bloke who’s handle is CanSpeccy. I think he is from the UK, but has moved to Canada. He posts a lot on Craig Murray’s blog. They both think each other are racists. I like a lot of what they both write, but I also on occasion disagree with them both. Craig Murray is an open and admitted Globalist, yet he is obsessed with Scottish Independence…although he was born and grew up in Norfolk…

    So who is the racist? Am I a racist? I don’t think so. My friends, and the people I have worked with in Manchester and London roughly represent an equivalent mix of the various races living there…throughout my life. I have never discriminated against them, at any level….and so today..I have a look at Craig Murray’s blog and the article which I have not yet read is about racism.

    Its not race that is the problem…it is the UK being drowned with massive levels of immigration…far higher than anything that has occurred before in our history.

    edit now I have read it…this is what Murray has just written..which I agree with, so I guess my post here will be deleted…and now is that racist??

    The Racist Concept of Israel
    by craig on October 29, 2014 in Uncategorized
    Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

    This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


  • doug scorgie

    29 Oct, 2014 – 4:56 pm

    “In yet another controversial decision, the Goldsmiths College Students’ Union has rejected, by a margin of around 60 to 1, a motion to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and all victims of genocide.”

    It’s a Zionist spoof RoS.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    “Are you Presiding Officer to the Scottish Parliament?”

    I was preparing my defence when I came across this:

    <blockquote>”Alex Salmond yesterday used the official opening of the Scottish parliament to tell the Queen that her job will still be safe even if his dream of destroying the Union is realised.
    The First Minister told Her Majesty that an independent Scotland would remain ‘firm friends and equal partners’ with the rest of Britain.
    Referring to her as the Queen of Scots, Mr Salmond went to great lengths to stress the importance of Her Majesty to the country – but also made his case for breaking up Britain to a packed chamber full of MSPs and dignitaries.”</blockquote>

    I give up, my heart’s not in it any more.

  • doug scorgie

    29 Oct, 2014 – 5:06 pm

    “Then why at the 1999 opening of the Scottish Parliament was she referred to as the Queen of Scots?”

    If she was Fred, it would be simply royalist propaganda.

    But was she referred to in that way Fred and by whom? The Daily Telegraph or Daily Mail perhaps?

  • Phil Espin

    Lots of leaders make statements like this, Obama suggests every American’s life is sacred wherever they are and the US goes even further by levying tax on their citizens all over the world. The French go so far as to allow their colonies to elect members to their parliament and Putin wants to look out for the interests of all the Russians who’ve found themselves stranded in new states following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Even our own dear Queen is head of a commonwealth which purports to offer some kind of fraternal leadership to members around the world. The muslims have their Ummah.

    I think Netanyahu is an odious racist but I don’t see that this particular aspect of Israeli utterance is that out out of the ordinary from the wide spectrum of beliefs that we see from different states round the world.

  • Republicofscotland

    Off topic but very satisfying.

    The Scotsman newspapers sales have fallen to such a low that they have to merge with, the Edinburgh Evening news and the Scotland on Sunday newspaper.

    For those of you who’ve been awake during the Scottish independence referendum, you’ll realise the delicious significance of this event. Up to 45 jobs will go, the papers will still have independent titles but staff will collaborate on content.

    I can’t say I have any sympathy for Scotsman editor Ian Stewart, nor his biased masters, Johnston Press.

  • CanSpeccy


    Re: They both think each other are racists.

    I’m not sure whether Craig Murray thinks I’m a racist, although his blog certainly attracts a number of people who have called me a racist, for no apparent reason other than that I am opposed to the genocide of the people of Britain by a process of mass immigration combined with anti-natalist policies including mass slaughter of the unborn, promotion of porn and every form of non-reproductive sex.

    On another thread, Glenn_UK tried to reassure me about the future of the British people saying:

    As immigrant populations arrive, and they indulge in our tolerance towards women doing whatever they want (sigh – for the better times, eh?) it’s highly likely they become a bit more interested in building their own lives.

    So it’s highly possible they won’t just breed like fruit-flies until the UK is crushed under their weight. I feel reasonably assured.

