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3,629 thoughts on “Amnesty International Conference on Torture

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  • lysias

    One suspects that people all over the media get orders similar to what Max Keiser got.

    Not for nothing is Max Keiser now on RT.

  • giyane


    like most people on this blog including Craig you’ve got a real problem with religion. So what? Your problem.

  • lysias

    My posting was not addressed to you, Glyane.

    Take a look and see who asked me “So?”.

  • Clark

    Lysias and everyone, and especially RD if he ever sees this: Please indicate which specific comment you’re replying to! There’s too much animosity on these threads without misunderstandings adding to it.

    eg. “Lysias, 5:30 pm: …”, or some people like to use
    “@so-and-so: …”, though “at” always seems a bit rude to me.

    Yes I know it’s a hassle. Yes I know other forums have a “Reply To This Specific Comment” button. But clarity is valuable.

  • giyane

    Sorry Lysias

    I gave up scanning the thread when they started talking about British Leyland. Too many tears and pounds shed over Rover cars.

  • Herbie

    This is amusing, and relates in a way to Iain’s post about FCO professionals, but also to the Game underway.

    It seems to me that this US ambassador to Moscow was carrying out State Dept policy as regards Russia, but he just didn’t do it very well.

    Surely the Ron Paul Institute aren’t arguing that it’d be better to have a more effective performer in post.

    In fairness they’re critical of the policy, but in a kinda side-swiping way.

    This is a case where it’d have been better not to personalize the issue.

    Anyway, this comes from a broader argument that Hillary is toast:

    But what does that matter, eh.

    The policy is bigger than the individual, their ideological bent, their religion, whatever.

  • Clark

    Herbie, last night you wrote:

    “The US will decline catastrophically if it doesn’t effect regime change or otherwise subdue Russian resistance to their financial needs”

    I think there are other options, for the US and all other countries, but they would be called “radical” as they involve abandoning the current assumptions about economics, and particularly about finance.

  • Herbie

    Anyway, did Bibi bring his own personal Magritte with him this time, more convincing evidence unforthcoming from even his own intel agencies:

    Ceci n’est pas une bombe.

    Seems Mossad, Shin Bet and IDF specialists have all gone a bit anti-Semitic of late. Perhaps explains that increase everyone’s talking about:

    I wonder why.

  • Clark

    Every leak, every disclosure, is a piece of collective sanity. Just as psychotherapy for an individual is the process of becoming conscious of that which was unconscious, so leaks and disclosures are steps on the path to sanity for humanity as a whole.

  • Herbie


    Absent such policy changes, and I don’t see any evidence of them at bridge level, the situation is as I describe.

    Their financial situation, and that of the West more generally, is such that they have no way to avoid financial calamity other than by subduing Russia, and by extension the rest of the world.

    And that’s where they’re headed. They’re all in.

    That’s why media is as ridiculous as it is these days, why we’re losing civil rights, why police are becoming more militarized, etc etc and on and on.

    Some have argued that it’s all just Kabuki theatre, but that argument I’m afraid, is even darker than the one I’ve outlined above.

  • Clark

    Herbie, I see signs of it. Craig achieved some of it; “we’re selling our souls for dross” – a piece of truth, of sanity. Bradley, now Chelsea Manning achieved some of it by ignoring a meaningless promise to keep things hidden. Edward Snowden too. And now these latest leaks.

    Does anyone know what happened about that leaked hard disk that was full of transaction records of many companies and lots of other financial data?

  • RobG

    What I like about this blog is that the lunatics haven’t yet completely taken over the asylum.

    Keep it coming, folks.

    And remember, never let the bastards grind you down.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Goss

    “As an advisor on monetary issues (and just about anything else 🙂 ) do you think this ( SIC )the Hryvnia is a safe investment for speculators on the money markets.”

    I would advise against buying Hryvnias. But USD, despite your repeated prophecies of imminent collapse for as long as I’ve been on this blog, are at least a hold if not a buy. 🙂

    No fee for the above, Mr Goss.

  • RobG

    Clark, Wikileaks was vilified by the MSM more by what it said about government misdoings.

    But actually, Wikileaks said far more about corporate misdoings, and that’s why Assange, et al, were punished so much.

    Over to the British Bullshit Corporation…

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “I have a lot against MPs being Friends of Israel. They are first and foremost elected by British people to represent them in parliament and not Israel. That is unarguable.”

    The above , from you, only makes sense if you believe that

    (1) being a Friend of Israel means that the MP represents Israel rather than his/her constituents


    (2) being a Friend of Israel is incompatible with the MP representing his/her constituents.

    Do you believe either (1) or (2), Mary?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    You have told us on various occasions that (1) you served in the US Navy and (2) that you were, for a while, with the US garrison in West Berlin.

    Am I correct in thinking that the US garrison in West Berlin was made up exclusively of US Army formations – yes or no ?

  • RobG

    Why don’t you go play golf, or do basket weaving; anything that doesn’t involve the mass murder of huge numbers of people.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Goss

    “As you always do. If you really argued a point you might win some respect. As it is you are known for what you are. And each reader, I am sure, has a good idea of what that is.”

    But you never really argue a point, do you – you just assert something and then link to a website or article that supports whatever you’re asserting.

    As for people having their opinion of me on the basis of what I write, that’s fine by me. I’m glad they have an opinion of me and am sure they will also have one of you, based on the beliefs you have set out on this blog over the years.

    Those beliefs are (non-inclusive, updated list):

    – that the Bolshevik revolution was fomented and financed by New York Jews

    – that the history of the modern world was shaped and guided by, variously, the Rothschilds, the Freemasons, the Bilderbergers

    – supports the Ribbentrop-Molotov treaty

    – that the Katyn massacre were not carried out solely by the NKVD but that the German Nazis and Ukrainians were also invlved

    – that President Hugo Chavez was “given” his cancer by the CIA beaming X rays at him

    – that the missing Malaysian airliner was hijacked to Diego Garcia and is being kept there together with the passengers (alternative belief: the passengers were subsequently killed)

    – sees “fascists” under every bed and, worse, assumes without questioning that any individual, entity or state that has anything negative to say about President Putin and his Mafia-style govt is a “fascist”

    – that 9/11 never happened or if it did, the West and/or Mossad was responsible

    – that the Charly Hebdo and Lee Rigby killings were false flag operation

    – that the US dollar faces imminent collapse (he’s been saying that for the last three years)and that the future lies with some combination of the BRIC currencies backed up by a “BRIC” world bank.


    Mr Goss has been rumbled by several regulars on here, starting with Craig himself.
    Equally tellingly, all of his usual supporters have fallen into embarrassed silence; the only exception is “Macky”, who is a total stranger to the notion of embarrassment. No one bothers to write in to Mr Goss’s own blog whether to express agreement or disagreement with him. As you said, they know you for who you are and it’s not a reassuring sight.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “You’re right on cue again, Habba.”

    Doing my best, Rob old boy. It’s a tough life being a lunatic asylum warder but hey, that’s public service for you – unerpaid and under-appreciated! 🙂

  • Clark

    Rob, trolls might not be trolls. Commenters keep much hidden. There has to be some common core of humanity in everyone, doesn’t there?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    And hello to you too. You’re doing a great job flooring Mr Goss and his friend “Macky” with pointed comments and questions and it’s good to see that you’re not being intimidated by their threats and insults.


    BTW I wanted to ask you this but I think the Mod deleted my comment. You referred to “Macky” as “she” and “her” – is “Macky” a woman or were you just ribbing him?

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