    This, I am afraid is a dangerous misunderstanding of what is occurring. It is a matter of simple math that if the indigenous people of Britain, who we can define for the purpose of discussion as those descended exclusively from those born in the UK before 1950, have a significantly below replacement fertility, which is the case, while the total population of the UK is maintained (or, as at present, rapidly increased) through immigration, the original population will, within several generations, be essentially eliminated. Hence, the process is correctly described as genocide.

    If the immigrants adapt to the reproductive performance of the indigenous people, then they in their turn, will also be replaced.

    That is the globalist program, or at least that is the consequence of the globalist plan. People are disposable. The nation is a thing of the past. All nations are to die. Only those people required to operate the industrial/technological machine will remain, these to be bred, culled, and brainwashed as required by the plutocratic elite.

    It seems to me that those who advocate the genocide of a nation can reasonably be called racist, although I agree that that is not what is usually implied by the term, i.e., an advocate of the supremacy of some race, so perhaps other terminology is preferable, although the demeaning and destruction of other nations seems to be the logical and invariable concomitant of racial supremacism.

    But if racism is defined strictly in terms of a belief in some kind of racial hierarchy, I cannot see how anyone could consider either myself or Craig Murray to be racists.

  • doug scorgie

    29 Oct, 2014 – 5:58 pm

    “I know someone who is a Clan Chieftain, he gets letters from people all over the world who see him as the head of their tribe.”

    Fred, the Clan Chieftain is probably a boring silly arse who gets letters from other boring silly arses around the world who just happen to have the same surname. But its harmless bollocks compared to Zionism.

    You seem to hate all Scottish culture. Why don’t you move back to England?

  • Tony_0pmoc


    I really liked the link you posted yesterday…This one..

    I was just completely amazed that no one on this blog responded to it, and so thought I shouldn’t…

    It doesn’t surprise me wife walked past the MI^ building yesterday on a guided walk…She says, no not that one…that is the MI5 building…nah this was the other one…

    My wife is a bit of a cutie…I don’t think she was invited inside…


  • doug scorgie

    Fred (not Fred the Viking)
    29 Oct, 2014 – 5:33 pm

    Myself and others on this blog see through crypto-Zionists like yourself Fred.

  • Republicofscotland

    “I really liked the link you posted yesterday…This one..

    I was just completely amazed that no one on this blog responded to it, and so thought I shouldn’t…

    It doesn’t surprise me wife walked past the MI^ building yesterday on a guided walk…She says, no not that one…that is the MI5 building…nah this was the other one…

    My wife is a bit of a cutie…I don’t think she was invited inside…


    Yes Tony I was a bit surprised by that link myself, some people are afraid to ask questions about information like that, because they’re deemed nutters or conspiracy theorists.

    But it was the same with the Sandyhook shootings 7/7 9/11 etc, you need to keep an open mind,its not as if governments around the world don’t have form on these kind of events, in future if you want to comment on events that seem improbable, I’ll always keep an open mind to your posts.

  • Republicofscotland

    This what Habb said about you guys on the previous stream.

    Do you seriously think Charles Crawford would waste his time jousting on here with the likes of Scorgie, Ben, Jives, Mary, Macky, Tony M and so on?

  • Tony_0pmoc


    I love your blog..and occasionaly nick stuff from it (did this morning actually) but I am a bit shy to post there..cos I keep getting banned from blogs for writing the wrong thing. No I do not run my own blog..but My Son runs an ISP.

    Nowt to do with me…When the Fraud Squad turn up…and they have..I think they have just turned up to clean my gutters…strangely enough that happened yesterday…just before my £150+ ladder turned up…

    I says to you Really Want To Climb Up There???

    My son had done nothing wrong..and neither had I…They just turned up…without any notice whatsoever to talk to my Son investigating a serious Fraud of one of his Customers…

    Then my ladder turned up..Any way…the important thing is that my gutter has been cleared of leaves (we have very high trees – well not as big in Canada..but they are traditional English deciduous…you should see our local park…some of the oldest trees in England)…

    And the hole in my roof fixed..well in theory…

    If not my lad..can go up the ladder…it is long enough…what do you do with these co-incidences???

    Then another one turned up..He spoke to My Son delivering his tires…He said his name is Richard…I think I know your Mum and Dad..I think I have been here one of there parties…All on the same day…well the fraud squad..were a year before..I ain’t going to lie…but I seriously did think they had come to clear my gutters.


  • doug scorgie

    45 comments on a thread close to the heart of our Zionist supporters and not one has shown up yet.

    Are they having a conference on how to best counter Craig’s statements with more lies, hasbara and insults?

    Come on Habbabkuk, Kempe, ResDis et al, you’ve had enough time!

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    A joke which I hope won’t be misinterpreted…

    What do you call a black man who flies a jet?

    A PILOT you racist bastard !!!

    It seemed necessary since the thread has once again devolved into lowland Scots.

  • doug scorgie

    Fox is back – no sign of Werritty though:

    “Liam Fox, the former secretary of state for defence, has unveiled a new campaign website, setting out his position on a string of hot topics from welfare reform to the EU. The new One Minute Fox website, which went live on Tuesday evening, was launched at a private meeting in Parliament attended by several leading MPs, political strategists from the Parliament Street think tank and The Commentator.” [Two right-wing pro-Israel entities]

    “Turning to the Islamist Fundamentalist threat he [Fox] says, “They hate us, not because of what we do, but because of who we are. They hate our values, our history and our political systems.”

    “It is understood that Fox has filmed around 50 one-minute videos which will be published via the site in the lead up to the general election. Fox emphasised that the motive behind the campaign was to set out the positive reasons for voting Conservative through innovative online video channels to engage the electorate.”

  • fred

    “Fred, the Clan Chieftain is probably a boring silly arse who gets letters from other boring silly arses around the world who just happen to have the same surname. But its harmless bollocks compared to Zionism.

    You seem to hate all Scottish culture. Why don’t you move back to England?”

    Not at all, the history of the Clans in my area is quite fascinating, that is why I have studied them. Not seen my web site?

    It seems your contempt for them displays your hate for all Scottish culture.

    Do you tell Pakistanis and Poles to fuck off back where they came from as well or is it just English you are racist towards?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Do you tell Pakistanis and Poles to fuck off back where they came from as well or is it just English you are racist towards?”

    Interesting point Fred. I wonder if the acrimony toward immigrants is from an indigenous population? One generation removed from Polish roots or two? I also wonder why Native Americans who are just now taking revenge on the White Man with reservation casinos will have the clout to evict their immigrants?

  • Tony_0pmoc

    I don’t think the Quality…has quite gone yet…It just needs someone to ask a sensible question…

    About 4% of the population are born Psychopaths…but that ain’t so bad…96% of us are born who are not evil…

    Well of course some of us can be bribed and blackmailed and brainwashed to turn evil (including most of America) but Americans weren’t born like that…well probably not more than 4%….

    These Psychos are not easy to deal with..Martha Stout wrote about them…and the first page of her book is good that I bought her book the “Sociopath Next Door”…

    This is a description of it…that doesn’t quite do justice to the first page of her book..but you get the gist..

    “Who is the devil you know? Is it your lying, cheating ex-husband?Your sadistic high school gym teacher?Your boss who loves to humiliate people in meetings?The colleague who stole your idea and passed it off as her own?In the pages of The Sociopath Next Door, you will realize that your ex was not just misunderstood. He’s a sociopath. And your boss, teacher, and colleague? They may be sociopaths too.We are accustomed to think of sociopaths as violent criminals, but in The Sociopath Next Door, Harvard psychologist Martha Stout reveals that a shocking 4 percent of ordinary people—one in twenty-five—has an often undetected mental disorder, the chief symptom of which is that that person possesses no conscience. He or she has no ability whatsoever to feel shame, guilt, or remorse. One in twenty-five everyday Americans, therefore, is secretly a sociopath. They could be your colleague, your neighbor, even family. And they can do literally anything at all and feel absolutely no guilt. How do we recognize the remorseless? One of their chief characteristics is a kind of glow or charisma that makes sociopaths more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They’re more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else, making them tricky to identify and leaving us easily seduced. Fundamentally, sociopaths are different because they cannot love. Sociopaths learn early on to show sham emotion, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate and thrill to win. The fact is, we all almost certainly know at least one or more sociopaths already. Part of the urgency in reading The Sociopath Next Door is the moment when we suddenly recognize that someone we know—someone we worked for, or were involved with, or voted for—is a sociopath. But what do we do with that knowledge? To arm us against the sociopath, Dr. Stout teaches us to question authority, suspect flattery, and beware the pity play. Above all, she writes, when a sociopath is beckoning, do not join the game. It is the ruthless versus the rest of us, and The Sociopath Next Door will show you how to recognize and defeat the devil you know.”

    I gave the book to my Daughter. She went to University…and she tried to do her final thesis partially based on this…

    She has exhibited more raw courage and goodness, than anyone I know. I am so proud of her.

    By exhibit..I am not suggesting copying or portraying anyone else…

    But Just Doing It Herself…Standing Up to The Fascists..and Not Running Away…when all her Friends Did..and Gettting Slung Into The Back of a Meat Wagon…just trying to walk home from our local park at 9:30 pm….

    That did not phase her or intimidate her…It made her even STRONGER to Fight Back and Seriously Embarrass them for Her “A” Level Photography…

    My Little Girl – Our Daughter – Has Got More Courage, More Skills and More Love than any of the termites who think they are in control of the human race.


  • DoNNyDarKo

    You maybe have an interest in “the Klan” Freddie. I have not seen you show any interest whatsoever in the land or the people that surround you.
    Fear and loathing seems to be what you exude.
    Nobody said FO back to where you came from.
    And Lizzie isn’t the Queen of Scots,
    And the only pair of jack boots in the Highlands are in your cupboard.
    Go rear some sheep !!

  • fred

    “Interesting point Fred. I wonder if the acrimony toward immigrants is from an indigenous population? One generation removed from Polish roots or two? I also wonder why Native Americans who are just now taking revenge on the White Man with reservation casinos will have the clout to evict their immigrants?”

    Native Americans are another example of Nations comprising of people not geographical area. A member of a tribe is a member of the tribe as where they are in the world and the Chief is their Chief.

  • Mary

    RoS 7.14pm

    As if any of us named by the troll (lurking on an earlier thread) give a stuff what he thinks. The Z support mob are certainly quiet on the topic here!

  • fred

    “You maybe have an interest in “the Klan” Freddie. I have not seen you show any interest whatsoever in the land or the people that surround you.
    Fear and loathing seems to be what you exude.
    Nobody said FO back to where you came from.
    And Lizzie isn’t the Queen of Scots,
    And the only pair of jack boots in the Highlands are in your cupboard.
    Go rear some sheep !!”

    Fuck off and die retard cunt.

    I say what I have to say without resorting to personal attacks on other posters and every time the Nationalist retard wanker Blackshirts are there harassing and intimidating.

    Fuck you and fuck the fucking horse you rode in on retard creep.

  • Mary

    @ Phil Espin. If you were a Palestinian on the receiving end of the Occupiers’ cruelty and thuggery, you might think and write differently.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Approximately 60,000 people from sub-Saharan African countries have migrated to Israel in recent years, fleeing persecution and requesting asylum. Instead of providing them with aid or permitting them to support themselves, the Israeli government refuses to grant them any rights, forces them into abject poverty, and seeks to deport the lot of them.

    Although Israel is a regional superpower, it has the second-highest poverty rate among developed countries. After last year’s Arab uprisings, hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets, demanding a higher standard of living. In response, public officials scapegoated the Africans for Israel’s economic problems and launched a racist campaign to expel them.

    If there is to be justice, these leaders must be brought to trial to answer for their crimes. Maybe Israelis will come to their senses, cancel all the laws that discriminate against African asylum-seekers and call for a truth and reconciliation commission. Sadly, that is unlikely to happen in the near future, because the hatred of African asylum-seekers has become so widespread in Israel.”

  • glenn_uk

    @RoS: Some official stories are entirely dubious. That doesn’t mean it’s good to doubt all of them – the Sandy Hook massacre for instance. You’d have to be pretty heartless to say that’s a government hoax. In fact, anyone saying it _is_ a government hoax, is playing right into the hands of far-right gun nuts, because they’re the only people who would like to consider it a hoax, for fairly obvious reasons.

    Do you think the Dumblane massacre was a hoax? Should we perhaps “keep an open mind” on that one?

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